Wrist-Mounted Grappling Hook

adventuring gear (arms)

  • Category: Items
  • Item Rarity: Rare
  • Cost: 250 gp
  • Weight: 5 lb

This wrist-mounted gadget can be activated as an action on your turn, firing out a reinforced cable onto a target surface within 40 feet of you. Make a Dexterity check. You can add your proficiency bonus to this roll if you have proficiency with one of the following: Tinker’s Tools, Thieves’ Tools, or Mason’s Tools. On a result equal to or higher than the structure’s AC, the cable latches itself to the specified point, allowing you to swing across gaps or possibly climb steep walls. You can have the cable detach itself from a surface as a bonus action, returning it to your device.

Additionally, you can choose to recall the cable without detaching it, pulling you towards the targeted surface before retracting completely. If the targeted surface is a Medium or smaller object, it is pulled towards you instead. If it is a Medium or smaller creature, they must make a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier), immediately being pulled towards you on a failed save, or pulling you towards them on a successful one.


Artwork: Heed liu

Design: u/CamunonZ


Artwork: Heed Liu

Design: u/CamunonZ