Galder's Pocket Tower

5th-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: 100 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a large solid gold miniature tower encrusted with gems, worth at least 1000 gp)
  • Duration: 24 hours

You conjure or summon your personal five-story tower made of stone, wood, or similar suitably sturdy materials. The tower can be round or square in shape. It has one reinforced door with a viewport for entry. Each level of the tower is 10 feet tall and has an area of up to 1,600 square feet. Access between levels consists of a simple ladder and solid lockable hatch or stairs with a sturdy lockable door at the top of each set of stairs. Each level can have up to four small windows, glassed, shuttered, and drapped or barred, slitted, or empty and open. Each level takes one of the following forms, chosen by you when you cast the spell:

  • Up to 4 bedrooms with a queen sized bed, chairs, chest, chamber pot and magical fireplace. A small dining room with a table, chairs, magical fireplace, containers, and cooking utensils. A small lounge with couches, armchairs, side tables and footstools. Each bedroom also has an open balcony with sturdy lockable double doors.
  • A large study with desks, books, bookshelves, parchments, ink, and ink pens, as well as an observatory room with a telescope and maps of the night sky.
  • A larger dining space fit to host a party with a large table, many chairs, magical fireplace, containers, and cooking utensils. An attached kitchen with all the needed magical and mundane equipment to cook meals. A larger lounge with couches, armchairs, side tables and footstools. A small room with a toilet and a wash basin.
  • A washroom with toilets, washtubs, a magical brazier, sauna benches, steam room, and a large group bath. Fresh towels and washcloths included and refreshed whenever the tower is summoned.
  • A mausoleum that contains coffins, sarcophagi and other storage for corpses. You may protect corpses and undead in the mausoleum as if they were under the effects of the Gentle Repose spell.
  • A place of worship dedicated to a deity or religion. Includes a shrine, ritual materials, braziers, reliquaraes. A medium sized trophy or relic room.
  • A menagerie with suitable accommodation for beasts and magical creatures, such as stables, aviary, incubator and habitats. If this is on the ground floor it may include a secondary entrance into the tower for huge or smaller creatures.
  • A workshop of up to 4 rooms dedicated each to a individual craft. This contains all the tools and work areas for such activities. A medium sized interior area for combat practice.
  • A dungeon with up to 10 small cells, including other small cages as well as corresponding keys and restraining equipment.
  • A greenhouse with mirrors and reflecting ceiling or a glassed ceiling should this be the top floor. This includes everything needed to sustain and grow plants and tend to them. A small basin with running water, pots, basins of soil, and tools to tend plants. This can include a small station for herbalism, alchemy, and poison craft with all the needed tools. This floor may have a balcony again with sturdy wooden lockable double doors or glass doors.
  • Up to 4 unfurnished, empty rooms the size of the bedrooms in the first entry.

The interior of the tower is warm and dry, regardless of conditions outside. Any equipment or furnishings conjured with the tower dissipate into smoke if removed from it. Only the ink provided can be removed and only if the ink is applied to a medium that was brought into the tower. At the end of the spell's duration, all creatures within the tower should they be left appear safely outside on the ground, and all traces of the tower and its furnishings disappear. All objects that were brought into and left within it vanish with the tower but return with the tower when it is cast again and can be removed as normal. Objects with extradimensional spaces within them or linked to them appear outside the tower before it vanishes. The material component appears where the center of the base of the tower formerly was when it vanishes.

A staff of 5 near-transparent servants attends all who enter. You decide the visual appearance of these servants and their attire. They are completely obedient to your orders. Each servant can perform any task a normal human servant could perform, but they can't attack or take any action that would directly harm another creature. Thus the servants can fetch things, clean, mend, fold clothes, light fires, serve food, pour wine, and so on. The servants can go anywhere in the tower but can't leave it. In truth the tower is shunted into an extradimensional space inside the material component.

You can cast this spell again while it is active to maintain the tower's existence for another 24 hours. You can create a permanent tower by casting this spell in the same location and with the same configuration every day for one year. This consumes the material component after the last casting.

The first time this spell is cast the material component used in the casting is infused with the magic of your personal tower. Should this material component be destroyed or lost then so would your personal tower and anything left within it. Any tower summoned with a new material component would be a new instance. Even so the tower's layout can always be changed between castings.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the tower can have one additional story for each slot level beyond 5th.