October HomeBrews

Gourd of the Rings

Wonderous item, rare

This bag is pumpkin-shaped and made with thick, orange velvet. The copper embroiery stitching curls around the pumpkin. The top of the bag is sinched together with a green, curly ribbon.

Once per long rest, you may reach into the bag and pull out a ring. The ring is determined by rolling a d8 and using the table below. The ring disappears at the start of your long rest. Rings drawn from this bag do not require attunement even if they normally would. Rings only have one charge if they usually have multiple.

d8 Ring
1 Ring of Jumping
2 Ring of Feather Falling
3 Ring of Water Walking
4 Ring of Evasion

d8 Ring
6 Ring of Protection
7 Ring of Invisibility
8 Ring of Spell Turning

Fey Carriage

Wonderous item, uncommon

In your hands is what appears to be a pumpkin seed. It seems ordinary enough other than the white, crystalline sprout already crawling from it. Planting the crystal seed into the ground will instantaneously spawn a carriage. The spouted carriage is a semi-opaque orange crystal with a functioning door, three windows, and four large wheels. It can hold up to six people and moves on its own after a destination is spoken. You may travel in this at the same pace as a wagon. This item is single-use and turns back into an ordinary pumpkin seed at midnight.

Hallowed Helm of Discompumpkulate

Wonderous item, uncommmon

It looks like an ordinary jack-o'-lantern. Maybe it is. A sharp grin is carved on the front, and light emits from the triangle eyes and maw. On the bottom, there is a hole.

Throw this pumpkin at a humanoid and roll a d20. On a 10 or higher, the pumpkin will land on the person's head and obscure their senses entirely, discombobulating them for a minute. Any damage will break the effect and the pumpkin. This object is single-use.


Formatting created with Homebrewery.

Homebrews and art by A. Morgan Fuchs.

The Pumpkit

Strange beasts pop up around this time of year when the nights start to grow, and the full moon hangs high in the sky. Legend has it that an extraordinary creature will be born during the Halloween full moon if a fox trots through a field of pumpkins.

As the fox leaves the field, a small pumpkin will suddenly sprout a bushy, misty tail. Two little star eyes will glow from within. Soon, stubby legs and tiny ears will appear, and after a few blinks in the moonlight, the Pumpkit will come to life.


Tiny pumpkin-fox, too trusting

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 2(1d4)
  • Speed 40ft.

3 (-4) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)

  • Languages Common
  • Challenge 0 (10 XP + General public disdain for murdering a cute baby pumpkit)

Cute. If you try to attack it you must make a wisdom saving throw. If you fail, you are stunned for one turn and suddenly become the ire of your party for one minute.


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 1 ft., 1 target. Hit: 1 slashing damage and shame.

October HomeBrews

Trick or Treat Bag

Wonderous item, uncommon

There are fifty candies in this bag. Some taste like the last sweet drops of autumn honey or the first of the summer strawberries. Others taste like brine, or worse. Eating one of these candies will either give you a trick or a treat. The effects of these tricks or treats last for one hour unless dispelled.

d10 Trick or Treat?
1 Polymorph into a Spider
2 Polymorph into a Bat
3 Heal 1d4
4 Poisoned
5 Blessed

d10 Trick or Treat?
6 Immune to Fire
7 Heal 1d10
8 Polymorph into a Pumpkit
9 Take 1d8 damage
10 Heal to full health or add 1d8 temporary health

Brooch of Boo!

Wonderous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

While wearing this brooch, you have advantage on Intimidation checks.

If you succeed on your check, you briefly become transparent like a ghost. Your eyes glow an unearthly white, and you have a pale blue light around you.

Pointy Hat of Minor Casting

Wonderous item, very rare (requires attunement)

While wearing this hat, you discover that you know how to cast spells! Nevermind the whispering voice that comes into your mind every so often. It's probably just your imagination.

Once per long rest, you may cast two spells from the list below. It costs one bonus action to recall the hat's spell and one action to cast the spells unless the spell states otherwise. You do not have to use a spell slot if you are already a caster to cast a spell from the hat.

Every full moon, make a wisdom saving throw. On a ten or lower, you are briefly possessed by the spirit of the hat (details listed below). The possession lasts until morning or cognitive reset in the form of being knocked out.

Pointy Hat of Minor Casting Spell list
Fog Cloud
Witch Bolt
Disguise Self
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages

The Witch of the Hat

Race is same as possessed, any alignment

9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

  • Skills Arcana +6, Charisma +4
  • Senses passive Perception 11
  • Languages Common + any two others
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Spellcasting. The Witch of the Hat uses Intellect as its spellcasting ability. They have the following spells prepared:

Cantrips: fire bolt, minor illusion, poison spray, ray of frost, shocking grasp

1st level (3 slots): witch bolt, fog cloud, thunderwave, sleep, shield, charm person

2nd level (2 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person, invisibility, mirror image, sugestion, crown of madness

3rd level (2 slots): counterspell, fireball, bestow curse

4th level (1 slots): wall of fire, dimension door, polymorph

Credit: Creazilla

Who is the Witch of the Hat?

Some say the witch lost a duel with another mage and ended up with their mind trapped in a hat.

Whether the Witch wants to explore the world after being trapped for so long or cause mayhem while in control of their vessel is up to the DM. Who knows? Maybe they simply want a good meal or two.