Arcane Tradition - Primal Scholar

Primal Scholar

Primal scholars are spellcasters bent on uncovering and mastering the ancinet magic that lies buried in the jungles, deserts, and mountains or Xen’drik. While some draw this power from giant lore, others seek to learn the secrets of the quori or the dragons themselves. No matter the source of their knowldge, these driven scholars learn to tap the power of ancient magic and weave it into their own spells. In addition to explorers, many of the natives of Xen’drik have taken up this class, rediscovering the magic of their ancestors or former masters.

Becoming a Primal Scholar

Those wishing to become primal scholars spend years perfecting their spellcasting, unearthing the secrets of Xen'drik , and experimenting with the mighty magics of the past. By the time they unlock the secrets of Xen'drik, they are well versed in the history of the mysterious continent and often possess relics from that ancient age.

Xen'drik Lore.

Starting at 2nd level, a primal scholar gains the ability to recall relevant pieces of information regarding the people, history, legends, and relics of Xen'drik. You gain proficiency to the History skill if you haven't already. Each history roll you make that has to do with Xen'drik lore the profieciency bonus is doubled.

Mysterious Magic

When you adopt this tradition at 2nd level, your study of unconventional magic gives your spells an odd appearance and makes them difficult to identify. The first time someone roll arcana check about your magic he has disadvantage on that check.

Additionally when your magic is being detected by a spell such as detect magic the spellcaster needs more time to understand the aura of your spells. He need to focus for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier in order to understand what spell you casted.

Finally because of untraditional magic you use it can become difficult for others to evade it. You can give disadvange in a saving throw that an opponent rolls against your spells. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or a long rest.

Elder Giant Magic

Starting at 6th level, you heve learned a technique developed by ancient giant spellcasters, allowing you to channel additional power into your spells. When casting a spell from the Wizard Spell List with a casting time of 1 action, you can increase the casting time by up to 3 rounds. For each additional round you extend the casting time, your increase the level of the spell by 1.

Giants of old could enchance any type of spell but their physic allowed them to do so. Mortal spellcasters cannot endure this amount of pain. Any attempt to go beyond their limits would be lethal for them. This ability is regained after a short or a long rest.

Whispers From Dal'Quor

Beginning at 10th level, by studing ancient ruins of a lost war you have managed to reach the home plane of the Quori, the Dal' Quor. You can now imbue your magic with the nightmarish energy of the plane of Dreams. You can choose to cast a spell with a secondary effect. After your opponent roll initial saving throw no matter the result you force that target roll Wisdom saving throw (Spell DC), on failure your enemy is frightend until the end of his next turn and you deal 1d4 phychic damage per level of the spell casted. If the spell has an area of effect or it affects multiple targets you can use this ability on multiple opponents, the number of them cannot be greater than your Intelligence modifier (minimun 1). This ability is usuable again after a short or a long rest.


Arcane Tradition - Primal Scholar

Mystery of Xen'drik

Starting at 14th level,you have gained the understaning of the magic pattern that engulfs the ancient continent of Xen'drik. You have learned to siphon this magical energy to fuel you Arcane Recovery. From now on when you use the Arcane Recovery feauture the combined level of spell slots that can be regain equals your wizard level. You can also use Arcane Recovery per short rest but still the total number of spells regained in total cannot exceed you wizard level.

Additionally you gain immunity to the Traveler's Curse .

Playing a Primal Scholar

Ancient secrets and forgotten lore are your dominion. You know more of the occluded past than more folk have ever dream existed. While countless parties of tomb robbers and privateer explorers comb the wilds of Xen'drik for treasure and valuable relics, you set your goals beyond the material realm . You seek to master the power that raised the giant empire, banished the quori, and ulitimately destroyed this land. This power lies buried in ruins and coded across dozens of lost sites- and if you don't uncover it, others will.

Combat: When faced with the threat of violence, do not be afraid to unleash the power within yourself. The secrets of Xen' drik have disappeared from the world once, but now that you have rediscovered them, it is your duty to keep them alive. Your spells are your sword and shield . Master them, along with the secrets you alone possess, and no foe will stand against you for long.

Advancement: As you gain levels focus on enchancing your magical power. Skills and feats that increase your knowlegde and magical might should be your first priority. Seek out that which others do not know and cannot hope to understand. Always try to find a way to aquire lost relics. They will give you more power but most important clues about how the history of Xen'drik.

Resources: Although there is no formal organization of primal scholars, the entire continent of Xen'drik teems with valuable tools that you can draw strength from. Others often overlook the power inherent in their ancient discoveries-power that you can claim with ease. Occasionally, two or more primal scholars will gather to share some of the secrets they uncovered, but you should be wary of temporary alliances. Others will undoubtedly attempt to garner as much from you as they can, even as they seek to conceal the true importance of their own learning.

Organization: Though no formal body of Primal Scholars exists, many maintain membership in larger organizations, such as Morgrave University, the Library of Korranberg, and the Twelve. House Cannith is rumored to have a number of primal scholars in its ranks.

Reactions: Most common folks will make little distinction between an ordinary spellcaster and those with a deeper understaning will rightfully fear and respect a primal scholar. Those with magical trainning, be it arcane or divine, frequently believe that primal scholars tamper with secrets best forgotten. After warning them of the dangers, they treat primal scholars with distrust and a touch of pity, certain that their thirst for knowledge will eventually destroy them. Among dragons of Argonnessen are some who react violently when encountering primal scholars, viewing them as meddlesome fools who must be stopped before they learn too much.


Primal Scholar is a property of Wizards of The Coast. It appeared at the sourcebook of Secrets of Xen'drik for the world of Eberron in 2006. Eberron is created by Keith Baker. Five Nations was written by Keith Baker, Jason Bulmahn and Amber Scott. The conversion to 5th Edition Rules was made by Makis Klaoudatos.

Disclaimer: Apes do not like primal scholars, always have some bananas with you.