Falquano's guide to stuff

A small addition to D&D, including new races, background, and a bit of extra stuff.


Most of the things you will read here has been found in a far plane called "Internet". Most of the ressources in here have not been tested, and may not be balanced, or even interesting.

You have been warned. Use this at your own risk.

Falquano's guide to stuff
Version 1.0
December 2017
Playtested by no-one



Sequestered in high mountains atop tall trees, the aarakocra, sometimes called birdfolk, evoke fear and wonder. Many aarakocra aren’t even native to the Material Plane. They hail from a world beyond—from the boundless vistas of the Elemental Plane of Air. They are immigrants, refugees, scouts, and explorers, their outposts functioning as footholds in a world both strange and alien.

Beak and Feather

From below, aarakocra look much like large birds. Only when they descend to roost on a branch or walk across the ground does their humanoid appearance reveal itself. Standing upright, aarakocra might reach 5 feet tall, and they have long, narrow legs that taper to sharp talons.

Feathers cover their bodies. Their plumage typically denotes membership in a tribe. Males are brightly colored, with feathers of red, orange, or yellow. Females have more subdued colors, usually brown or gray. Their heads complete the avian appearance, being something like a parrot or eagle with distinct tribal variations.

Sky Wardens

Nowhere are the aarakocra more comfortable than in the sky. They can spend hours in the air, and some go as long as days, locking their wings in place and letting the thermals hold them aloft. In battle, they prove dynamic and acrobatic fliers, moving with remarkable speed and grace, diving to lash opponents with weapons or talons before turning and flying away.

Once airborne, an aarakocra leaves the sky with reluctance. On their native plane, they can fly for days or months, landing only to lay their eggs and feed their young before launching themselves back into the air. Those that make it to a world in the Material Plane find it a strange place. They sometimes forget or ignore vertical distances, and they have nothing but pity for those earthbound people forced to live and toil on the ground.

Avian Mannerisms

The resemblance of aarakocra to birds isn’t limited to physical features. Aarakocra display many of the same mannerisms as ordinary birds. They are fastidious about their plumage, frequently tending their feathers, cleaning and scratching away any tiny passengers they might have picked up. When they deign to descend from the sky, they often do so near pools where they can catch fish and bathe themselves.

Many aarakocra punctuate their speech with chirps, sounds they use to convey emphasis and to shade meaning, much as a human might through facial expressions and gestures. An aarakocra might become frustrated with people who fail to pick up on the nuances; an aarakocra’s threat might be taken as a jest and vice versa.

The idea of ownership baffles most aarakocra. After all, who owns the sky? Even when explained to them, they initially find the notion of ownership mystifying. As a result, aarakocra who have little interaction with other people might be a nuisance as they drop from the sky to snatch livestock or plunder harvests for fruits and grains. Shiny, glittering objects catch their eyes. They find it hard not to pluck the treasure and bring it back to their settlement to beautify it. An aarakocra who spends years among other races can learn to inhibit these impulses.

Confinement terrifies the aarakocra. To be grounded, trapped underground, or imprisoned by the cold, unyielding earth is a torment few aarakocra can withstand. Even when perched on a high branch or at rest in their mountaintop homes, they appear alert, with eyes moving and bodies ready to take flight.


Most aarakocra live on the Elemental Plane of Air. Aarakocra can be drawn into the Material Plane, sometimes to pursue enemies or thwart their foes’ designs there. Accident might also send a nest of aarakocra tumbling into a world on that plane. A few find their way to such a world through portals on their own plane and establish nests in high mountains or in the canopies of old forests.

Once tribes of aarakocra settle in an area, they share a hunting territory that extends across an area up to 100 miles on a side, with each tribe hunting in the lands nearest to their colony, ranging farther should game become scarce.

A typical colony consists of one large, open-roofed nest made of woven vines. The eldest acts as leader with the support of a shaman.

Great Purpose

Aarakocra enjoy peace and solitude. Most of them have little interest in dealing with other peoples and less interest in spending time on the ground. For this reason, it takes an exceptional circumstance for an aarakocra to leave his or her tribe and undertake the adventurer’s life. Neither treasure nor glory is enough to lure them from their tribes; a dire threat to their people, a mission of vengeance, or a catastrophe typically lies at the heart of the aarakocra adventurer’s chosen path.

Two other circumstances might call an aarakocra to adventure. First, aarakocra have historical ties to the Wind Dukes of Aqaa. Exceptional individuals honor that connection and might seek out the missing pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts, the remains of an artifact fashioned by the Wind Dukes long ago to defeat the Queen of Chaos’s monstrous champion, Miska the Wolf-Spider. When plunged into Miska’s body, the chaos in his blood sundered the rod and scattered its pieces across the multiverse. Recovering the pieces means gaining honor and esteem in the eyes of the vaati who forged it and could possibly restore a powerful weapon for defense against the agents of elemental evil.

Second, aarakocra are sworn foes of elemental earth, in particular the gargoyles that serve Ogrémoch, the Prince of Earth. The Aarakocra word for gargoyle is loosely translated as “flying rock,” and battles between aarakocra and gargoyles have raged across the Elemental Planes of Earth and Air, occasionally spilling into a world on the Material Plane. Aarakocra on that plane might leave their colonies to lend aid to other humanoids committed to fighting earth cults and thwarting their efforts.

Aarakocra Names

As with much of their speech, aarakocra names include clicks, trills, and whistles to the point that other peoples have a difficult time pronouncing them. Typically, a name has two to four syllables with the sounds acting as connectors. When interacting with other races, aarakocra may use nicknames gained from people they meet or shortened forms of their full names.

An aarakocra of either gender may have one of these short names: Aera, Aial, Aur, Deekek, Errk, Heehk, Ikki, Kleeck, Oorr, Ouss, Quaf, Quierk, Salleek, Urreek, or Zeed.

Aarakocra Traits

As an aarakocra, you have certain traits in common with your people. Being able to fly at high speed starting at 1st level is exceptionally effective in certain circumstances and exceedingly dangerous in others. As a result, playing an aarakocra requires special consideration by your DM.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age. Aarakocra reach maturity by age 3. Compared to humans, aarakocra don’t usually live longer than 30 years.

Alignment. Most aarakocra are good and rarely choose sides when it comes to law and chaos. Tribal leaders and warriors might be lawful, while explorers and adventurers might tend toward chaotic.

Size. Aarakocra are about 5 feet tall. They have thin, lightweight bodies that weigh between 80 and 100 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Flight. You have a flying speed of 50 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.

Talons. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit.

Language. You can speak, read, and write Common, Aarakocra, and Auran.


"Beware the forests young lad, for you may never return once the Alraune find you."

Physical Description

The beautiful men and women veiled by large flowers and their huge petals are called alraune. On the outside of those giant bulbs, they grow many vines, that wrap around their humanoid forms and move across the ground. These vines are used for movement and absorb nutrients from the soil. The petals cover their slender humanoid body all the way up to their lower abdomen. Their skin has various shades of green. Distinctly, individual alraune are decorated with leaves and flowers that they allow to grow out of their humanoid form. Their anatomy is more similar to a plant than a humanoid, therefore their occurrence is limited to a number of biospheres where the climate is not under constant change. Although they can receive food from photosynthesis, they are also omnivores, able to digest meat and other plants through their humanoid body.


The alraune are born from the remains of deceased humanoids when a particular forme of enchantment or magic is present, found only in the deepest of the forests, the plants are able to absorb the soul of the decreased and infuse them into their seeds. These seeds are spread into the soil, and although rare, will grow into a bulb. It takes many years for the bulb to mature, after which it blossoms into the form called alraune.

Alraune don't practice history or scribble their exploits. Their tales, shared by the word of mouth, carry little significance as a whole. If anything, alraune existence is only recorded by the faint whispers of the forest. Their collective memory is yet to be archived.


Although they don't typically form societies, alraune are still a part of nature and are willing to share their territory with allies if they find that profitable for them. If they feel that their dominion is endangered they are able to fight alongside others over its control. They tend to be shy towards other races, hiding in the deeper parts of the forest and when they do come across a human its often only from the treetops or the inconspicuously from within their bulb. However, there are incidents where alraune have left the security of their forests with adventurers, druids and other humanoids for whatever reason. At the same time some tell of stories where groups of adventures were taken captive by the alraune being entangled and slowly digested throughout the days, up until not even their bones were left. It is also speculated that consuming humans might be an important part of creating an offspring for alraune, as their origin is connected to the deceased.

In addition, alraunes can be classified into three distinct strains:

  • Sunflower Alraune are usually good and gentle towards other races, bravely approaching them when they stumble into their territory. Their radiant smile and playful nature is their most common characteristic as well as their tendency to invite others to play in the sun. It is because of this that their relationships with other races are the brightest of all the strains.
  • Rose Alraune while not as friendly, are easily the most charismatic of the strains. This natural charisma and ability to beguile humans make them significantly more dangerous than the cheerful sunflower alraune. They are prideful and romantics to the core, in search for dedicated and faithful humanoids that would keep them company. Those chosen by a rose alraune are charmed and carried deep into the forest, where they worship and tend to the rose alraunes needs.
  • Venus Alraune do not typically actively search for relationships with other races. They are the most territorial and predatorial of the three strains and seem to have a particular preference for meat. They are adept at stealth and mobility, hiding in the deep foliage in wait for their prey or swinging from the treetops and pouncing on their unaware victim.

Alraune Names

The alraune are not born with names, but borrow ones from gnomes, elves, plants of the forest and even simple concepts.

Male: Glaemir, Bryn, Columbine, Del, Eldon, Erky, Mandrake, Solar, Vega, Red, Blue, Azule, Mandarin, Oak, Birch, Bark, etc

Female: Breena, Carlin, Drusilia, Enna, Keyleth, Rose, Venus, Lux, Flora, Red, Blue, Azule, Ivy, Rosemary, Lily, Thorn, Umbra, etc

Alraune Traits

A race of plant-like flower-people.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. The alraune grow within the bulb of a particular flower for about 20-30 years depending on the favourability of the soil, after which they bloom into their mature state. Their bodies don't age after that but instead exhibit signs of age when they are unable to gain the nutrients they need such as wilting vines, moulting leaves and browning skin. They can live up to 750 years.

Alignment. The alraune are feral and unpredictable, wild as the forest they live in, and as such are almost always chaotic.

Size. An alraune's height is anything 5 to 6 feet on average, and weigh anything from 60 to 120 pounds. Your creature size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Plant. Your creature type is considered to be both humanoid and plant, and you can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. However, you are vulnerable to fire damage.

Floral Rest. Alraune don't need to sleep. Instead, they can root themselves in the favourable soil, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day and absorbing nutrients from the soil. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. However, if the soil is not favourable you require a full 8 hours of rest to gain the equivalent of a long rest. Rooting yourself requires an action and can only be done on a patch of soil. While in this state your speed becomes 0 and you can uproot yourself at will.

Alraune Pollen. The alraune produce a powerful pollen with an innate property pertaining to each subrace. As an action, you can release a puff of pollen in a 10-foot radius around yourself or in a 20-foot cone, forcing all creatures in range to make a Constitution saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failure, they come under an effect dependent on your subrace for 1 minute. An affected creature can repeat their saving throw each time they take damage. Once you use your pollen, you can't use it again until after you finish a long rest.

Natural Knowledge. As a part of the forest it's only natural for you to be knowledgeable about the wilderness. You gain proficiency in the Nature skill.

Languages. You understand and can speak Common and Sylvan.

Subrace. You can choose between sunflower, rose and flytrap alraune as your subrace.

Sunflower Alraune

Sunflower Alraune are as distinguishable for their generally bright yellow petals and taller builds as well as their friendly and kind nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Solar Affinity. Of all varieties of alraune you are the most proficient at drawing energy from the sun. When you roll hit dice and you are in bright sunlight you gain a bonus to the number of hit points recovered equal to your proficiency bonus times the number of hit dice rolled. In addition, as an action, you can recover a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your Constitution modifier if you are in bright sunlight. You can use this function of this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expanded uses of this trait when you complete a long rest.

Calming Pollen. Creatures affected by your pollen act as if under the effect of a Calm emotions spell. When you use your pollen, you can choose which effect of that spell that pollen has.

Rose Alraune

Rose Alraune darker vines, small protruding thorns, deep red petals and delicate figure are a testament to their manipulative and controlling nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Perfect Flower. You have a beautiful appearance, and a voice to match it. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.

Hopeless Romantic. As well as pollen, rose alraune can produce a thick and sweet nectar from their mouths. When it enters the body of a creature via ingestion they make a Constitution saving throw against your pollen DC or fall unconscious an hour. While unconscious if the target takes damage they can remake their saving throw to wake up. This property of the nector disappears after an hour of being outside of the alruanes mouth. Creatures without blood or with immunity to poison are immune to this trait. You can use this trait once per short rest.

Aphrodisiac Pollen. Rose alraune produce a light sticky pollen that on contact with creatures acts as a strong aphrodisiac causing those affected by your pollen to be charmed for the duration and regard you as a close friend, as if affected by a charm person spell.

Venus Alraune

Venus Alraune are smaller and quieter creature, more solitude in nature than other strains, possessing long, dark vines and have by far the most varied petal shades but all of them are generally very dark in tone.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Natural Camouflage. When you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide in heavy foliage, you are considered to be proficient in the Stealth skill if you are not already, and you add double your proficiency bonus to the die roll instead of any proficiency bonus you would normally add.

Vines. Your vines can be extended and retracted for up to 20 feet at will. You can use them to hang from trees while staying hidden, grapple targets at a distance, use and manipulate simple objects and such, however, they are not strong enough to use weapons.

Silencing Pollen. Venus alraune produce a transparent pollen that when inhaled causes creatures to become mute and can't even scream. In addition to this, it numbs the senses of the target causing them to have disadvantage on ability checks that use the Perception skill for the duration.

Suggested Characteristics

When creating an alraune character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use this table in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d10 Personality Trait
1 Every rose has its thorns; just look at me.
2 I always get what I want.
3 I'm a hopeless romantic, always searching for that "special someone."
4 If someone is in trouble, I'm always ready to lend help.
5 When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.
6 I'm confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instil confidence in others.
7 I am incredibly slow to trust. Those who seem the fairest often have the most to hide.
8 I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.
9 I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
10 (Reroll the die)
d6 Ideal
1 Beauty. Anything beautiful is worth preserving. (Good)
2 Freedom. One should never be placed in a position where they can't be free. (Chaotic)
3 People. I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I'm with them. That's all that matters. (Neutral)
4 Predation. In nature and in life it is survival of the fittest and that makes other races nothing but prey. (Evil)
5 Patience. I'll wait for as long as I need to, to get what I want. (Lawful)
6 Aspiration. I know my people are differant but I won't let that stop me. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I will reclaim my once-flourishing home.
2 The cycle of life should never be tampered with.
3 My friends are my most treasured possessions, and they fill me with the warmth of the sun.
4 I've been a victum too many times before, and I will defend a victum from any bully I encounter.
5 A human once took advantage of my love, and I will never be hurt like that again.
6 My forest is my home, and I'll fight to defend it.
d6 Flaw
1 I am easily drunk and far too enamoured of ale, wine, and other intoxicants.
2 Everyone and everything is but an expandable resource for me to use and discard at my leisure.
3 I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.
4 Don't expect me to save those who can't save themselves. It is nature's way that the strong thrive and the weak perish.
5 I trust others too easily and am often manipulated without realizing it.
6 My fear of fire is often too much to bear.


"Less commonly, a succubus or incubus reproduces with a humanoid. From this unholy union, a cambion child is conceived. Invariably, the fiendish offspring is as wicked as its fiendish parent." -5e Monster Manual

Alu-fiends are the female spawn from the union between a Succubus/Incubus and another race (typically human). Naturally charismatic, this race maintains the power of presence and desire for intimacy that is characteristic of their demonic parent.

Physical Description

An Alu-fiend may inherit a number of physical traits from their demonic parent. Glowing eyes, a tail, claws, bat-like wings and horns are among the most common of these potential appendages. Aside from these, they ultimately appear as an exceptionally beautiful form of whatever race their other parent was. Unlike Succubi/Incubi, Alu-fiends do not have the power of shape-shifting for long periods of time. Some go to great lengths to try and conceal their origins, covering their horns and hiding their tails in public to avoid suspicion. Bolder and more boastful Alu-Fiends, however, embrace their dark heritage, showing off their abilities and publicly denouncing all who would persecute them.


Occasionally when a Succubus/Incubus seduces a humanoid, they refrain from murdering the poor soul for some reason (it's almost never through compassion; usually it's because they were slain or called elsewhere by a greater fiend before they could complete the deed). Whether it is a male humanoid or female one, both unions with a Succubus/Incubus have the potential to create an Alu-fiend. Alu-fiends are always female. From its hellish origin, the Alu-Fiend is gifted with an innate ability to deceive and/or beguile others. They also have a need for companionship like no other race does.

Like their demonic parent, an Alu-fiend craves interaction as much as they crave air. Unlike their demonic parent, however, their desire for socialization is not exclusive to sex. Any form of social interaction that their mortal half might enjoy, becomes a need as immediate as any other form of sustenance. They are practically a race of social butterflies. Because of this, sometimes an Alu-fiend or Cambion (their male counterpart) will reject their evil origins, and seek to use their powers for good.


If raised by her non-demon parent, the Alu-fiend is likely to endure a great amount of prejudice levied against her. Few societies will allow a demon to be raised alongside their children; if they allow the demon to live at all. Nine out of ten times a non-demon who parents a demonic child will be run out of town, at best. An Alu-fiends one saving grace in this regard is their naturally charismatic presence. Even at a young age, an Alu-fiend is capable of melting the hardest of hearts with their supernaturally infectious smile. While this natural charm isn't enough to stop villagers from ostracizing the half-demon, it makes it hard for them to gather up an angry mob against the child-like Alu-fiend.

An Alu-fiend also matures faster than a human does. This adds to feelings of isolation she might feel growing up - which is especially detrimental to a race who craves social interaction as much as an Alu-fiend. Most will leave home around this time, seeking out some form of identity and a society that will accept them. Choosing to hide their appearance will make it much easier to find a new village, where no one knows her parentage. However, with her natural charm, it isn't impossible for an Alu-fiend to find acceptance somewhere even if she chooses not to hide.


Given the nature of an Alu-fiends conception, relatively few are known to have existed. However, given the Alu-fiends extended lifetime and their insatiable desire for social interaction, there are several stories associated with them that one could find if they knew where to look. Stories exist of Alu-fiends who made no attempts to hide who they were are obviously easier to find. However, most of these stories appear to end with the dead at the hand of a Demon Hunter. There are also more stories, however, of famously charming and well-respected women who (upon very close inspection) are likely to be Alu-fiends as well. Then there are rumours of devious and dangerous women who would throw extravagant parties, always ending with guests found drained of their life essence. Though there is no way to know if these were Alu-fiends or not. To someone who knows what they are looking for, there are a plethora of rumours or tales of individuals who could potentially have been Alu-fiends.

Despite this, the fact that an Alu-fiend can live exceptionally long, disguise their appearance, and seeks out companionship wherever they go; raises the question of whether all of these stories sprinkled throughout history detail the lives of all different Alu-fiends or are the snapshots into the lives of only a handful.


An Alu-fiends name is dependent on which parent (if either) raises them. A human will more than likely give their child a human name, the same with any other race.

Alu-fiend Traits

Half Succubus/Incubus, Half-Human... What's not to love?

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma scores increase by 1.

Age. Alu-fiends mature a little faster than humans; like half-orcs, they reach adulthood around the age of 14. They can, however, live for several centuries; gaining a significantly longer lifespan from their Succubus/Incubus half.

Alignment. Although their fiendish blood calls them towards an Evil alignment, most Alu-Fiends are strong-willed and chart their own paths.

Size. Alu-fiends can range from 5 to over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Charm. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the charm person spell once and need to finish a long rest before you can cast it again. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the alter self spell once and need to finish a long rest before you can cast it again. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells.

Dark Origin. The Alu-fiend is considered both a Fiend and Humanoid.

Darkvision. Thanks yo your infernal heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fiendish Tongue. You gain proficiency in either the Deception or Persuasion skill.

Infernal Legacy. You kiss a target who is incapacitated, restrained, charmed, or otherwise willing. The target must make a Constitution saving throw against your save DC. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 1d8 necrotic damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful save. This damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. You regain use of this trait once you complete a long rest.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Infernal.

Animated Armor

Trying his best to keep quiet, a hulking suit of dark crimson armor tip-toes his way over to an unsuspecting orc, his great axe held high over his helmet. As a confused goblin looks around a dark room, a small, feminine, uninhabited set of silver armor reaches out to snap its neck. Leaving his companions behind, a medium-sized set of golden armor effortlessly walks through a cloud of toxic fumes spewed from fungi on the walls of a large cavern.

Animated suits of armor, or simply 'anarmors', are created to serve a specific purpose under their creator. When their creator dies, they are often left to lie dormant, waiting for the right moment to spring back into action. They find their place in vaults, towers, gardens, dungeons; anywhere a sentry or guard might be.

Living Metal

Animated armors are full sets of armor that can move and speak on their own, their various pieces of plating seemingly unburdened by gravity. While they have no physical presence inside them, they function just like a person in a full suit of armor. They can be molded or cast to fit a certain race, being anything from small enough to comfortably fit a gnome to large enough to completely cover an orc. Their weight and size, as well as their design and material, are up to their creator. While metal is most often used, anarmors composed entirely of stone or animal skins are not uncommon. Magic is often used to bring the armor to life and keep it from falling apart.

Though they may not have any sensory organs whatsoever, magic ensures that they can perceive what is around them. They can see, hear, smell, touch, and taste just as well as a human can. They can speak as well, magic guiding their artificial consciousness. Their armor acts as their skin, and any damage inflicted upon their plating is taken as damage to what would be their physical form. Should they sustain enough damage, the spell holding their parts together will dissipate, leaving them to fall apart completely.

Amazingly, healing potions and spells can bring them back together, even if it's only one piece at a time. At low health, animated armors often find that whole limbs will disconnect from their bodies. Fortunately, the gaps between plating have no physical presence; if a certain anarmor is designed with a horizontal gap separating its torso from its waist, slashing through it without touching the plating will cause no damage whatsoever. Only striking the armor will cause physical harm to an animated armor.

To hide the fact that they are living suits of armor as opposed to a warrior wearing a suit of armor, anarmors will use cloaks, scarves, or bandages to cover the gaps between their plating. Some are fortunate enough to have been created with arcane lights that are fixed in the space inside their helmets. These projections are meant to resemble eyes, and shift and move according to what expression the anarmor is making. Though they serve no function other than making it look like they have eyes, these lights are often enough to keep the average joe from getting too suspicious.


Normal suits of armor usually last as long as their material does, the elements hazing it until it eventually rusts over and crumbles to pieces. With animated armors, however, the game changes. If magic is used to bring a suit of armor to life, another spell is usually cast on the armor to make it more durable. The stronger the spell, the longer the armor lasts. A typical anarmor can lie dormant for 700 years before losing its magic. The maximum life span of an animated armor is unknown, as a powerful enough spell could potentially keep one alive forever, but none have been known to keep their magic for more than 1,500 years.

Unlike other creatures blessed with long life, anarmors don't actively pursue goals outside of what they were created to do; if a particular animated armor was created to protect a castle, it will stay in the castle, silently waiting for an intruder. That said, they can leave their posts or occupations if they wish, but most are not given a good enough reason to, remaining dormant until someone finds them. Unless they are doing their job constantly, they will become as still as a statue, waking only when a certain stimuli triggers a response.

When they do awake, animated armors often find that they are in a world far different than the one they know. To them, time has passed by without them, leaving them lost in a strange and mysterious future. A time gap as small as fifty years can be enough to confuse an anarmor, but if they are intelligent enough, they will catch on to present-time customs fairly quickly, Still, some refuse to change their ways, speaking in forgotten tongues or using overly-wordy and poetic speech.

Reawakening and Rebirth

Anarmors usually fall dormant at the post given to them by their creator, waiting for something to bring them back into consciousness. If their creator happens to die before or after they enter this state, their purpose will no longer be explicitly defined. When they regain consciousness, most anarmors stick to their prior orders, carrying out their tasks without complaint. But some, rather than do a task that is now impossible, pointless, or both, defy their creator's magical programming and seek out a new purpose. Others forget their purpose altogether, wandering around aimlessly until someone decides to claim them. Many times, an adventurer will stumble upon a long-forgotten animated armor and convince it to join them on their travels. Others are reactivated only to find that the thing they were meant to protect has been destroyed somehow, and seek vengeance. In this way, anarmors can be anything from loyal companions and protectors to destructive avengers and mercenaries.

Ghosts in Armor

Generally, people see animated armors as threats. The thought of a walking, talking suit of armor terrifies them, though not to the same capacity as a tiefling. They are often likened to ghosts in armor, and many villages have their own tales of menacing suits of armor that move of their own volition. Because of this, anarmors that waltz into unsuspecting towns are usually avoided completely, the only words spoken of them being whispers. Those who know better than this see wandering anarmors as potential companions, workers, or servants. Some are ambitious or crazy enough to try and capture them by force, often to no avail. Taverns and whorehouses usually look the other way, since being intangible except for one's armor doesn't give the ladies or the barkeeps much to work with.

That said, an anarmor will usually try to avoid being discovered, unless a quirk in their personality programming says otherwise. They'll use cloaks, scarves, and bandages to cover the gaps in their armor and blend in. They'll stay away from crowded places, speaking only when spoken to and never causing too much of a scene. Some spend their time in taverns, never ordering any food or drink, hoping that the patrons will be too drunk to notice how empty they are on the inside. On the rare occasion that an animated armor is welcomed or even worshipped by the people of a village, some merely serve the community as a guard or sentry, while others take a more commanding role, like a war chief or even a deity.

Animated Armor Names

An animated armor's name is usually bestowed by its creator. Sometimes, however, they forget their names. When this happens, a name can be given to them by a new owner or partner, or they can come up with a name themselves. When an anarmor comes up with a name for itself, it's usually something simple, something they see around them or remember from their past. Really, any name will do, whether it's based on their function, their appearance, or their surroundings. Some are based in the creator's native tongue, whatever that may be.

Animated Armor Traits

A suit of armor that is given life through magic and is assigned a task. Oftentimes they are left behind by their creators, left to lie dormant for hundreds of years only to wake up and seek out a new purpose.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Age. Since animated armors are essentially timeless, age is only a factor in terms of appearance, not maturity. However, unless their "host" is magical, they may eventually perish from age if not properly taken care of.

Alignment. Animated armors generally hold to the will of their creator, and are usually lawful good or lawful neutral as a result. Still, anything's possible. If pushed far enough, an armor can be evil.

Size. Anything from small to large, though you generally don't see anything above an orc in size.

Speed. Medium armor base speed is 30, but depending on the size of the armor, this can change.

Constructed. You are a suit of armor. Typically made of metal, but unorthodox materials are not unheard of. You count as a Construct instead of humanoid. You are immune to disease. You do not need to eat or breathe, and any food you do attempt to eat falls through your head into the bottom of your armor. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

False Appearance. While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from a normal suit of armor.

Colorless vision. You can not distinguish colors beyond 60ft, and also have poor vision, do not identify details of objects from this distance.

Armor Slam. As a suit of armor, you are capable of pulling your considerable weight into a full body slam. As an action, you can deal 1d10 + your Constitution modifier bludgeoning damage to a target creature or object. This can be done a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier(Minimum of 1). You regain all uses after a long rest.

Change of Body. You can transfer your consciousness into another suit of armor. To do so, you require 1 hour of time and the desired suit of armor. This change may alter your subrace accordingly, based on the armor type of what you are transferring into. At your DM's discretion, this ability can be forced by a magic user with the appropriate knowledge using an Arcana check against a DC 20, so long as you are restrained and unconscious for the duration.

Recovery. You recover your life as a normal humanoid would recover, healing spells also take effect, but the damage done to the armor remains until repaired.

Languages. You can speak, read and write in Common, as well as in the language of your creator.

Subrace. The armor your soul inhabits determines certain traits about you. The classifications are Light, Medium and Heavy. If you transfer into an armor set using Change of Body, your subrace will change accordingly. The AC can differ based on what specific armor you inhabit, but you will also take a -2 AC if you are not proficient in the armor type you are.


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Quickened Step. Your movement speed is increased to 35.

Like A Sponge. Should you become fully immersed in water, your movement speed will be halved. However, with this loss in speed comes complete resistance to fire effects. This does not stack with your passive damage resistance. This lasts until you can find a hot, dry place to dry off. (Note: Spells can be used to dry you off as well).

Resistance. You have resistance to non-magical weapons, and all elements except fire and acid damage.


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Strength score increases by 1.

Flexibility. You may focus on offense or defense in medium armor. If you choose to go defensive, you may take the Dodge action as a bonus action a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier, resetting on a long rest. If you take offensive, you may roll an extra 1d6 to an attack a number of times equal to your Strength modifier, this resetting on a long rest.

Resistance. You have resistance to non-magical weapons, and all elements except fire and acid damage.


Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.

Steel Skin. You are especially durable. On being hit by an effect you can see, you can reduce the damage by 1d10+CON. You may use this ability once, regaining it on a short or long rest, or use it multiple times. For each time after the first, your AC will be reduced by 1 for every 10 damage you take, being restored to the maximum on a long rest, spent repairing your armor.

Resistance. You have resistance to non-magical weapons, and all elements except acid damage.

Heavy Metal. Your movement speed is decreased to 25, but you count as Large for the purposes of resisting shoves.

Natural Pugilist. Your whole body is cold metal. When you make an unarmed strike, you are capable dealing 1d6+Strength bludgeoning damage.


Musashi would often speak of the four armed demon that defeated him that day on the beach. He would often recall the flashing of the steel and the ferocity of the warriors attacks. However, there was one secret he never said; a secret Musashi carried to his very grave. That the warrior that bested him was an eight legged mollusk.

Physical Description

Baketako's appearance is similar to that of their less sentient brothers, looking like large octopuses about 10-11 feet in diameter and covered in tough but slimy skin. They have four long and powerful tentacles that they can use as legs to walk upright in a human-like manner when on land and with the right amount of covering and posture they can pass themselves as a tightly covered human quite easily in most towns. In their upright position they may use their remaining four tentacles, which are shorter but more flexible than their longer tentacles, as a human would use hands.

They can change their coloration freely but usually maintain a dull green or light orange coloration, only entering bright coloration when they feel threatened or experience strong emotions.

They have two small eyes that are usually glassy and pale, and have a sharp jaw, similar to that of a parrot under their tentacles.


While early records are unclear, the Baketako believe their origins lie with the Goddess of Sea and Storms, Arakushi. They believe that it was Arakushi that first uplifted them into a state of sentience from their primitive mollusk roots to combat those who would wish to enslave the creatures of the sea. As such the Baketako believe it there duty to protect the sea from evil and corruption, and fight wars with local tribes of Sahuagin and Merrows.

Other historians argue that Baketako were created when the Spirit World brushed against the Material Plane many years ago beneath the waves, causing sentience in a population of octopuses, however neither theory has been proved.


Baketako live in a feudal society in castles under the sea. They have a rigid hierarchy where the Daimyo (leader) is the highest followed by the Bushi (warriors), hunters, artisans, and finally merchants. At times of great conflict they sometimes elevate a Daimyo to the rank of Shogun, or high leader, to organize offensives, however this is only a temporary rank.

Baketako are very talented artisans as they can use their four "arms" precisely and efficiently when crafting, and often trade their goods with friendly sea races such as Merfolk and Aquatic Elves. This has fostered an economy greatly focused on trade, and while merchants are the lowest class in the feudal hierarchy, this has caused them to become the most wealthy.

Baketako value loyalty above all else and Baketako who do not adhere to a strict moral code are often exiled from the castle. These exiles are rarely ever allowed to return and most send their squinted eyes up at the surface world.

Baketako Names

The true names of Baketako are in their native language which is based off of complex coloration changes and tentacle gestures. However, when interacting with other races, Baketako tend to pick a name for themselves arbitrarily from the first race they encounter.

Baketako Traits

A race of intelligent bipedal mollusks that value honor over even life. (In simpler terms, octopus samurai)

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age. Baketako have relatively short life spans of about 50-80 years. They reach maturity quickly at the age of about 5.

Alignment. Baketako believe in rigid loyalties and strict moral conduct. Many are Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral. However, Baketako exiles are less predictable and can even become Chaotic Evil if they reach that depravity.

Size. Spread out a Baketako has the diameter of about 10-11 feet. However standing on their "legs" they can be 5-6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet and you have a swiming speed of 30 feet.

Multiple Limbs. You have 4 limbs that you can use to wield and use 2 additional items. This does not allow you to make additional attacks or actions on your turn.

Suction Grip. You have advantage when initiating a grapple against a target and subsequently keeping them in a grapple.

Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

Superior Darkvison. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Water Dependancy. If you do not immerse yourself in water for at least 1 hour per day, you suffer one level of exhaustion at the end of that day. You can recover from this exhaustion only through magic or by immersing yourself in water for at least 1 hour.

Squishy. You are an invertebrate. On your turn, if you are not carrying anything, nor wearing clothing or armor, you can move through any space that is at least 3 inches in diameter and do so without squeezing. When you stop moving, the regular squeezing rules apply if you’re in a space one size smaller than you. You can’t willingly stop in a space smaller than that, and if you’re forced to do so, you immediately flow to the nearest space that can fit you, back along the path of your movement.

Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.

Ink Shot. If you are underwater, you can use your action to release a 10- foot-radius cloud of ink extends all around you. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute, although a significant current can disperse the ink. After releasing the ink, you can use the Dash action as a bonus action. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Baketako and Common.


Your Bearkin character has the following racial traits.

Ability score increase Your Constitution increases by 2, and your Strength increases by 1.

Age Bearkin reach adulthood at the age of 10, where they have a coming of age ceremony and live roughly 50 years.

Alignment Bearkin tend to live in humble survivalist cominities that whole heartidly belive in the sanctity of nature.

Size Bearkin often stand between 7 and 8 feet tall. your size is medium.

Speed Your base walking speed is 30.

Bear Claws You have natural claws, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your strengh modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Powerful Build You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weightyou can push, drag, or lift.

Languages You can speak, read and write common.

Subrace Three types of Bearkin currently reside in the world of D&D. The Grizzly, the Panda and the Polar.


Panda Mysticism Panda are natrually intune with ones self and because of such you gain 1 Ki point. Ki points are explained on pg 78 phb.

Panda Healing As an action you can touch a creature and expend 1 ki point to restore 5 hitpoints to that creature. if you have aditional ki points, you can expend more than 1 as part of this action to restore an aditional 5 hitpoints per ki point. This abillity has no effect on constructs or undead.

Mountain Explorer When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to Mountain terrain, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you're proficient in.

While traveling for an hour or more in Mountain terrain, you gain the following benefits:

Difficult terrain doesn't slow your group's travel. Your group can't become lost except by magical means. Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger. If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace. When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would. While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.


Swim Speed You gain a swim speed of 30, and you can hold your breath for up to 10 minutes.

Thick Fur You gain resistance to Cold Damage.

Arctic Explorer When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to Arctic terrain, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you're proficient in.

While traveling for an hour or more in Arctic terrain, you gain the following benefits:

Difficult terrain doesn't slow your group's travel. Your group can't become lost except by magical means. Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger. If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace. When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would. While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.


Hibernation When sleeping during a long rest, you have damage resistance to non magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage and you recover 1 aditional expended hit die. When you awaken after at least 8 hours of sleep, you gain temperary hit points equal to your character level + your constitution modifier.

Forest Explorer When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to Forest terrain, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you're proficient in.

While traveling for an hour or more in Forest terrain, you gain the following benefits:

Difficult terrain doesn't slow your group's travel. Your group can't become lost except by magical means. Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger. If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace. When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would. While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.


Physical Description

Beeholders are humanoid, bug like creatures. Their bodies consist of a thorax, abdomen, and head. The thorax is attached to the abdomen and tends to act as a movable "tail" of some sorts, it can either have a stinger or a shooter at the end. The abdomen is usually structured very bulky, as the chest and shoulders are usually very puffed out as the stomach is slimmed down, it is also an exoskeleton. The head has a mouth with four pincers that open up to bite and talk (like predator in a sense), and the eyeballs are usually very big and have multiple lenses. Their heads usually form from big at the back and taper down a the end, and antennae are optional. They come in colors of yellow, red, and orange mixed with either black or brown undertones.


The Beeholder was first created in a freak accident. An outcasted and greedy druid by the name of Fi Krisharice was looking to get her fix of gold that she had found in a dungeon months before when a group of orcs had taken it and left her to die. Wanting her enemies to suffer, she decided to take nature into her own hands in a way that had never been done before. She took a random assortment of bugs and called upon Silvanus, god of wild nature, to help her do her bidding. He agreed to help her but only if it meant that it would restore the balance of nature, she lied and said it was. So he took the bugs and caused them to grow into humanoid forms, warriors of nature made to serve the balance at a fighting and possibly dying cost. Fi took her small militia and raided the orcs, slaughtering them all and having her minions eat the bodies of the deceased. After this Silvanus saw Fi's true intentions as she took her gold and tried to run, and he summoned the bug minions to eat and torture Fi slowly, which they did for days. After that Silvanus looked at what he created and decided to let them flourish, giving them the purpose of being the realm's army for balance. Once their presence was known, not a lot of people took a liking to their authoritarian take on balance in the realms, so they insulted them and named them "Beeholders". The name stuck.


The society of the Beeholders is one of authoritarian rule, all living under one area by one General Commander.The General Commander is chosen by the rest of the society as they have tests of strength, or you could just kill the other General Commander. The General Commander hosts a group of chosen people called The Hive, The Hive then releases orders to the people who are separated into squadrons. The squadrons then go to their given location and do the mission they were given to do to restore balance. In order to live in their society, you must prove yourself worthy, if you fail you will either be killed on the spot or casted out into the wild, forgotten. Some choose to not even participate in their kinds politics, and they are outcasted.

Beeholder Names

They are known only by rank which goes Moultling, Hatchling, Larva, Pupa, and then Squad Leader. If part of The Hive, they are known as Teacher, and if General Commander it's kinda obvious what they go by.

Beeholder Traits

Bee-like humanoid capable of flight.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Age. A beeholder reaches maturity around age 12, and rarely lives beyond 60 years.

Alignment. Highly organized but generally indifferent, beeholders tend towards lawful neutral.

Size. An average beeholder is 6 feet tall and weighs about 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a flying speed of 50 feet, and you can hover in place without difficulty.

Sting. Your thorax is equipped with a stinger. In place of a normal attack, you can make an attack with your stinger even if your hands are occupied. On a hit you deal 1d4 piercing damage plus 1 poison damage. You can add either your Strength or Dexterity modifier to attack and damage rolls with your stinger.

Conjure Swarm. You can use your action to cast conjure animals, but when casting the spell using this feature, you can only choose to conjure one swarm of insects. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you use it again.

Bee Kinship. You have advantage on any Wisdom (Animal Handling) check made in regard to bees, as well as any other Tiny flying poisonous beasts.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write both Auran and Common.


Beholdertouched are humans injected with Beholder genetics through a forbidden ritual to give them superintelligence. Because of this, they inherit many Beholder traits.

Physical Description

Beholdertouched look almost exactly the same as normal humans except for one difference: their right eye has a strange, magical glow. The colour of this glow is the colour of their iris.


The exact origin of the Beholdertouched is unknown, but some say that the first Beholdertouched was a powerful human wizard. This wizard was obsessed with beholders, and because of this invented a dangerous ritual which would give him the intelligence of a Beholder. He invented this ritual specifically for humans, which is why only humans can become a Beholdertouched. He used his new powers to control and manipulate others, eventually secretly controlling entire kingdoms. He taught his must trusted apprentices this ritual, and they spread it across the multiverse.


Beholdertouched are so rare that they have no real society of their own. Most people don't even know that they exist. Because of their intelligence, Beholdertouched often have important political roles in society. Beholdertouched are great at manipulating people and secretly bending the world and people around them to their will.

Beholdertouched Names

Beholdertouched have human names

Beholdertouched Traits

Humans injected with beholder genetics to grant them superintelligence

Ability Score Increase. +3 intelligence (as usual, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature).

Age. Beholdertouched can become up to 3000 years old.

Alignment. Almost always lawful.

Size. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.

Paranoia. In a situation where other races would get short term madness, you get long term madness. When you create your caracter, you have indefinite madness. (If you don't own the DMG, ask your DM for the indefinite madness table).

Beholder hate. When your character knows the location of a Beholder or Beholder-kin within 60 feet of it, you have to make a DC 15 wisdom saving throw. If you fail, you must attack it.

Beholder eye. You have advantage with saving throws against spells

Beholder stealth. Your character doesn't hide in a normal fashion. Your character forces other creatures minds to pass over you. When you make a Stealth check, you can use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier. When they attempt to perceive you, they must roll an Intelligence check.

Languages. Common, Deep Speech and Undercommon

Blood Angel

You are neither a Deity of Heaven, or a monster of Hell, but an uncanny mix between the two. Most blood angels are born through the unholy union of a tiefling and a fallen angel.

Physical Description

A blood angel is exactly what it sounds like: an angel with blood red or crimson wings. Some blood angels are known to have red skin and horns.


The First Blood Angel

No one knows who gave birth to the first blood angel, but all remember his appearance. During a war between two neighboring countries an angel like being with blood red skin and wings and long black hair appeared and slaughtered all who attempted to fight him. Following the battle he disappeared, however both sides of the fight agreed that he was a blood angel, less due to his skin and wing color, and more due to the bloodshed created by the fearsome existence.


Blood angels are know to appear during wars, and are heavily recognized as a sign that a battle is about to be won. Throughout history blood angels tend to either decimate the enemy forces, or appear last minute in a losing battle and heal all those injured.


Blood angels are a rarity, so no specific society of blood angels exists, however they are known to join countries they believe in as warriors and medics.

Blood Angel Names

A blood angel usually takes its name after its tiefling parent.

Male: Akmenos, Amnon, Barakas, Damakos, Ekemon, Iados, Kairon, Leucis, Melech, Mordai, Morthos, Pelaios, Skamos, Therai, Gordon

Female: Akta, Anakis, Bryseis, Criella, Damaia, Ea, Kallista, Lerissa, Makaria, Nemeia, Orianna, Phelaia, Rieta, Rosetta

Blood Angel Traits

The child of a Tiefling and a Fallen Angel.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1. Either your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1 (your choice).

Age. Unlike your fallen angel parent, you are mortal, however you can live up to 10,000 years.

Alignment. Blood angels tend to be neutral alignments and never take a specific side of the alignment spectrum.

Size. Blood angels are usually between 5' 5" and 6' 5". Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Angel Wings. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. You cannot use this flying speed if you are wearing medium or heavy armor or if you are encumbered.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Holy Resistance. You have resistance to radiant damage.

Healing Touch. As an action you can touch a living creature, causing it to magically regain hit points equal to your level. Alternitavely, instead of causing the creature to regain hit points, you can cure that creature of any poisoned, blindness, or deafness conditions currently affecting it. Once you have used this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Infernal Legacy. You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and your choice of Infernal or Celestial.


Froglike humanoids endemic to the swamplands of The Dying Sea, bullywugs come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. A bullywug can secrete a slippery mucus to help them escape from danger and their saliva and blood contain potent toxins which they are capable of delivering with a lash of their tongue and which also render them highly resistant to poisons. Formerly living in loose tribal groups throughout the swamp, the bullywugs joined the Elven Dominion of Shal Thalas in massive numbers after it conquered the Dying Sea, and are now the third most numerous member of Elven Dominion.

Bullywug Traits

  • Average Height: 5'4" - 6'0"
  • Average Weight: 150-240 lbs.
  • Ability Scores: +2 constitution, +1 dexterity
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Common
  • Amphibious: You can breath water and you have a swim speed equal to your speed
  • Poisonous Metabolism: You have advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance to poison damage.
  • Slippery: You have advantage on dexterity (acrobatics) checks made to escape a grab or restraints
  • Tongue Lash: As an action on your turn you can lash out at an enemy within 10ft of you with your tongue to deliver a dose of your natural poison. Make a ranged attack roll against the target (with proficiency) on a hit the target takes 1d8 poison damage and must make a constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of its next turn. After you hit with this attack you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Damage increases to 2d8 at 6th level, 3d8 at 12th level, 4d8 at 18th level, and 5d8 at 20th level.

Ambitious and Cynical

  • Bullywugs lust for power, and go about their means of
  • finding it in the most cowardly of ways. Bullywugs
  • can rarely ever be trusted, and will
  • gladly backstab their allies if it seem
  • to gain them power. Bullywugs
  • loathe just about everything
  • imaginable, including themselves.
  • Most Bullywugs will believe
  • nearly any way one describes
  • them. Finding a truly good
  • Bullywug is like finding a needle
  • in a haystack. The only time
  • a Bullywug can ever be truly
  • happy is when they are in
  • complete and total control
  • of everybody around them.
  • Sometimes, Bullywugs will
  • band together to accomplish
  • their goals, but these alliances
  • almost always end in a quick
  • and bloody power struggle.

Amphibious Allies

Bullywugs speak a language that allows them to communicate over large areas by croaking like frogs. News of intruders or other events in the swamp spread within minutes across this crude communication system. Simple concepts in the language are understandable to frogs and toads. Bullywugs use this capability to form strong bonds with giant frogs, which they train as guardians and hunters. Larger specimines are sometimes used as mounts as well. The frogs' ability to swallow creatures whole gives a bullywug hunting band an easy means of carrying prey back to their villages.

Slippery and Evasive

Bullywugs are slimy frog-like creatures who make good use of their slime, using it to slip out of sticky situations. Holding down a fleeing Bullywug is a tough task, involving much coordination to take them down. However, they are not the strongest of the races, and usually prefer to act through pawns. A Bullywug fighter is a rare sight indeed.

Elven Allies

The Bullywugs quickly allied with the far superior and dominant Elven Dominion as soon as the Elves first marched on the Dying Sea. Unlike their fellow residents, the Shifters, the Bullywugs humbled themselves before the Elves, cementing a powerful alliance. There is a strenuous peace held at all times, though the Bullywugs have been able to serve the Elves faithfully and humbly, despite their ambition. Cowardice won out in the end.

Bullywug Names

A common Bullywug is named after the conditions of its birth. Last names are a strange conglomerate of the mother's and father's names, the front half of the father's name taken and added with the last half of the mother's name.


Changelings are subtle shapeshifters capable of disguising their appearance. Their ability to adopt other creatures’ guises makes them consummate spies and criminals.

As a changeling, you have the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores increase by 1.

Size. Changelings are built much like humans, but a little leaner. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Duplicity. You gain proficiency in the Deception skill.

Shapechanger. As an action, you can polymorph into any humanoid of your size that you have seen, or back into your true form. However, your equipment does not change with you. If you die, you revert to your natural appearance.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice.

Shifter Traits

Shifters are descended from humans and lycanthropes. Although they cannot fully change to animal form, they can take on animalistic features by a process they call shifting.

As a shifter, you have the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Size. Shifters are about the same size as humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Your lycanthropic heritage grants you the ability to see in dark conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Shifting. On your turn, you can shift as a bonus action. Shifting lasts for 1 minute or until you end it on your turn as a bonus action. While shifting, you gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Constitution bonus (minimum of 1).

You also gain a feature that depends on your shifter subrace, described below. You must finish a short or long rest before you can shift again.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Subrace. Several subraces of shifter exist, each with its own animalistic features. Choose one of the options below.


As a beasthide shifter, you are especially tough and persistent in battle.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Shifting Feature. While shifting, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.


Your cliffwalk heritage grants you the agility of a mountain goat.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Shifting Feature. While shifting, you gain a climb speed of 30 feet.


Longstride shifters are fleet and elusive.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Shifting Feature. While shifting, you can use the Dash action as a bonus action.


As a longtooth shifter, you are a ferocious combatant. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Shifting Feature. While shifting, you can make a bite attack as an action. This is a melee weapon attack that uses Strength for its attack roll and damage bonus and deals 1d6 piercing damage. If this attack hits a target that is your size or smaller, the target is also grappled.


As a razorclaw shifter, you make swift, slashing strikes in battle.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Shifting Feature. While shifting, you can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. You can use your Dexterity for its attack roll and damage bonus, and this attack deals slashing damage.


Your wildhunt heritage makes you a consummate tracker and survivor.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Shifting Feature. While shifting, you gain advantage on all Wisdom-based checks and saving throws.


“ My claws have not tasted human flesh in many tides. I wonder, will you quench my thirst? ” —Katho, crabfolk fighter.

Physical Description

The crabfolk are large and bulky humanoid crustaceans with thick outer shells similar to the much smaller non-man crab. They possess large powerful claws with high splitting power. Under these, they have a smaller pair of claws that are used for grooming and other more delicate actions such as writing or eating.


These creatures have just recently risen from the depths of the ocean, and much of their culture is unknown. What is known, however, is that they came from an underwater canyon deep below the surface. They claim to have dug into the sides of the canyon to make crude burrow like dwellings.


On the surface, crabfolk are taken with great caution due to their odd and mildly terrifying nature. Inns have been known to outright refuse crabfolk service out of fear, racism, or both. This bothers the crabfolk little, as they have grown used to social segregation due to their time in their deep-sea canyons.

Crabfolk Names

Crabfolk usually have short, single names with hard sounds, and most end in a vowel.

Male: Katho, Rahi, Yukim

Female: Haili, Imina, Parm

Crabfolk Traits

Crab-like humanoids with large claws and great strength.

Ability Score Increase. Crabfolk are very hearty due to their rough living. Your Strength score increases by 1, and your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Crabfolk are considered adults by their late teens and can live for around 150 years.

Alignment. Crabfolk can take nearly any path in life that they feel suits them, though most tend to be neutral.

Size. Crabfolk usually stand at about 6 feet. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You also have a swimming speed of 30 feet.

Breath of the Sea. You can breathe air and water.

Natural Armor. While you wear no armor, your AC is equal to 11 + your Constitution modifier. You may wield a shield and still gain this benefit.

Rending Claws. Your unarmed strikes inflict slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan.


Physical Description

Dryads resemble highly humanoid beings only made out of smooth, brown-green wood, and with grass and leaves for hair. In some cases you will see that some Dryad's have both hair and eye's that change with the seasons.


Not many know the origin of Dryads. The majority of what is known about these amazing creatures is that they prefer to stay in the woods where they can observe nature and be at peace. It is also known that if the forest is brought to danger most of the Tree-Kin will do their best to defend the forest. Society

Although most Dryad's prefer
to stay away from town's and
cities they thrive with each other
in the forest. The Dryad's
happily go day to day talking
with other Dryad's and Fey Folk.

Dryad Names

A Dryad takes their name from something in Nature or a name that their parent chooses.

Male: Dryope, Erato, Eurydice

Female: Chrysopeleia, Phigalia, Tithorea

Dryad Traits

Humanoids made of Wood. Guardians of the Forest. Elders of Nature. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2. Charisma score increases by 2. Age. You age just like a tree, very slowly, which means you can live anywhere from a few hundred years to a few thousands.

Alignment. Dryads tend to be lawful and are rarely evil, following and protecting the "law" of the forest.

Size. Dryads come in many sizes, ranging from just under 11 feet to almost 14 feet. Your size is Large.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.

Blend In. You have advantage on Stealth checks made to hide amongst foliage or near a huge group of trees.

Nature Whisperer. After living in the forest for your whole life you can communicate with beasts and plants as if they share a language.

Photosynthesis. Being a plant based life form, you create your food through Photosynthesis, being in sunlight will regenerate 1d4 health per hour, likewise, if you aren't in sunlight for two days you will start to decay.

Tree Stride. Over time you have learned the skill of using trees as a type of transportation. Once a turn, You can use 10 feet of your movement to step magically into one living tree within your reach and emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be Large or bigger.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Elf Subraces

Sea Elf

Sea elves are an aquatic subrace of elves that rely on water, and only live near water. They were once High elves, but after living for many generations near seas, and breeding with tritons and sirens, they became able to breath underwater. After their cities were invaded by armies of orcs, the few survivors scattered into the ocean, and they can be found in underwater cities of other underwater races.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.

Natural Swimmer. You have a base swimming speed of 30 feet.

Aquatic Weapon Training. You have proficiency with javelins, nets, spears, and tridents.

Friend of the Sea. Through a serie of gestures and sounds, you can communicate with aquatic creatures such as fishes.

Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write Aquan.

Winter Elf

Winter elves are extremely distant cousins of Wood elves. Many, many, many millennia ago a clan of Wood elves ventured into a frozen wasteland near their home as food became scarce from humans moving into their territory and depleting the resources. Winter Elves are described by humans and other races that see them as hauntingly beautiful apparitions, since their separation from the forest years before they have become a bit stockier than their cousins, having developed a thin layer of natural fat for insulation, their skin is pale to white with long extremely pastel hair ranging from white to rainbow colors such as pink, blue or purple and their eyes are usually purple, blue, magenta or white. They are very nimble even with the layer of fat, hunting in the deepest of snow and harshest of blizzards with ease and making homes in caves of ice or stone.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma and Wisdom both increase by 1.

Frozen Heritage. You have resistance to cold damage, are accustomed to temperatures as low as -125 degrees Fahrenheit and can see for 120 ft in blizzards without issue.

Glacial Glide. You are not hindered by snowy or icy terrain or blizzards.

Winter Weapon Training. You are proficient with Longbows and Heavy Crossbows.

Crystal Elf

A Race of Cave dwelling elves, living near the molten lava, creating fabulous cities, weapons, and armour out of crystals, mithril and enchanted spider silk harvested from tamed giant spiders living in and defending the cities alongside the Vitreur. Crystal Elves are known for their stealthy ways and brutal methods of dealing with adversaries, making them more inclined to work as both fighters and assassins.

Ability Score Increase. Strength +1

Ultimate Darkvision. Your Darkvision has a radius of 180 feet.

Extreme Sunlight Sensitivity. You have a disadvantage on Attack Rolls, when you, or the target of your attack is in direct sunlight. And fail any Wisdom (Perception) Checks that rely on Sight, when you, or the object you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

Crystal Training. Can make full use of the abilities of crystal armor and other Crystal artifacts and weapons, as well as Crystal Magic.

Arachnia. Can Capture, Tame and Ride Giant Spiders. Taming takes 3 Long Rests (24 Hours).

Superior Senses. You have an advantage on Wisdom (Perception) Checks when not in sunlight.

Dragon Elf

Physical Description

Dragon Elves are an embodiment of beauty. They have a slim yet muscular build. Some of them also alter their appearance to show off draconic features such as scales or leathery skin, reptilian eyes, fangs, sharp claws, and on extremely rare occasions their tail. Their skin tones can go from plain gray to almost golden, more or less similar to their master's hide.

Dragon Elf Origins

The Dragon Elves were once a race of elves who lived to serve dragons, treating them as their god. These elves worshiped dragons, being it a chromatic or metallic dragon. Dragons have used Dragon Elves to accomplish tasks involving security or raising and protecting their young while the dragon goes on an adventure. The origin of the first Dragon Elf is unknown but some say that they were born between dragons and the elven worshipers. Others say that they were born from an ancient pact that caused the two species to fuse, existing as one. Whatever the cause may be, Dragon Elves have come a long way from how they were in ancient times. Once slaves to these dragons, they are now a proud race with unbeatable respect towards one another and live in harmony with their surroundings.


The society of Dragon Elves is clouded in mystery. No one has really seen a civilization of Dragon Elves nor has anyone figured out where they originated from. What is known about them is that they don't get along with other Dragon Elves from different bloodlines, especially the chromatic ones. Similarly to dragons, the chromatic Dragon Elves prefer isolation and living alone, and quickly separate once their young are strong enough to fend for themselves. They love to hoard treasures and are more arrogant than the metallic Dragon Elves. And Compared to the metallic Dragon Elves, chromatic Dragon Elves are rarely seen travelling or living with other races. Metallic Dragon Elves are more commonly seen on the roads or in towns. They are much more social and enjoy the company of others.

Clan and Culture

Dragon Elves commonly live with other Dragon Elves, or dragons and avoid living in multicultural societies. To a Dragon Elf, their kin's safety is more valuable than life itself. Unlike their ancestors who devoted their lives to the dragons, the generations of Dragon Elves after the ‘big change’ have come to co-exist with dragons, protecting and respecting each other. One of the oldest traditions within the Dragon Elf culture is the Alye’heren. The Alye’heren is a tradition where each new-born Dragon Elf is given a wyrmling to raise/grow up with. As the two grow, they will have to work together to get through struggles and challenges with the help of the other Dragon Elves and dragons but once they reach adulthood, they are usually made to travel.

Since Dragon Elves are so long-lived, the clan usually have them leave while in early stages of adulthood to explore and discover the world around them. Through this experience the Dragon Elves will learn new ways of fending for themselves by exercising their martial prowess or gaining greater control over their innate magical powers.Some may join parties of other adventurers on their journey, and might even become champions of a land.

Dragon Elf Names

At birth, Dragon Elves are named by the highlord of their clan. The name could be something ordinary, or complex, but will always have their clan name in it. For example, a highly noted Dragon Elf is known by the name, Drakonius Vael (pronounced Vay'eel) which holds the name of their clan, 'Draconius' in addition to his birth name, 'Vael'.

Dragon elf traits

Your Dragon Elf has the following traits in addition to the base racial traits of the elf.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Draconic Empathy. Whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check. Additionally, if you know the *find familiar** spell, you can choose to have your familiar take the form of a pseudodragon instead of one of the normal forms.

Draconic Resistance. You have resistance to one type of damage, choosing from acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison (your choice).

Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.

Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write Draconic.

Sea elves in Naveen

Sea elves once lived on the north-eastern side of Naveen, before the plaines and beaches were invaded by the Green-Skins. Some of them now live in costal towns and cities on the North of Naveen, or in the Triton Underwater Realm, to the South. They are rare, and seldom go on land.

Winter elves in Naveen

Winter elves live in the western mountains of Naveen, where most of them stay from birth to death, as most of them strongly dislike the heat of the foreign lands below their peaks. They live in small villages on the flatter areas of the mountains, in wooden houses.

Dragon elves in Naveen

Dragon elves can be found in small communities, either near dead dragon's lair, or in dragon's lair still occupied, where they serve their draconic masters. Some of them live in Dragonborn villages, where they are almost considered as equals from the Dragonborns.


“ Do you know where they came from?” Sigmund said as he watched the small group of Evnir headed off down the road to the next town. The other merchant shrugged, “Never seen anything like it. Mechanical beings that act just like humans... think they'll be back?” Kien smirked, “Why, one of them strike your fancy already?” “No! … Alright maybe, but that's beside the point. If they get this trade route set up, think of what it'd mean for the town. No one else has bothered to help us, why would they?” Kien shrugged going back into the shop as he spoke, “Maybe they want to fit in? Now c'mon Sigmund, your metal girlfriend will come back. We still have work to do.” Sigmund followed after rolling his eyes, “She'd probably be easier to woo than that orc you went after last month...”

Physical Description

Evnir appear to be finely crafted mechanical beings that closely resemble humans in appearance aside from some noticeable details. Their 'skin' appears to be a pale white color, balled joints making up all of their joints, but fitting into the plates that make up their arms, legs and body almost seamlessly with very little room, if any, for anything to get inside of the joint. They have artificial hair that ranges in style and length, though the color always has a metallic tone to it often shimmering in bright light. An Evnir's eyes appear to be normal at a casual glance, but closer inspection reveal that the inner working of their eyes are carefully made mechanical irises with each Evnir having a unique color. Every Evnir has a winding key that sits in the middle of their back akin to a wind up toy and every winding key on each Evnir is unique with each of the keys having elaborate designs on them and the key only being able to fit into the Evnir it was designed for. The keys are normally only made of common metals, with the rare metals only appearing very rarely on specific Evnir.

Evnir only difference in gender comes from the difference in their external body structure with the 'males' tending to be taller with larger chest cavities and 'females' being smaller with slimmer frames though no less capable than their counterparts. Evnir do not distinguish themselves as male or female, although when others do distinguish them as a particular 'gender', an Evnir will usually go along with it, curious to understand the difference or what being part of such gender means.

An Evnir's voice has a distinct metallic ringing sound to it. Their voices vary in pitch and tone, with the ringing matching the pitch of their voice and usually comes off as a pleasant accompanying sound with their speech, though this makes it difficult for them to mimic other people's voices.


Evnir come from an unknown place, made by an unknown creator. Every time they appear, it is almost always from an underground cave or other hidden area, with all of them becoming active at the same time. The number of them that 'come to life' varies but once they are introduced into an area, its very rare to ever see any new Evnir appear.

After activation they're fully aware of themselves and begin to investigate their surroundings and determine what it is they need to do next. Most of them traveling in small groups and expanding out from where they've awoken and trying to introduce and integrate themselves into the society that they've found themselves in. They're typically non-violent, only resorting to violence when necessary to protect themselves or those who they've grown to care for. Although they're also known for their love of adventure and exploring, not ever hesitating to venture out into the world and discover everything they can.


Evnir have no specific homeland of their own, because of this they tend to integrate themselves into whatever society they find near by, almost going out of their way to ingratiate themselves with locals to ensure that they can survive in the environment they find themselves in. They don't discriminate among who they meet either, enjoying talking and learning about any race they come across, usually asking if they need any assistance so that they can gain a people's trust.

Evnir Names

Evnir have no set naming conventions, deciding among themselves what they feel fits for themselves after they've been activated. Their information on how they name themselves, they believe, was preset into them before they were activated and Evnir has speculated that their ideas for naming themselves comes from whatever their creator was and what names they liked. Collectively they decide what their 'surname' will be, most surnames they choose will be closely related to a metal.

Male: Tonrec, Joslil, Daero, Kasver, Garrus

Female: Nua, Seldra, Aradi, Isonoa, Kattyn

Surnames: Stellus, Ironun, Tinure, Copperia, Silvey

Evnir Traits

A Clockwork race of unknown origins, even to themselves.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 1

Age. Evnir are all 'activated' at the same time and are considered adults at such time. They live on average of 200 years, but can last as long as 600 years if meticulously maintained and upgraded.

Alignment. Most Evnir tend towards good or neutral alignments, wanting to integrate and blend into the societies of the people they meet with.

Size. Evnir range from 5-6 feet in height. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Never Without Tools. Evnir have proficiency with an Artisan tool set of their choice.

Living Construct. Even though you were constructed, you are a living creature. You are immune to disease and poison. You do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Instead of sleeping, an Evnir needs to wind the key that is in its back along with perform regular maintenance on their body.

-If not wound at least once per day, an Evnir will cease to function and will not restart until someone else winds the key up for them.

-Evnir also need to perform regular maintenance on themselves to keep their intricate systems of gears and springs in working order. If an Evnir does not spend at least four hours on maintenance each day they earn one level of fatigue. (Fatigue levels correspond directly to levels of Exhaustion as in the Player's Handbook)

Sounds of Gears. Due to the sound of gears, springs and all the other mechanical components inside of an Evnir stealth rolls relating to sound are done with disadvantage.

Magical Instability. Being completely mechanical, Evnir have trouble channeling magic and all spells with a duration beyond instantaneous requires concentration. Spells that restore HP have no effect on an Evnir with the exception of Mending so long as the damage does not exceed the parameters of the spell.

Always Improving. As Evnir level, they improve their own bodies in order to face whatever new challenges they come across. Ability scores only increase by 1 at the selected job's level in addition to any one of the listed abilities below, abilities can only be selected once. At levels when your stats would increase you can opt to take a feat instead of the stat and mechanical improvement that is offered at those levels.

-Efficient Springs: The internal springs that regulate the Heart Gear of the Evnir are enhanced, able to hold tension better and for longer. Winding lasts for two days rather than one.

-Running Silent: Your internal make up runs quieter now. Your stealth checks are no longer done at a disadvantage.

-Aetherial Tuning: Finally comprehending the nature of magic and how to properly utilize it, spells can be cast as normal without the need for concentration on every spell.

-One With Your Tools: You know how to use your Artisan tool set to its greatest effect. You gain expertise with the Artisan Tool set you selected at creation.

-Improving On Design: Your understanding of how you're made has allowed you to make improvements on your design. Increase an ability score of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Languages. Common

Subrace. Evnir's internal construction tend to lean towards specific abilities. As to whether or not Evnir actually follow their internal make up is entirely up to them, though if they do, they find themselves able to perform above what would be considered the average.


These Evnir are more skilled with their hands than the rest, able to work on all various types of things, from forging to sewing they manipulate things with precision and skill that would normally come from years of practice. Mechanic's tend to be more reserved and quiet, not venturing to far from towns or their own shops, wherever they may set up, but some are known to want to experience the world they're placed in, wanting to see just how much they can find and create through out the world.

Ability Score Increase. Constitution Increases by +1

Creator. You have proficiency with Artisan's tools(Tinker's tools). Using those tools, with one hour and 20gp worth of material you can create a clockwork device (sized tiny to small) that serves a specific, simple function (AC6 hp2). These constructs will return to their creator after their task is complete and can function further as long as their wound up again. They will require an hour's worth of maintenance every three days in order to keep them from breaking.

Messenger- These constructs are kept small to be discreet, allowing them to travel unseen and deliver messages to whomever they were assigned to without being noticed. The message they carry can either be vocal or written, depending on the situation and once the message is delivered, and the recipient confirms they heard it, it immediately returns to its creator. (Speed: 10ft fly 30ft)

Delivery- Usually made into the form of small animals or basic, bipedal machines with a compartment for holding whatever needs to be delivered. Once the parcel is received by its recipient it will return to its creator and it will only take a couple hours to reset it if a new destination is needed. It has no real means of defense only able to escape any attackers by its agility. (Speed: 40ft +2 to all Dex saves)


Trader Evnir are well known for their ability to socialize more than anything else. They're more friendly than any other Evnir and will engage any and everyone they meet, trying to talk their way into, or out of, any situation they come across. They quickly become knowledgeable in local customs and traditions and love meeting new people to learn what they can from them about the area. Trader's also have an excellent sense of direction, never losing their way be it in a mountain or an open field.

Ability Score Increase. Charisma Increases by +1

Sharp Mind. You always know which way is North. You always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset. You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard within the past month.


Soldier Evnir are the only Evnir that physically look different in appearance, their normally pale, white skin is instead a deep silver color. Their skin doesn't seem to be any thicker than other Evnir, although it does seem to have a better resistance to it than other Evnir. They're more formal and less talkative than most other Evnir, but only to other races. They're friendly with members of their own race, but can be a bit on the protective side when others approach their group

Ability Score Increase. Strength Increases by +1

Silver Skinned. While not wearing armor, your AC is equal to 10 + your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.


Always curious and always willing to listen, Scholar Evnir are always out the hunt for new knowledge and new things to discover. They love to delve into the knowledge of the land they've woken up in and investigating the different stories and legends that the people of the land have, taking special care to find the honest roots of stories and artifacts. Despite their nature of enjoying learning, they also enjoy discovering things as well, often wandering freely to do research on whatever they're working on, fearlessly exploring ruins and ancient temples to find whatever clues they can.

Ability Score Increase. Wisdom Increases by +1

Naturally Curious. Scholar Evnir are proficient in Investigation.

Suggested Characteristics

When creating an Evnir character, you can use the following table) of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 The world is so vast, I want to see it all!
2 I must write down every encounter I have and document everything that happens.
3 Any new experience I take on with all of my enthusiasm!
4 Experiences are to be treasured and taken in slowly, after all why rush what you enjoy?
5 My curiosity has no limits, no matter the situation.
6 I tend to speak a little to openly about everything.
7 I don't see the evil in anyone unless its deliberately shown to me.
8 I ignore anything that I don't immediately find fascinating.
d6 Ideal
1 Trust: I trust in my fellow Evnir and anyone they say is trustworthy (Good)
2 Curiosity: If its interesting, I'll explore it! (Neutral)
3 Aspiration: I'm determined to make myself worthwhile (Any)
4 People: I'm loyal to my fellow Evnir, other must earn my trust. (Neutral)
5 Generosity: I create and explore for the benefit of others. (Good)
6 Logic: I will not allow emotions to cloud my judgment. (Lawful)
d6 Bond
1 My research/inventions are vital.
2 I'm never without my tools, they're more precious to me than gold.
3 My brothers and sisters will always come first.
4 Someone saved me from a terrible situation, I'm forever grateful.
5 There is another Evnir who I have always looked up to.
6 The town that took me in will forever be precious to me.
d6 Flaw
1 I forget everything going on around me when I'm working/reading.
2 I can never resist listening to gossip.
3 I am uncomfortable anytime I'm outdoors.
4 I always dig a little to deep into other people's lives.
5 My tools/equipment/belongings must ALWAYS be organized.
6 Socializing with strangers is difficult for me.

Fallen Angel

Creatures of beauty in both mind and body, crafted to form the ideal form of beauty by their creator. They served their deity following their tenants. Usually of similar or standing taller than that of a human, despite their other shared features. Holding the grace of their deity, they had wings of a snow white image, now they are tainted black to mark their betrayal. Other than the pair of black feathered wings on their backs, they are nearly identical to humans with a large variety of eye and skin colors.


Created to serve their lord, these divine beings were once creatures of purity & lawful goodness, until something brought them to clash with their god & they were struck down. Fallen from grace, they began to change from being in the mortal ream for too long. They often strive to return to their lord's graces, others seek retribution, and others strike out to become their own person, accepting that they may never be allowed back.


Most do not wish to communicate with one another as many come from different gods, leading to most living in seclusion or mending into other society. They live their lives peacefully until they die or find retribution. If they do gather, it is to strike at a god and thus makes them more of an army than a real society.

Fallen Angel Names

Male: Michael, Jacob, Gabriel, Albo, Samuel

Female: Uriel, Itherial, Aysa, Gavrial

Fallen Angel Traits

Once created for the sake of their deity, now serve themselves.

Ability Score Increase. Your charisma is raised by 2, while you may chose +1 to dexterity or strength.

Age. Angels are created as fully mature humanoids and do not age but since you've fallen from grace, dependent upon how much of your divinity you've held on to, you can only live for a few more thousand years.

Alignment. Once lawful good creatures, but now they can now safely range anywhere on the spectrum

Size. Angels are the same size as humans. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Your divine powers wane and you no longer have your divine senses, but you still have this one. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Angelic Resistance. As a divine being, you used to have numerous resistances, but now, you're left with one. You are resistant to radiant damage.

Celestial. Your type is also Celestial. You used to be immune to many conditions, however you have now fallen, and your powers are in decline. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened.

Residual Powers. You have lost most of your powers when you fell from grace, but you are slowly starting to grasp them again. You know the Guidance cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Cure Wounds spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a Long Rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Lesser Restoration spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a Long Rest.

Outcast. When you die, if you are still out of favor with your deity or haven't sworn allegiance to another deity, the Outer Planes rejects your return. And thus, you permanently die if slain, and cannot be revived except by the Wish spell.

Clipped Wings. Fallen from grace, your wings do not work as well as before, but soon you'll recover. Starting at 5th level, you gain a flying speed of 30 feet. You may not fly in normal backpacks or armor. The cost to alter your gear to be suitable for flight is equal to half the cost of the gear.

Languages. Common and Celestial


Those who think of other planes at all consider them remote, distant realms, but planar influence can be felt throughout the world. It sometimes manifests in beings who, through an accident of birth, carry the power of the planes in their blood. The genasi are one such people, the offspring of genies and mortals.

The Elemental Planes are often inhospitable to natives of the Material Plane: crushing earth, searing flames, boundless skies, and endless seas make visiting these places dangerous for even a short time. The powerful genies, however, don’t face such troubles when venturing into the mortal world. They adapt well to the mingled elements of the Material Plane, and they sometimes visit—whether of their own volition or compelled by magic. Some genies can adopt mortal guise and travel incognito.

During these visits, a mortal might catch a genie’s eye. Friendship forms, romance blooms, and sometimes children result. These children are genasi: individuals with ties to two worlds, yet belonging to neither. Some genasi are born of mortal–genie unions, others have two genasi as parents, and a rare few have a genie further up their family tree, manifesting an elemental heritage that’s lain dormant for generations.

Occasionally, genasi result from exposure to a surge of elemental power, through phenomena such as an eruption from the Inner Planes or a planar convergence. Elemental energy saturates any creatures in the area and might alter their nature enough that their offspring with other mortals are born as genasi.

Heirs to Elemental Power

If your DM allows the use of feats from chapter 6 of the Player’s Handbook, your deep gnome character has access to the following special feat. Genasi inherit something from both sides of their dual nature. They resemble humans but have unusual skin color (red, green, blue, or gray), and there is something odd about them. The elemental blood flowing through their veins manifests differently in each genasi, often as magical power.

Seen in silhouette, a genasi can usually pass for human. Those of earth or water descent tend to be heavier, while those of air or fire tend to be lighter. A given genasi might have some features reminiscent of the mortal parent (pointed ears from an elf, a stockier frame and thick hair from a dwarf, small hands and feet from a halfling, exceedingly large eyes from a gnome, and so on).

Genasi almost never have contact with their elemental parents. Genies seldom have interest in their mortal offspring, seeing them as accidents. Many feel nothing for their genasi children at all.

Some genasi live as outcasts, driven into exile for their unsettling appearance and strange magic, or assuming leadership of savage humanoids and weird cults in untamed lands. Others gain positions of great influence, especially where elemental beings are revered. A few genasi leave the Material Plane to find refuge in the households of their genie parents.

Wild and Confident

Genasi rarely lack confidence, seeing themselves as equal to almost any challenge in their path. This certainty might manifest as graceful self-assurance in one genasi and as arrogance in another. Such self- confidence can sometimes blind genasi to risk, and their great plans often get them and others into trouble.

Too much failure can chip away at even a genasi’s sense of self, so they constantly push themselves to improve, honing their talents and perfecting their craft.

Genasi Lands

As rare beings, genasi might go their entire lives without encountering another one of their kind. There are no great genasi cities or empires. Genasi seldom have communities of their own and typically adopt the cultures and societies into which they are born. The more strange their appearance, the harder time they have. Many genasi lose themselves in teeming cities, where their distinctiveness hardly raises an eyebrow in places accustomed to a variety of different people.

Those living on the frontier, though, have a much harder time. People there tend to be less accepting of differences. Sometimes a cold shoulder and a suspicious glare are the best genasi can hope for; in more backward places, they face ostracism and even violence from people who mistake them for fiends. Facing a hard life, these genasi seek isolation in the wilds, making their homes in mountains or forests, near lakes, or underground.

Most air and fire genasi in the Realms are descendants of the djinn and efreet who once ruled Calimshan. When those rulers were overthrown, their planetouched children were scattered. Over thousands of years, the bloodlines of those genasi have spread into other lands. Though far from common, air and fire genasi are more likely to be found in the western regions of Faerûn, along the coast from Calimshan north up to the Sword Coast, and into the Western Heartlands to the east. Some remain in their ancient homeland.

In contrast, water and earth genasi have no common history. Individuals have difficulty tracing their own lineage, and bloodlines occasionally skip a generation or two. Many earth genasi originated in the North and spread out from there. Water genasi come from coastal areas, the largest concentration of them hailing from the regions surrounding the Sea of Fallen Stars.

The distant land of Zakhara is known only in legends to most inhabitants of Faerûn. There, genies and spellcasters enter into bargains, and genasi can result from such pacts. Those genasi have been sources of great weal and woe in the history of that land.

Genasi Names

Genasi use the naming conventions of the people among whom they were raised. They might later assume distinctive names to capture their heritage, such as Flame, Ember, Wave, or Onyx.

Genasi Backgrounds

Each genasi subrace has its own temperament, which might make some backgrounds more suitable than others.

Air genasi are proud of their heritage, sometimes to the point of haughtiness. They can be flamboyant, and are keen to have an audience. They rarely stay in one place for long, always looking for a new sky to see and breathe. Air genasi who don’t live in cities favor open lands such as plains, deserts, and high mountains. Fitting backgrounds include charlatan, entertainer, and noble.

Earth genasi are more withdrawn, and their connection to the earth keeps them from being comfortable in most cities. Their uncommon size and strength makes them natural soldiers, though, and with their stoic demeanor, they can encourage others and become great leaders. Many earth genasi live underground, where they can be in their favored element. When they emerge from their caves, they might roam the hills and mountains or lay claim to old ruins. Appropriate backgrounds for earth genasi include hermit, outlander, and soldier.

Fire genasi often get themselves into difficulty with their fiery tempers. Like their air genasi cousins, they sometimes flaunt their perceived superiority over common folk. But they also want others to share their high opinion of themselves, so they constantly seek to enhance their reputations. Likely backgrounds for a fire genasi include criminal, folk hero, and noble.

Water genasi almost all have some experience aboard or around sea vessels. They make excellent mariners and fishers. Like earth genasi, though, water genasi prefer quiet and solitude; the wide shores are their natural homes. They go where they want, do what they want, and rarely feel bound to anything. Good backgrounds for water genasi include hermit and sailor.

Genasi Traits

Your genasi character has certain characteristics in common with all other genasi.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Genasi mature at about the same rate as humans and reach adulthood in their late teens. They live somewhat longer than humans do, up to 120 years.

Alignment. Independent and self-reliant, genasi tend toward a neutral alignment.

Size. Genasi are as varied as their mortal parents but are generally built like humans, standing anywhere from 5 feet to over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial. Primordial is a guttural language, filled with harsh syllables and hard consonants.

Subraces. Four major subraces of genasi are found among the worlds of D&D: air genasi, earth genasi, fire genasi, and water genasi. Choose one of these subraces.

Air Genasi

As an air genasi, you are descended from the djinn. As changeable as the weather, your moods shift from calm to wild and violent with little warning, but these storms rarely last long.

Air genasi typically have light blue skin, hair, and eyes. A faint but constant breeze accompanies them, tousling the hair and stirring the clothing. Some air genasi speak with breathy voices, marked by a faint echo. A few display odd patterns in their flesh or grow crystals from their scalps.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Unending Breath. You can hold your breath indefinitely while you’re not incapacitated.

Mingle with the Wind. You can cast the Levitate spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Earth Genasi

As an earth genasi, you are descended from the cruel and greedy dao, though you aren’t necessarily evil. You have inherited some measure of control over earth, reveling in superior strength and solid power. You tend to avoid rash decisions, pausing long enough to consider your options before taking action.

Elemental earth manifests differently from one individual to the next. Some earth genasi always have bits of dust falling from their bodies and mud clinging to their clothes, never getting clean no matter how often they bathe. Others are as shiny and polished as gemstones, with skin tones of deep brown or black, eyes sparkling like agates. Earth genasi can also have smooth metallic flesh, dull iron skin spotted with rust, a pebbled and rough hide, or even a coating of tiny embedded crystals. The most arresting have fissures in their flesh, from which faint light shines.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Earth Walk. You can move across difficult terrain made of earth or stone without expending extra movement.

Merge with Stone. You can cast the Pass without trace spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Fire Genasi

As a fire genasi, you have inherited the volatile mood and keen mind of the efreet. You tend toward impatience and making snap judgments. Rather than hide your distinctive appearance, you exult in it.

Nearly all fire genasi are feverishly hot as if burning inside, an impression reinforced by flaming red, coal- black, or ash-gray skin tones. The more human-looking have fiery red hair that writhes under extreme emotion, while more exotic specimens sport actual flames dancing on their heads. Fire genasi voices might sound like crackling flames, and their eyes flare when angered. Some are accompanied by the faint scent of brimstone.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Your ties to the Elemental Plane of Fire make your darkvision unusual: everything you see in darkness is in a shade of red.

Fire Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.

Reach to the Blaze. You know the Produce flame cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Burning hands spell once with this trait as a 1st-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Water Genasi

The lapping of waves, the spray of sea foam on the wind, the ocean depths—all of these things call to your heart. You wander freely and take pride in your independence, though others might consider you selfish.

Most water genasi look as if they just finished bathing, with beads of moisture collecting on their skin and hair. They smell of fresh rain and clean water. Blue or green skin is common, and most have somewhat overlarge eyes, blue-black in color. A water genasi’s hair might float freely, swaying and waving as if underwater. Some have voices with undertones reminiscent of whale song or trickling streams.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Acid Resistance. You have resistance to acid damage.

Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.

Swim. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet.

Call to the Wave. You know the Shape water cantrip (see chapter 2). When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Create or destroy water spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


Physical Description

Ghosts are flickering remnants of their past lives, appearing as they did before death, however they are now transparent and have a coloured tinge to them that drowns out all colour of their body.

If the ghost is still coming to terms with its death, it's appearance may reflect how it died. For example, a ghost that had drowned in a previous life may be dripping with glowing water droplets that disappear as soon as they hit the ground. A ghost that died in battle may still have the wounds it sustained in life- open and flowing with silver blood.

Similarly, if the ghost instead is more transfixed by guilt or regret at its previous life it is instead wrapped in ethereal chains. This is because the image of a ghost is controlled by its own mental state and such transduction with death or regret manifests in its image on the Material Plane.

It is possible for ghosts to be completely free of regret or transfixed by its death, but it would mean that the only thing tying it to the Material Plane is the ghost's own willpower, which makes its bond to the Material Plane weaker than the other two types of ghosts.


Ghost have been present in the world since the earliest days of creation, especially around places where the influences of the Shadowfell are the strongest.

Some societies even attempt to draw forth the ghosts of their ancestors for guidance in a sort of benign necromancy. However, in general ghosts have been feared more than revered as the reasons why a ghost lingers on the Material Plane may not always be considered good.


Ghosts sometimes form societies in long dead crypts or abandoned cities in an attempt to preserve what little feeling of life remain. However, often those societies do not last long as either too many ghost pass on from the Material Plane or the ghosts lose hope and wander away from the settlements.

Ghost Names

Ghosts often take the name they had before their death. However, some take on the name of the goal they are trying to achieve in their new unlife.

Ghost Mission Names: Vengeance, Penance, Help, Light, Lament, sometimes Fear

Ghost Traits

Death is less permanent than you think.

Ability Score Increase. See Before Death

Age. A ghost can "live" for a very long time as they can remain on the Material Plane as long as their willpower allows them, though they usually pass on after they fulfill a goal they could not accomplish in life.

Alignment. See Before Death

Size. See Before Death, usually medium.

Speed. You fly as well as you walk, up to 30 ft unless you had better; see Before Death

Before Death. You were living once. As such you gain ability score increases, speed, alignment and size of your form before death. However, as a ghost, you lose the traits that your race may have had when you were alive- for example, an Elf Ghost has none of the Elf race traits; just ability score increases. You still have a physical presence- meaning physical weapons affect you as they would for any other race.

Undead Nature. You count as an undead creature as well as a living creature for the sake of effects that specifically target undead. You do not require air, food, drink or sleep. You are immune to poison. Due to lack of a physical body, you do not gain any exhaustion levels.

Ethereal Form. You may move through objects and creatures as if they were difficult terrain. Ending your turn in a square occupied by an object or creature causes you to be pushed to the nearest unoccupied square.

Phasing. You are not affected by difficult terrain.

Possession. You gain the ability to possess any creature within 5 feet of you. The creature must succeed a Charisma saving throw of 13 + your Charisma modifier. You then disappear, and the target is incapacitated and loses control of its body. You now control the body and the original host is deprived of awareness. You cannot be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn undead, and you retain your alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma. You otherwise use the possessed target's statistics, actions, and features, but cannot gain access to the target's knowledge or proficiencies. The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, you end it as a bonus action, or if you are turned or forced out by an effect like the Dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, you reappear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to your Possession for 24 hours if they succeed on the saving throw. Any physical items you may have been carrying are transferred to the target if the possession succeeds and returned back to you if you stop possessing the target.

Leaving the Material Plane. You can become incorporeal as bonus action. You become immune to non-magical damage. You may also use your bonus action to either become invisible or re-enter the material plane again.

Will to Remain. You always gain advantage in death saving throws. Being hit while you have 0 hit points does not result in failed saves. Furthermore, when you are brought to 0 hit points, you instead drop to 1 hit point and automatically become invisible; this feature recharges after a long rest.

Languages. See Before Death


Physical Description

Half-Devils look similar to Humans as well as their Devilish other half. Some Half-Devils look Human with Horns, while others look Humans with changing color eyes. Half-Devils come in different sizes and types, one may not look like another, but a Half-Devil can pick out another Half-Devil no matter the look.


Half-Devils are the offspring of a mortal species and one of the Nine greater devils. They are typically raised in The Nine levels of Hell or on earth living a shunned or pariah lifestyle amongst other species.

They are very scarce, and some people theorize they where a legend to begin with. When one is seen, it can sometimes be seen as an ill omen among the common, superstitious folk. Compared to Tieflings, they are even rarer in number and feared substantially more. Tieflings and other hellish beings alike consider Half-Devils as "half-bloods," descendants of infernal beings who couldn't mix their devilish blood completely with their mortal bodies.


They lack a true society due to their small number. However, they traditionally take after the parent who raised them. Half-Devils find it hard to live with others due to their physical traits, so many try to hide their features.

Half-Devil Names

Half-Devils have names either given to them by their devilish or human parent depending on who is raising them.

Half-Devil Traits

Your infernal and mortal mixed bloodline grants you the following benefits:

Ability Score Increase. +2 to Constitution

Age. Half-Demons mature around 25 and do not physically or mentally age beyond that point.

Alignment. Mainly evil, but some Half-Demons have been known to turn good due to long trials rejecting their heritage, or through the help of lawful good clerics to seal away their hellish instincts.

Size. Medium

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Hellish Ancestry. You are resistant to fire damage.

True Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light and darkness within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light. You see in full color.

Demonic Ancestry. You gain vulnerability to radiant damage.

Hell Born. When half devils are born they are born of a race and must pick a path they follow. Alternatively, you can pick a birthplace of your Half-Devil instead.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Common. You also know one more language given by the path your Half-Devil chooses.

Path of Magic

A half-demon who chooses to study the ways of magic gain the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. +1 to Wisdom

Arcane Cunning. You are proficient in Arcana checks

Training of the Mind. You are resistant to Psychic damage

Path Of Power

A half-demon who chose to chooses to fight gain the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. +1 to Strength

Fiery Power. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 fire damage.

Intimidating. You are proficient in intimidation.

Path of Shadows

A half-demon who chooses to live in the shadows gain the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity

Silent Stalker. You gain Proficiency in stealth

Dark heritage. You gain resistance to necrotic damage

Path of Beauty

A half-demon who chooses to seduce and manipulate his ennemies gain the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. +1 to Charisma

Art of the word. You have proficiency in persuasion checks.

Bewitching words. As an action, you can target one humanoid you can see within 30 feet. If the target can see you, it must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against 8 + your proficiency level + your Charisma modifier, or be charmed. The charmed target regards you as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. Although the target isn't under your direct control, it takes your requests or actions in the most favorable way it can. Each time you or one of your companions do anything harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving throw at the beginning of its turn, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts for 24 hours, until you are destroyed, until you on a different plane of existence than the target, or if you take a bonus action to end the effect. You regain usage of this feature when you finish a long rest.

Born to the human world

A half-demon who was raised by his human parents gain the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. +1 to an ability score of your choice.

Skill Versatility. You gain proficiency in any 1 skill of your choice.

Born to the elven world

A half-demon who was raised by his elven parents gain the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the perception skill.

Born to the Dwarven world

A half-demon who was raised by his dwarven parents gain the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. +1 to Constitution

Dwarven Combat Training. You have proficiency with the Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, and Warhammer.

Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Wisdom (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Born to the world of Gnomes

A half-demon who was raised by his gnome parents gain the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. +1 to Intelligence

Gnome Cunning. You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Beast friend. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts.

Half Dryad

Physical Description

Half-Dryads more closely resemble their paternal race than their mother's. By most standards they appear to be a child of normal birth. But the half-dryad's fey heritage always shows in one obvious detail, their hair. A half-dryad's hair changes with the seasons, in the spring and summer their hair comes in mixed shades of green, in the fall and winter their hair changes a varied blend of blonde, brown, and red. Leaves and flowers from their mother's root tree occasionally grow within a half-dryad's hair, for some it is mixed in among the strands of hair, for others it spreads to become foliage, their hair closely resembling a mass of verdant vines.


Half-Dryads and Dryads are the protectors of the forest and will defend it from anyone attempting to damage or desecrate the forest.


Half-Dryads usually live on the fringes of society, their connection to their mother's fey heritage makes them more comfortable in places where things grow, cities tend to feel oppressive and unnatural. When a half-dryad has a home inside of a city's walls their residence is obvious from the explosion of foliage they have growing. Many half-dryads live in their mother's groves, some find a calling working with plants and become farmers or gardeners.

Half-Dryad Names

Half-Dryads typically take names from their father's race, if they do not, their mothers tend to come up with something outrageous they may have heard once before, or that was popular in their youth, so many centuries ago.

Half-Dryad Traits

The children of the forest fey.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Half-Dryads grow like trees, though they may grow quickly, once they hit maturity their aging slows to a crawl. A half-dryad can live for hundreds of years.

Alignment. Half-Dryad's tend to embrace the "laws" of nature over the laws of man and favor true neutrality.

Size. Medium

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist and other natural phenomena.

Nature Magic. You have limited command of the wilds you are connected to. You know the thorn whip cantrip and can cast it without material components. At 3rd level, you can cast cure wounds as a second level spell with this trait and regain the ability to do so after a long rest. at 5th level, you can cast Locate Animals Or Plants with this trait and regain the ability to do so after a long rest. your spellcasting ability for these spells is wisdom.

Speak with Beasts and Plants. You can communicate simple messages to beasts and plants but you can not understand what they are saying

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Natural History. You gain proficiency in the Nature Skill.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Sylvan.


Physical Description

Half-fairies range in height from about 3 to 4 feet tall, and look like short, skinny elves with large pointy ears. Half-fairies skin ranges from a host of normal skin tones to a few copper and bronze skin tones. Their back contains a set of large butterfly or beetle style wings and eyes that colors swirl with a primary and secondary color such as green, blue, purple, black, and yellow being the most common. They are also known to flaunt jewelry and fancy clothing either because of their upbringing or their nature.


Thousands of years ago, a elf met up with a fairy and history was made. They produced a half fairy half elf hybrid. With the skills of both elves and fairies, they are one of the few half breed races that aren't hated by their parent communities, in fact they are highly respected by both fairies and elves. They inherit great magic abilities from the fairy side and incredible agility from their elven side, and the two races' shared love of forests is even stronger in them. They truly are the best of both worlds.


The half-fairies tend to live in great numbers within sacred forests blessed by various Gods and Goddesses pertaining to nature. As such, they are indestructible aside from unholy fire, they are also often secluded and rarely visited by by races other than half-fairies. They generally are distrustful of other races who enter the forest. They have a natural love of all nature, and will never do anything to harm the natural world.

Half-Fairy Names

Much like other half races, half-fairies generally have either fairy or elf names, based on who they are raised by. If raised by elves, they will follow the elven tradition of having a child name until they declare themselves adults and then select an adult name for themselves. However, if raised by the fairy half, they will have names more typical of fairies, that is to say that they usually take elven names or plant names.

Half-Fairy Traits

The offspring of a fairy and an elf, they can range from helpful explorers of nature, to tricksters hellbent on making everyone miserable for a laugh.

Ability Score Increase. Half-fairies gain a +2 to their Dexterity or Intelligence as well as a +1 to the Player's choice of Constitution, Wisdom, or Charisma

Age. Half-fairies have an unknown exact life span, but some scholars suggest that due to the combination of fairy and elf genes, they can have a life span of up to about 2000 years.

Alignment. Half-fairies have great choice in their path in life, they can choose to be protectors of their sacred forest or explore the world freely.

Size. Half-fairies tend to be 3-4 ft. tall and weigh anywhere between 40 and 60lb. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You also have a fly speed of 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fey Ancestry. Half-fairies have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put them to sleep.

Natural Magic. You know the druidcraft and dancing lights cantrips.

Keen Senses. You gain proficiency in Perception.

Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.

Languages. Half-fairies can speak, read and write Common and Sylvan.


Physical Description

Half-golems have an incredibly wide range of appearances due to being modified humans. The human parts of a half-golem vary the same way a normal human would. Some have their golem parts crudely bolted on with their flesh stretched over them before being roughly stitched or stapled in place. Others are more elegantly put together with their golem parts attached carefully with the human and golem parts being cleanly meshed together.


Half-golems are usually the result of a crazed golemancer or twisted mage attempting to power a golem using a living human instead of a trapped elemental spirit, though some come from more benevolent or self-driven origins. Some half-golems are unable to remember their lives before becoming a half-golem due to the intense pain and conditioning most go through during the process, however most do at least retain some semblance of their previous selves, many even remain almost completely unchanged save for the obvious bodily modifications. Due to their usually grotesque appearance, many cultures shun half-golems as freaks and abominations, though like the orcs and drow there are some who have managed to carve out a place in society despite the stigma against them.

Half-Golem Names

Half-Golems have no name. What they do have is a random set of 5 letters, numbers, and symbols.

Half-Golem Traits

Ability Score Increase. +2 constitution

Age. You age at the same rate as a human, but you can live as long as 200 years.

Alignment. Half-Golems are always neutral like any other golems.

Size. Your size is that of a human, so your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Golem Brain. Your brain is that of a golem's. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

Golem Body. Your human body is augmented with golem parts. You have resistance to poison damage, and have advantage on constitution saving throws.

Golem Slowness. Your Golem parts compel you to move slowly. You cannot take the dash action during your turn. Also, if you take the Disengage action, you may only move 5ft afterwards.

Golem Balance. Your golem parts allow you better sense and control your movements, as well as allowing you to handle long falls better. You have advantage on saving throws against falling prone, and resistance to falling damage. Also, you do not need to use any of your movement to stand up if you are prone.

Construct Type. You are not a humanoid, you are instead a Construct. Unlike other constructs, you can be targeted with spells that bring you back to life or heal you.

Slam. You can use the extra weight of your golem parts as a weapon to attack a given target. This attack does 1d10 plus your strength modifier bludgeoning damage. After you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it was bright light, and 30 feet in darkness as if it was dim light. You cannot discern colors in darkness, only shades of grey.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write common and one other language of your choice, usually that of your creator.

Subrace. Pick one of these subraces to be what material makes up your Golem parts: Clay, Stone, or Iron.

Clay Half-Golem

Ability Score Increase. +1 Wisdom

Clay Golem Acetic Resistance. Your clay body has resistance to Acid damage.

Stone Half-Golem

Ability Score Increase. +1 Intelligence

Stone Golem Memory. You can remember anything you have heard or seen within the last 2 weeks.

Stone Golem Contagious Slowness. You can use your bonus action to choose 1 creature within 10 feet of you. It must succeed on a DC 13 wisdom saving throw or have its speed reduced by 10 feet for 1 minute. At the start of each of that creature's turns it can repeat its save. After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Iron Half-Golem

Ability Score Increase. +1 Strength

Iron Golem Shield Arm. You can lead with the iron half of your body allowing you to use it as a shield. You gain +2 to AC.

Iron Golem Poison Gas. Once per day, you can fire a cloud of poison gas, harming any in its way. When used, the cloud of gas starts as a 30' line from your position and at the top of the round for every round after it advances 5 feet in all directions. A non-undead or construct that starts or ends its turn in the poison gas must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 poison damage. After the same creature's 3rd turn of breathing the poison gas, they become unconscious.


Tall and lanky, born from hags who bed mortal men. At least they still retain minor qualities of their hag mothers.

Physical Description

They are generally tall lanky humanoids with razor sharp claw like fingers. Often standing in a slightly contorted hunched position due to their hag ancestry. Half-hags are relatively large for their human halfs, but around a normal for their hag halfs. They are between 5’10’’ and 7'2" and around 100 - 130 lbs. They retain the skin shades of their human counterparts. Half-hags often mature around 18, around the same time as humans, but normally live a bit longer than humans but not much past a century.


Hags are women of disfigurement, but often processing great magics. These women used to be simple humans until they proceeded with rituals to achieve power, becoming hags in the process. Though they seek magic and powers, they cannot escape the natural urge to nest. With their hag looks they often cannot find a willing suiter, and resort to deceitful illusions, dream intrusions and/or other forceful means to mate. Often they abandoned their young, who are mostly human in nature. But occasionally, one of their young will retain a bit of the magical powers that their hag mothers had. Becoming known as half-hags. It isn't often for one of these 'half breeds' to live, but with the right settings, they can.


Unlike a half-orc, you won't be shunned from society. More often than not people will keep their distance from you. Hags are not viewed upon well in society, and neither are you. Most Half-hags often become hermits or outsiders to escape the judgemental eyes of those around them. Others seek to learn more about their heritage, bringing more uneasy feelings towards the race.

Half-hag Names

Half-hags are not named at birth, but typically spend their childhoods in human societies, often being given, by themselves or someone else, a human name to try to help them 'fit in'. Typically being fairly common if self named and uncommon if others named them. Typically they only have short first names, but half-hags from more upper society towns may be given longer more proper names (this is very very rare to occur due to the view of half-hags, but it is not unheard of).

Male: Alph, Ludo, or Toby

Female: Anne, Nell, or Rhea

Half-hag Traits

Tall and lanky, born from hags who bed mortal men. At least they still retain minor qualities of their hag mothers.

Ability Score Increase. All half-hag’s can increase the score of any ability, not increased by their hag heritage, by 1

Age. Half-hags mature by age 18 and usually live at least a century but not much passed it.

Alignment. Half-hags are usually chaotic in alignment with the law. But not many of them are seen with good alignments due to discrimination against their hag ancestry.

Size. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Inferior Darkvision. You became fortunate enough to gain the dark vision of your haggish ancestors, you see in dim light like it was bright light, and darkness like it was dimly lit. You cannot discern color and can see 30 feet in front of you.

Natural claws. Your unarmed strikes will deal an additional d4 of damage with your natural claws.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and two languages that your hag parent can speak as well.

Subrace. pick a Hag heritage from below

Green hag

Forest based, and illusionist, hags

Ability Score Increase. Increase dexterity score by 1.

Touch attack. If a green hag’s descendant is able to touch its opponent it may make a DC 10 constitution saving throw or take 2d4 force damage (add modifier). The save DC is dexterity-based. This may be used as a reaction to actions that cause anyone to touch the half-hag. You may not use touch attack as both an action and reaction in the same round of combat.

Mimicry. A green hag’s descendant is able to mimic the sound of any animal it has heard before.

Naturally deceptive. green hags are natural illusionists, sadly you didn't inherit illusion magic, but you are gifted with proficiency in deception.

Night hag (annis hag)

Hags with powers over dreams

Ability Score Increase. Increase strength score by 1.

Enhanced claws. Your natural strength and longer claws give you a boost in damage, your unarmed, claws strikes, do a d6 of damage instead of a d4.

Darkvision. You gained the more superior darkvision of the night hag, you see in dim light like it was bright light, and darkness like it was dimly lit for 60ft instead of 30.

Tall hags. Night hags are the biggest of all hags, add 4 inches to the base height listed at the bottom of the page (making it 6'2" rather than 5'10"). Additionally, roll a d12 instead of a d10 for random height.

Sea hag

Water based, and the ugliest of all, hags

Ability Score Increase. Increase charisma score by 1.

Evil eye. Cast your gaze upon any one opponent, within 30 feet, who must make a Wisdom saving throw or drop whatever it is holding and become frightened for the duration. While frightened by this spell, a creature must take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t have line of sight to you, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the spell ends for that creature. The DC for the save is 10 plus your charisma modifier. And on their first save, you take the total DC minus their save roll to create a new DC. This new DC will be contested by a new constitution saving throw. If they fail this check the target dies from fear. This may be used as many times as follows 1 time per day at level 1, 2 times per day at level 7, 3 times per day at level 13 This ability only affects those of a similar size or smaller than the hag.

Amphibious. You gain advantage on any swim check

Horrific appearance. You gain advantage on intimidation checks if the target looks at your face.


Born usually from a human and a Kitsune parent, Half-Kitsune is a combination between the two.

Physical Description

Half-Kitsune are able to retain physical features from both of their parents, like skin or hair colour, although certain dominant characteristic are obvious. Most prominent are the tail and the fox ears that replace the human ears. Those features come in many colours and sizes found in foxes from different ecosystems around the world. A Half-Kitsune might be born without a tail or without their fox ears, but never without one or the other. Due to their showing features they are often called "Fox Ears" or "Fox Tail" by other pure humans.

Unlike their parents and ancestors, they are not blessed an innate talent to cast magic. Their abilities as a shapechanger or as an illusionist are limited, however that does not prevent them to pursue a magic career if they wish so.


As times grew more peaceful, and understanding took its roots, races such as Kitsune were granted a chance at unprejudiced relations with other races. As a race close to humanoid settlements since long ago, their blended into environment, not as outsiders or beasts, but as equals on terms with other intelligent creatures. Even if relationships in secret between Humans and Kitsune were not rare, those partnerships were not to be consumed without obstacle or prejudice. Eventually they were brought to the public eye, and surprisingly nothing changed. Those who were destined to love remained in bliss, all thanks to the grace of progress. From unions like that, Half-Kitsune were able to be recognized as a separate race many years later.

However, some humans still distaste and avoid this half-breed, as an alien and unpredictable element. They will not trust them, or approach them, due to thinking that they might be hiding their true nature of a brutal and mischievous foreigner.


Rather than forming their own culture and settlements, Half-Kitsune are the part of the society they were born into. They have to accept their heritage and their position or they will face difficulties with communicating and living with others. Those that fail to accommodate are forced to leave their homes and live their life as a traveller, or until they find a more suitable place for them.

In social interaction, they consider themselves as a part of the greater multi-diverse world. Using their charm, they take on roles of counsellors, diplomats, leaders or advisers, trying to maintain peace and acceptance within the society. Due to their lingering magical capabilities originating from their bloodline, they can also become sages or magic users that protect others from harm.

However, when facing discrimination and prejudice their natural instincts of survival can dominate their morality. They become thieves and sellswords, ready to turn on their allies without thinking back even once. Their goal is to make those that mistreat others suffer as much as they did, and they will use any amount of lies and deceit to achieve that.


Names of Half-Kitsune usually carry different meanings depending on how you write them. They are however typical and found commonly among most of the intelligent races.

Male: Ken, Minor, Osman, Stefan, Tibor

Female: Aina, Hana, Rio, Sora, Vanda

Half-Kitsune Traits

A humanoid race with fox ears, fox tail, both or more anthropomorphic features of a fox.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma and your Dexterity scores are increased by 1.

Age. Half-Kitsune's lifespan depends on their parents. If one of them was a human, they mature in their late teens and live about 60 to 80 years.

Alignment. Half-Kitsune can either be strongly chaotic or lawful, but tend to be more neutral and opportunistic in developed societies.

Size. Your height is a little lower than humans, ranging from 4 feet to 5.5. You weight is between 80 to 140 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Thanks to your Kitsune heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim Conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Darkness, only shades of gray.

Counter Charm. When you are a target of a charming ability or a spell you can use your own glamour to contest it. You must be able to see the target that is charming you. Using a reaction, make a Charisma saving throw against the creature's spellcasting DC. If you succeed, you charm the enemy for 1 minute, if you fail you end up being charmed and suffer any effects that the ability or spell included. You can use this feature once. The number of uses increases to 2 at 6th level, 3 at 11th level, and 4 at 16th level. All of the expended uses are restored after you finish a long rest. This trait does not work against other Half-Kitsune.

Fox Child. Ever since you were a child, you are able to perfectly recognize magical illusions. You are able to discern effects caused by cantrips without needing to make an ability check. You may also add your proficiency bonus for ability checks made to discern the effects of higher level illusion spells.

Shapechanger Blood. Even if your natural aptitude does not allow you to change your shape like Kitsune, you can still take benefit from it. You have advantage against shapechanging spells and abilities, and are always changed into a fox if the spell tries to change you into an animal. If your class has a shapechanging feature, you gain additional use of that feature. That use is restored after you finish a long rest.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Subrace. You can choose from 4 subraces, depending on who your second parent was. Choose between Child of a Human, Child of an Elf, Child of a Gnome and Child of a Tiefling.

Child of a Human

Ability Score Increase. One ability of your choice increases by 1.

Human Versatility. Thank to your human blood you pick up new skills easily. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice

Hidden in the crowd. Your slightly magical blood creates an illusion to hide you in the presence of others. You have advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks made to blend into a crowd.

Child of an Elf

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 1.

Age. Thanks to the blood of your Elf parent, your lifespan is increased, you still reach maturity around 20 but you may live up to 250 years. (Changing your age by choosing this subrace might be considered as a variant rule, consult your GM if he/she allows it)

Elf-Like Trance. Like Elves, you don't need to sleep and gain advantage on saving throws against sleep effects. You only require to finish deeply meditating for 4 hours to gain the same benefit as after finishing a long rest.

Fox Senses. Your animalistic facets allows you to track using your sense of smell. You gain proficiency in Survival when tracking. Additionally you gain advantage on Perception checks during night-time, if you can see the moon.

Child of a Gnome

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 1

Age. Your lifespan is increased, you still reach maturity around 20 but you may live up to 150 years. (Changing your age by choosing this subrace might be considered as a variant rule, consult your GM if he/she allows it)

Size. Your size diminishes accommodating your smaller parent. Your height is above 3 feet and your weight is about 30 pounds. Your size is now small. (Changing your size by choosing this subrace might be considered as a variant rule, consult your GM if he/she allows it)

Speed. Your base walking speed changes to 25 feet. (Changing your base speed by choosing this subrace might be considered as a variant rule, consult your GM if he/she allows it)

Fox Cunning. Like Gnomes, you are quite resistant against magic. You gain advantage on Intelligence and Charisma saving throws against magical effects.

Intuitive Illusionist. Thanks to the infusion of the Kitsune and Gnome blood, the illusion effects you create are much more vivid. Add + 2 to the DC when someone makes a check to see through the illusion.

Child of a Tiefling

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 1

Fox Fire. You have an innate ability to briefly invoke fire. Before you roll damage, as a bonus action, you can change the damage type of a spell or a weapon attack to Fire for that attack. Alternatively, you may add an additional 1d6 damage to any attack that deals only fire damage. You can use this feature once.

The number of uses increases to two (2) at 6th level, three (3) at 11th level, and four (4) and 16th level. All of the expended uses are restored after you finish a long rest

Devilish Charm. Enemies have an disadvantage on saving throws when you try to charm them.

Fire Blood. The combination of your infernal heritage and innate fire talent causes your blood to boil inside your veins. Any creature that deals damage to you with an unarmed strike or natural weapon attack (such as bites and claws) must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 1d4 Fire damage on a failed save. The DC for this save is equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier. This damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).


“ You'd know if you knew what it was to be hungry. Hungry in your bones. Hungry in your hands. ” —Thraka Or, "The Back Butcher", at her trial.

Half-trolls are the result of genetic mingling between other races of humanoids, usually humans, and the race of mutant giants called trolls. Like their troll parents, they have tremendous appetites and powerful metabolic abilities. However, despite still having a passionate and mercurial temperament, the average half-troll is markedly less chaotic and wild than a full-blooded troll.

Physical Description

Half-trolls bear visible signs of their giant heritage. Like goliaths, they tower over most other medium humanoids, but unlike goliaths their proportions are distinctly non-humanoid. A half-troll's arms and legs are very long compared to the rest of his or her body, and they walk with a troll's hunched gait. They tend to grow thick, sharp fingernails, though still noticeably blunter and shorter than a troll's, and tough growths on their shoulders and backs.

Half-trolls have a variety of skin-colors, mostly greens, blues, and greys in a variety of shades. Most have either yellow or green eyes, or eyes like their other parent's species. Additionally, most half-trolls have larger noses, smaller eyes, and sharper teeth than humanoids without troll blood. Half-trolls tend to have thick hair that grows out very quickly. Dreadlocks and braids are very common hairstyles, although facial and body hair are uncommon.


There is some truth to the stereotype that all half-trolls come from violence between their monstrous parents and other races, but it is a bit offensive to most to assume that it is always so. In wilder regions, individual trolls may engage in semi-peaceful trading with isolated communities, exchanging protection for food and treasure, not unlike their mercenary activity for monstrous races. Frontier folk may also find that troll tribes with particularly fruitful territories are more interested in easier prey than humans. Some rare cosmopolitan urban communities can offer plentiful food and employment for those rare trolls with thicker streaks of self-control than their brethren, or sewers with disgusting but plentiful repasts for the savage.

And, of course, most trolls find that other appetites supersede that particular drive.

Half-trolls often experience prejudice growing up, not only because of their resemblance to a dangerous and monstrous race, but because they are often seen as stupid and impulsive. Due to shared experiences and similar outlooks, urban half-trolls almost always gravitate towards half-orc neighborhoods, where they find they fit in better, if not perfectly. Frontier half-trolls will have very different experiences depending on how dangerous and aggressive the local troll tribes are.

Even in peaceful circumstances, few troll parents stay long with their offspring, as their wanderlust and capricious nature get the better of them. Most leave the child with the other parent. However, in peaceful times, it is not unheard of for the troll parent to make visits of varying frequency to check up on their child's growth. It is rare for half-trolls to be raised among trolls, but as one of the strongest taboos in troll culture forbids the consumption of one's own progeny until they are grown, half-trolls born into the tribe are usually left as foundlings in places the trolls regard as too dangerous to attack.

All half-trolls have known hunger at least once in their lives. They require huge amounts of food to maintain their bodies, and they starve much more quickly than other humanoids when deprived of it. This fact, combined with their difficulty finding high-paying employment and natural restless temperament, means that many half-trolls choose to supplement their caloric intake through unconventional means. Few outsiders, even among half-orcs, can easily understand the sight of a hungry half-troll nipping a quick snack out of some carrion on the road or half-rotten garbage from a gutter, but the answer has some basis in troll biology. Like dogs, trolls find very few smells naturally unpleasant, and their half-troll relatives don't taste all the nasty flavors of rot that normal humanoids have adapted to stay away from. After all, their bodies can usually handle the strain.

Half-Troll Names

To the extent to which half-troll names exist as distinct entities, they are usually gruff and abbreviated.

Male: Grell, Kerfen, Zuuf

Female: Anje, Kap, Melkree

Half-Troll Traits

Tough, fierce, and hungry, half-trolls combine the best traits of both their parents' biology.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1 and your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Half-trolls age more quickly than humans, reaching physical maturity at around 14 years old. Though their powerful metabolism grants them good health and staves off the physical decline of old age, it also reduces their overall lifespan, and they usually don't live as long as humans do. Half-trolls with non-human parents may live much longer, but still with noticeably reduced lifespans compared to normal members of their non-troll parents' kind.

Alignment. Though their drives are weaker than those of their troll parents, half-trolls are still very passionate and individualistic. Most are chaotic, while almost none are lawful. Many half-trolls engage in evil behavior, but many more have enough self-control to simply come off as uncouth.

Size. Half-trolls are smaller than full-blooded trolls, but are noticeably larger than most humanoids, standing from 6 to 8 feet tall hunched, with as much as two extra feet of height gained from straightening out. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Half-trolls have longer legs proportionate to their size than other humanoids. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Fast Recovery. You may spend a bonus action during your turn to immediately regain hit points equal to d6 plus your character level plus your Constitution modifier. Alternatively, if you are unconscious, you may use this ability instead of making a death saving throw to immediately stabilize. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest. This ability will not function while you have a level of exhaustion.

Voracious. You are almost always hungry, needing twice as much food as a normal humanoid each day to remain in fighting trim. Additionally, your rapid metabolism works against you, subtracting rather than adding your Constitution modifier to the number of days you can go without food without suffering levels of exhaustion, to a minimum of one.

Iron Gut. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws made for ingesting poisonous or distasteful substances or from inhaling unpleasant smells, such as a monster's Stench ability or the Stinking cloud spell.

Good Health. You have advantage on saving throws against diseases.

Keen Nose. You have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) tests related to smell.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.

Suggested Characteristics

When creating a half-troll character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these table in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I hate that everyone assumes that makes me an easily-fooled simpleton.
2 I take great care to groom myself every day, especially when it comes to cleaning my teeth and sweetening my breath.
3 My natural healing is tougher than even other half-trolls, and it has left me with a tiny vestigial limb.
4 My troll parent actually tried to help raise me, and I learned a lot from them.
5 I've gotten my relentless appetite under better control with help from a religious group, and I've become quite devout.
6 I've learned to keep my ears and mouth shut, since most people are just trying to take advantage of me anyway.
7 I look surprisingly like my non-troll parent, and haven't been the subject of much racial prejudice as a result.
8 Both of my parents were also half-trolls, and I grew up in a small half-troll settlement.

Imposed Corpse

A living or dead humanoid as the body and a parasitic being as the brain. Truly a terrible, unknown horror lies beneath.

Physical Description

A normal looking live body or a decomposed zombie ranging in looks from freshly dead to several weeks old dead body becomes the gray leach-like parasite's body of choice. This body that the leach parasite has stolen fuses together with the parasite into a whole new being. If the case is a corpse, the corpse its self stops rotting and becomes a seemingly unholy creature. An imposed corpse looks like a humanoid albeit with silver eyes and traces of poison or acid being found underneath the skin of an imposed corpse.


An evolved parasite originating from the Underdark that appartenly only recently became one with the corpse it inhabits, as though it had always been that creature. Those infected are often confused for being a more intelligent zombie is and often occurred until they realize the corpse has no rotting or horrid scent about it. Much more than that, also capable of speech and more.


Once the parasites inhabit a host, they convey emotions in a peculiar, if not strange and eclectic fashion. They are not familiar with normal human society and will question interactions, often at awkward moments. However, the parasites are a very adaptable species. They are capable of learning quickly and will do their best to blend in, as to not attract unnecessary attention to it's actual self. In new hosts with the endless possibilities of proportions, movements may start as awkward and clumsy until the parasite has accustomed itself. Once it has though, the parasite can figure out ways to fully utilize its host and take it beyond its normal potential and blend in with regular society unnoticed.

Imposed Corpse Names

Names are varied widely depending on the current host and situation. However, a few common names of the true parasites are listed here.

Male: Viezon, Raimur, Bilron

Female: Oecahs, Cerran, Thuimahl

Imposed Corpse Traits

Regular looking humanoid with a parasite for brains

Ability Score Increase. +2 Constitution.

Age. Can live in a host for 30 years before the parasite must move to a new host, or dies its self. The parasite can reach an age of years old.

Alignment. Usually True Neutral, but can be chaotic and even evil if insanity takes over the creature.

Size. You can only possess the bodies of Medium or Small humanoids.

Speed. Your walking speed is the base walking speed of your host body.

Hidden Existence. Thanks to you always pretending to be someone you are not, you gain proficiency with Deception.

Dark Vision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Undercommon.

Subraces. Imposed corpses are divided in two subraces : the imbued corpse and the enslaved corpse.

Imbued Corpse

A living humanoid that willingly gave itself to the parasite for some extreme reason.

Ability Score Increase. +1 Wisdom.

Great Offering. You may gain advantage on a Wisdom or Intelligence based skill check or saving throw before the outcome of the roll is determined. You regain the use of this trait after you finish a long rest.

Acidic Bile. As an action, the enslaved corpse may spit Acidic Bile at any enemy within 5 ft. A target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to take 1/2 damage or else take 1d8 acid damage. The dexterity saving throw has dc of 14 and the damage increases when you reach 3rd level to (2d8), 7th level to (3d8), 11th level (4d8), 15th level (5d8), and 19th level (6d8). You regain use of this trait after you finish a short or long rest.

Host Characteristics. Resistance to acid damage. Vulnerable to lightning damage.

Enslaved Corpse

A humanoid, usually dead or dying, who was somehow infected with the parasite unknowingly or by force.

Ability Score Increase. +1 Strength.

Enraged Offering. You may gain advantage on a Strength or Dexterity based skill check or saving throw before the outcome of the roll is determined. You regain the use of this trait after you finish a long rest.

Septic Blood. Whenever the imbued corpse is struck with a melee attack from an enemy, he/she can infect the enemy with poison once. A target must succeed on a dc15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d4 poison damage. The damage increases by 2d4 when you reach 5th level (4d4), 11th level (6d4), and 17th level (8d4). You regain use of this trait after you finish a short or long rest.

Victim Characteristics. Immune to disease. Resistance to cold damage. Vulnerable to radiant damage.

Suggested Characteristics

When creating an imposed corpse, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use this table in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 Pessimistic
2 Eccentric
3 Clumsy, uncoordinated.
4 Hard-pressed to form relationships
5 Cares greatly of others, but doesn't want to help personally.
6 A glutton in the eyes of most.
7 Unaware of the flow of society.
8 Finds self lost in empty thought often.
d6 Flaw
1 Envious of other humanoids.
2 Perfectionist, even to a fault.
3 Greedy, and secretly power hungry.
4 Lazy and uncaring about the world.
5 Quite defensive when questioned.
6 Prideful, with a bit of a superiority complex.

Ink Bound

“ They squirm forth from the abandoned or desecrated texts and writs of old and forgotten times, perhaps in search of vengeance or to add to the grim records that are already held in their damned tomes. ” —Historian Gebb Zandder

Physical Description

Ink Bound possess a vaguely humanoid form that constantly warps and twists with an ethereal grace, with a thin wispy cloak-like shroud of misty ink surrounding them.


Spawned forth from the ink of tainted spell tomes and magical scrolls, Ink Bound are a known in their native lands as the holders and guardians of ancient knowledge. While the date of the first spawning is unknown, the oldest historians claim that they date back as far as the first tomes written by the founding practitioners of magic.


Ink Bound have a powerful and deadly connection to the script that they were spawned forth from. They will be fiercely protective over this text, not only out of respect for the information it holds, but because it is tied to their physical being. If their spawning text is destroyed, they themselves will perish. Because of this, they allow only their most trusted allies to so much as view their book or scroll.

Ink Bound Names

Ink Bound will name themselves after the title of their text, or will take short excerpts from it for a name.

Ink Bound Traits

Shadowy beings brought forth from the ink of long forgotten and tarnished books and scrolls previously lost to the ages.

Ability Score Increase. As an Ink Bound you gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity and a +2 bonus to Intelligence.

Age. Ink Bound will live so long as their Spawning Text remains intact.

Alignment. Ink Bound favor neutral alignments

Size. Your size is medium

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Inky Pool. As an action, you may reduce yourself to a jet black pool of ink. In this state you may move through cracks and other small openings, and gain advantage on stealth checks. Any items, armor, or weapons on your person changes form with you. While in this state your speed is reduced to 10 feet. You may return to your humanoid form as a bonus action.

Viscous Anatomy. While not wearing armor your total AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.

Nourishing Writ. Ink Bound may consume other texts to gain their knowledge without having to read them. Doing this grants 1d4 + Intelligence modifier temp Hp, and advantage on history checks on subjects relevant to the text's contents.

The Spawning Tome. You hold the text that brought you into this world in the form of a book or a scroll. Should this be destroyed, you will perish and fade from this world with no chance at saving yourself. This may play as a strength to you however as you can only truly die if your text is destroyed. The title and contents of this writing are up to you, ask your Dm for suggestions or limitations.

Languages. Common, and two of your choice


It has been a long time, children, but it is time to break back into the world. Know this: the world is ever changing. You may be the target of discrimination and hatred. Hopefully, those out in the world have learned from their egregious past and moved on. Do not hate someone for their skin. Do not hate someone for their past. Learn to live with them in the here and now because if you don't, happiness will never be attained in your life."*

-Tsukiko, a nine-tailed Kitsune, to her people before sending out ambassadors to other race's kingdoms.

Physical Description

A Kitsune has a stature similar to that of an elf, being a bit shorter, and more lithe than a typical human of the same. In their natural form they are much like anthropomorphic foxes. They usually have light coloured fur, reddish brown, white, golden brown, though it isn't completely unheard of for them to posses black fur that covers their entire body. Some may have multiple colors in their fur such as being mostly reddish brown with white gloves and socks. Their eyes range in colour as well, though most have blue, green, or brown eyes. Albeit uncommon they may also have orange, purple, yellow, or even red eyes. They have mostly human-like hands though they do possess dark black claws at the ends of their fingers. They also have paw pads on their feet and hands, much like a fox. A kitsune is born with a single tail, but as they grow older they gain more tails. It is very uncommon for a nine-tailed kitsune to be any less than 60 years old, growing a new tail every 5-6 years starting when they reach adulthood at 16. However, a Kitsune's age is very difficult to tell since they appear to stop aging in their early twenties and live to be a century and a half or so.


Kitsune are a race of fox people that are quite rare. They tend to hide their Kitsune heritage while dealing with other races as a way to keep away from the discrimination and hatred built up in the legends of some of the most powerful Kitsune. There are many legends floating around the world relating to powerful nine-tailed Kitsune. Powerful and wise, a nine-tailed Kitsune has white or golden fur, tending to be powerful sorcerers. It is said in legend that Kitsune are born tricksters and have nigh infinite power by the time they are fully matured. Supposedly, the only way to kill a Kitsune is to cut off all of its tails, where it's power is stored, but that is simply a tall tale to scare young children. Due to the legend stating that a Kitsune's tail contains power, the Kitsune were nearly wiped out for their tails and most of them went into hiding. Only just getting back into the world after centuries of hiding, it is still the practice of some races to sever a Kitsune's tail in hopes of obtaining power.


Kitsune society used to be a flourishing society of mages and clerics. Since Kitsune are born with a little bit of magic in their blood to begin with, it is quite common for them to seek out ways to improve on what they are already gifted with. They used to be a very open people enjoying the loves and joys of any race: drinking, feasts, merriment, music, plays, poetry, and storytelling in general. Many of the legends of the Kitsune came from the Kitsune themselves, spinning tall tales of grand heroic mages and warriors. Other races didn't get along very well with Kitsune due to magic being relatively rare in the world, and all Kitsune had access to it like it was nothing just because of being who they were. After the massive genocide against their race they became a closed in and secretive race.

After coming out of hiding, their faith in the world was restored after the Great Nine-Tailed Tsukiko led them away from their destruction. Most of the Kitsune are still very secretive, albeit passionate about their causes. Still, it is in the nature of a Kitsune to be a bit of a trickster with people they get to know and it isn't uncommon for their jokes to 'go a little too far' in the eyes of other races. Other races are weary of these fox folk when they meet them. Many pose as humans in the world, having shape changing as an innate ability in their blood. Many Kitsune go out to study magics, or spread the word of their gods. Some simply want to spread the stories of their kind, valuing these great stories, Kitsune bards to travel to other nations to tell their tales.

Kitsune Names

Having had their society nearly exterminated, it is not all that uncommon for a Kitsune to have names of other races. The names listed below are some traditional Kitsune names.

Male: Akihiko, Daiki, Jirou, Kei, Osamu, Takeo, Yuudai

Female: Aya, Chinatsu, Eri, Mana, Ritsuko, Sachiko, Tsukiko

Kitsune Traits

A race of anthropomorphic fox people who have magic in their blood and light shape-changing capabilities.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Age. Kitsune reach adulthood at 16, cease physical aging in their early 20s and live to be a century and a half.

Alignment. Due to their nature of being a bit mischievous, Kitsune are often chaotic. Even the most skilled monks find it difficult to ignore the desire to be a bit mischievous at times, but they tend to approach the trick in a much more planned out and guided manner. Kitsune are known to be both good and evil.

Size. Medium

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. While not carrying anything in your hands you can drop to all fours and increase your movement speed to 35 feet.

Kitsune Truesight. Due to your magical heritage, you have the ability to see the world as it really is. At level 1 you can see normally in magical or non-magical darkness out to 30 feet as if the area was in bright light. At level 3, when you are within 10 feet of a visual illusion you automatically detect their true nature and succeed on saving throws against them. Also, within 10 feet you determine the true form of a shapechanger or a creature transformed by magic. At level 15, when you are within 10 feet of an invisible creature or a magically hidden door or object, you can see them. At level 20, double the range of all of your Kitsune Truesight abilities.

Kitsune Trickery. You can appear as a human indefinitely using a very simple illusion magic. However, on a DC 10 + proficiency bonus + Charisma Modifier Investigation check, a person looking directly at you can tell that you are not what you appear, though they still cannot tell your true form. This magic is detectable and dispelled in an anti-magic field or by dispel magic (your character level divided by 2 rounded down is the level of this spell for the sake of dispel magic). If your illusion is dispelled you cannot use the effect again until after a long rest.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.


They are known as Celestial Kitsune, since most are benevolent and kind. These Kitsune tend to have the lighter fur colours, white, golden brown, grey, etc.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Kitsune Divinity. At level 1 you are able to use the Produce Flame cantrip, with the exception that your flame is blue. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Calm Emotions spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the Spirit Guardians spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


They are known as Trickster Kitsune, since they are the ones more prone to their prankster heritage. These Kitsune tend to have the darker fur colours, black, reddish brown, dark grey, etc.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Kitsune Arcana. At level 1 you are able to use the Produce Flame cantrip, with the exception that your flame is blue. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Phantasmal Force spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the Fear spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


Small reptilian humanoids thought to be related to dragons, kobolds can be found throughout the caves at the top of the Red Hills. Small and weak, kobolds do their best to survive in the mountains relying on their cunning and speed. Kobolds are known to create complex webs of traps in the tunnels of their cavernous homes. Kobolds are often seen as a nuisance by other races, and they are often thieves and scavengers, stealing from farmers and travelers rather than hunting for food for their tribes themselves. Even so, there is a growing respect in more industrialized parts of the world for their seemingly innate talent for buildings traps, and mechanical engineering in general. Kobolds serve the mighty dragons with which they share their home, working diligently for their masters.

Kobold Traits

  • Average Height: 2’0” - 2’6”
  • Average Weight: 35-45 lbs
  • Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence
  • Size: Small
  • Speed: 30feet
  • Vision: Darkvision out to 60ft
  • Languages: Common, Draconic
  • Trap Sense: You have advantage on perception checks to detect traps and on dexterity saving throws against traps
  • Trapsmith: You are proficient with tinker tools, can craft basic traps, and have advantage on dexterity checks to disarm traps
  • Scamper: You can disengage as a bonus action
  • Skulk: You gain proficiency in the stealth skill

Dragon Worshipers

Kobolds worship Dragons of all kinds, though they tend to serve the current reigning dragon family of power. Kobolds adopt the policies of the Dragons they serve, ranging from the chaotic and warlike Reds to the relatively peaceful and noble Golds. If a particular Draconic family remains in power for an extended amount of time, Kobolds may slowly mutate to adopt features similar to their much larger scaly cousins. One such transformation may include skin color, and occasionally resistances to certain effects,

Sadistic Torturers

  • Kobolds enjoy the suffering
  • of other creatures, and
  • often take pleasure in
  • inflicting pain upon
  • said enemies. Kobolds
  • love few things more
  • than torturing their
  • enemies. Sometimes a
  • Kobold will go to drastic lengths to capture
  • their enemies alive,
  • simply to toy with them
  • at a later moment.

Kobold Names

Most Kobolds have rather short names, though some have oddly lengthy ones. Kobolds are distantly related to goblins, so their names sound rather similar.

Male Names: Vrax, Rhub, Gheak, Rhedzi, Cril, Vhod, Zin, Adil, Drozzeg, Nurk, Donk, Bragzusk, Vrakrodrold, Vhuld

Female Names: Ezkee, Ikah, Ozne, Alri, Mirsi, Diraal, Irkim, Zisrahrak, Arsun, Gele, Giri, Eagli, Aahrol, Pisgi


One of the most ancient and feared of all curses, lycanthropy can transform the most civilized humanoid into a ravening beast. In its natural humanoid form, a creature cursed by lycanthropy appears as its normal self.

Over time, however, many lycanthropes acquire features suggestive of their animal form. IN that animal form, a lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of a normal animal.On close inspection, its eyes show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence and might glow red in the dark. Evil lycanthropes hide among normal folk, emerging in animal form at night to spread terror and bloodshed, especially under a full moon.Good lycanthropes are reclusive and uncomfortable around other civilized creatures, often living alone in wilderness areas far from villages and towns.

Curse of Lycanthropy

A humanoid creature can be afflicted with the curse of lycanthropy after being wounded by a lycanthrope, or if one or both of its parents are lycanthropes. A remove curse spell can rid an afflicted lycanthrope of the curse, but a natural born lycanthrope can be freed of the curse only with a wish.

A lycanthrope can either resist its curse or embrace it. By resisting the curse, a lycanthrope retains its normal alignment and personality while in humanoid form. It lives its life as it always has, burying deep the bestial urges raging inside it. However, when the full moon rises, the curse becomes too strong to resist, transforming the individual into its beast form - or into a horrible hybrid form that combines animal and humanoid traits. When the moon wanes, the beast within can be controlled once again. Especially if the cursed creature is unaware of its condition, it might not remember the events of its transformation, though those memories often haunt a lycanthrope as bloody dreams.

Some individuals see little point in fighting the curse and accept what they are. With time and experience, they learn to master their shapechanging ability and can assume beast form or hybrid form at will. Most lycanthrope that embrace their bestial natures succumb to bloodlust, becoming evil, opportunistic creatures that prey on the weak.

Applying Lycanthropy

This is a template to be applied to a race in order to create a PC Lycanthrope. This will work with all Standard Races from official Wizards content. Upon being infected with Lycanthropy, the Lycanthropy subrace can be applied to any race that has a subrace, and replaces that race's existing subrace options. Alternatively, you can apply this new subrace to a race without subrace options using the modification options provided below.

Racial Adjustments

Aarakocra Lycanthrope

As an Aarakocra, your Ability Score Increases are as follows: Your Dexterity score increases by 1, your Wisdom increases by 1.

In addition, you lose your Talons trait and your Flight trait has it's speed reduced to 30 and cannot be used when shapechanged. Dragonborn Lycanthrope

Your Ability Scores are modified to the following: Your Strength Score is increased by 1, your Charisma is increased by 1.

Goliath Lycanthrope

As a Goliath, your Ability Score Increases are as follows: Your Strength score increases by 1, your Constitution score increases by 1.

In addition, you lose your Natural Athelte trait.

Half-Elf Lycanthrope

As a Half-Elf, your ability Score Increases are as follows: Your Charisma score increases by 1, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1.

In addition, you lose your Skill Versatility trait.

Half-Orc Lycanthrope

As a Half-Orc, your ability Score Increases are as follows: Your Strength Score increases by 1, your Constitution score increases by 1.

In addition, you lose your Menacing trait and your Savage Attacks trait.

Human Lycanthrope

As a Human, your Ability Score Increases are as follows: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.

You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.

Tiefling Lycanthrope

As a Tiefling, your Ability Score Increases are as follows: Your Charisma Score increases by 2.

You lose your Infernal Legacy trait.

Custom Races

If you wish to apply Lycanthropy to your custom race that does not have a subrace to be removed, use the following rules to apply it.

Custom Traits

A race that transforms into beasts.

Ability Score Increase. These should be changed to apply an overall +2, either through a +2 on one stat, or +1 on two stats. However, the +2 option should not be applied to Strength, Dexterity or Constitution so as to avoid +3 results after the Lycanthropy subrace has been applied.

Age. Age based on that of custom race.

Alignment. Alignment of the custom race

Size. Medium or Small to not have balance problems

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.

Custom Trait. The character should retain one trait of their previous race, though this should not be similar to the traits provided by the Lycanthropy subrace so as to avoid overlap or clashes.

Languages. Languages based on custom race

Lycanthropy Subraces

There are five different strains of the Lycanthropy curse which a character can obtain, each with their own varying traits as seen below. Only one strain can infect a character at a time. Whilst infected with one strain of Lycanthropy, the character is considered immune to recieving other forms of the curse, automatically succeeding on their Constitution Saving Throw when cursed.


Bear-based lycanthropes receive the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution Score increases by 1.

Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph into a Large Bear-Humanoid hybrid or into a Large Bear, or back into your true form. Your statistics, other than size and AC are the same in each form. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn't transformed. You revert back to your true form if you die.

Bear-Humanoid Hybrid Form & Bear Form. Your size is Large. You have natural armour equal to 11 + Constitution Modifier. You gain a climb speed of 30ft. You gain the Bite attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d8+Strength piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Constitution Modifier, Constitution Saving Throw or be cursed with werebear lycanthropy. You gain the Claw attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 2d4+Strength slashing damage.


Boar-based lycanthropes receive the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength Score increases by 1.

Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph into a medium Boar-Humanoid hybrid or into a medium Boar, or back into your true form. Your statistics, other than size and AC are the same in each form. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn't transformed. You revert back to your true form if you die.

Boar-Humanoid Hybrid Form & Boar Form. Your size is Medium. You have natural armour equal to 11 + Dexterity Modifier. You gain the Tusks attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d6+Strength piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Constitution Modifier, Constitution Saving Throw or be cursed with wereboar lycanthropy. You gain the Maul attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d8+Strength slashing damage. If you move at least 15 feet straight towards a target and then hit it with your Tusks on the same turn, the target takes an extra 2d6 slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Strength Modifier, Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Rat-based lycanthropes receive the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity Score increases by 1.

Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph into a medium Rat-Humanoid hybrid or into a small Rat, or back into your true form. Your statistics, other than size and AC are the same in each form. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn't transformed. You revert back to your true form if you die.

Rat-Humanoid Hybrid Form. Your size is Small. You have natural armour equal to 11 + Dexterity Modifier. You gain the Bite attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d6+Dexterity piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Constitution Modifier, Constitution Saving Throw or be cursed with wererat lycanthropy.

Rat Hybrid Form. Your size is tiny. You have natural armour equal to 11 + Dexterity Modifier. You gain the Bite attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d4+Dexterity piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Constitution Modifier, Constitution Saving Throw or be cursed with wererat lycanthropy.

Keen Smell. While in your Rat-Humanoid Hybrid form, or your Rat form, gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.


Tiger-based lycanthropes receive the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity Score increases by 1.

Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph into a Medium Tiger-Humanoid hybrid or into a Medium Tiger, or back into your true form. Your statistics, other than size and AC are the same in each form. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn't transformed. You revert back to your true form if you die.

Tiger-Humanoid Hybrid Form & Tiger Form. Your size is Medium. You have natural armour equal to 12 + Dexterity Modifier. You gain the Bite attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d8+Dexterity piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Constitution Modifier, Constitution Saving Throw or be cursed with weretiger lycanthropy.You gain the Claw attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d6+Dexterity slashing damage. If you move at least 15 feet straight towards a target and then hit it with a Claws attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a DC 10 + Dexterity Modifier, Strength Saving Throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, you can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.


Wolf-based lycanthropes receive the following bonuses :

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength Score increases by 1.

Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph into a Medium Wolf-Humanoid hybrid or into a Medium Wolf, or back into your true form. Your statistics, other than size and AC are the same in each form. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn't transformed. You revert back to your true form if you die.

Wolf-Humanoid Hybrid Form. Your size is Medium. You have natural armour equal to 11 + Dexterity Modifier. You gain the Bite attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d8+Strength piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Constitution Modifier, Constitution Saving Throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy. You gain the Claw attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 2d4+Strength slashing damage.

Wolf Form. Your size is Medium. You have natural armour equal to 11 + Dexterity Modifier. Your walking speed is 40ft. You gain the Bite attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d6+Strength piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Constitution Modifier, Constitution Saving Throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy. You gain the Claw attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d4+Strength slashing damage. Keen Hearing and Smell. While in your Wolf-Humanoid Hybrid form, or your Wolf form, gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.


Little is known about the minotaurs, but rumors abound of a vast underground kingdom beneath the lost Isles of Astia, where a loose confederation of tribes are administered from a labyrinthine capital by a council of shamanic elders. Minotaurs are extremely rare on the surface and the majority of people will go their entire lives without seeing one. They are so rare on the surface in fact, that in some corners of the Astian Dominion, they are thought to be a myth concocted by boastful adventurers. Minotaurs on the surface are usually there for a specific purpose, most often given to them by a tribal elder or a patron.

Minotaur Traits

  • Average Height: 7’1” - 7’’5”
  • Average Weight: 320-350 lbs
  • Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Languages: Common
  • Ferocity: You may immediately make an attack or cast a cantrip as a bonus action when you are brought to 0 health.
  • Brawn: Your maximum carrying capacity is equal to 30 x your strength score and your push/pull/lift capacity is equal to 45 x your strength score. Additionally you have advantage on strength checks to break, shatter, or topple objects.
  • Labyrinth Sense: You have proficiency in the survival skill. Additionally you cannot get lost, you can always retrace your steps, and you always know which way is north.
  • Vigor: You have 1 additional hit die to spend on healing during rests.

Demonic Creation

Minotaur were first created by the Demon Lord Baphomet, the Prince of Beasts and the ruler of the Endless Maze. Despite this, Minotaurs were claimed by Erathis after the defeat of Baphomet. Minotaurs feel strong ties to both Erathis and Baphomet, though they usually try to suppress their feelings to the Demon Lord. Erathis is their patron god.

Complex Society

  • Minotaurs live suprisingly civilized lives. They have a strict
  • caste based system, with priests at the top. Minotaurs
  • believe that without this system they will fall into the
  • clutches of Baphomet once more. Minotaurs lead
  • simple lives which revolve around invention
  • and following the laws, the
  • basic tenets of Erathis.
  • When a Minotaur breaks out
  • of the organized caste system,
  • they are almost
  • always banished
  • for life. There is no
  • greater crime, save
  • the worship of the
  • horrid Baphomet.

Traditional Beings

Minotaurs revere tradition, and see little need for cultural change. However, they are constantly inventing new and strange methods for getting work done. As the tenets of Erathis decree, they are in a constant age of invention.

Minotaur Names

Minotaurs have simple two syllable names. There is little to no differentiation between male and female names.

Minotaur Names Xildes, Navis, Parsen, Telza, Traned, Almal, Gerger, Regpar, Kerra, Rinmain, Khadel, Para


The life of the Mousefolk is one spent close to the ground. With no great empires or kingdoms to call home, the Mousefolk spend their lives carving a place for themselves in the cities of the larger races or in the untamed wilds. They form tight-knit communities where every member is expected to contribute to the success of the whole. Some Mousefolk study a trade skill to support their families, while others use their natural agility and intellect for contract services.

Physical Description

Reaching a little over 2 feet tall, the Mousefolk often go unnoticed in their day to day activities. Their diminutive stature and quiet demeanor make the Mousefolk inoffensive to most, granting a certain detachment from the major conflicts and strife of the age. Their fast metabolisms and quick feet give the Mousefolk a slender build, usually weighing between 20-30 pounds.

Mousefolk fur color ranges from white to tan to brown or black, with various patterns passed through heredity. They take care to groom and clean their fur, as it represents their family and community. A Mousefolk's eye color is either red or black. Mousefolk like to wear comfortable dark colored clothes that allow for discretion and a wide range of movement.

The concept of personal wealth or glory doesn’t pervade through Mousefolk culture, most actions taken are for the good of the community rather than the self. Any wealth or resources gained are utilized for the betterment of the group. Some Mousefolk, however, use their natural abilities for personal gain. These individuals tend to be outcasts or black sheep of the clans.


The Mousefolk are a resourceful and tenacious race. Mousefolk settlements can be found in the most unlikely and inhospitable of places. They tend to build homes in the dark shadows and forgotten corners of the world, such as city slums, deep forests, scorching deserts, arctic tundra, or port cities in exotic lands. The Mousefolk aren't typically farmers, instead preferring hunting, trade, and craft to meet their needs. Mousefolk caravans are not an easy target for bandits, guarded by skilled archers within and a bristling wall of oak and steel without.

Mousefolk families extend beyond blood ties, an individual's entire community is treated as kin. Mousefolk settlers will seek out other colonies, and new warrens will arise within close proximity to each other. These communities will eventually grow and merge the members of each becoming kin to the other.

Mousefolk Names

When a Mousefolk is old enough to read, they are taken by an elder to the clan's archives to study the lore and histories of their people. After several years, the individual is allowed to pick their own name, either adopting the name of a past hero, or inventing a new name for themselves.

Male: Aengus, Ashwin, Aynselle, Boris, Byrnstan, Celanawe, Colin, Demitri, Elric, Esegar, Finn, Gregory, Joseph, Luke, Martin, Matthias, Mattimeo, Odric, Seyth, Thorn, Waldwin

Female: Baeylie, Caley, Clove, Daewn, Dalla, Eda, Elis, Gale, Ingrid, Kearra, Marie!, Millicent, Moira, Nola, Rona, Rosalee, Sayble, Serra, Sylvia, Veira

Historical Names: Abershaw, Bluebell, Dalgill, Faolan, Garrow, Gamilon, Grimwold, Hannidy, Larkin, Sloan, Taryn, Tenny, Tinble, Toller, Vidar, Walmond

Mousefolk Traits

Mousefolk character has a number of traits in common with all other Mousefolk.

Furry, nimble, small, retiring and agreeable race.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Intelligence by 1

Age. A mousefolk reaches adulthood at the age of 5 and lives to be about 140 years old.

Alignment. Most mousefolk are neutral, and tend towards good. They try to keep the conflicts of the other races at arm's length, but display remarkable ferocity when their friends, families, or communities are threatened. A reverence for nature and life is close to the heart of mousefolk, and they are loath to take a life if it can be avoided. They prefer to live quiet and unassuming lives, giving honest work for honest pay.

Size. Mousefolk grow between 2 and 3 feet tall and weigh about 25 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base land speed is 25 feet.

Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light 60 feet as if it were in bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Squirm. You can move through tiny sized spaces as if you were tiny size.

Scurry. While both hands are free, your movement speed increases by 25 feet. You cannot use this trait if you are encumbered or wearing heavy armor.

Static Bonus Feat: Alert. Mousefolk & it's kind stay focus on surviving & staying alert is their primary defense against other creature greater than them.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Sylvan and Beastial. Mousefolk place great value on the written accounts of their legends and histories, and encourage everyone to keep journals and records of their deeds. Almost all mousefolk speak Common to converse with the people on whose lands they dwell or through which they are traveling.

Subrace. You may pick a specific mouse species and talk over any bonuses with your DM such as a Deer Mouse based mousefolk may have an extra bonus on stealth or something.


Physical Description

Nagas are a race of semidivine serpent creatures in Hindu and Buddhist mythology. Female Nagas are called Nagis or Naginis. Usually depicted as human above the waist and snake below the waist, Nagas can also change shape to appear fully human or snake. Nagas and Nagis are known for their strength, supernatural wisdom, and good looks. When Nagis take human form, they can marry mortal men, and some Indian dynasties claim descent from them.


According to legend, Nagas are children of Kadru, the granddaughter of the god Brahma, and her husband, Kasyapa. Nagas lived on earth at first, but their numbers became so great that Brahma sent them to live under the sea. They reside in magnificent jeweled palaces and rule as kings at the bottom of rivers and lakes and in the underground realm called Patala.


Like humans, Nagas show wisdom and concern for others but also cowardice and injustice. Nagas are immortal and potentially dangerous. Some are demons; others seem friendly and are worshiped as gods. Nagas also serve as protectors and guardians of treasure—both material riches and spiritual wealth.

Naga Names

Male: Slin, Zas, Mitheph, Pozjashu, Grez'juss, Cesh, Skashjas, Sker'ken, Kuth'jirash, Rraj'u.

Female: Hult'huph, Ushjer, Purkkes, Pugash, Shishjassas, Nozjus, Rrother, Keksuss Higu, Kruss'tiss.

Naga Traits

Naga are humanoid from the waist up and snake below.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Charisma or Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age. Nagas live for a very long time. The oldest known naga lived about 5,000 years.

Alignment. Naga are mostly lawful or neutral.

Size. Nagas are very well built, ranging from 5'6" feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You also have a swim speed of 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Posion Resistance. You have resistance to poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws against becoming poisoned.

Serpentine Empathy. You can communicate simple ideas with snakes.

Snake's Cunning. You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Amphibious. You can breathe both water and air.

Guardians of The Depths. Adapted to even the most extreme ocean depths, you have resistance to cold damage, and you ignore any of the drawbacks caused by a deep, underwater environment.

Call to the wave. You know the Shape Water cantrip. Beginning at 3rd level, you can also cast the Create or Destroy Water spell at 2nd-level of power, once per long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Languages. You can read, write and speak Common, Abyssal and Draconic.


Colorful and Adaptive

With bodies shaped similarly to humans, an ooze-kin's main differentiation is a simple fact: their entire bodies are composed of slime. Although generally similar to humans, ooze-kin can freely shift smaller features of their bodies, leading to variants with elf-like ears, the fangs of an animal, or horns like those of a tiefling. These features require some amount of willpower to keep in place, and generally only a few of these features can be maintained at a time. When stunned, incapacitated, or otherwise prevented from focusing, their features melt away into a smooth, faceless, humanoid figure. Since they don't have actual eyes or mouths, they've learned to vibrate their bodies to produce sound. This allows them to sense their surroundings through echolocation and to replicate speech.

Varied bodily compositions result in a wide variety of colors that span the rainbow, such as green, red, blue, pink, yellow, grey and black. Some are completely opaque while others appear more translucent. The color of an ooze-kin is generally the result of the oozes and additional compounds they were made from, as well as diet and minerals absorbed from the environment in which they live. Their color can even change over time if these change for long enough. For example, ooze-kin who live in rocky areas, such as caves or mountains tend towards opaque blacks and greys from stone, or shades of red and yellow from exposure to iron and sulfur. Ooze-kin in more plant-filled environments such as tropics or swamps take on brighter, translucent colors such as green, blue, and purple.

Ooze-kin require spending six hours of a meditative, unconscious state akin to sleep in order to preserve their sentience and free-will. Otherwise, they can fall back into unintelligible chaotic states similar to that of the oozes they were made from. Bubbles can be seen rising to their surface when their emotions rise.

From Servitude to Sentience

Created by a wizard attempting to tame and control ooze monsters, ooze-kin are the product of magical experiments to create golems from inanimate ooze matter, acidic gel, exotic herbs, and a wide variety of other compounds. They were subjected to harsh testing of all kinds, causing them to evolve and develop an incredibly diverse array of abilities. Keeping with the rules of golem construction, the low solidity of their materials caused them to disobey their master. Several failed countermeasures later, the race gained free will and fled to spread across the world. They are a relatively new race, having only been created within a century of modern times, and thus are quite naive, with few enemies and fewer allies. Their former servitude gives them an especially strong sense of free-will and desire for freedom. Neutrality is maintained in their societies, aside from rare exceptions.

Residents of Freedom

Low in number, the ooze-kin generally live within humid environments such as jungles, tropics, and swamps, where they feel at home. Their settlements seem primitive to the outside eye, living within caves and other naturally-created shelters. Outsiders are welcomed with open arms into their simple settlements, although a lack of recreation, luxuries, and the dangers of a village filled with living acid cause visitors to generally leave quickly. Ooze-kin settlements are controlled by the oldest members, although nowhere near restrictive. Many strike out at a young age, becoming adventurers and traders in order to explore more of the world.

Ooze-Kin Names

Ooze-kin weren't given names when they were created, but as they developed further intelligence and gained free will, they desired individuality and named themselves. Their names tend to include soft consonants, buzzing sounds, and stretching vowels, particularly "oo"s, "v"s, and "zh"s as those are the easiest sounds for them to produce.

Male: Eruven, Leral, Haruval, Remuso, Varin, Greenu, Heliizh, Suvo, Greviz

Female: Shiyuua, Suli, Aruili, Kineua, Unalee, Vrym, Elzhiv, Nezhu, Melva

Ooze-Kin Traits

All ooze-kin share some common composition, giving them some similar traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. In the hundred years since their creation, none have died from old age. They reach maturity at around age 20, with most deaths being a result of their natural pull towards adventuring.

Alignment. Ooze-kin developed strong ideals due to their imprisonment from their creator, most opposing it, though a few following suit. This generally pulls them towards neutral good, neutral, or neutral evil.

Size. Ooze-kin are usually about 5 and a half feet tall, weighing anywhere from 60 to 160 pounds. They can alter their height by up to a foot at-will. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Blindsight. Ooze-kin don't have eyes, but can effectively see through echolocation. By constantly vibrating your head slightly, you emit an inaudible frequency and detect its reflection. Using this, you can perceive your surroundings up to 60 feet away, regardless of light. You are blind beyond this radius, however, and cannot perceive light, color, or any other visual phenomenon. You can't be blinded by light, but while you are deafened, however, you also have the blinded condition.

Amorphous. While unarmored, you take no penalties while squeezing. In addition, you can spend 1 minute to move 5 feet through spaces as small as 1-inch wide. Any items that cannot fit through a space you pass through are left behind. Finally, you can don or doff armor as an action.

Languages. You can speak Common and one language of your choice. As a result of not being able to perceive light, you cannot read these languages unless the text is engraved or embossed.

Subrace. While environment and diet affect an ooze-kin's composition, they were created with slight, permanent variations, giving them different properties. Choose one of these subraces.


Adhesive Ooze-Kin

Some ooze-kin are especially adhesive, sticking better both to themselves and to everything else. These ooze-kin tend to be especially light, living in tropical regions, commonly with bright colors of blues and pinks. Many are carefree, and almost all enjoy exploring.

Ability Score Increase. Your choice of your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.

Adherent. You have resistance to slashing damage.

Spider Climb. You can climb difficult surfaces including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Corrosive Ooze-Kin

In order to maintain a stable humanoid form, ooze-kin aren't made of as much acid as the oozes they were made from. Some ooze-kin, however, are still very corrosive, destroying wood, cloth, leather, and other organic materials that they touch. They are often impulsive and have a hard time controlling their emotions, a characteristic developed from frustration with their inadvertently destructive from. They are also, however, the most stalwart of ooze-kin. These ooze-kin are often found living in swamps or underground caves, with dark colors like black, purple, and green.

Ability Score Increase. Your choice of your Charisma score increases by 1.

Acidic Resistance. You have resistance to acid damage.

Corrosive Strikes. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 acid damage, instead of bludgeoning damage. This damage increases to 1d6 at 9th level and 1d8 at 17th level. In addition, you can use your action to eat through 1-inch-thick, nonmagical wood or other organic material not worn or carried.

Corrosive Form. A creature that touches you, hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you, or starts its turn grappling you you or grappled by you takes 1d4 acid damage. This damage increase to 1d6 at 9th level and 1d8 at 17th level. As a result of your corrosive form, any nonmagical weapon or armor made of cloth, leather, hide, wood, or other organic material that you hold or wear is destroyed after 1 minute. Acidic Step. While not wearing footwear, your feet clean the ground you step on of debris. This may grant creatures advantage on ability checks made to track you or determine your location.

Elastic Ooze-Kin

Ooze matter was combined with tropical herbs, resulting in ooze-kin with the ability to stretch their bodies and limbs to great lengths. These ooze-kin find homes in forests and grasslands, developing organic and earthy colors of red, orange, yellow, and green. Most find joy in simple pleasures, friendly competition, and physical activity.

Ability Score Increase. Your choice of your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.

Insulator. Choose cold, fire, or lightning. You have resistance to damage of the chosen type.

Stretchy. While not using a heavy weapon, your reach is 10 feet. In addition, when reaching vertically, such as to grab a ledge, you can add twice your height, instead of half your height.

Gelatinous Ooze-Kin

The matter from gelatinous cubes was harvested to create translucent ooze-kin with the ability to become completely transparent and store objects inside their body. They are the most diluted and least acidic, commonly found living jungles and rainforests. Teal, blues, and greens are the most common colors among them. Most prefer patience, peace and serenity, fearing contention. When they feel frightened or distressed, they sometimes unintentionally become transparent as an instinctive response. They have a tendency to sit and observe, a result of needing to remain still in order to turn transparent to survive.

Ability Score Increase. Your choice of your Dexterity or Wisdom score increases by 1.

Engulf. You can store up to 2 cubic feet or 40 pounds worth of gear inside your body. You can stow something inside your body simply by moving into its space. When you would withdraw an item from your body on your turn, you can instead choose to withdraw and deposit everything stored inside your body, leaving it in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. Anything stored inside you can be seen by other creatures, and your body digests any unprotected consumables such as food or herbs.

Transparent. If you haven't moved on your turn when you attempt to hide, your coloration dissolves and you become transparent until you move, make an attack, fall prone, or cast a spell with a somatic component, either voluntarily or because of some external effect. While transparent, you can attempt to hide even when only lightly obscured or even in plain sight. While lightly or heavily obscured, Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see you have disadvantage and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. When you attempt to hide in plain sight, anything you are wearing or carrying may cause disadvantage on the Dexterity (Stealth) check or even completely prevent you from being able to do so.

Psychic Ooze-Kin

Some oozes developed psionic abilities by living near psionic creatures like mind flayers. These rare oozes were used to create ooze-kin with psionic abilities. Such occurrences are more common in gray oozes, so most psychic ooze-kin are also gray and opaque. Like their ooze counterparts, they tend to live in caves made humid from underground sources of water and acid, and the rocks and minerals their bodies collect make them the heaviest of the ooze-kin. They are also the most reserved of the ooze-kin, contemplating and meditating the state of their existence more often than not.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Telekinetic. You learn the Mage hand cantrip. When you cast it, the spectral hand is invisible.

Telepathic. You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don’t need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language. A creature without telepathy can receive and respond to your telepathic messages but can't initiate or terminate a telepathic conversation.

Psychic Crush. You can use your action to choose one creature that you can sense within 60 feet. The target must make a Intelligence saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. The creature takes 3d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 4d6 at 6th level, 5d6 at 11th level, and 6d6 at 16th level. You can’t use this trait again until you finish a long rest.



Penguinfolks come from island to the far south of Naveen, where they lived in small communities of around 100 penguins. They were many once, but now, there are new less than twenty groups.


Penguinfolks live in democracies : every 2 years, they elect a new leader for the community, along with 3 counselors. The leader will invent laws, order craftspenguins, etc. and the counselors will approve them, or not.


Penguinfolks believe that a kraken haunts the seas around their island. Only those who think it is false, or the bravest cross the ocean and go to Naveen.

As they are very few, that makes at most a dozen of them on Naveen at a time.

Penguinfolk Traits

Your penguinfolk character has the following racial traits.

Ability score increase Your Inteligence increases by 2 and your Charisma increases by 1

Age Penguinfolk reach adulthood at the age of 10, and live around 50 years.

Alignment Penguinfolk tend to live in isolated societies with stricked rules and rituals that are adhered to for the good of the community. They are typically Lawful Good.

Size Penguinfolk are often larger than their non magical counter part, their size varies between 2 and 3 feet tall. Your size is Small.

Speed Your base walking speed is 25 feet and your swim speed is 35 feet.

Hold Breath You can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes at a time.

Penguin Magic You know the Ray of Frost cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Snilloc's Snowball Swarm spell as a 2nd level spell once with this trait and reagain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Tidal wave spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Inteligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Penguin Plumage You have resistance to cold damage.

Languages You can speak, read and write Common, and Auran.

Pixie Names

Pixie are usually named after natural elements, like plant names or geographical areas. These names tend to be cutesy.

Male Names Willow Ambervalley, Moon Sparklebreeze, Mercury Figvale, Twig Silkfoam, Tarragon Sunsand

Female Names Turnip Starbud, Amethyst Copperfeet, Dandelion Hollyshore.


Miniscule winged humanoids native to the Feywild where they live carefree lives among the cities of the fae courts and the untamed wildernesses alike. Pixies are rarely drawn into the material plane, but none the less the small fae have garnered a reputation as sly pranksters and a nuisance. For their part, pixies can be just as serious and dutiful as anyone else in dire circumstances, but in the meantime, why not enjoy life a little?

Pixie Traits

  • Average Height: 0’6” - 1’
  • Average Weight: 1-4 lbs
  • Ability Scores: +2 Charisma, +1 Dexterity
  • Size: Tiny
  • Speed: 20 feet. 30 feet (flight, altitude limit 5 feet)
  • Vision: Low light vision
  • Languages: Common, Sylvan
  • Hover: You have a fly speed of 30 feet with an altitude limit of 5 feet. Falling damage below 30 is negated, and falling damage above 30 is halved.
  • Pixie Dust: You can bestow the fly speed from your hover feature to a medium or smaller creature until the end of your next turn. Once you use this ability you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
  • Fairy Magic: You know the Dancing Lights cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Speak with Animals Spell once per day. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Enlarge/Reduce spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells
  • Shrink Equipment: You can shrink your equipment to fit your size. As an action, you can reduce the size of one piece of unattended equipment without altering its statistics for as long as you are wielding or carrying it. The items statistical values remain the same.

Faerie Folk

With their innate power of invisibility, pixies rarely appear unless they wish to be seen. In the Feywild, and on the Material Plane, pixies etch patterns of frost on winter ponds and rouse bugs in springtime. They cause flowers to sparkle with summer dew, and color the leaves with the blazing hues of autumn.

Tiny Tricksters

When the arrival of a visitor piques their curiosity, pixies are too shy reveal themselves at first. They study the visitors from afar to gauge their temparment and play harmless tricks on them to measure their reactions. Pixies will create illusions and use Dancing Lights to lead interlopers astray. Depending on their reaction, pixies may or may not come out and introduce themselves.


The people of the island nation never give much thought to rabbitfolk, but such feelings are not borne of malice; rabbitfolk are the most welcome of the beastfolk and have an easy time living and blending into life in Korrik. Rabbitfolk have been known among other beastfolk as neratuu, which means “we that speak” in Beast Speech.

Little of Body, Big of Heart

Rabbitfolk are small, though not the smallest of Korrik's major races. They are taller than halflings, standing a bit less than three and a half feet tall, but a little more lanky, weighing about 35 lbs. Rabbitfolk from northern climes have white hair on their heads and bodies, while those from southern areas of the island nation will have hair of a darker color. The hair is thickest along the shins, forearms, chest, and elongated ears, resembling a rabbit's. Their faces are also very rabbit-like, showing buck teeth and light colored eyes.

Rabbitfolk like lavish clothing with earthen tones for colors, preferring whites, greens, and brown hues over reds and purples. They have a preference for robes and coats, as well as long sleeve shirts, preferring the comfort they bring.

Rabbitfolk are more widespread than most beastfolk. Though more are among the Union of Gear, and thus, in Cyterria, a fair portion can also be found in Mend and Dragonreach.

Fun with Whimsy

Rabbitfolk are naturally drawn to people. They are extroverted and genuinely enjoy the company of others. This behavior is symbiotic, as most others enjoy the company of rabbitfolk. There is the superstition that rabbitfolk are lucky, so the only time their presence is not particularly welcome is when playing games of chance, such as dice and three-dragon ante. Fortunately, few rabbitfolk live in Ryohan, so this issue arises rarely. In fact, most rabbitfolk live in Gullen, working in their own way as policitcal advisors.

Rabbitfolk are kind and caring, placing a great deal of stock in performing good deeds, but the expectation of reward is not something that enters their minds. They live their lives getting a thrill out of playing pranks and tricks, harboring a lackadaisical approach to life, but this almost never leads to harm of another other than a bruised ego. In fact, they enjoy making people of high standing uncomfortable, but don't do so out of malice, merely annoyance for such stiffness.

Rabbitfolk are well liked and mainly serve in public function where they can affect the greatest outcomes, such as diplomats, advocates, and sometimes politicians. They are convincing liars, but it's not something they like doing.

A Brave New World

Rabbitfolk will seek adventure because of the new experiences it provides. Entering caves and dens, exploring ancient ruins, and learning of lost worlds and civilizations ignites a rabbitfolk's curiosity to no end. It takes little to influence a rabbitfolk to head out into the wide world, but they won't do so without forethought. They enjoy anything new, and will relish new locales and sensations, viewing any of this with a lust for life.

Rabbitfolk Names

Rabbitfolk prefer to take human names, though they sometimes adopt name associatively with their lagomorph blood.

Male: Any human name, as well as Foot, Lago, and their fur color

Female: Human names with Laga and fur color also included

Rabbitfolk Traits

The rabbitfolk character is a race that bear many similarities, but are commonly separated into a few groups.

Pleasant and laid back, there are few people that hate rabbitfolk.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Age. Rabbitfolk usually live a little over a century before they pass away. They become adults at around age 16 or 17.

Alignment. Rabbitfolk tend to be warm, polite, and kind, following a commonly good alignment. Rabbitfolk are known for having a strong conscience and harbor little ill will towards others, so they're just as likely to be lawful as chaotic.

Size. Rabbitfolk tend to be short and lithe, standing about 3' and 3'4”, but weighting not much more than 35 lbs. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

He Can Leap About. You gain a +1 bonus to AC against melee attacks made by creatures that are at least one size category larger than you.

Look at the Bones. You have advantage on ability checks to escape a grapple or wriggle free of bonds.

Scurry. While both hands are free, your movement speed increases by 25 feet. You cannot use this trait if you are encumbered or wearing heavy armor.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Beast Speech.

Subrace. Rabbitfolk are separated into to subraces, each corresponding to a different color: White and brown. Even the different color has different personalities.

Brown Rabbitfolk

Brown rabbitfolk are inquisitive, often to a fault. They are curious and wish to learn about new things, be it armor, magic, history, or the cosmology of the world. This can, at worst, give them an air of superiority, but most of the time, they are simply impulsive, albeit annoyingly so. The thirst for learning often draws brown rabbitfolk to institutions of learning, where they can bury themselves into tomes and tools.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1

Artisan. You gain proficiency in one type of artisan's tools of your choice.

No Ordinary Rabbit. When making a check involving any tools in which you have proficiency, you may double your proficiency bonus on the check.

White Rabbitfolk

Hardy and hale, white rabbitfolk are often born in the northern reaches of the island nation and have snow-colored fur on their bodies. They are a healthy lot and are known for being surprising tough, despite their small size. Most Korrikans look at white rabbitfolk as symbols of health and vigor, using them for slogans in health products.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Press Your Luck. You have proficiency with death saving throws.


"Sarcasm is a foreign language to you isn't it?" - Timon The Rat King. Physical Description

Ratmen stand roughly the same size or smaller than the average dwarf. They have thin, lean bodies and very rarely become what humans would consider fat thanks to their high metabolism. All ratmen have the same characteristic yellow eyes, buck teeth, and large rounded ears. City rats' fur takes on colors that are bland in nature. Colors like light shades of black, grey, and rarely white. Rural rats have more colorful shades of fur, such as browns and oranges, golds, and reds. City rats prefer to wear more layers of cloth and even cloaks to help protect against the cold of city nights. On the flip side, rural rats prefer to wear more open clothing for warm summer days of sleeping out in fields and dug-outs in the ground.


Ratmen are natural creatures that have a closely entwined history with kobold. Originally allied with the Kobolds under the protection of their draconic masters, the ratmen acted as infantrymen and even undertook special missions that their brothers-in-arms could not complete. Ravenous and deadly as goblins without the ingenuity, ratmen served their draconic leaders without much question. But, eventually, the dragon's armies became too lofty and cumbersome to maintain. With food supplies running low, kobolds and even lesser dragons turned to the ratmen as a new source of food.

Some ratmen were able to escape the dragon's wrath, but many weren't able to do so. The few tribes of ratmen that did escape soon disbanded, and became lone stragglers in a world they were not welcome in. Most were able to find refuge feeding off of the unwanted trash of human societies. After years of acclimating to live in rural human communities, eventually, they were able to move into the walls of larger cities. The most famous myth in ratman society is "The Ballad of Billy Punchyface," where a rat named Billy punches out an ogre over twice his size.


Ratmen once lived in clan-based societies, but since their social evolution into human civilization, they have adapted based on the society which they have assimilated too. Rural rats live in a structure that closely resembles human family units. Parents, children, and occasionally grandparents stay in the same 'home', which is usually a dug-out hole in the ground. Most 'work' by sneaking crops from farmers to stockpile for the winter, searching through trash for their meals, or the occasional few will do work for local farmers, such as ranch-hands and even exterminators for small pest problems. While these ratmen aren't widely accepted as friendly, many farmers will not turn away their aid. Their brother's, city rats, couldn't be farther from them. City rats are slightly thinner, repulsive looking creatures that are the subject of discrimination, hate, and even acts of flat-out violence. Because of this, city rats have developed a crueller outlook of the world and a hatred for most humans. Unlike their rural brethren, city rats live in one of two family structures. First, a sort of 'lone-wolf' mentality in which a ratman will only care for themselves and possibly a mate, but abandon their children at young ages to pursue their own interests. The second kind live in a single, massive hive-like colony. Each rats hunt for the hive, steals for the hive, lives for the hive, kills for the hive. In these clan-like societies, only the meanest and the cruellest survive, with the only way to gain any respect being to prove that you are more deadly than the rat next to you.

Ratmen Names

Ratmen generally will take simple names or words from the Common tongue and may even change names depending on deeds, likes, dislikes or physical traits.

Male: Fang, Claw, Snatch, Shank, Shot, Gouge, Biggie, Cheese, Punchyface

Female: Tala, Maus, Shiv, Raven, Scorer, Velouria, Sumiiya

Ratmen Traits

As sneaky and agile as a rat but you are a humanoid.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Age. Ratmen mature to adulthood at age 15, and very rarely live over 70 years old.

Alignment. Ratmen tend towards the neutral alignments, often only really only caring about themselves and-or their families.

Size. Ratmen are around 3'3 and are normally pretty light. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

High Metabolism. You digest food quickly, meaning they must eat the same amount of food as Medium-sized creature.

Rodent's Immunity. You are immune to disease. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage. In addition, you can eat putrid or rotten food and still gain half the nutrition.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light 60 feet as if it were in bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Languages. You can speak, and only speak Common and Draconic.

Subrace. Pick one of the two available subraces from, City Rat and Rural Rat.

City Rat

City rats decided to live amongst other people, often hiding in the sewers.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Sneaky. You are proficient in the Stealth skill.

Skulker. When you are hidden from a creature and miss it with a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your position.

Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

Rural Rat

Rural rats decided to live away from cities, where they do not need to hide.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score each increases by 1.

Survival Instincts. You are proficient in the Survival skill.

It'll Do. Through your years of surviving in rural areas where weapons and armor are scarce, you have proficiency with improvised weapons.

As a small extra, please admire this awesome rabbit unicorn.


"Did you see that?" Belvar called to his allies, pointing towards a copse of trees. "Something just moved!" "Ach, yer bein' ridiculous, Belvar!" assured Maveline, waving a hand towards the anxious gnome. "Do not be so swift to dismiss his claims, fair Maveline. We may be dealing with an unseen assailant," Vystal said, waving his hand and casting a spell to see invisible creatures. As he completed the spell and scanned his surroundings, nothing appeared to him, not a form, not a weapon, not even the hands which slowly closed around his companions' throats. All he could perceive, thanks to his keen elven senses, was the faint displacement in the shape of a humanoid before the camouflaged fist came hurtling through the air, shifting to its native colors.

Physical Description

S'Tek resemble bipedal chameleons, with skin ranging from reds to greens to blues to yellows, having patters such as stripes, striations, or spots. They have a short, dexterous tail which they keep tightly coiled. Like their smaller counterparts, S'Tek have four fingers and independent-moving eyes. Some have on their heads crests, horns, ridges, or some combination of these, though they serve no combat purpose whatsoever. Every month or so, they shed their skin. Such skin is prized among the criminal underworld due to the fact that it retains some of its minor shifting abilities; however, the S'Tek rarely deal with criminals.


The long and contested history of the S'Tek is wrought with wars, political upheavals, diseases, and natural disasters. Long ago, the S'Tek were given the gift of camouflage by their goddess. Once a race which prided itself on its ability to create beautiful artwork, thanks to its enhanced color vision, the S'Tek allowed monetary gain to obstruct their traditions and religious beliefs. This angered their goddess, S'tellastaska, who descended from the heavens and offered them this choice: either they forsake their wealth and possessions, or lose her blessing. The S'Tek decided that the best choice would be to forfeit their wealth. Ever since, S'Tek have favored living with as few possessions as possible, and are thus very unlikely to be prone to greed.


S'Tek construct their villages in the high canopies of forests and jungles. They have a very communal sense of thinking, so that when one S'Tek aids the village, all S'Tek prosper.

S'Tek Names

S'Tek base their names on a certain color they favor when not camouflaged. These names are always odd colors, never anything as plain as "blue", "red", "green", "orange", etc.

Male: Arylide, Bistre, Bzantium, Coquelicot, Mikado, Glaucous, Wenge, Fulvous, Eburnean, Incarnadine, Pervenche, Sinoper, Verniter, Smalt, Damask.

Female: Amaranth, Brandeis, Bzantine, Chartreuse, Sarcoline, Smaragdine, Xanadu, Falu, Gingerline, Nattier, Watchet, Zaffre.

S'Tek Traits

S'Tek are a race of chameleon-like humanoids who inhabit jungles and other wooded regions.

Ability Score Increase. You add 2 to your Wisdom score, and 1 to your Constitution score.

Age. S'Tek can live to over 200 years old, and typically reach adulthood by the age of 20.

Alignment. S'Tek typically favor a neutral alignment, preferring to not become involved in other creatures affairs.

Size. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

Chameleon Skin. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide, so long as you are not wearing armor. If you move no more than half your movement in a turn, you are able to adjust your skin alterations to match your surrounding without it being obvious. This trait has no effect on creatures with blindsight.

Keen Senses. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common and Draconic.


Sirens are an amphibious race of merfolk that specialize in seducing others.

Physical Description

Every Siren has an animal that it shares a close connection with, and this influences the forms the take on. While they can appear to be human, their siren form is the classic merfolk, but with features that are reminiscent of their animal. A killer whale Siren may have dark skin with white spots around their eyes.


The Siren race is a dying breed as they have gotten farther and farther away from breeding with other sirens. This is because 95% of all sirens are female. Instead of trying to breed with a male siren, females seduce other race's males and create hybrid children. Siren women have adapted the ability to choose when they get pregnant and also can mate with almost any race. The children of these unions have mostly siren DNA, and retain mainly Siren traits. However there is some dilution that causes a seperation between hybrid and purebreed.


Purebreed Sirens are the ruling class in the oceans. They organize their pods and rarely leave the ocean. Hybrid Sirens on the other hand are expected to quest out into the world to find a mate and continue to repopulate the species. Due to this need of continuing their race, Siren women are seen as devious by most. Legends of them drowning the men they sleep with are common, so most hide their idenitiy for as long as they can.

Siren Traits

A merfolk race mainly of females that are masters of seduction.

Ability Score Increase. +2 Charisma, +1 Constitution

Age. Sirens have long life spans. They become sexually mature at 20, but can live almost two hundred years. They stop being able to breed at 80.

Alignment. Most Hybrids tend to be Chaotic and will use their Call to get what they want. Purebreeds tend to be Lawful and reserve their powerful call for when they need it.

Size. Medium

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Their swimming speed is 50.

Amphibious. You can breathe underwater.

Siren's Call. You know the Friends cantrip. When you reach 3rd level you can cast the Charm person spell once with this trait and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level you can cast the Suggestion spell once with this trait and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. If the target does not have a gender, is of the same gender, or is a child, the spell fails.

Siren Form. As an action you can polymorph into one creature (up to CR 1) that has the water breathing trait.

Languages. Common


Hybrids have another race as the other parent. These sirens do not have a humanoid form, they instead take on their Parent Race's form. Choose a race for this.

Ability Score Increase. Increase the ability scores benefited by your parent's race by 1. For example, if your other parent is a Wood Elf, increase your Dexterity and Wisdom scores by 1. If the parent's race provides Charisma as a bonus, choose one other ability score other than Charisma and the other ability score being increased, and increase that score by 1.

Hybrid Parent. When using any spell from Siren's Call, gain advantage against the parent race. You know the language of the parent race. If none, you can communicate with the parent race.


Purebreed Sirens have the Noble Background.

Ability Score Increase. +1 Wisdom and +1 Constitution

Master of the Call. A Purebreed's call is one of the strongest forces in the oceans. When you use your Siren's Call ability, the target has disadvantage on their saves and attacks. You learn Command and cast it without using a spell slot. You also have advantage on your Charsima checks and saves. This targets all enemies who can hear it within 60ft.

Royal Blood. A Purebreed's Siren form's CR can be up to 2.

Royal Education. A Purebreed has access to a royal education. Learn two languages.


Squirrelfolk are known for their quick thinking and tongue, generally quite the talkers they have found ways to fit into towns of larger species, even though most are still comfortable in the wild woods.

Physical Description

Their fur ranges from a orangey red to dull greys and browns that have black hairs mixed in. Their eyes tend to be black - large and always alert. Their pride is their tails, generally well groomed and fluffy, perfect for twitching when annoyed or excited. Touching a squirrelfolk's tail is frowned upon unless you are in a relationship (either romantically or family) as squirrelfolk tend to wrap their tails around each other to show affection.

Squirrelfolk are a little like dragons in the sense that they tend to horde, though for the most part, it's for the good of their families.

Squirrelfolk eat mostly nuts, but any vegetable will do, they will never eat meat.


There are two kinds of societies in the squirrelfolk's world, they are almost polar opposites.

Town squirrelfolk tend to have an easier life, despite the hardships of trying to fit into a world of larger creatures. They make themselves into fast talking merchants, or messengers of important people, earning coins to buy food for their families. They tend to stay inside towns, having grown up hearing horror stories about the creatures of the wild. Town squirrelfolk families are close-knit and tend to live together in one house, usually consisting of grandparents, parents and up to three pups for each couple of parents. Though they tend to live right on top of each other, they would not have it any other way.

Wild squirrelfolk tend to have a harder life, forging and fighting for each day. At a young age these squirrelfolk are taught about the dangers of the wild that they live in, and how to fight, or avoid them all together and to be independent. Seeing this society is rare as they aren't very trusting of outsiders, they tend to go into hiding when seeing a stranger. Growing up in forests or woods these Squirrels see a lot of customs in towns as foreign and strange. Wild squirrelfolk families tend to be more spread out as they are territorial, most homes consist of singles or parents and up to three pups which leave as soon as they're adults to find their own section of the woods to inhabit.

Squirrelfolk Names

Squirrelfolk gain their names in different ways, both sides tend to give lots of nicknames:

For the town squirrelfolk, they have taken on the traditions of the humans to name their children at birth, but tend to keep within the realm of their race's classic names, which usually take on the form of plants, descriptions, events or sometimes even other animals, granted they tend to be named after larger and more ferocious ones.

Male: Lion, Firewheat, Phoenix, Bon(fire)

Female: Badger, Redroot, Wonder, Dragon

For the wild squirrelfolk, they fallow the tradition of letting the pups name themselves once they come of age and are ready to leave the nest to find their own place in the world, to leave their name as a mark on it. Tree names are used a lot.

Male: Root, Draco, Pine, Griffon

Female: Birch, Bear, Oak, Wolf

Nicknames: Small One, Squeaker, Swift, Chomp, Snooze, Leap, Trouble

Squirrelfolk Traits

A race of small fur covered humanoids with a striking resemblance to squirrels.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2

Age. Both subraces reach adulthood at 25 years old, but the town squirrelfolk tend to live to 400 years old while the wild squirrelfolk live to be around 325

Alignment. Squirrelfolk tend to be neutral, though like with every race, there are temptations and they can be evil or good.

Size. They usually stand between 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh around 45 pounds. Your size is Small

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. If both your hands are free you can run on all fours, increasing your speed to 35ft. Your climbing speed is 35ft

Alert. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Hard Bite. You can make an unarmed strike with your bite, which deals 1d4 piercing damage.

Subrace. You are either a town squirrelfolk or a wild squirrelfolk.

Languages. Common

Town Squirrelfolk

Town squirrelfolk tend to be less shy than they cousins in the wild.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 1.

Professional Salesman. You know one extra language of your choice

Town Travel. You can travel through towns at twice the normal rate. The distance you can jump is doubled when traversing buildings.

Wild squirrelfolk

Wild squirrelfolk tend to be more shy, but excellent forgers.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 1.

Excellent Forager. You can always find daily provisions for yourself and up to four other people, given that the land holds water and edible plants.

Fearless Leap. While traveling through woods at twice the normal rate. The distance you can jump is doubled when traversing trees.


Succubi are the iconic depiction of lust. Feared for their typically evil nature and ability to steal one's soul, succubi are fiends who wield subtle illusions and enchantments to tempt their victims into forfeiting their eternal souls. Succubi inhabit all of the Lower Planes, and the lascivious dark-winged fiends can be found in service to devils, demons, night hags, rakshasas, and yugoloths. Asmodeus, ruler of the Nine Hells, uses these fiends to tempt mortals to perform evil acts. The demon lord Graz'zt keeps succubi and incubi as advisers and consorts.

Succubi often live up to their reputation, acting as seductive females or males to lure males and/or females into relinquishing some of their life-force. Particularly adept at controlling others in the pak of their strength, they're often employed - albeit reluctantly - by others to act as crowd control, or to tame certain creatures. Most of them share the nature of their reputation; flirtatious. They avoid fighting where possible, instead choosing seduction or fleeing.

The gender neutral term for Succubi and Incubi is usually either Foocubus or Concubus.

Physical Description

Succubi in their true forms have an appearance similar to that of humans, but are horned, clawed, tailed, winged, and comely. They are typically slender, well toned, and are very rarely overly muscular. Due to their shapechanging abilities, they can tweak their appearances or even change them completely to suit their needs.


Succubi tend to have names in the Abyssal or Infernal language, and may also take on a wide variety of pseudonyms in their interactions with other races and cultures.

Succubus Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 1.

Age. Succubi are ageless demons, typically reaching adulthood between the ages of 15 and 19 and will not die of old age.

Alignment. Due to their fiendish natures, succubi often tend toward evil alignments. Neutral or good succubi are extremely rare, but not unheard of. They have no particular tendency toward or against lawful or chaotic alignments.

Size. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Charm. You can cast the Charm person spell once using this trait, using Charisma as your spellcasting ability. You regain the ability to cast this spell when you finish a long rest. Starting at 5th level, you instead regain the ability to cast this spell when you finish a short or long rest.

Darkvision. Because you are a fiend, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fiendish Nature. Your creature type is considered to be both Fiend and Humanoid, and you are considered to have the Shapechanger tag. Additionally, you are vulnerable to radiant damage.

Shapechanger. As an action, you can polymorph into any humanoid of your size that you have seen, or back into your true form. However, your equipment does not change with you. You lose the fly speed granted by your small wings trait if your current form does not have wings. If you die, you revert to your natural appearance.

Silver Tongue. You have proficiency with the Persuasion skill.

Small Wings. You have a small pair of wings that give you a flying speed equal to your walking speed. However, these wings are not strong enough to hold your weight for an extended period of time. You fall if you end your turn in midair, you started that turn in midair, and nothing else is holding you aloft. You lose this fly speed if your current form granted by your shapechanger trait does not have wings.

Languages. You can read, speak, and write Common and your choice of Abyssal or Infernal.


Physical Description

Tortles are humanoid tortoises. They walk upright with a ponderous, rolling gait. The creatures have leathery, reptilian skin and shells that cover their backs and bellies. An adult Tortle stands just under 6 feet tall and weighs more than 500 pounds.

Tortles have no hair; their skin is mostly olive or blue-green. Their back shells are usually shinier and darker than their skin, while their front shells tend to be lighter, with a yellowish cast. A Tortle's mouth is beak-like and toothless and can deliver a vicious bite.

Tortles are stocky, but most of their weight comes from their shells, so they tend to remain at the same weight throughout their adult lives, never growing fat or thin. Their arms and hands are shaped like those of humans, but thicker. Tortles can wield most weapons as easily as humans. Also, they usually wear no clothing, though some may wear cloaks, belts, or harnesses for carrying tools and supplies.


Tortles are peaceful and reclusive, and tend to get along well with races with similar habits and personalities. They tend to move and speak in a slower, more mild fashion, compared to the other dwellers of the material plane. They live in hunter/gatherer style tribes and are ignorant to modern technology, normally living in mud and straw huts.

They live under the servitude of the Chief of the Tribe, who rules like a monarch, with their descendants taking the mantle once they pass. Tortle tribes are friendly to most if not all races, but are especially friendly toward peaceful Lizardfolk. Few races are able to look past the reptilian aspects of both their species, because of this, they get along. Other than using the slash and burn farming method (which leaches nutrients from the soil), Tortles generally live in harmony with nature.

Tortles mature at a rate twice as long as humans. Not reaching adulthood until the age of 36 to 40, but they live almost four times longer, living from 350 to 380 years. Mating takes place every four years in late summer, Tortles can mate well into their 300th year, without sign of encroaching infertility. Egg-laying during the fall. All females ready to produce eggs gather in a specially prepared compound, which the males guard against all attacks. Tortle eggs are considered delicacies, so the location of the egg-laying grounds is always defended. Each female lays 4-24 eggs, which hatch about six months later. Because of this, tribes are often massive, spanning miles upon miles of land. Because of such large families and tribes, the young are often taught and raised by their grandparents or uncles and aunties

Tortles who are clerics, monks or paladins worship one of the four deities:

  • Shima, the Ocean — Alignment: LN — Domains: Tempest, Knowledge — Symbol: A vortex of swirling water

  • Maka, the Earth — Alignment: N — Domains: Nature, War — Symbol: A single mountain

  • Jaci, the Moon — Alignment: CN — Domains: Death, Trickery — Symbol: A downward turned crescent moon

  • Oota, the Sun — Alignment: NG — Domains: Life, Light — Symbol: The sun rising over a horizon

Tortles believe that these four gods work together in harmony, keeping the balance of nature intact and sharing prosperity to those whom worship them.

Tortle Names

Tortle Names are as follows

Male: Aranck, Arre-Catte, Beshiltheeni, Dustu, Gad, Kanuna, Lanu, Mahkah, Nastas, Taheton, Grok

Female: Abetzi, Anna, Doya, Ehawee, Kuwanyamtiaw, Macawi, Mituna, Talulah, Sikya, Sokow

Family Names: Anthu, Chilan, Dzuwa, Galu, Lanpansi, Mwala, Mwezi, Nyanja, Tengo, Thanthwe

Tortle Traits

Peaceful turtle like humanoids who live in harmony with nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score is increased by 2.

Age. Tortles are considered adults at the age of 40, and usually live to the age of 365.

Alignment. Tortles tend to be chaotic good.

Size. Medium

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your swim speed is 35 feet.

Shell. Tortles have a natural armor of 14 + your Constitution modifier. This Natural Armor can not "stack" with any unarmored defense or equivalent gifted by a class. Your natural armor is negated if you gain an unarmored defense from a class or if you don any set of armor.

Hold Breath. You can hold your breath underwater for 15 minutes.

Retreat to Shell. Using an action, a you can pull your head and limbs into your shell. You may only use this feature once per long rest and can only retreat into your shell for an hour at a time. While retreated, your are considered immune to piercing damage and resistant to slashing and bludgeoning damage.

Bite Attack. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee attack on your turn, as a bonus action you can make a melee attack against the same enemy. On a hit, the target takes 4d4 + your Strength modifier piercing damage. You are always considered proficient with this bonus attack.

Languages. You can read, write and speak Common and Tortle

Subrace. Razorback, Softshell, Desert


Razorback Tribes can be found in swamps and marshland areas. They are the most aggressive of all the Tortle kinds and the most untrusting. Their shells are covered in sharp ridges and barbs and are often decorated in paints.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Razorback. You can use your reaction to cause a melee attacker to take 1d4 piercing damage from the barbs on your shell.

Razor Fist. As an action, a Razorback can perform an unarmed strike. This strike does 1d4 + your Strength Modifier of piercing damage and is not a bonus action. This does stack with Unarmed Strike of any class.


Softshell Tribes can be found near the coast, or by river sides. These Tortles are the most friendly of all three types and the most willing to help. Their shells are flat and fleshy, they do not offer much protection, but make the Tortles especially agile.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Softshell. A Softshell Tortle's Natural Armour is 13 + your Dexterity Modifier. And also loses the "Retreat into Shell" Racial Ability.

Tortle Agility. Softshell Tortles gain Unarmored Movement. Your walking speed increases by 15 ft and your swimming speed increases by 5. This does not increase with your Level, unless you gain the ability from a class.


Desert Tribes can be found in the desert, but also in other arid or mountainous areas. These Tortles can be described as almost apathetic, not caring much for the affairs of other races. But with saying this, this doesn't make them unfriendly or rude. Their shells are like hard round domes. Smooth and polished by the sands picked up by the winds.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Nomad. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check related to surviving in arid or mountainous regions, you are considered proficient in the Survival skill. If you are already proficient in survival checks, add double your proficiency bonus when in these regions. You also lose your swimming speed.

Shell Master. A Desert Tortle can use their Shell to block attacks and help saving throws. When making a Dexterity saving throw, you can add your Constitution Modifier to the roll. In addition, when making a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage from an attack, you can interpose your shell in between you and the attack. Causing you to take 0 damage on a successful save and half damage on a failed save.

True Vampire

“I hear he’s as dead inside as out” / “Don’t look at him, he’ll seize your mind” / “He’s probably come looking for another meal” -Whispers heard near a vampire

Physical Description

Most vampires are pale due to their avoidance of the sun. Almost all carry a parasol when out during the day. Their features tend to be gaunt, as they grow in power, their eyes can be seen to develop a noticeable reddish glow, with sunken features in their face, but not in a way that makes them unattractive, in fact vampires are known to attract others with their charismatic ways and good looks. They have large fangs that can be retracted to be quite unnoticeable.

A Deal Or A Curse

Vampires are not born. They can be any medium sized, non-construct, humanoid race which leaves a corpse upon death that can be resurrected as an undead. Vampires are usually the result of deals gone wrong. The most typical cause of vampirism is a pact signed with a demon in which the mortal requests everlasting life. Those of good nature generally find vampirism to be a curse, ashamed to feast on others to survive, but many individuals of evil nature go seeking demons hoping to receive vampirism. Curses cast by powerful witches or gods can also cause vampirism. It is a common misconception that being bit by a vampire can turn you into one. Being bit by a vampire turns you into a vampire spawn, and drinking the blood of a vampire when you are a vampire spawn then turns you into a vampire.

Society And Its Complexities

Vampires have a hard time fitting into society while simultaneously thriving within it. Most villagers fear vampires and will refuse them services, casting them away. However, when a vampire can find a place of acceptance, usually a tavern (although they rarely drink), vampires can be seen as a popular sort. Their extreme rarity makes their own lives a conversation topic. They're very charismatic and often have no issue finding love, although vampires tend to stay away from love as any mortal will pass away before the vampire themselves die.

Vampire Names

Vampires usually retain the names of their mortal lives. However, long lived vampires who have obtained grand estates may take on titles of nobility such as Count, Countess, Duke, or Duchess.

Vampire Traits

Some vampires are different than others, depending on the deal or curse. However, all generally have the following traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma and Dexterity scores both increase by 2.

Age. Vampires are immortal and can be any age. Vampires retain the physical appearance of the age of which they were turned at during their mortal life. They also retain the psychological development associated with that age, therefore vampires who did not reach adulthood in their mortal life may still have the impulses of an adolescent in their vampiric life.

Alignment. Young vampires may keep to the alignment they had in life, however older vampires tend to be some flavor of lawful, usually following to some code out of necessity of their survival. Many vampires are evil, but some are able to maintain their inner humanity and remain good or neutral.

Size. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Undead. You are considered undead. You still need to eat and sleep.

Vampire. You start the game with a coffinic structure and you know one Vampire Feat.

Weak Telepathy. You know the Message cantrip.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, as well as one extra language of your choice.

Unholy Body

Dark magic runs your life force, therefore you become immune to necrotic damage and instead gain health equal to the damage taken. You are vulnerable to radiant and fire damage.

Health potions and healing do not have a healing effect on you. Instead they deal poison damage equal to the amount that was meant to heal. To heal you must either drink blood, or be the target of a spell meant to deal necrotic damage.

Vampire Bite

Vampires develop a ferocious bite after turning. As an action, you can make a melee attack on a target with your fangs adding your proficiency and dexterity modifier. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 plus your dexterity modifier of piercing damage. This damage is increased by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). But, if the vampire wants to, it can choose to not deal damage.

If the target is an organic humanoid or a beast, and the target is paralyzed, charmed, incapacitated, restrained, or grappled, you may use your bonus action to drink their blood dealing 1d8 plus your constitution modifier of necrotic damage. This damage is increased by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). This is equal to consuming a ration. If the target is humanoid, you gain health equal to half the damage dealt rounded down.

Blood Drinker

While you can sustain yourself in the short term with normal food rations, you must drink blood in order to sustain your unholy existence. If you do not drink at least one ration of blood every seven days, you suffer one level of exhaustion which can only be negated by drinking blood. The blood you drink can be humanoid or beast.

At the sixth level of exhaustion, instead of suffering death, you become permanently paralyzed until someone force feeds you blood. After consuming one ration of humanoid blood, or four rations of beast blood, you recover one level of exhaustion.

You can drink blood from a fresh corpse which has been dead no longer than 10 minutes, however you only gain hit points if the target is alive. Alternatively, you can collect one ration of blood from a living target or fresh corpse in a vial, which keeps for 10 days.

Misty Escape

When you drop to 0 hit points outside of your coffinic structure, you transform into a cloud of mist instead of falling unconscious, provided there isn’t sunlight or running water. If you can't transform, you are destroyed.

While in mist form, the vampire can't take any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. It is weightless, has a flying speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. In addition, if air can pass through a space, the mist can do so without squeezing, and it can't pass through water.

It has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws, and it is immune to all nonmagical damage, except the damage it takes from sunlight.

While you have 0 hit points in mist form, you can't revert to your vampire form. If you cannot get to your coffinic structure within 2 hours, or before sunrise, you teleport to it and suffer six levels of exhaustion and are destroyed.

A coffinic structure is made from the wood of your original coffin, is large enough to encase your body in, and must have an opening to allow mist to enter and exit.

Vampire Weaknesses

Though vampires can be incredibly strong, a curse still comes with a list of drawbacks.

Sunlight Hypersensitivity

Vampires burn in the sun and usually become nocturnal as a result. Vampires need to find some way to shield themselves from sunlight out of necessity. If you start your turn in direct sunlight, you take 3d6 radiant damage (before vulnerability). You also have disadvantage on any attack rolls and ability checks when in direct sunlight.

Stake to the Heart

If a piercing weapon made of wood is driven into your heart while incapacitated in your coffinic structure, you become paralyzed until the stake is removed.

Running Water

Vampires flesh is torn apart in the presence of water, vampires take acid damage equal to two times their level if they end their turn in running water. This damage may not be reduced in way.

Vampire Feats

Vampires have some impressive abilities. Only the truly ancient and strong vampires know them all. Here are a list of feats that vampires have access to. You start with one vampire feat, and you can choose to obtain another vampire feat instead of an ability score increase when leveling.

Superior Body (Feat)

You can use your vampire reflexes to dodge attacks. While you are wearing no armor or shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Your base movement speed increases by 10 feet.

Your climbing speed is equal to your movement speed, and you also have the spider climb ability, which allows you to climb difficult surfaces, including upside down, without needing to make an ability check. You can also avoid fall damage of up to 60 feet.

Shapechanger (Feat)

If you aren't in sunlight or running water, you can use your action to polymorph into a bat(MM p. 318), or starting 11th level, a giant bat(MM p. 323). You can also turn into a medium cloud of mist, or back into your true form at will.

You cannot talk or cast spells while in bat form, however you can still use your vampire bite ability. All of your stats remain the same except for speed and flying speed. A tiny bat has a base speed of 5 ft. and flying speed of 30 ft. A giant bat has a base speed of 10 ft. and flying speed of 60 ft.

You can also transform into mist form as an action or transform back to your humanoid form at the end of your turn if you wish. While in this form you have the same properties outlined in the misty escape ability.

Animating Bite (Feat)

Your fangs produce an animating non-toxic venom that animates corpses. If a humanoid dies after it has been bitten, it will rise on midnight as a zombie and will take simple commands from you. You may have up to four zombies under your control through this method at a time, and you can choose which corpses fall under your control. Other corpses which rise that are not under your control are hostile towards you and others.

At 18th level, your bite may raise vampire spawns instead of zombies. You may have up to two vampire spawns under your control through this method at any time.

Children of the Night (Feat)

As an action, you may magically call 2 (1d4) swarms of bats(MM p. 337) or rats(MM p. 339), provided the sun isn't up. While outdoors, you can call 3 (1d6) wolves(MM p. 341) instead. The called creatures arrive in 1d4 rounds, acting as your allies and obeying your spoken commands. The beasts remain for 1 hour, and can be dismissed as a bonus action. You may not call on more than one swarm at any time.

Unnatural Charm (Feat)

As an action, you can target one humanoid you can see within 30 feet. If the target can see you, it must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against 8 + your proficiency level + your Charisma modifier, or be charmed. The charmed target regards you as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. Although the target isn't under your direct control, it takes your requests or actions in the most favorable way it can, and it is a willing target for your bite attack.

Each time you or one of your companions do anything harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts for 24 hours, until you are destroyed, until you on a different plane of existence than the target, or if you take a bonus action to end the effect.

Dark Magic (Feat)

You gain the Chill touch cantrip and 2 other cantrips from the warlock spell list or the socerer spell list at will, your spellcasting ability is Charisma.

If spells need any material components, you can cast the spells without their components.

Vampire Campaign Items

Vampires have some special needs when it comes to their wellbeing. In order to remain mobile with a party, it may be necessary to transport their coffinic structure in a cart, wagon, or carriage in case of accidental death on the battle field. However, there are some items that a vampire may want that a Dungeon Master should consider adding.

Item Cost
Dark Cloak 15 gp
Face Mask 10 gp
Parasol 15 gp
Daylight Ring 30,000 gp
Ring of Shadows 25,000 gp
Crypt Ring 10,000 gp
Ring of Buoyancy 5,000 gp

Dark Cloak

Used to prevent radiant damage and disadvantage on any attack rolls and ability checks when in direct sunlight for up to 1 hour every day. This cloak allows no sunlight to pass through it, but if you use it with heavy or medium armor, you have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and Acrobatics checks.

Face Mask

Used to prevent disadvantage on any attack rolls and ability checks when in direct sunlight. The mask can look like any type of face mask, or cloth covering the face, with tinted glass where the eyes are. The tinted glass can be in the form of sunglasses or a visor, and can be removed independently of the cloth portion itself. When worn, the vampire cannot use their bite attack, and they have disadvantage on all Charisma based skill checks.

If a vampire also has the Unnatural Charm feat, it cannot be used until the tinted glass portion covering the eyes is removed.


Used to prevent radiant damage when in direct sunlight. A parasol is like a one handed weapon which deals no damage and must be equipped with the main hand. You can wield a parasol in your off-hand with a weapon if you have a feat, like Duel Wielding, or ability which allows you to do so. You are able to weild a shield with your parasol.

Daylight Ring

An very rare item which requires attunement. A daylight ring will let a vampire walk in the sun, at will, without taking radiant damage. The enchantment does not affect a vampire's mist form or bat form. If a vampire's HP drops to 0 in sunlight with this ring on, the vampire is still destroyed.

Ring of Shadows

An very rare item which requires attunement. If your HP drops to 0 in direct sunlight, a Darkness spell is activated around yourself for 2 hours. This will allow the vampire to revert into mist form in daylight and teleport to their coffinic structure after 2 hours suffering six levels of exhaustion and are destroyed.

Crypt Ring

A rare item which requires attunement. This ring is imbued with dark necrotic energy which can temporarily sustain your life in dire circumstances. While wearing this ring as a vampire, if your HP drops to 0, instead of reverting to mist form, you drop unconscious and make death saving throws. If you succeed your death saving throws, you become stabilized and regain your normal hp after completing a long or short rest. If you fail your death saving throws, you then revert to mist form as normal if you are able to do so, descripted the Misty Escape ability.

Ring of Buoyancy

The enchantment on this rare ring is designed to prevent a vampire from being vanquished in running water. This enchantment does not prevent the acid damage effect of being in running water, but it will allow your body to rise to the top of the water and escape into mist form if you are not being grappled. If you are being grappled, you get advantage on any saving throws that are causing you to be grappled under water.

Unbound Illithid

The Illithid, or as they are more commonly known - Mindflayers. These creatures are the stuff of nightmares, attuned to the arcane arts and unfaltering in the face of foolish hurdles such as ethics and morality. That is to say, that is the norm. Not all Illithid are like this, some have been separated from the Collective and developed their own ideals and morals. These incredibly rare individuals often choose to live away from others as they are seldom welcomed among any community. On the almost unheard of examples in which they are accepted, these Illithid are invaluable to their communities as arcanists with the ability to warn others of magical dangers.

Physical Description

Like a normal Illithid, these individuals tend to stand a bit taller than humans, with a general height range of six to seven feet. Their frames are narrow and gaunt, however, making them seem ill or atrophied compared to other humanoids of their stature. Their mollusk heads and gray, mucus-soaked skin remain their most defining features, making it incredibly easy to spot them at a distance.


Though not many free-willed Illithid exist, they are well known enough among the Illithid Collective that they are often hunted and destroyed by those among the Collective. It is for this reason that they tend to avoid others and rarely are stories of these individuals told.


These Illithid tend to live away from the civilized masses, surviving by feeding on local wildlife. This solitary lifestyle makes stories of these Illithid uncommon, as most of them are never encountered once they realize their freed mind.

Illithid Names

Illithid's names are in Deep speech.

Male: Duruk, Galthm, Bregk, Hormlk

Female: Jugak, Razethl, Kergla, Yzerthula

Illithid Traits

Known for little more than being the horrifying race of Mind Flayers, these people are much more than that.

Ability Score Increase. Illithid gain +2 to Intelligence and +1 to Constitution or Wisdom

Age. Illithid reach adulthood by their early teens and can live for about 120 years before dying of old age.

Alignment. Though the Illithid tied to the collective tend towards lawful alignments or evil alignments, these Illithid can be of any moral alignment. They are, however, more inclined towards law than chaos.

Size. Illithid can stand at any height between six and seven feet, but with narrow frames they remain quite light. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your deep heritage also grants you a swimming speed of 20 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Force Blast. You gain access to a special attack. As an action, you may strike a creature within 10 feet of you with a blast of Eldritch magic. This attack deals 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier force damage. As you level up, the damage increases, dealing 2d6 + Int mod at 3rd level and 2d10 + Int mod at 5th level.

Child of the Deep. You are resistant to psychic damage, but your arcane sensitivity makes you vulnerable to force damage.

Deep Ancestry. You have proficiency with the Arcana skill.

Brain Food. Your kind thrive on the knowledge of others, and as such, you do not require normal food, but you must feed on the brain of at least one creature a week. For these brains to provide you with any sustenance, the creature must have at least 6 Intelligence.

Languages. You can read, write and speak Common, Undercommon and Deep Speach.


Physical Description

The warforged are beings constructed out of stone, metal, adobe clay and wood fibers around a skeletal frame of metal and stone, with wood fibers acting as a muscular system. The warforged are covered by an outer shell of metal and stone plates. A network of tubes run through the warforged body, filled with a blood-like fluid designed to lubricate and nourish their systems. Their hands have only two thick fingers and a thumb whilst their feet only have two broad toes.

The warforged face loosely resembles their human creator's, though they have a toothless jaw, heavy brow line and are lacking noses. Each warforged has a "ghulra" engraved upon their foreheads. Each of these runes are unique to each warforged, giving them a sense of individuality.

The warforged are completely sexless and genderless, though their bodies may have been designed with masculine or feminine features, these are considered by the warforged to be little more than aesthetic aspects. The warforged are able to be repaired and modified by those with the know-how, which can give an endless array of possibilities to their appearances.

A warforged on average stands 6'0" - 6'6" and weighs in at 270 - 300 lbs. These numbers may vary among the warforged "subraces", juggernauts are usually 6'2" - 7' and 280 - 360 lbs, and scouts stand from 2'10" - 3' 6" in height and weigh between 35 - 50 lbs.


Warforged can have unique personality traits, though, as they are constructs, those are restricted in some ways. They experience anger, pain, fear, and hatred like their human creators. All warforged naturally seem reserved, stoic, and pensive, hiding an array of emotions behind their inexpressive metallic faces. Their faces were not designed to display facial expressions, so it can seem like they are distant to the conversation. Despite their lack of physical facial expressions, they're not completely without them, as their eyes tend to brighten when experiencing strong or specific emotions. Some warforged have their faces modified to be more expressive for their companion's comfort, but these expressions are learned rather than natural and often appear stilted and awkward.

Some warforged can be incredibly naive and lack a sense of introspection. However, many others are the opposite and question their existence, they wonder if, as constructs, they have souls, and ask what becomes of them in the after life. The more intelligent warforged create complex philosophies about what they perceive and learn. Though warforged can show loyalty to religions and organizations, typically they become loyal to a small group of comrades.

Warforged often have little life experience as they have spent most of their time working towards one specific duty, usually soldiering. If there is one interest all warforged share it is their love of working and the satisfaction of a job well done. Many create endless lists of goals and chores to feed that feeling. They take pride in their work and can work incredibly hard, both traits that make them dislike idleness and failure. Warforged can excel at most tasks, having a single-minded efficiency, especially in combat related roles. But this same single-mindedness can often translate to a lack of creativity and they can be easily surprised or "outflanked."

War and military thinking are the foundation of Warforged personalities. They understand duty, the chain of command, and conflict. Warforged dislike being called "it" and usually accept the gendered pronoun that they most closely resemble. Some Warforged adopt names from the culture they were created in, though most of their names were assigned at construction and are straightforward and related to their job, abilities or rank. Many Warforged simply accept the nicknames given to them by their comrades while others seek more meaningful names that best describe them.

Warforged Names

Warforged usually either adopt their names from whatever race currently built them or they adopt a name for their purpose, rank, or field along with the surname of their creator.

Some warforged adopt a "personal name," these are decided by the warforged themselves and are usually determined after long periods of soul-searching. This is usually a special designation a warforged has for its friends and carries a special meaning to them emotionally.

Warforged Traits

Literally built for the job.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution scores each increase by 1.

Age. Warforged are created as adults; they have no childhood or adolescence. It is theorized that warforged may show signs of physical deterioration after about 150 years, but have no further aging effects after that point and no maximum age.

Alignment. Warforged tend toward lawful alignments, as they were constructed to be soldiers.

Size. Warforged are generally broader and heavier than humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Living Construct. Even though you were constructed, you are a living creature. You are immune to disease. You do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Composite Plating. Your construction incorporates wood and metal, granting you a +1 bonus to Armor Class.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one other language of your choice.


Physical Description

Big, strong, fast, lethal and wise, wolfkind are humanoids with the wolf face and their whole body covered by fur. Their feet and hands refer to the paws of their wolf ancestors, but the hands are functional and well all humanoid hands. Coming from Valhalla they are a race that swore to defend their clan at all costs.


After years hiding themselves from the other races, recent events has forced them to come out of their city hideouts.


Even with their brutal appearances they are a people who cherish the lives of all good creatures and defend them as if they were their own. Their society functions as the human, however they only kill another of their kind in ritualistic situations or in self-defense or if their fellow wolfkind has succumbed to evil.

Wolfkind Names

Male: Lupus, Lycan, Arthos, Igam, Thropus

Female: Ina, Agara, Diana, Vala, Panea


Long-lived anthroporphic wolves, wolfkin are powerful hunters and fleet of foot.

Ability Score Increase. Constitution score increase by 2

Age. Wolfkind mature to adulthood in their late 30's early 40's, but can live to be up to 400 years.

Alignment. Wolfkind as a whole tend towards good.

Size. An average wolfkind is 6'5". Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Hunter. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Investigation, Perception, and Stealth.

Brutal Hunter. You can perform a bite attack, which inflicts piercing damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier. You are proficient in this weapon.

Languages. Common, Druidic, Wild

Subrace. Forest Wolf, Frost Wolf, Mountain Wolf

Frost Wolf

Ability Score Increase. Wisdom score increase by 1

White Fur. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in snow or icy terrain.

Freezing Howl. As an action, you unleash a magical howl to debilitate those nearby. Every creature within 15 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 cold damage, and its speed is halved until the start of your next turn. The cold damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th level. Once you use your freezing howl, you must complete a short rest before you can do so again.

Forest Wolf

Ability Score Increase. Dexterity score increase by 1

Master of the Forest. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made in woodland or jungle terrain.

Booming Howl. As an action, you unleash a magical howl to debilitate those nearby. The howl can be heard 150 feet away. Every creature within 5 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 thunder damage, and it is knocked back 10 feet. The thunder damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th level. Once you use your booming howl, you must complete a short rest before you can do so again.

Mountain Wolf

Ability Score Increase. Strength score increase by 1

Stone Fortitude. You can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d6. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. The damage reduced increases to 1d8 at 6th level, 1d10 at 11th level, and 1d12 at 16th level. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Making a custom race

These rules give 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons players flexible options for building non-humanoid characters. The system is designed for building characters in high fantasy worlds where dozens of species of sentient creatures exist. The goal is to hand over some of the DM's race-building power to players in a balanced manner. These rules have been balanced to work alongside the core D&D races without issue, so that the system works even if only one PC in the party uses them.

Many high fantasy settings in fiction are pouplated with interesting species. Examples include Eberron, Planescape, Ravnica, Azeroth, Runeterra, Hyrule, and Star Wars. In a civilization with many sentient races, racial identity is probably less important than nationality, citizenship, or faction affiliations. Players using these rules should learn about the campaign setting so that their characters can fit in and find an appropriate organization to belong to. DMs using these rules should try to make room in the setting for non-human PCs, and try to introduce non-human NPCs frequently so that the PCs don't stand out as much.

If the DM is running a setting with mostly core races, PCs should be ready for some settlements to be prejudiced against dangerous monsters. Have a good humanoid disguise ready, or just be really intimidating.

Note: Even DMs who run a standard fantasy campaign may still find these rules useful as a template for building their own PC races. Abilities from the lists below can also be used as inspiration when building monster NPCs using the rules in the 5e Dungeon Master's Guide.

All PCs use the same racial rules, and they can devote class levels to acquiring specialized, powerful, and level-appropriate racial abilities. These rules also work just fine with some of the party being normal humanoids from the core PHB races. If your character is a mostly normal humanoid with some unique racial abilities, consider how those abilities reflect on your PC's physical appearance and habits.

1st-level PCs get the following racial traits:

  • Choose one: +1 to three ability scores, OR +2 to one ability score and +1 to a second.
  • Choose one: One feat, OR three Basic Racial Abilities.

Note: Careful examination of published WotC races reveals that they adhere strictly to having three basic racial features per race, ignoring "feather" abilities that are more flavor than benefit. The only exception I could find was dragonborn, and you can count their scaling short rest breath weapon as two abilities.

Basic Racial Abilities:

  • Skill: You have proficiency in one skill of your choice.
  • Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Blindsight: You have echolocation or other senses that allow you to perceive your surroundings without relying on sight, with a radius of 30 feet. Enemies can still attempt to hide in your blindsight, especially if you can't see them with your eyes.
  • Cantrip: Choose a class, you learn one cantrip from its spell list which you can cast once per round. You use the class's spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
  • Spell: Choose a class, you learn one 1st-level spell from its spell list which you can cast once per long rest. You use that class's spellcasting ability for this spell.
  • Nature Guardian: You can speak with animals, as the spell.
  • Disguise: As an action you can shapechange to assume a specific humanoid disguise, or change back into your natural form. Your humanoid disguise looks the same each time you shapechange. You do not benefit from any of your racial abilities while in this humanoid form. (Note: In a setting that is intolerant of monsters, the DM might decide to give you this one for free.)
  • Natural Armor: Your skin is protected by hard scales or thick hide. When you do not wear armor your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
  • Toughness: Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
  • Energy Resistance: Choose an energy type (acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, psychic, radiant, thunder), you have resistance to damage of that type, and advantage on saving throws against effects that deal that type of damage.
  • Physical Resistance: Choose a physical damage type (bludgeoning, piercing, slashing). You have resistance to that damage type from nonmagical weapons. (Note: I've playtested this, it's not overpowered for a PC to take it three times.)
  • Inorganic: You are immune to disease. You do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
  • Brutal Strike: When you hit with a melee or thrown weapon, you may roll one additional damage die. Once you use this ability you cannot use it again until you take a short rest.
  • Claws: You have sharp claws that you can use as one-handed simple light finesse melee weapons dealing 1d6 slashing damage. You are proficient with this attack. (Note: Yes, you can dual-wield these. They're basically short swords anyways, it's not like it's overpowered.)
  • Bite: You have a powerful bite attack that you can use as a two-handed martial melee weapon dealing 1d12 piercing damage. You are proficient with this attack. (Note: Some characters may prefer this as a finesse weapon, if the DM allows this you should reduce the damage to 1d10 because Dexterity is an overpowered ability score.)
  • Multilimbed: You have four arms. All of your arms are strong enough to carry weapons, shields, arcane focuses, or other objects. At the start of your turn you can only choose two of your arms to use, the rest of your arms are ignored and grant you no benefit until the start of your next turn. Any coordinated action with your unused arms is impossible, but they can hold onto objects you are already carrying, suspend you from a rope or ladder, or do other trivial tasks. (Note: Multiple limbs can be very overpowered if they break the action economy or allow the use of shields with dual-wielding or two-handed weapons. DMs should be aware of the restrictions on this ability and its upgrades below.)
  • Speed: Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
  • Climbing: You have a climbing speed of 30 feet and you are always proficient in Strength (Athletics) checks to climb.
  • Swimming: You have a swimming speed of 30 feet and you are always proficient in Strength (Athletics) checks to swim. You are also amphibious, and can breathe air and water.
  • Lesser Wings: You can use your reaction to slow yourself while falling and take no damage when you land.
  • Leaper: Your long jump and high jump distances are doubled, and you do not need to move 10 feet before jumping.
  • Amorphous: You can move through a space as narrow as one inch wide without squeezing. You have advantage on checks to resist or escape a grapple.

Note: Stonecunning is definitely weaker than Dwarven Toughness. Basic Racial Abilities in the list above have been balanced against the PHB core races' major abilities. The following homebrew guidelines examine minor racial abilities.

With the DM's approval, players can homebrew racial abilities to make them more specific to their race. Some examples:

  • A werewolf's hide could grant Physical Resistance against slashing damage from non-silver weapons.

  • A dragon's breath weapon could be a Spell that works like burning hands but uses Constitution to determine its saving throw.

  • A naga's poisonous fangs could be a Bite that deals 1 + Strength modifier piercing damage and 1d10 poison damage.

  • A fire elemental's Energy Resistance could also grant immunity to nonmagical fire but no benefit to saving throws.

  • A drider's Darkvision could have 120' range but impose disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks in direct sunlight.

  • A sprite could have Lesser Wings and the ability to hover in place as a reaction, but because of her Tiny size she would suffer disadvantage to attack rolls with non-light weapons, disadvantage to Strength and Dexterity checks when wearing medium or heavy armor, be utterly incapable of using heavy weapons, and have half the carrying capacity of a normal character.

  • The DM may decide that a particular Advanced Racial Ability from the list below is not overpowered at low levels and would be worth two Basic Racial Abilities.

Some cosmetic or situational abilities are more "fluff" than useful, and a PC may have one or two for free. Examples include bonus languages, elf trance, artisan tool proficiency, doubled carrying capacity, no opposable thumbs, no feet, metal allergy, magic allergy, inability to swim, illiteracy, or being Small-sized.

DMs are heavily discouraged from granting extra abilities in exchange for drawbacks. It's far too easy for a PC to work around situational drawbacks and create a heavily min-maxxed character build. (Note: The one example I see most frequently in homebrew is "they can't take levels in a spellcasting class so that's totally worth +4 Strength." These rules avoid ability score bonuses for the same reason.)

At 1st level a PC takes a level in a PC class, which determines their core combat abilities. However, starting at 3rd level, the PC may opt to multiclass into the monster prestige class to improve their racial abilities.

Hit Dice: 1d10 per monster level

Hit Points: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per monster level

Level Required Level Feature
1st 3rd Advanced Ability
2nd 5th Greater Ability
3rd 6th Greater Ability, Basic Ability
4th 7th Greater Ability, Basic Ability
5th 8th Greater Ability, Advanced Ability

Note: Proficiency bonus is not listed, but levels in the monster class do improve it. Calculate it using the character's total level, as explained in the PHB multiclassing rules.

Note: All abilities that refer to level mean the character's total level, not their level in this prestige class.

Advanced Racial Abilities:

  • Basics: You gain two Basic Racial Abilities.

  • Keen Senses: You gain proficiency with Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with either of these skills.

  • Extra Spell: Choose a class, you learn one 1st-level spell and one 2nd-level spell from its spell list, and you can cast each spell once per long rest. You use that class's spellcasting ability for these spells. Prerequisite: Cantrip or Spell.

  • Specialized Spell: Choose one spell you can cast from a racial ability. You can cast it once per short rest. Additionally, you can cast it as though casting from a 2nd-level slot at 3rd level, a 3rd-level slot at 5th level, and 4th-level slot at 7th level, and a 5th-level slot at 9th level. Prerequisite: Cantrip or Spell.

  • Magical Mastery: Choose a spellcasting class you have levels in. All of your racial spellcasting abilities are treated as that class's spells, benefit from that class's features, and may use that class's spellcasting ability score when you cast them. For example, an evocation school wizard with the vicious mockery cantrip could use Intelligence for its spell save DC and use DPotent Cantrip on successful saves.

  • Regeneration: If any of your limbs are severed you will regrow them after a long rest, or immediately if the severed part is held to the stump as an action. As a bonus action you may spend a Hit Die to heal yourself, regaining a number of hit points equal to the Hit Die roll + your Constitution modifier. If you are unconscious or dying, you can perform this bonus action at the end of your turn. Prerequisite: Toughness.

  • Energy Immunity: Choose an energy type you resist. You are now immune to it. Prerequisite: Energy Resistance. (Note: I haven't been able to find a good source of energy immunity in the rules to compare this to, but I'm pretty sure it's not overpowered because of how situational it is. Physical damage immunity, of course, would probably be overpowered.)

  • Large: You have grown to the size of a horse. You can use Brutal Strike twice per short rest. Your size permanently increases to Large (10x10 space, 5 foot reach) and your maximum carrying capacity is doubled. This does not increase the damage of the weapons you wield or let you wield two-handed weapons in one hand. Prerequisite: Brutal Strike. (Note: Size increase is only on this list because of the viability of "lockdown" reach builds using the Polearm Master and Sentinel feats. It could be a purely cosmetic ability otherwise.)

  • Furious Strike: When you hit a creature with a natural attack and the creature resists your damage, you may choose to instead ignore all of that creature's damage resistances until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you take a short rest. Your natural attacks always count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. Prerequisite: Claws or Bite.

  • Venom: When you damage an enemy with a natural attack, you may choose to inject a poison into their bloodstream. The target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + Constitution modifier) or become poisoned for 1 hour. Once you use this ability you must take a short rest before using it again. Prerequisite: Claws or Bite.

  • Pounce: If you use your action to Dash or Hide, you can also perform an Attack action with your natural attacks at the end of your movement. Prerequisite: Claws or Bite. (Note: I'm pretty sure I've worded this correctly to prevent Cunning Action shenanigans.)

  • Improved Speed: Your base walking speed increases to 45 feet. Prerequisite: Speed.

  • Improved Climbing: You can climb on perfectly smooth surfaces and ceilings while leaving your hands free. Prerequisite: Climbing.

  • Burrow: You can burrow at a speed of 15 feet through sand, earth, mud, ice, etc. You gain tremorsense out to 5 feet, allowing you to navigate while burrowing and detect vibrations whose sources are in contact with the ground.

  • Incorporeal: You can spend a Hit Die to pass through 1 foot per level of solid matter. If you have no Hit Dice, you can instead reduce your maximum hit points by 2d6 until you take a long rest. (Note: I haven't playtested this one yet. Please let me know if substituting Hit Dice for uses per level per day makes players sufficiently cautious when they use this ability during dungeon exploration.)

Greater Racial Abilities:

  • Advanced Basics: You gain one Basic Racial Ability and one Advanced Racial Ability.

  • Greater Extra Spell: Choose a class, you learn one 1st-level spell and one 3rd-level spell from its spell list, and you can cast each spell once per long rest. You use that class's spellcasting ability for these spells. Prerequisite: Cantrip or Spell.

  • Huge: You have grown to the size of an elephant. You can use Brutal Strike three times per short rest. Your size permanently increases to Huge (15x15 space, 10 foot reach) and your maximum carrying capacity is doubled. This does not increase the damage of the weapons you wield or let you wield two-handed weapons in one hand. Prerequisite: Brutal Strike, Large.

  • Multiattack: You gain both the Claws and Bite abilities if you did not already have them. You can use the Attack action to attack twice with your claws, and if you do so you may use your bonus action to attack once with your bite. All of these attacks add your ability modifier to damage. Prerequisite: Claws or Bite.

  • Improved Multilimbed: Your arms have developed more strength and coordination. You can perform an additional bonus action with one of your extra arms. You can only use this bonus action to make a two-weapon fighting attack with a light weapon and no ability bonus to damage, hold a spell focus or material component, perform the somatic component of a spell when your other hands are occupied, use a magic item on yourself (such as a potion), pick up an object, or drop an object. Prerequisite: Multilimbed. (Note: The extra attack explicitly does not get an ability modifier to damage for balance reasons.)

  • Greater Multilimbed: You can use all four of your arms with perfect coordination. You can perform an additional bonus action with your other extra arm. You can only use this bonus action to do the same things as Improved Multilimbed, and you can also use this bonus action to benefit from a worn shield on that arm. You can also use both of your extra bonus actions together to make a single two-weapon fighting attack with a two-handed weapon and no ability bonus to damage. Prerequisite: Multilimbed, Improved Multilimbed, 11th level. (Note: I figure at this point we're in the realm of dancing swords and animated shields and third fighter attacks, and they've devoted 3 or more levels into this that didn't go into their core class, so it should be balanced. Please playtest it and let me know how it goes.)

  • Improved Natural Armor: Your natural armor improves to 14 + Dexterity modifier. Prerequisite: Natural Armor.

  • Magic Resistance: When you fail a saving throw against a spell or magical effect, you may choose to reroll it. You cannot use this ability again until you take a short rest. (Note: If you're allowing the horrendously overpowered Lucky feat in your game, you could make this ability more powerful or move it to the Advanced list.)

  • Improved Regeneration: When you have less than half your maximum hit points, you do not need to spend Hit Dice to use Regeneration. Prerequisite: Toughness, Regeneration.

  • Improved Burrow: Your burrow speed improves to 30 feet. You can burrow through 2 feet of solid stone per level, and then you must take a short rest before you can burrow through stone again. Prerequisite: Burrow. (Note: This ability is locked until 5th level to make encounter and dungeon design easier for the DM.)

  • Greater Wings: You can fly at a speed of 30 feet for 1 minute per level, which you must spend in 1 minute increments. You regain the use of this ability after taking a long rest. At 9th level you regain the use of this ability after taking a short rest. At 13th level you can fly for 1 hour per level. Prerequisite: Lesser Wings. (Note: This ability is locked until 5th level to make encounter and dungeon design easier for the DM.)

  • Superior Wings: Your fly speed improves to 60 feet. Prerequisite: Lesser Wings, Greater Wings.

Note: A feat is probably worth one Greater Racial Ability. It's up to the DM whether PCs should be allowed to have any Greater Racial Abilities before 5th level.

Note: Adding a 20th-level capstone to the prestige class came up a few times in forum discussions. I will leave the idea as an exercise for the players using these rules.

More downtime activities

Because why not? Xanathar could and I cannot? I don't think so.

Animal Training

A player may spend their downtime creating an NPC animal companion to join them in their travels. This downtime activity also allows a player to "upgrade" a pre-existing pet by training them new tricks.

First off, the animal must be of a sort that would reasonably be available in the local environment. You can't just pull a baby red dragon out from under any old rock.

Second, it must actually be an animal. This is entirely dependent on the DM's conception of the distinction between "animals" and "monsters". Some DMs may feel creatures like griffons are basically just really neat, powerful wild animals. Other DMs may see them as fundamentally supernatural beings, and therefore disqualify them from this. Another distinction here is whether or not an "animal" is a "person." Again, some DMs may feel that dragons are just big talking lizards, while other DMs would insist that a dragon cannot be a pet because it is a person. Personally, I would draw the line at language. If the creature can speak and hold a conversation, it is a person, not an animal. I say this because the numbers below for training tricks to animals work fine if they're functionally mute, but seem to contradict the creature's intellect if it can speak.

Third, a PC may tame or train any available animal with a CR equal or below their character level. So, no pet carrion crawlers until you are at LEAST level 2, and nobody can train things like ancient black dragons, krakens, or the tarrasque.


Ok, so you've chosen an animal. Now for the expenses.

Taming an animal costs 10 times its CR in days. (With a minimum of 5 days)

  • Reduce the time by 25% if the animal is good-aligned.
  • Reduce the time by 25% if the animal is lawful-aligned.
  • Increase the time by 50% if the animal is evil-aligned.
  • Increase the time by 50% if the animal is chaotic-aligned.
  • Reduce the time by 1 day if you have proficiency with nature.
  • Reduce the time by 2 days if you have proficiency with animal handling.

In that time, you must provide it adequate food and water, as given for creature size in the DMG on p.111. The price for food is really up to your DM, but for the sake of having a reference point to start with, I will give some numbers. These are based on the trade goods on p.157 of the PHB.

  • 1lb. of hay is worth 1cp, assuming wheat is about the same dang thing.
  • 1lb. meat is worth 2cp, assuming a chicken weighs about that much.

You will also need to care for the creature by keeping it somewhere safe. The larger the creature gets, the more expensive this gets. Basically, this just means you need to pay the lifestyle expense of your animal as if it were a "kennel fee". (If you own a stronghold or other such piece of property which could satisfy the creature's needs, you do not need to pay this fee) Again, just so we have some numbers as a reference point, we'll cannibalize some material from the corebooks. I'm going to mash the creature size and lifestyle expense charts together.

  • Tiny = 1sp/day
  • Small = 2sp/day
  • Medium = 1gp/day
  • Large = 2gp/day
  • Huge = 4gp/day
  • Gargantuan = 10gp/day

So, as an example, to tame a griffon would require you to be at least level 2, would take 20 days, (no modifiers, as it's unaligned) and would cost you 80lb. of food, which would likely be meat, which comes to 8sp. You would also need to make sure that wherever you're keeping the thing will have at least 80 gallons of water available for it to drink over that time, and such a "kennel" will run you up 40gp. Don't forget that you still need to feed yourself.

Once an animal has been tamed, it will behave peacefully toward you and non-aggressive people around you, follow in your general area, and mostly behave itself. (Let's be honest, even the best trained dogs are still just animals)


Ok, so now you want your animal to do some tricks! And when I say tricks, I mean some very basic stuff. Tricks are basically interaction functions you're allowed to use to say "Look DM, my animal CAN do this. You let me train my animal to do this."

When you tame an animal, it starts out with 5 tricks of your choice. This number is adjusted by their intelligence modifier. (So, for instance, a dog, which has an INT mod of -4, would start with only 1 trick after being trained. Humorously, an ancient black dragon, if your DM allowed it, would start with 8, despite being a centuries-wise sub-deific primordial being of fundamental power.)

Training an animal a new trick is far simpler than taming it in the first place. Firstly, you only need to foot the bill for their food; you don't need to pay someone to pen the thing in for you any more; it's already tame. The time it takes to train the animal is 5 * (10 - intelligence modifier). So, for example, a dog would take 70 days to teach a new trick, (10 - - 4 = 14; 14 * 5 = 70) and would cost you 70lb. of meat, or 14sp.

A creature can know a total number of tricks equal to its intelligence score. (A griffon can learn 2, a mastiff can learn 3, an ape can learn 6, an ancient black dragon can learn 16, etc.)


Note, of course, that if your directions will intentionally harm the animal, like using it as a meat shield for cover from arrow fire, the DM has every right to have it act in self-preservation.

Come and Heel. This issue is more than just having an animal return when you call it. This command will cause the animal to act against its own desires. The animal will come to you, even if you are standing in a dangerous place. The animal will sit and stay still, even if it really wants to go kill that goblin.

Attack. This command will cause the creature to mercilessly attack who- or whatever you are directing it toward. Teaching the animal this trick also allows them to add your proficiency bonus to their attacks. It is unlikely to relent until the target is ruined, or a come or heel command is given.

Fetch. This command will send the animal to strive to obtain whatever you are directing it toward. If the animal cannot do it, (like say you told a rat to fetch a greatsword) it will attempt to open up any barriers which prevent you from getting it yourself.

Ride. If the animal is at least one size larger than you, (or some other person in your company) and of appropriate anatomy, it can be trained to be a mount. Prior to this training, the animal just acts of its own accord, tolerating your presence on its back. Just because it is trained does not necessarily mean that you know how to ride it though.

Perform. This is one amusing trick your animal does. A back flip on command, playing dead, speaking on command, etc. When used for practical purposes, this is the same as the animal having the perform skill.

Find. The animal can use its unique senses to search for things and track/hunt a mark. In practice, this functions as a guaranteed group check between yourself and the animal for the same task- this is almost like advantage, but the two die can have different modifiers- even penalties- and your proficiency only applies to your die.

Enlighten. You spend a great deal of time getting the animal to understand the subtleties of your expression, such that it has a higher understanding of people and what they are talking about. As an example, an unenlightened animal will feel good if you talk to it in a happy tone, even if your words are harsh, but an enlightened animal will get the hint that you're being facetious. This is represented by a one-time +1 intelligence score adjustment for the animal.

Work. The animal can be trained to carry, haul, and tow loads. While you could theoretically strap bags to the side of most any animal, this also applies to things like pulling carts, drawing a line to lift a load by a pulley, or tilling with a plow, which actually do normally require some training to be done well.

Help. Your animal has been trained to remember directions and the locations of important things- like people. If you are ever injured or lost, you could send your animal to seek help- it will always return to you. Animals trained in this trick will also find their way to you if you are separated.

Talent. This teaches the animal a skill or tool proficiency. It is up to the DM if the proficiency is something the animal can learn. For example, using a harp may seem doable for a large rat, but using a kettle drum would not. Likewise, training a horse to use its senses better for a perception proficiency makes more sense than teaching it knowledge: arcana. The animal uses your proficiency bonus.

Deliver. You have taught the animal how to navigate its way back to known settlements, and return to you, as well as how to carry and deliver messages and small parcels.

Hunt. Predatory animals, such as hawks or dogs, can be taught to hunt on their own and bring the kill back to you, rather than eating it for themselves. This is the same as the animal foraging independently of you.

Raising a Family

This downtime activity is really only for mature players. Not necessarily only adults specifically, but it deals with some pretty intense subject matter, and if not handled responsibly and respectfully, can result in some seriously hurt feelings. This downtime activity has the potential to bring up subjects such as the death of a loved one, spousal abuse, infant mortality, unfairness of medieval gender roles, infertility, character sexuality, and more. It has the potential to write stories that are deep, emotional, and possibly tragic. If you incorporate this material, please tread lightly and respect each other.

A character may spend their downtime doing what most humans want to do with their life at some point- finding a partner, settling down, and raising a bunch of kids. Adventurers are not like most people though, and many wind up being the end of their family line, either due to accidental death, or simply because they don't want to risk opening themselves and their loved ones to attack from their enemies.

Another common reason adventurers choose to never take this path, is because they know that their lifestyle is dangerous, and do not want to put their loved ones through the hardship of long times apart or unexpected death. Still though, some heroes defy these fears and take the leap, choosing love over security. This downtime activity allows the player and DM to develop the story of how their family grows over time, and incorporate that family into the game as NPCs.

Players may notice that this set of activities and rules are pretty negative, focusing extensively on relationship problems. Why is that? First, it's because when there aren't any problems, that means nothing needs to change, so there's nothing to say. Second, a relationship isn't just about the good times, and it also isn't just about how much hardship you need to face. Love is about overcoming hardships, regardless how many or how severe they may be, and still coming out in love on the other side. And, finally, good times in a relationship don't just happen the way bad things do. Hardships are foisted upon you by the cruel and arbitrary nature of reality, but happiness? That only comes from you making an effort at it. Simply having a wife isn't enough to enjoy being married, you need to make the most of whatever time you have with your loved ones in order to get anything out of it. If you don't, the relationship becomes hollow and meaningless. So, in otherwords, if you don't want your character's relationships to be a meaningless trudge through human misery, you're going to have to go out there and roleplay up some joy in their life.

When a player takes this activity, it either consumes time, or permanently adds to a character's lifestyle expenses.

Find a Lover

Takes 10 days. The player invents, and the DM modifies or confirms, an NPC to represent such a character. Depending on the nature of the relationship, this may involve creating additional NPCs, such as the lover's parents, ex-lovers, rival courtiers, current spouse, or pre-existing children. From then on, the character spends 1d6gp per lover on dating and gifts, in addition to their lifestyle expenses. Track how many years the character has been involved with each lover.

Every 10 days that pass, if the PC has more than one romantic partner, the player must make a DC15 charisma check to determine if their infidelity is discovered. The DC increases by 5 per partner beyond the second. The DM decides how the characters react to such a discovery, and what the local customs regarding infidelity are. At any time, a character may spend one day to end a relationship.

(Optional) Not what they seem. After a lover has been created, the DM secretly makes a d100 roll. On a 1, the character is not what they appear to be. Roll 2d10 on the following list to find out what they really are. 2d10

2D10 Lover type
1 You normally can't roll a 1, but if the DM hates you, your spouse is secretly the main villain for the campaign.
2 Succubus/Incubus
3 Vampire
4 Lycanthrope
5 Doppleganger
6 Ghost
7 Illusion
8 Assassin
9 Spy
10 Criminal
11 Adventurer
12 Famous
13 Wealthy
14 Blessed
15 Royalty
16 Psychic
17 Outsider (A person from another plane, typically another material plane)
18 Polymorphed Dragon
19 The CHosen One
20 Deity/Demigod/Celestial in disguise


Aside from the player-driven mechanism of infidelity by starting new relationships, it is also possible for their partners to be unfaithful. When the relationship is formed, the DM secretly rolls 1d20. On a 3 or less, the character will be unfaithful to the PC. The DM then rolls 1d20*1d20 to determine how many years will pass before such infidelity will occur. (Note that, for some races, even if the partner may desire to be unfaithful, they may die of old age long before they actually work up the courage to do it) After the character begins their unfaithful relationship, every 10 days the PC spends with that character, the DM secretly has their partner make a deception check against the PC's passive perception. If the NPC fails, the PC discovers a clue of the infidelity. (It is up to the DM how obvious the clue is, and up to the player to figure it out)

Marry a Lover

A character may propose to any partner already created through this downtime activity. To propose, the character spends 1 day, and must make a DC20 charisma check. If they succeed, their partner accepts, otherwise their partner rejects the offer. The DC is reduced by 1 for each year the characters have been in a relationship for.

The DC can also be reduced by spending gp on the proposal, by buying gifts, a ring, fine clothing, taking her out to a special event, etc. The DC is reduced by 1 for every 100gp spent on the proposal. As for the expenses of actually hosting the wedding, please refer to,

  • Dowry, Peasant (5e Equipment)
  • Dowry, Esquire's Daughter (5e Equipment)
  • Dowry, Baron's Daughter (5e Equipment)
  • Wedding Feast (5e Equipment)

... Or just have the DM make some stuff up with you. Your wedding can be as grand or plain as you feel is appropriate. It may be necessary to resolve some social dilemma before the marriage may procede, such as completing a duel with a rival courtier, or eloping to avoid consequences of an illicit relationship.

There is always a chance that the marriage doesn't go through. On the wedding day, the DM makes a d20 roll. On a 1, the partner gets spooked and rejects the marriage, leaving you at the altar! It is up to the DM and player whether the relationship is reconcilable after that.

Divorce. A marriage is a legal contract in most settled civilizations, and carries many legal obligations. In some cultures, it may even be legally impossible to divorce. In most medieval cultures, a divorce resulted in the female being left homeless and abandoned.

Live With a Lover

Whether you move into the lover's property, or they move into yours, you as the hero are expected to cover the expenses. In addition to the dating expense, you must also cover your lover's lifestyle expenses. Your lover should normally be expected to live the same lifestyle as you, but you may decide to separate the two. If you spend your downtime living with your partner, you only need to pay lifestyle expenses for the partner. Depending on society's values, living with a lover before marriage, or not living with your lover afterwards, may actually be considered inappropriate, sinful, or even illegal. This can only be done if either you or your partner have property to live in.

Raising a Child

This can only be done if the relationship is capable of producing offspring. It is up to the DM which race combinations are capable of producing viable offspring, and what race those offspring would be. It is also up to the DM to determine whether the gestation period of other races is different from that of humans. The character may spend 10 days to try and achieve pregnancy, by making a DC10 check. No ability scores apply to this roll. On a success, the female character becomes pregnant. Keep in mind that it is both tasteless and socially unacceptable to roleplay out explicit details of sexual activities at the gaming table. As in real life, a person's private life should remain behind closed doors. This is not about sexual activity, but the introduction of a child character.

(Optional) Infertility. If the check is failed 5 times in a row, the female is infertile, and cannot attempt this check any more. (If you and your group are not comfortable with the subject of infertility, disregard the subject entirely)

Childbirth. After 270 days have passed in any way, the female character gives birth.

Childcare. Once the child has been born, the PC is expected to cover the financial expense of raising the child, which is 5cp per year of age, per day, (5cp/day at age 1, 5sp/day at age 10, 1gp/day at age 20, etc.) until the child becomes independent. (So, if you are an overprotective parent who hangs on to their children late into life, you could be paying to care for a 35 year old manchild, or something else similarly unusual) Additionally, if the PC is the birth mother, then they are also expected to personally care to the child's needs until they are at least capable of feeding and dressing themselves, at about age 5. This requirement can be avoided by hiring a wet nurse, which costs 2gp per day of care. When the PC is adventuring, the child is assumed to be in the care of the partner.

Care for an Elder

You may find yourself in a situation where you become the caretaker of a grandparent, parent, or aunt/uncle, who has become incapable of living alone any more. Mechanically, this just means you need to cover their lifestyle expenses as well.

Family Events Chart

Every 1d100 days that pass, the DM may instigate a spontaneous event in the character's family.

d8 Event
1 Death in the family.
2 The relatives visit.
3 Sudden illness.
4 A kidnapping or runaway.
5 An argument begins.
5 Mental illness.
5 Romantic interference or competition.
5 Legal complication with relationship.

Keep in mind for everything above, the NPCs in a character's family are not manakins, props, or paper dolls. They are supposed to represent people with complex emotions, values, desires, fears, etc. They are independent, and should be made to act independently of the PC. The value of these rules is not to give the player a bunch of caged pets to torment, but to expand a character's roleplaying environment.


This downtime activity is intended for more open-ended, long-ranging, simulationist-type games. It would not work well in official or highly structured play, such as campaigns composed of published adventures. The traveling downtime activity is intended as an alternative to the usual method of overworld travel. So, if your campaign does not make use of overworld travel, then this probably isn't for your game. If, however, you believe that characters need to actually play out their journeys for the sake of a meaningful and sincere experience, but often find that experience to be a massive distraction when the distance gets too long, then here is a middle ground for you!

Instead of trudging across the map, grinding your way through random encounters, and repeatedly dealing with the formalities of marching order, camps, and resting, a player may choose to travel between sessions using this downtime activity. Downtime traveling is done by hitching a ride with some other group of people who are traveling, and just going along for the ride. Think of it as a sort of off-screen taxi service, or tabletop reinvention of the fast-travel feature from many videogames. The obvious benefit to downtime traveling, is that it allows the party to skip meaningless travel- that time spent meandering a large hex-map with nothing to do but roll dice, get lost, and get attacked. It also justifies a significant change of setting from one session to the next, by accounting for the reality of the distance traveled.

The downside, however, is that it costs coin, and time that could be spent on other downtime activities, and by bypassing random encounters, you are missing out on a sizable portion of xp which could have been earned. Now, in most campaigns, the party typically sticks together. If the party travels together, the total cost in days and money is divided as evenly as possible across the group. (If it is uneven, the person who instigated the activity has to pay the nearest whole value, absorbing everyone else's fractions.)

You can choose how much you want to pay, with higher prices allowing you to arrive sooner. So, in other words, the more you pay in coin, the less you spend in days. The DM can modulate how available these options are. For example, if you're out in the boonies visiting some unnamed thorp, your only option may be 5cp/day, if even that.

  • 5cp/day will get you 12 miles per day. This is akin to walking alongside a farmer and his wagon. This is slower than normal travel.
  • 5sp/day gets you 25 miles per day. This type of travel would be like riding on a cart with someone, probably an actual taxi. This is equal to normal travel.
  • 5gp/day has you riding in style, traveling 50 miles per day. This would be like riding with a caravan, where people work day and night shifts so they rarely if ever camp. This is a real shortcut, getting you to a destination in half the time you could have done it yourself in-play.
  • 5pp/day is the lap of luxury, where you are paying top dollar for specialist care. The people you travel with are taking every shortcut and loophole they can think of- flying mounts or vehicles, magic boots, secret portals, wizard circles, etc. You can travel 100 miles per day at this price point. This is a massive advantage, most characters could not dream of taking these kinds of spacetime bending shortcuts until they are incredibly high level.

For example, on a scale map of the Sword Coast, it would take a little over 3 days, and cost 18pp and 5gp, (or 185gp if you just don't carry platinum coins around) at the maximum price point, to travel from Neverwinter to Daggerford. (37 hex tiles, at 10 miles apiece, is 370 miles; /100 is 3.7 days; 3.7*5=18.7; that's in pp, so the decimal is in gp.)

Using the normal travel pace, assuming nothing goes wrong, the same journey would take a little over 15 in-game days of wandering around, making a map record, rolling checks to stay on track, foraging for food, setting up and taking down camp sites, and getting randomly attacked by the DM's encounter charts. That journey could take up a whole session, or at least a sizable portion of it, and contribute absolutely nothing to the adventure except some bonus xp to artificially pump the PCs so they can overcome some pre-planned challenge.

Building a Stronghold

A character can spend time between adventures building a stronghold. Before work can begin, the character must acquire a plot of land. If the estate lies within a kingdom or similar domain, the character will need a royal charter (a legal document granting permission to oversee the estate in the name of the crown), a land grant (a legal document bequeathing custody of the land to the character for as long as he or she remains loyal to the crown), or a deed (a legal document that serves as proof of ownership). Land can also be acquired by inheritance or other means.

Royal charters and land grants are usually given by the crown as a reward for faithful service, although they can also be bought. Deeds can be bought or inherited. A small estate might sell for as little as 100 gp or as much as 1,000 gp. A large estate might cost 5,000 gp or more, if it can be bought at all.

Once the estate is secured, a character needs access to building materials and laborers. The Building a Stronghold table shows the cost of building the stronghold (including materials and labor) and the amount of time it takes, provided that the character is using downtime to oversee construction.

Stronghold Construction Cost Construction Time
Abbey 50,000 gp 400 days
Guildhall, town or city 5,000 gp 60 days
Keep or small castle 50,000 gp 400 days
Noble estate with manor 25,000 gp 150 days
Outpost or fort 15,000 gp 100 days
Palace or large castle 500,000 gp 1,200 days
Temple 50,000 gp 400 days
Tower, fortified 15,000 gp 100 days
Trading post 5,000 gp 60 days



You have worked in a town or a city as an Alchemist. Maybe working for the ruler of the settlement or for yourself trying to earn a living. Working with chemicals and potions has given you a large array of knowledge of how to make such concoctions. Using these skills you can make potions, deadly poisons, or primitive explosives (if your DM allows it).

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana and Medicine

Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist's Supplies

Languages: 1 Chosen language

Equipment: Alchemist's supplies, 1d4+2 Books on Alchemical Formula, a belt pouch with 2d4 GP and common clothes

Feature: Experimenter

Based on your previous experiments, you know where to go when attempting to identify the uses for new components to be used.

Feature: Potion Brewer

During the course of a long rest you may make an intelligence check to make a potion of any rarity. The DC of this roll depends on the rarity of the potion you intend to make(Magic items): DC10 for common, DC15 for uncommon, DC20 for rare, and DC25 for very rare. You must be unbound and have access to you alchemical supplies to make use of this ability. Before attempting to make any potion you must have immediate access to the material components (if any) of the spell that the potion most resembles. (potion of healing=cure wounds etc.)

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 I have a thirst for knowledge.
2 I'm a little crazy.
3 I am not the best around people.
4 I refuse to lead, I'm more of a follower
5 I will not follow, only lead.
6 I will not make my self look a fool.
7 I will do anything for research.
8 I'm not too good around people.
d6 Ideal
1 I will use my skills to help anyone who needs it. (Good)
2 I could help but that's if I can be bothered. (Neutral)
3 I will use my creations to burn and murder any thing that crosses me. (Evil)
4 I am invested into who ever I am helping. (Lawful)
5 I'm willing to do anything to protect the group. (Chaotic)
6 I will happily help anyone in any way I think is necessary. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I will look after my family back at home
2 I share a bond with my customers
3 Anyone who has better conations than me deserves my respect
4 I seek knowledge anyone who has it is a friend
5 anyone who saves my life has proven to be trust worthy
6 My teacher is still alive I respect him/her and will protect him/her if need be
d6 Flaw
1 I have accidentally killed people with my creations, the guilt eats at me at some times
2 HAHAHAHA all this time around chemicals had made me slightly insane
3 I have an odd obsession for destruction
4 I like the smell of some of my concoctions, they can become addicting
5 I will not help (pick a race) they have done some bad things to me
6 I will not adventure alone


You... don't even know who you were before becoming an Adventurer. You come up with so many different ideas of who you were, ideas that would keep you up at night. You adventure, dig through history, investigate on leads, hoping that they'd bring you one step closer to finding out who you truly are... That is if you even want to know who you are.. Maybe you lost your memory from an explosion that caused you to hit your head, maybe you overdosed on a dodgy potion that blanked your mind, maybe you were cursed to forget everything, maybe you did this to yourself to forget a horrible trauma. Whatever happened, you have no idea, but there must be evidence of the past somewhere...

Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Investigation

Tool Proficiencies: Choose one musical instrument or gaming set

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: Two trinkets from your past (one of which is a meaningless red herring and the other being pivotal to your forgotten backstory. Which is which is up to your DM, who does not have to share which if they don't want to), a set of commoner's clothes, and a belt pouch containing 5 GP.

Quirks and Impulses

Although you have no memory, you are not a blank slate. Certain mannerisms and behaviours persist, even though you don't remember their point of origin.

d6 Specialization
1 Formal Attitude, You speak extremely formally at all times, especially to those you see as superiors. This may have been due to a military or noble background.
2 Racist Disposition, For whatever reason, your stomach turns when you see certain races of people or certain types of creature. Maybe you were once wronged by one of them and your mind has marked them out as your enemy. You may choose to embrace or reject this impulse, but it will be there regardless.
3 Forgiver, Even when you don't always fully believe it, you have a strong feeling that everyone should be given a second chance. This impulse may steer you right, but you may also develop a deep distrust of it as well.
4 Wanderlust, You feel a compulsion to travel, like you used to do it all the time. When in one place for too long, you grow physically restless. Over time, you might choose to curb this instinct.
5 Resignation, For some reason, you feel used to resigning yourself to failure or contentment. You don't have a natural urge to achieve or to change your circumstances, you just let the world be. Whether you become comfortable in this feeling or fight it is up to you.
6 Religious Thinking, You find yourself easily convinced by religious figures and messages. Evidently, you were quite the devout in your past, although you might now have a fresh perspective on the consequences of such thinking now that you're starting from scratch.

Feature: Deja Vu

You suddenly remember a huge amount of detail about a person, place or thing that you are currently looking at or interacting with without knowing why. Maybe a certain phrase or image sets you off, but you suddenly know all about this thing like you've been familiar with it for years. Any Insight, Investigation or History checks you make relating to this thing are done with advantage. You can use this feature three times per campaign and/or per character.

Alternate Feature: "Oh, I know that!"

Despite your amnesia, you clearly remember one specific field of knowledge, lore, or something else. Choose the field you want your character to know and write it down on your character sheet. If you fail your History roll regarding that field of knowledge, you can consult for the answer regardless unless it is otherwise impossible to know about it (i.e. it's unknown)

d8 Personality Trait
1 I like to do something to capture the current moment, be it writing down a poem or drawing a picture.
2 I keep a notebook of all the things I'm supposed to know so I won't forget it.
3 I have a ribbon tied to my finger at all times... And I don't know why.
4 I get constant headaches when I want to think about my past.
5 I come up with a new story of who I was every time I am asked.
6 I worry that I'll forget the life I'm living right now.
7 I sometimes think about who my family was and where I fitted in.
8 I don't want to pay close attention to my past.
d6 Ideal
1 Beginning. "This is a new, fresh start for me!" (Any)
2 Placement. "I will become a helpful member of my community, both from my past and my new future." (Lawful)
3 Improvement. "In order for me to be better in the future, I must know about my past." (Good)
4 Neglect. "Why bother searching for my past? It's in the past, after all." (Neutral)
5 Freedom. "Having no memories means having no obligations." (Chaotic)
6 Advantage. "Once I find out who I was, I'll use it to take back what I want." (Evil)

|d6 |Bond| |:--:|:--| |1 | A kindly old man took me in when he found me. I owe him a favor ever since.| |2 | I had a lover in my past who wants me to come back to her.| |3 | I hold onto my trinket, the only thing that I remember in my past.| |4 | The home I live in right now is the only home that matters to me.| |5 | I have a good idea who's responsible for my amnesia, and they will pay for it.| |6 | I remember only one person from my past. He holds the key to finding out about who I was.|

d6 Flaw
1 I will stop at nothing to find out who I was.
2 Every time I hit a dead end in learning of my past, I mentally shut down for a bit.
3 On top of forgetting my past, I also forgot basic stuff like eating.
4 I'm quick to forget things.
5 I will latch onto anything that will provide me at least an idea of who I was, even if it's an obvious trap.
6 I am almost certain that what I did in the past was bad, and the guilt eats me up even though I don't know what it was.


Artists are sought after and respected individuals all over the world. No matter their race age or gender, all artists are loved for their talent to place life and emotion into things such as clay, stone and paint. As an Artist you have perfected your art to the point that people pay to see you and pay your for your grand works of art. When choosing this background for your character you must ask yourself these questions: Is your character self taught? Are they a natural at what they do, or must they work as hard as they can everyday? Is your character struggling or successful? If they are indeed good at what they do, are they well known or new to the artist scene? Do they have a high opinion of themselves or are they humble? What has brought them into the world of adventuring? Did they choose to follow a band of warriors for inspiration? Or are they caught in the midst of a mess they cant get out of?

Skill Proficiencies: Performance and Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies: Artist's Tools

Languages: Any two, as you specialize in creating and describing art in many tongues.

Equipment: Artist's Tools, a set of common clothes, a diplomats pack and a belt pouch with 15gp.


Not every artist is great at everything. Though you may dabble with the different types of artistry, there will always be one thing that places you above the rest. What is that thing? And are you the best?

d6 Specialization
1 Painting
2 Playwright
3 Sculpting
4 Composing Music
5 Dancing
6 Architecture

Feature: Commissioned Artist

You are a Commissioned Artist. You are known well throughout your local area or maybe even globally. On request, you gain entry into royal courts and meetings with rich merchants who want a commissioned piece. You get paid ahead of time for your efforts, you must discuss and negotiate the price you will be paid for your art work. You have an advantage when rolling to persuade a merchant or noble person.

Alternate Feature: The Peoples Poet

You have made a name for yourself making works of art that point out the flaw in society, making fun of those in charge, of religion, law enforcement. Though Royals and Rich Merchants may not fancy your company the common people love you for your satirical and controversial artwork. You gain an advantage when rolling to persuade a commoner or working class person.

Suggested Characteristics

A life surrounded by artists and critics has molded you into the person you are today. Is your art or life? Or just a hobby?

d8 Personality Trait
1 My art is my life. It is my soul, I will defend it at all costs.
2 I am my own worse critic, these nothing you can say about me I haven't already said to myself.
3 I am not worth the time of the common folk, they don't pay.
4 The people deserve to be heard and I am their voice, viva la revolution!
5 I am like art, I flow, I feel. I do want feels natural, what feels right.
6 Art is like magic or science, there are strict rules to follow otherwise your no better than a three year old with a pile of clay.
7 I create beautiful thing to woo beautiful women.
8 My art is private. Only my commissioned works are for the public eye.
d6 Ideal
1 Cubism. I must do what is commissioned of me, or I wont get payed. (Lawful)
2 Abstract. I flow from place to place, doing what's best for me. (Chaotic)
3 Vandalism. The world is my canvas, I will paint it how I please and no one will tell me otherwise! (Evil)
4 Realism. I deal with whats real. And try and help as many as I can. (Good)
5 Impressionism. I learn a great deal from those around me. They are my inspiration. (Any)
6 Minimalism. A little bit of this and a little bit of that is all you need in life. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I am for ever indebted to the one who taught me my craft.
2 I am simply trying to provide for my family.
3 I am constantly trying to win the affection of the one whose caught my eye.
4 I am drawn to travel, to see the world and recreate it's wonders in art.
5 I am forever competing against my long time rival, they're always one step ahead.
6 I will not finish a task until it is the best i can possibly do.
d6 Flaw
1 I will kill the critic who depreciates my work!
2 If there's no gain for me in any way. There's no way I'll do it.
3 I get jealous easily, especially around other artists.
4 I will do anything for a turn with a nice pair of legs.
5 I am the best at what I do. Bring me someone who is better? You can't!
6 I spend most of my gold overindulging in life's pleasures.


You were created by the clone spell- a work of necromantic magic that is normally used to escape death. However, before your original died, your container was disturbed, and you awoke with all the memories of the original up to the moment you were awoken. Your original has not died yet- they are still out there in the world, and you have a thorough understanding of who they are and what their objectives are. Perhaps you have only recently awoken... or maybe you have been in this world longer than that? Did you emerge from a vat or chamber that you were created in, or was there some other means that you were created by? Did you know the person that you were created from, or have the two of you never met, or do you even realize they're still alive? Do you know who created you? Was your creator also the person you are cloned from? What purpose were you created for? Will you seek out your creator or are you happy to never know the person that shares your face? Do you think you have a real soul, or are you just some mistake of arcane magic gone awry? What do you think will happen when your original dies- will your life be overwritten by their soul as the spell intended?

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana and Medicine

Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: Two trinkets from the trinket table that you took from the original you, a set of common clothes, and a small pouch with 15gp. Purpose

Why were you created as a clone?

d6 Purpose
1 To serve as a body double in dangerous situations.
2 To replace the original person after a secret coup or assassination.
3 To carry on the legacy of the original.
4 For spare parts, in case the original was ever grievously injured.
5 To be part of a clone army.
6 To satisfy the desires or needs of someone that could never be with the original.

Feature: Mistaken Identity

Being a perfect copy of someone has its perks. Anyone who knew your original will initially think you are them. They will treat you as your original and, if convinced of that identity, allow you access to all that your original would have had access to. If you fail to impersonate your original, the person may become aware of the deception, and fear you are a doppleganger, disguised spy, illusionist, polymorphed monster, or some other horrid thing. This mistaken identity may also work against you at times, as any enemies of your original will also believe you to be the original unless convinced otherwise- and even then they may still dislike you. Work with your Dungeon Master to create an NPC representing your original, and their memories. Choose a background for them; you may utilize that background feature as you wish, but background features which rely on your interaction with NPCs will only be effective if you can successfully impersonate your original.

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 I'm always paranoid that I'll see my own face in the crowd.
2 I am constantly asking questions of new people I meet. They might know more about me than I do!
3 I try to stay out of the spotlight, or else people might look too closely.
4 I frequently have odd feelings of déjà vu when engaging in new things or meeting new people.
5 I feel like those around me are hiding things they know about me.
6 I indulge in any new experience that is offered to me.
7 I am fascinated by birth and childhood, having never experienced it myself.
8 I frequently draw self portraits of myself or gaze into the mirror.
d6 Ideal
1 Make It Count: I need to make the most of this life I was given and make a positive mark on the world. (Good)
2 Stolen Identity: You say that this castle belongs to me-I mean, it's great to be back home! (Evil)
3 Purpose Fulfilled: I need to find my creator and carry out my purpose. It's what I was made for. (Lawful)
4 Co-Exist: All I want to do is make my own way in the world. I don't care how, I just want to live. (Neutral)
5 Experience: I never got a chance to do that before! I'll need to try it out. (Chaotic)
6 Only One: A face as nice as this one shouldn't be shared...I'll need to do something about that. (Evil)
d6 Bond
1 I desperately want to meet the person I am a copy of.
2 I was never supposed to be alive. I need to make certain no more like me are ever created.
3 I have flashes of memories that don't belong to me and I use them to guide me in my actions.
4 I hold all the people who think I'm the original dear to my heart, even though I have no real connection to them.
5 I work harder than most people, as I feel I need to prove my right to exist.
6 There are people looking for me and I will do what I need to avoid them.
d6 Flaw
1 I enjoy acting in a way I know is in opposition to the original.
2 I secretly believe that I am the original and not the clone.
3 I lie that I am a twin whenever confronted with the reality of my existence as a clone.
4 I believe that I am far superior to the original.
5 I lose all focus on other tasks when information about my original is available.
6 I will go out of my way to get recognized, if I haven't been recognized in awhile. Just to keep things interesting.


You are, or were, a diplomat, a person appointed by a nation to conduct diplomacy with one or more other nations. The main functions of diplomats are; representation and protection of the interests and nationals of the sending nation; initiation and facilitation of strategic agreements; treaties and conventions; promotion of information; trade and commerce; technology; and friendly relations. Seasoned diplomats of international repute may be members of an international committee, or be employed by multinational companies for their experience in management and negotiating skills. Diplomats are members of foreign services and diplomatic corps of various nations of the world.

Diplomats are the oldest form of any of the foreign policy institutions of the state, predating by centuries foreign ministers and ministerial offices.

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight

Languages: 2 of your choice

Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a quill and bottle of ink, a blank treaty, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp

Diplomatic Rank

Diplomats have different specialisations, and traits are often also present in their adventuring careers. What did you do during your time as a diplomat?

d6 Rank
1 Secretary
2 Counselor
3 Minister
4 Ambassador
5 Envoy
6 International Affairs

Feature: Diplomatic Immunity

In peaceful foreign lands that recognise you and your place of origin, you may use your status as a diplomat to avoid penalties for minor crimes, and you may not be attacked by soldiers or guards. You may procure audience with various officials and nobles by using your title, though they are less likely to meet with you directly if you are not on official business. If you are ever publicly arrested in a foreign land, your nation will likely negotiate your return if this is both possible and desired by them. Abuse of this power will mean that it will be ignored or revoked.

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 My actions reflect on my liege, so I must always be my best.
2 I am accustomed to high living after years as a diplomat.
3 I will not tolerate violence between sentients, and will always try to peacefully resolve the situation.
4 I don't like to get involved in dirty business.
5 I love intrigue and mystery.
6 I have a tale or anecdote for any situation from my days as a diplomat.
7 If you have a good reason, I will listen to any request.
8 I weave flattery into my speech.
d6 Ideal
1 Peace - I do what I do to end wars. (Good)
2 Kingmakers - The right touch here and there can topple empires and raise kings. (Any)
3 Power - With my power, I could start a war. (Evil)
4 Secrets - Secrets deserve to be shared. (Chaotic)
5 A Voice - I speak for those who cannot. (Lawful)
6 Confidence - To be a good diplomat, you must stand tall. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I became a diplomat to better serve my liege.
2 My actions go to assist the people.
3 My loyalty is eternal.
4 I love the sounds of a treaty being signed.
5 I would perform any action for my hometown, a tiny hamlet that pooled its funds to send me to an esteemed place of learning.
6 I was inspired by a diplomat who ended wars and defeated tyrants, all with just a quill.
d6 Flaw
1 I would sooner start a war than admit my pride.
2 I am corrupt as they come.
3 I let down my lord in a crucial meeting.
4 I am actually a coward who turned to diplomacy so I wouldn't have to fight.
5 I have abused my powers as a diplomat, though none can ever know of this.
6 I accuse others of actions that I have committed.


Whether you were a tribal witch-doctor, a medicine-man, a holy healer, a military field medic, or a genuine medical professional from some unusually enlightened society, you specialize in the treatment of suffering. You have seen injury, disease, poison, and death, and still you have defied it all, fighting to save that every last soul. As a medical professional, you have sworn a Hippocratic oath, (code of ethics). You have pledged your life to protect life, that all who suffer are your patient, to support other doctors as family, to train any who swear the oath, to practice to the best of your ability, to always improve upon the art, to practice only your specialization, to practice not for your own gain, to practice within the law, and to keep all of your patients' secrets. Why did you turn away from the medical profession? Or if you haven't, what was it that drew you into the life of the adventurer? And what do you think of the oath, or other doctors?


Each doctor must choose a field of specialization to practice within the broader art of medicine.

d6 Specialization |:--:|:--| 1 Diagnostics 2 Apothecary 3 Surgery 4 Bone Setting 5 Therapy 6 Research

Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Investigation

Tool Proficiencies: Medicine Kit

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: Doctor's Tools, 2-man tent, bedroll, blanket, Book (About anatomy, disease, apothecary, or surgery), common clothes, five bars of soap, a belt pouch containing 5 gp.

Feature: Burden of Life

Due to your vow, you are expected to cure the ill, regardless of morals or prejudice, even if they are your enemy. It is considered a horrid evil to intentionally kill a doctor for no reason. As such, intelligent enemies are less likely to target you, (Provided they are not frighteningly evil in a manner that would be inappropriate for younger audiences) and even your enemy patients will at least not attack immediately while under your care. What happens after they leave your care...? Well you can't decide their fate.

Restored individuals may be grateful, or feel some form of life-debt to you. Enemies may repay you by specifically choosing not to kill you, or they may give free information, or a scout you once saved may turn a blind eye to your presence.

Provided you stay true to your vow, (as best as you can) you can make use of any hospital or medical facility, (typically located in churches, noble estates, universities, and other places of higher learning) as temporary residence for yourself, your patient(s), and your companions if there is room for them. Doctors will put you up at a lifestyle one step below their own if you can maintain a good relationship with them.

However, if ever you are proven to have broken your vow, you will be fully and publicly discredited as a doctor, and other doctors who pay attention to medical society will recognize you as such. You and all who are with you will be turned away from mundane medicine and the places it is provided. Because you swore on your life, breaking your vow is technically a personal death sentence, though no doctor true to his vows is free to enact it upon you. Even so, more enlightened nations are likely to have laws regarding the treatment of doctors and their vows, and enlightened does not necessarily mean "kind" or "gentle".

Suggested Characteristics

Doctors may come from many walks of life, but all became enrolled in some place of higher learning, or tutored by a renowned doctor, and eventually swore an oath- and that oath is not a light load to bear. Doctors are often studious, intense, passionate, clinical, intellectual, or unusually calm under extreme stress. Many are troubled by harrowing events they bore witness to. Some are shockingly pragmatic, with an "it may not be pretty, but you'll live" approach to problems.

Many are seemingly tireless, hard-working individuals. Some can be inspiring souls, with a deep appreciation, not only for life, but for the person who is alive as well. There is much debate among doctors as to just what the oath means, and what tenets have priority in any given situation.

d8 Personality Trait
1 All I think about is saving lives, or lives that have been lost.
2 I practice in the name of my religion, nation, or clan.
3 I am cold and calculating in my every word and action, even when furious or frightened.
4 When the bodies hit the floor, my hands go into automatic.
5 I consider magical healers and healing either to be cheating and unaccountable, or an integral future counterpart of a greater medical art.
6 I am waging a personal war on death itself.
7 I am entranced and inspired by the brilliance and glory of the living body.
8 I am actively involved in the medical society and engage in theoretical discourse and debate.
d6 Ideal
1 Life. I was put in this world to protect and save life. (Good)
2 I swore my oath, and now I must live by its tenets. (Lawful)
3 Vigilantism. No man can dictate who shall die, when, or how! (Chaotic)
4 Profit. Is it really my fault that all who come to me suffering also come bearing compensation? (Evil)
5 Survival. We are all in this together, for better or for worse. (Neutral)
6 Right. Everyone deserves to live. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I owe everything to my home village/clan, for pooling their resources to have me educated.
2 I was pushed, or encouraged, into the field by my parents, one of whom may have been a doctor.
3 My professor is the most important person in the world to me.
4 My patients are my everything- losing one of them is like dying, but it never ends.
5 I took up the profession because someone close to me died of something treatable.
6 I started my training alone from texts I obtained by my own means.
d6 Flaw
1 I took the vow not realizing its full implications.
2 No one can know that I have broken my vow.
3 I feel contempt for many of my patients.
4 I think I am better than other doctors, and other people in general.
5 Sometimes I go too far in my search for knowledge.
6 I am frightened/sickened by human suffering.

Variant Doctor: Veterinarian

Your specialization still stands, but instead of treating people, your art is focused on our fuzzy friends. Exchange Investigation for Animal Handling or Nature. Animals who have been healed do not behave the same way people do. Some more intelligent creatures, such as wolves, may be capable of feeling gratitude, but have limited ability to express such. Monsters are, true to their name, usually incapable of such emotion and will likely just attack the moment they recover. Other doctors may not take you as seriously as you deserve, but anyone who has an important animal, such as a knight's steed or a caster's familiar, will have deep respect for you, for even acknowledging that their animal is worth saving.


You were what most common folk are–a farmer. You worked on a lord's estate, their land, or you worked for a company and you produced resources from the land in return for food, shelter, clothing, protection, and other benefits. Farmers focus on raising living things and harvesting various useful goods–mostly food–from the land. Farmers make up the vast majority of the peasantry, alongside other raw resource producers, such as miners and fishermen. Farmers are a hearty, enduring folk, they work long hours under the sun often doing dirty and exhausting or even disgusting work.

How did you become a farmer, and for how long were you one? What did you do on your farm? Were you the landlord of the farm, or were you just a farmhand? And what caused you to leave that life behind? Was your home destroyed by war? Were you cast out for some crime? Did you flee taxes you could not pay? Were you called to join the Lord's army? Was your home stolen by an unscrupulous rival? How did you learn your current profession?

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling and Nature

Tool Proficiencies: Land Vehicles and Farm Implements

Equipment: A farm implement (such as a pitchfork or shovel), a set of work clothes or common clothes, a wide brimmed hat, a sack containing 5 gp worth of trade goods, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp or 1d4+2 gp.


Not every farm is alike; there are a vast range of goods produced by farmers of different sorts, and nearly all farms focus on just one product or a limited group of products.

d6 Specialization
1 Rancher. You raised animals for slaughter most likely for food, but also for leather, furs, and other useful materials.
2 Grazier. You harvested goods produced by animals such as milk, eggs, feathers, or wool.
3 Stockman. You bred animals to sell for work or as pets such as guard dogs, racing horses, and griffons.
4 Peasant. You harvested edible or useful plants such as wheat, corn crops, or apples at an orchard.
5 Forester. You grew trees for ornament or construction such as trees grown for bow staves, boat masts, or buildings.
6 Silk. You raised silk worms or another exotic animal, and harvested their silk.

Feature: Of the Land

You lack the formal education of the higher classes, but for how little you may know there is a great deal that you understand. You have a practical, working knowledge of astrology and meteorology, and can easily track the time and date as well as predict the weather within a few hours, or days if you're lucky. You understand the "secrets of life"; the needs of life (water, light, air, salt, etc.), the patterns of physical inheritance, and the connections between different plants and animals.

At the DM's discretion, this can be represented by allowing a farmer to cast commune with nature once per long rest, except that the range is limited to environments common to you within 10 feet and you can only choose one of the first two choices.

Alternate Feature: Of the People

For better or for worse, you are just very normal. Among commoners and on the road, most people just don't notice you, and security checks at city gates or on the road are often brisk and half-hearted. People tend to trust that you're just another face in the crowd. However, whenever you are some place commoners should not be, or normally are not seen, you stand out like a sore thumb and draw a good deal of attention, one way or another. You are unlikely to be preceded by your reputation, if you even have one, and if you do, nobody expects you to be them.

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 I'm always early to bed and early to rise.
2 I keep my gear and supplies in careful check.
3 I speak with a distinctive drawl or accent common to my class.
4 I always save up as much as I can, spending and consuming only what I must.
5 When work needs doing, I do the work.
6 I keep constant track of the sun, moon, stars, seasons, and weather.
7 I like to sleep in the sun when I can.
8 I'm always chewing on a sprig of grass, a toothpick, tobacco, seeds, or preserved meat.
d6 Ideal
1 Fill the Need. There are a lot of hungry mouths in the world, with enough hands the world can feed them all. (Good)
2 It's a Living. I do what I'm good at because what I'm good at is good for me. (Neutral)
3 Brutal Practicality. Bury a fish or bury a man, just get the job done. (Evil)
4 Hard Work. A labor of love is a purpose and meaning. (Lawful)
5 A Simple Way of Life. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! (Neutral)
6 Amusement. Playing a hand in the growth and development of things delights me. (Chaotic)
d6 Bond
1 I want to find that special someone and raise a home full of children.
2 I'll never forget the family farm I grew up on.
3 Some day, I'll be the lord of my own land.
4 I want to grow or raise the biggest or best example of my profession to prove I am the best!
5 My son was sent to war and never returned. I must find him!
6 I am out to start a homestead of my own in an unexplored fringe territory.
d6 Flaw
1 I can be lazy and sleepy, sneaking off to take naps when work can wait.
2 I am absurdly isolated, innocent, or pious.
3 I believe in and obey my nation's nobility blindly.
4 I abandoned my home to avoid taxation, conscription, or court and cannot return.
5 I am not used to being wealthy and tend to overindulge.
6 I show off to attractive people too much.


Throughout your entire life, you've heard of the grand adventures by grander adventurers, and from the amount of heroes that pass through your Inn you've finally become fed up, and have decided to start up the adventuring life of your own, with from what you've rangled up spare from lost property to using card games to earn a little extra gold, you saved up enough to begin your adventure, leaving the Inn to your trusted employees, you set out and begin a new chapter in your life.

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight

Tool Proficiencies: Brewer's Supplies or Cook's Untensils

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: Brewer's Supplies or Cook's Utensils, One bottle of alcohol of your choice, The deed of the Inn you own, A flask with alcohol of your choice, and a pouch with 15 gold

Innkeeper Trait

You've build this establishment from the ground up and have learnied a few tricks on the way, from honing your skills in a fight to keeping your ears open for news and gossip, over the years you've developed a certain skill. Roll 1d6 or choose one of the following. As well as this, every month you receive gold from the Inn's profits. Roll 1d10*100 gold

d6 Specialization
1 Man of Many Words - Because of the many patrons that pass through your bar you have picked up a few key phrases from other languages, you become proficient with one other language of your choice.
2 Keen Eye - Many of your regulars have sticky fingers and so you have learned to notice the smaller movements, you gain proficiency in perception.
3 Quick Draw - You've mastered card games to the point where you've started to implement some tricks into daily life, you gain proficiency in Sleight of hand.
4 Sharp Tongue - Many fights have occurred in you inn to the point where it is exhausting, you've learned to resolve issues with words instead of weapons. You can now cast Vicious Mockery as an action, Charisma is your spell attack bonus.
5 Brawler - Fights occur in every bar and inn, to resolve this issue you decided to prepare for the next fight. Your Unarmed strikes now do 1d6 instead if 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
6 Ear to the Ground - Many adventures have wandered through your bar telling great tales and heroics, as well as lore, you gain profiency in history.

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 Everyone has a story to tell, for the right price.
2 In my books, if your a Patron, you're a friend.
3 I've always believed that alcohol is the best medicine.
4 I've never been scared to back down from a fight.
5 My sharp wit and cunning remarks can cut tension like a hot knife.
6 I have a joke for every occasion.
7 I like to collect trinkets and magical objects, even if that means stealing them sometimes.
8 I always have a story that relates to the matter at hand.
d6 Ideal
1 Kindness: A smile and a free ale can raise a lot of spirits. (Good)
2 Frugal: If I can haggle a price I will. (Lawful)
3 Power: Gold can get you a lot, but a threat can get you more. (Evil)
4 Curiosity: I'm always thinking of new concoctions to introduce to the inn. (Neutral)
5 Knowledge: With enough alcohol, you can make someone tell you anything. (Chaotic)
6 Freedom: if something is being given away, chances are, I will always take it. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I will always be grateful to my mentor who taught me everything I know.
2 I remember being a "gutter rat" and will push for them to be treated equally.
3 I am forever in debt to the family that adopted me when no one else would.
4 A monster destoryed my village and family, and now it is my duty to slay the beast.
5 I accidentally served a dangerous criminal and now the guards don't trust me.
6 I have grown up fixing my families mistakes.
d6 Flaw
1 I always speak my mind, for better or worse.
2 I'm not the most careful of people and tend to break things now and again.
3 I have a serious drinking problem.
4 My wit has landed me in more jails than I can count.
5 I am not people person.
6 My anger issues have been responsible for many broken jaws.


For some significant portion of your life, you have been someone else's property. This part of your life happened either by abduction, as punishment for a crime, sworn to a debt of life, or you were born into it. How did you become a slave? Are you a slave or a freeman? Who was your master and where are they? What were the conditions of your slavery? What did you do as a slave? Were you treated well, or were you abused? How much privilege or freedom did you experience, and was this granted to you, or taken by you? How would you treat your master after your servitude? Can you ever really leave your background behind you? Do you really even need to escape, or will you remain a slave for the rest of your journey? Do you have the willpower to create slavery-free actions, or has your background tainted your history and the actions that you can take later in your career? What would you do with your slaves?

Skill Proficiencies: Performance, or Survival

Tool Proficiencies: You have proficiency with any one tool entry with a value no greater than 15gp.

Languages: None

Equipment: One tool you are proficient with, or one simple melee weapon, a set of clothes appropriate to your master's status and your slave purpose, and a small pouch containing 1gp.


A slave is set to a task by their master for a reason– their purpose for even being alive.

d8 Purpose
1 I existed to do hard labor, such as mining or construction.
2 I existed for someone else's amusement, entertainment, or recreation.
3 I existed to serve some dedicated menial task, such as cooking or cleaning.
4 I existed as the personal servant of a given person, family, or group.
5 I existed to fulfill the tasks of some professional assistant, such as a furnace operator for a smithy.
6 I existed to serve the function of an inanimate object, such as a signpost or furniture, or to operate such things, like opening and closing a specific door all day long.
7 I existed to fight and die in the place of someone else, as a soldier or bodyguard.
8 I existed to serve all, as an untouchable– a slave to even other slaves.

Feature: The Hard Road

Slaves face great difficulty everywhere they go. Escaped slaves are often on the run if not from their former owners, then certainly from the law. Few are educated or have any practical experience to make a way for themselves. Most have limited social skills which give away their social status. Slavers may notice freemen as "unclaimed property" and try to "claim" them as slaves. People sense a sort of "inferiority" about slaves and freemen, and they will likely either ignore you or boss you around. Many freemen turn to crime to make ends meet and so anyone who doesn't assume you a slave immediately, will likely assume that you are a criminal. If you can ever really leave the slavery mindset knowing what it's like to be a slave, then you can pose as a slave with little difficulty and without raising much suspicion. People seem to do things in front of you that they would normally only do when they are alone.

Suggested Characteristics

Slaves belong to their masters and cannot openly make the decisions that they want to, their destiny is defined by the wills of their masters. You may be a "star" slave and actually make a statement to your master, or your life may be nothing more than serving a pointless end. If you are an unlucky slave, then your life will be for nothing more than fighting a lost campaign or treating a person with no power as an exemplar. If you are a lucky slave then maybe you can see escape without slaughter, or even talk to your clients and perform some subterfuge. Escaped slaves exist in an awkward situation where they are lost/stolen property which they are guilty of stealing/kidnapping themselves.

Life as an escaped slave is extremely difficult, and hiding your past may require intuitively practicing skills you would normally never have learned as a slave.

A freeman is a person who was a slave but has been freed by legitimate means. Most freemen are actually convicts who were put to slave labor in a work prison as their punishment. Alternatively, some slaves escape via criminal means and become legitimate exiles in another land, where their former status of slave is meaningless. Many freemen rise from old servile rebellions, or from counter-slavery laws passed by gentler rulers. A rare few are granted their freedom willingly by their masters. This is so extremely uncommon, most people don't even imagine it as an option. Freemen face almost as many challenges as escaped slaves, but have no reason to hide their past, aside from personal shame.

Being a slave actually makes things harder for you. It is an impediment to be overcome.

d8 Personality Trait
1 No matter how bad things get, I never complain– I've seen worse.
2 I do not say anything unless someone says something to me.
3 I call everyone "Master" and "Lord" without thinking about it.
4 I try to hide as much of my body as possible.
5 I tend to disappear in a crowded room, becoming part of the backdrop with ease.
6 I am terrified of ropes, chains, and whips.
7 I do all kinds of basic chores and errands for those around me out of habit.
8 I am haunted by confusing memories and dreams about my life before slavery.
d6 Ideal
1 Equality. We all bleed red, we all suffer together. (Good)
2 Apathy. I only think about what is within my power. Anything else is just circumstance. (Neutral)
3 Spite. Those who would own others shall belong to me. (Evil)
4 Status Quo. Status is defined by clear rules which are the foundation of civilization. (Lawful)
5 Indifference. People are just people– who they are matters more than what they are. (Neutral)
6 Freedom Fighter. All slaves must be freed- by law, by coin, by shadow, or by blade. (Chaotic)
d6 Bond
1 I dream of returning to my homeland or family.
2 All I have left of my former life is this trinket.
3 My identity as a slave is marked on my body permanently as scars or tattoos.
4 I am in love with someone who is not a slave, possibly in my master's house.
5 I know many secrets thanks to my innocuous presence in intimate social environments.
6 I heard a story about some grand place, and deeply want to go there.
d8 Flaw
1 I secretly liked being a slave.
2 My former master, or the law, will stop at nothing to have me executed.
3 I do not share my things with friends, and I will fight to keep personal belongings within my full control.
4 As a defense mechanism, I lie and misdirect everyone around me, and steal and hide anything I can.
5 I always say the truth when asked, even by an enemy.
6 When I am told to do something by an enemy, I might do it.
7 I cannot stop myself from reveling in material pleasures.
8 I am a coward.


Most of the world's history and culture is inked into the pages of tomes that lie in the dusty halls of libraries and live in the studies of great wizards. Those who write these tomes can influence the way people think and feel, how events are remembered, and how the future may be looked out. You are one of these people, a writer.

Few people look at a writer as one who goes out of their way to find knowledge, many, in fact, imagine a writer to stay at their desk and merely write until their dying breath. This raises the question: How do the authors who write of the natures of beasts and fey learn of these things? Simple, they go out into the world themselves. They say a writer’s greatest tool is his ink and quill, but clearly a sword and spell can help pull a book together just as well.

What has driven you leave your writing desk and go out into the world? Was it to find more information or get some first hand experience about your new book's topic? Was it to help stir up your creative flow, find a new muse or find a way to get rid of your writer's block? Was it you were forced out as your books were deemed too dangerous or taboo?

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and history (non-fiction writer); or performance and insight (fiction writer)

Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's supplies

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: Calligrapher's supplies, a book (your first draft newest book or the first copy of your first/ most popular book), a blank book, a bottle of black ink, a quill, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15gp .


The style of books you are or have written

d10 Specialization
1 Action and adventure
2 Romance and drama
3 Mystery and horror
4 Travel guide
5 Anthology and poetry
6 Science, arcana or history
7 Philosophy
8 Bestiaries
9 Political or religious treatises
10 Cook books

Feature: Fan Base

Your publications have particular significance to some of your readership. You have amassed a fan base, which might be widespread or small and fanatical. You are always somehow running into a fan that can help you, or at least willing to put you up for the night, even if it's to get a sneak peak at your next book or get an autograph.

Alternative Feature: Publisher

You have gained the services of a Publisher, a small company that has pick up one or more of your books to print and is willing to help you write your next book, within reason. A publisher could help set up a meeting with knowledgeable people that could aid you, like a local guide to help navigate unknown land, or a researcher/historian who help you find certain information. A publisher could also help by paying for certain services, like Ship's Passage or a Coach cab between towns, in some cases a publisher could be pressed to pay for more expensive services but the cost of which would come out of the sales of your book(s) later on.

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 I often ask is this what my lead would do?
2 "This will be perfect for my next book!"
3 I can't resist a good story, especially after a good drink
4 I watch how people interact with each other and will often write notes down about them
5 I base my character off people I know, to the point which I get them mixed up
6 I read everything I can get my hands on
7 I can lose track of time when I start to write/read
8 "YOU HAVEN'T READ IT YET! ... we'll see to that"
d6 Ideal
1 The Story line: There is always a beginning, middle and end to every story (Lawful)
2 Creative spark : The world needs some new stories and I'm going help make them (chaotic)
3 Passion: Even if no one read my books I will keep on writing (Neutral)
4 Helper: If my books can help at least one person I will be happy (Good)
5 Greed : I'm only here to improve my book sales, even if I have to exploit and manipulate others(Evil)
6 Discovery: The more of the world I see, the better my books will become (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I owe my publisher everything, if they didn't take a risk for me I would have never sold a book
2 I love my fans, with out them I would be nothing
3 I idolize an author that inspired me to pick up the quill myself
4 My head is full of stories and ideas, I need to write about them, I don't care if people read them or not
5 I found an unfinished book that is masterpiece and I will complete it one day
6 My book sales help to keep a institution close to my heart from closing
d6 Flaw
1 I find it hard to trust new people, they could be out to steal my work
2 I regularly suffer from writer's block, and it cases me to get irritable and angry
3 No one knows, but I stole a friend's idea/research for my first/most popular book, I still feel guilty
4 If it would help the sales of my books I would make a deal with the devil
5 I use my book(s)popularity to boast to people, I often embellish how many I have sold
6 I can't handle criticisms , I find them to be an attack on my person

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