Aasimar Variant

Aasimar bear within their souls the light of the heavens. They are descended from humans with a touch of the power of Mount Celestia, the divine realm of many lawful good deities. Aasimar are born to serve as champions of the gods, their births hailed as blessed events. They are a people of otherworldly visages, with luminous features that reveal their celestial heritage.

An aasimar -except for one who has turned to evil- has a link to an angelic being. That being provides guidance to the aasimar, though this connection functions only in dreams. As such, the guidance is not a direct command or a simple spoken word. Instead, the aasimar receives visions, prophecies, and feelings.

Aasimar Traits

Your aasimar character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Charisma score is increased by 2.

Age. Aasimar mature at the same rate as humans, but they can live up to 160 years.

Alignment. Imbued with celestial power, most aasimar start out good, but many can become tired or overwhelmed by the high expectations and guilt from people expecting "blessings", so a neutral or even evil aasimar isn't uncommon.

Size. Aasimar have the same range of height and weight as humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Divine Intuition. Your celestial heritage gives you an acute sense for detecting lies. You have proficiency in Insight.

Celestial Magic. You know the Light cantrip, and can cast it at will. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the spell Cure Wounds once with this trait at it's base level. When you cast Cure Wounds in this way, you regain use of it on a long rest.

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.

Subrace. Three subraces of Aasimar exist: protector aasimar, scourge aasimar, and fallen aasimar. Choose one of them for your character.

Protector Aasimar

Protector aasimar are charged by the powers of good to guard the weak, to strike at evil wherever it arises, and to stand vigilant against the darkness. From a young age, a protector aasimar receives advice and directives that urge to stand against evil

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is increased by 1.

Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to radiant damage.

Radiant Shield. If a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see takes damage, you use your reaction to magically project a divine force shield around them before the damage is rolled. The creature gains temporary hitpoints equal to 5 + your Character level until the beginning of it's next turn.

Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Scourge Aasimar

Scourge aasimar are imbued with a divine energy that blazes intensely within them. It feeds a powerful desire to destroy evil-a desire that is, at its best, unflinching and, at its worst, all-consuming. Many scourge aasimar wear masks to block out the world and focus on containing this power, unmasking themselves only in battle.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Constitution score is increase by 1.

Bronzed Flesh. You have resistance to fire damage.

Divine Wrath. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your bonus action to unleash the wrath within yourself, causing a searing halo of golden flames to radiate from you. Flames pour out of your eyes and mouth, and threaten to char you. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During this transformation, you gain the following benefits:

  • You shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet,
  • Once on each of your turns, you can deal extra fire damage equal to your level to one target and yourself when you deal damage to it with an attack. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Fallen Aasimar

An aasimar who was touched by dark powers as a youth or who turns to evil in early adulthood can become one of the fallen-a group of aasimar whose inner light has been replaced by shadow.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Strength score is increased by 1.

Tainted Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic damage.

Necrotic Shroud. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your bonus action to unleash the tainted divine energy within yourself, causing your eyes to turn into pools of darkness and two skeletal, ghostly, flightless wings to sprout from your back. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During this transformation, you gain the following benefits:

  • When you deal radiant or fire damage, you can change the damage type to necrotic.
  • You pulse out dark energy, and small plants such as grass and flowers begin to wither and die within a 10 foot radius of you. At the end of each of your turns each creature within 10 feet of you takes necrotic damage equal to half your level (rounded up).

Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Racial Feat: Wings

Prerequisite: Aasimar

You have either pleased your celestial guide enough for them to grant you a gift or harnessed the power of your divine ancestry using pure willpower, through whichever method you now have angelic wings. These wings have an appearance that suits your character's personality, alignment, or subrace (your choice). Your wings grant you a flying speed equal to your movement speed. To use this speed, you can’t be overencumbered, or wear heavy armor.

Additionally, you can’t manifest your wings while wearing armor unless the armor is made to accommodate them, and clothing that isn't made to accommodate your wings might be destroyed when you manifest them. The cost of having armor or clothing customized to accomodate your wings equals half of the base price of the armor set.

Falling From Grace or Rising To It

With you DM's consent, you can change your character's subrace to fallen aasimar if your protector/scourge aasimar turns to evil or succumbs to dark magic. To do so, replace your subrace benefits, including the ability score increase, with those of a fallen aasimar. Similarly, if your fallen aasimar turns to good or becomes purified, your DM might allow you to become a protector or scourge aasimar.

Art Credits
  • "Avacyn, Angel of Hope" - James Ryman (MtG)
  • "Yasha" - Ariana Orner