Of Silk-stocking and Lace-curtains

In a world of sword and sorcery, in an age of magic, in a time where humans and non-humans existed, nobles and princesses try their best to avert the disasters of everyday life.

Table of Contents



I was always interested in Tabletop Roleplaying Games such Dungeons & Dragons & Pathfinder. However the style I run most of my games is always story first before anything else. You can say that most my games is around 70% - 80% story and only 20% - 30% combat. The sad part is most of the current classes in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition tends to focus more on the combat part of the game. So I started Googling around and found some homebrew creations The Princess Class and an update to it called The Noble (links below).

Princess Class
Noble Class

Non-combat Focused

Both the Homebrew above was focused more like replicating the feeling of being a main character in those classic Disney movies from Snow White, to The Little Mermaid, to Beauty and the Beast and even the modern ones like from Brave to Frozen. Most of us who watch those shows are in it for the story, characters and beautiful settings. So I am trying to replicate such a feeling in Dungeons & Dragons using its latest engine aka 5E.

Tweak & Modified

I kinda tweak Impersonater's take on the Noble Class and added/remove what works in my playtest of running 10 sessions using said class. I renamed it to The Aristocraft just for it to be different as I don't want people confusing my tweak's with his awesome initial take one it.

Project Name

Why did I name this project 'Of Silk-stocking and Lace-curtains'?

In English "Silk-stockings" is defined as wealthy, aristocratic and "Lace-curtains" is the characteristic of or aspiring to the standards and attributes of the middle class.

Since my adventure involves both these themes I just went with it till I can get a better name, but for now this will do.

Local Touch

Besides wanting my players play characters like classical Disney Princesses, I also wanted to add some local flavour to this module. Most of these stories are taken from folktales and myths found in South East Asia, with many from my home country Malaysia.

This module contains

This entire 'Of Silk-stocking and Lace-curtains' Project contains the following:-

  • An adventure based on the story/ idea/ concept/ myth of 'Puteri Gunung Ledang'
  • An adventure based on the local hero 'Badang'
  • An adventure based on the legendary queen 'Siti Wan Kembang'
  • An adventure based on the story of 'Mahsuri'
  • An adventure based on the conflict of 'Hang Tuah' and 'Hand Jebat'
  • 8 new creatures inspired by local legends and folklore ( Toyol, Penanggalan, Orang Minyak, Abath, Orang Bunian, Langsuyar, Orang Mawas, and Pelesit )
  • A writeup on the Nusal Kingdom, a fictional Nusantara inspired Kingdom where the adventure takes place. (You can easily move the adventure to any other fictional city)
  • Rules for the Aristocrat Class, allows you to create members of the upper class who stand atop pillars of wealth high above the common folk.
  • 7 pregens for the Aristocrat class ready to play for the 5 adventures.

The Aristocrat


Level Proficiency Bonus Features Magesty Score (minimum)
1st +2 Attendant, Encouraging Words, Lineage -
2nd +2 Charismatic Armor, Majesty Score -
3rd +2 Lineage Feature -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement -
5th +3 Lineage Feature -
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement -
7th +3 Lineage Feature -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement -
9th +4 Sublime Majesty -
10th +4 Majesty Score (minimum 10) 10
11th +4 Lineage Feature 10
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 10
13th +5 Majesty Score (minimum 14) 14
14th +5 Lineage Feature 14
15th +5 Charisma Score Increase 14
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 14
17th +6 Majesty Score (minimum 16) 16
18th +6 Lineage Feature 16
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 16
20th +6 Charisma Score Increase 16

Class Features

As an Aristocrat, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per Aristocrat level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Aristocrat level after 1st


  • Armor: None
  • Weapons: One simple weapon of your choice
  • Tools: Two instruments of your choice

  • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose any three from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, or Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) any simple melee weapon or (b) any simple ranged weapon and 20 pieces of ammunition
  • (a) a musical instrument of your choice or (b) a book of lore
  • (a) a riding horse, riding saddle, and bit and bridle or (b) a donkey, pack saddle, and cart or (c) a pair of mastiffs
  • (a) a diplomat's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
  • a set of fine clothes and a signet ring.

Attendant / Loyal Companion

At 1st level, you are always accompanied by an attendant to take care of all tasks you desire him or her to take care of. Your attendant's role in your life could vary. Based on your chosen lineage, your attendant may alter or perform certain actions. Your attendant is always with you, obeys your commands to the best of their ability, but will only put themselves at risk when it is directly related to your wellbeing.

Should your attendant ever die, you recieve another within one month's time from your noble house or from some other source, assuming you take to the proper channels to request, recruit, or demand one.

Your attendant is of your race, a gender of your choice, but lack any exceptionalities that befit them racial traits. They are proficient in light armor and daggers. Attendants take their turn on your initiative, though they don't take an action unless you command them to. On your turn, you can verbally command them where to move (no action required by you). You can use an action to verbally command them to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.

  • If you prefer a loyal animal companion you may choose one from the Player's Handbook Appendix D: Creature Statistics and replace the attendant


Medium humanoid (human), Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 14 (leather)
  • Hit Points 12 (2d8 + 2)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)

Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Common and one language that you can speak


Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4 + 2)

Encouraging Words

Also at 1st level, you may use your words to bolster morale in your allies. You gain a pool of hit points that you can use to impart temporary hit points to an ally, equal to your levels in Aristocrat x 5. As an action, you encourage an ally within 5 feet of yourself and instill a portion of the temporary hit points or all of it, at your choice. You must be within 10 feet of an ally, due to the intimacy of these encouraging words. You cannot give an ally temporary hit points in this way if they do not already have at least 1 hit point. You cannot use your encouraging words on yourself. Your pool of hit points for encouraging words fully replenish after a long rest.


And finally, at 1st level, choose a lineage that decides your area of noble upbringing, specialty focus, or traditions that were passed down on you. Your lineage is, essentially, that which makes you a unique type of Aristocrat. The Lineage of Warfare, for example, focuses on combat, weapons, and leadership in warfare. You may choose between: Lineage of Diplomacy, Lineage of Myth, or Lineage of Warfare. You gain class features based on your lineage at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 14th, and 17th level

Charismatic Armor

At 2nd level, your mere presence exudes a charismatic aura that is difficult to strike to most creatures. You always have an armor class that is at least equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma modifier, even if you currently have another armor class from other means. Your charismatic armor cannot increase in value by wearing shields or armor, but can from wearing magical items. Creatures who are immune to being charmed or who have advantage against the charmed condition have advantange to attack rolls against you when using this armor class.

Majesty Score

At 2nd level, you gain a majesty score that you use to express your influence on others. When you finish a short or long rest, roll 1d4 per your Charisma modifier. Use this result, applying bonuses or penalties based on the Majesty Score Table below, to formulate your majesty score. At certain levels (see the Aristocrat class table), no matter what you roll for your majesty score, it cannot be less than a certain amount. Any saving throw to resist a class feature using your majesty score is equal to 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. You may use your majesty score to do the following:

Affecting Persona

You may reduce your majesty score to affect others in a fashion similiar to any of the following spells, except the effect is non-magical: calm emotions (1 point), command (1 point), and suggestion (2 points). Thus if you had a majesty score of 12 and you used calm emotions you would have a majesty score of 10 until you could reroll your majesty score. The only components required is a verbal component. Otherwise, treat the spell as normal except it is a non-magical effect and requiring no concentration.

Bolstered Spirits

You may use your Encouraging Words class feature to heal your allies, instead of instilling temporary hit points. You can only do so when your majesty score equals 14 or greater. You cannot heal a creature in this way unless they have at least 1 hit point.

Persuasive Aristocrat

Whenever you roll a persuasion or deception check, your result can never be lower than your majesty score so long as your majesty score equals 6 or higher.

Uncanny Presence

As a bonus action or reaction to being targetted by an attack, you may reduce your majesty score by 4 to have an armor class equal to your Charisma score + 1d4. This armor class lasts until the end of your next turn. Creatures immune to or who have advantage to resisting the charmed condition roll attacks against this armor class with advantage.

Majesty Score Table

Bonus/Penalty Circumstance
+4 You are in a region where your noble house or title is considered influential.
+2 You are in a region where noble houses or aristocratic titles are considered influential.
+1 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as influential or worthy of respect.
-3 You are in a region where noble houses or titles are not respected, valued, or honored.
-2 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as something that is not very influential or worthy of respect.
+/1 Your DM may vary bonuses or penalties based on various circumstances they deem necessary similar to the above situations.

Sublime Majesty

At 9th level, you may reassert yourself if you feel your influence wavering. If your majesty score is below your Charisma score, you may use a bonus action to roll 1d4 to add to your majesty score. You may do so once before you must take a short or long rest to do so again.

Charisma Score Improvement

At 15th level, you have such experience with utilizing your charisma that you become better equiped to exploit it beyond normal creatures. You gain +2 to your Charisma score to a maximum of 22. At 20th level, your Charisma score increases +2 again to a maximum of 24.


Three types of lineages exist: diplomacy, myth, and warfare. These lineages help demonstrate how it is possible to vary in how nobles come to embody their capabilites.

Lineage of Diplomacy

In a house of diplomats, a noble is instructed on how to utilize their majestic presence to be a leader, to create bonds that tie, and to use others to do their bidding. They are known for their prowess with words and immense persuasive talents. Additionally, nobles who are famed for their skill in diplomacy are known for their ability to gain insights and truths from others in subtle fashion. They are almost always accompanied by a guardian for martial protection.

Noble Guardian

At 1st level, you gain an additional attendant that acts as a guardian for you. This may be an individual assigned to protect you or someone you or your family hired. Regardless, they are loyal to you and seek to help you in anyway they can. They will even risk their life to protect your well-being. Treat your guardian exactly as a normal attendant, except they are proficient in light and medium armor and simple and martial weapons. You may add your Proficiency bonus to your guardian's attacks, damage rolls, and saving throws so long as you are within 120 feet of them and they are aware of your presence.

Choose either a Were Guardian or a Human Guardian

Were Guardian (Base)

Medium humanoid (Weretiger) Any Alignment

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 13 (Formula = (1d10 + 3)*Level-1)
  • Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0)

Shapechanger. Shapechanger. Can use its action to polymorph into a tiger-humanoid hybrid or into a tiger, or back into its true form, which is humanoid. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Damage Immunities: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Silvered


Claw (Tiger or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6) slashing damage.

Were Guardian option

You may change the weretiger to another werebeast if you want. (Such as a Bear, Snake, Eagle, etc)

Human Guardian (Base)

Medium humanoid (Human) Any Alignment

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 14 (Formula = (1d12 + 3)*Level-1)
  • Speed 30 ft.

20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0)

Brave. The knight has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.


Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8) slashing damage.


Parry. The guardian adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the knight must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Guardian Improvements
  • Guardian HP is dependant on your Aristocrat's level. Using the formula provided in the brackets beside the base HP.

  • Supreme Bond The Bond you share with your guardian is strong that is renders anything trying to turn it against you useless be it natural or magical means

  • At 6th level, your guardian gains Extra Attack.

  • At 10th level, your guardian gains +2 AC

  • At 11th level, you may now command your guardian to perform actions as a bonus action instead of an action.

  • At 14th level, your guardian gains +2 AC

Demand Action

At 3rd level, you can exert your presence in a situation to force an ally to act. As an action, you may force an ally to use their reaction to take an action. Using this ability reduces your majesty score by 1.

Diplomatic Persona

At 5th level, you gain the following abilities to utilize with your majesty score:

Destroy Morale

You utilize the defeat of a foe to change the tide of battle by declaring you and your allies victorious, devastating the morale of your foes. As a reaction to an ally defeating a hostile creature, and by reducing your majesty score by 4 points, all other hostile creatures within 30 feet of you and the defeated creature who consider that defeated creature an ally must make a Wisdom saving throw or lose half of their current hit points (rounded down). Creatures who have advantage against charmed conditions may roll the saving throw with advantage. Creatures who are immune to being charmed are immune to this effect. You may choose, instead, to target one creature within 30 feet of you or the defeated creature that is an ally of the defeated creature and they must make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer the same effect. If you choose only one creature for the ability, you reduce your majesty score by 2.

Assess Persona

By taking a moment to assess your opponent, you discover their weaknesses and may later act to exploit it. As a bonus action, you interact with them in some way to glean their weaknesses. Roll a Persuasion (Charisma) or Deception (Charisma) check against their Insight (Wisdom) roll. If you are equal or higher than their check, you gain the following information: their saving throw bonuses, all Charisma based skill proficiencies, and whether they are friendly, neutral, or hostile towards you, as well as any general emotional state the creature is currently in. You must have a majesty score of at least 8 to use this feature.

Worthy to Save

Your guardian would sacrifice their life to save you and they often prove it. As a reaction to being targetted by an attack and your guardian is within 5 feet of you, you may sacrifice their ability to move and take action on your next turn to gain +2 to your armor class as a shield bonus. If you have this bonus and are hit by an attack within 2 points of your armor class, your guardian takes the damage instead of you. For example, if you have an armor class, with this bonus, of 18 and you are hit for 18 or 19, your guardian would be hit by the attack instead of you. Using this ability reduces your majesty score by 2 points.

Berating Words

You realize your inspiring presence can ahve the reverse effect on a foe. By reducing your majesty score by 1 and as a reaction to you or an ally being targetted by an attack roll by an enemy within 60 feet of you that you can see and that can see and hear you, you can berate the foe and cause them to miss. Your ally gains +2 to their armor class from the chosen target until the end of your next turn. You may reduce your majesty score by additional points by 1 and gain that number as a bonus to you or your ally's armor class, up to a maximum of a +5 armor class bonus and reducing your majesty score by 4.

Contrive Defense

At 7th level, you have the ability to cause your allies or enemies to react in a way that benefits them or exploits their weaknesses. As a reaction to a creature making a saving throw, or as a bonus action on your turn, you may have them trade their physical saving throws for a different physical saving throw and mental saving throws for a different mental saving throw. For purposes of this feature, physical saving throws are Strength, Dexterity, and Consitution and mental saving throws are Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. So if an enemy is facing a fireball and must roll a Dexterity saving throw, you may attempt to convince them to use their Constitution instead to simply stand there and withstand the flames with their sheer presence. For a creature to resist this, have the target creature roll an Insight (Wisdom) check against your Persuasion (Charisma) or Deception (Charisma), your choice. If you win the contested roll, they must use a different physical or mental saving throw of your choice. You cannot replace a physical saving throw with a mental saving throw, however, or vice versa. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Masterful Diplomacy

At 11th level, you gain the following abilities to utilize with your majesty score:

Exert the Self

By reminding yourself of who you are, you may reassert control over yourself. As an action and by reducing your majesty score by 2, you may end the effects causing you to be charmed or frightened. Even if you are not normally permitted an action during the effects, you may use this ability to overcome them.

You Know Me

You may create a bond with a number of creatures that is represented by the fact that you can near-telepathically tell them what to do simply by your body language. Choose a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier + half your levels in noble (rounded down) that you have spent at least one week with. Whenever those creatures can see you, they understand basic commands and your silent language simply by reading your body language. You can tell them things like "no", "yes", "that's bad", "I don't like that", "this is a great idea", "do it," etc. You cannot reveal complex information in this way. Other creatures cannot determine your messages in this way, even if they roll impressive insight (Wisdom) skill checks.

Shatter Persona

At 14th level, you may verbally assault a creature to the point where they may find it impossible to recover. As an action, a creature within 60 feet of you that can see and hear you must succeed on a successful Charisma saving throw as you berate them with words or remind them of your majesty in some way or suffer debilitating consequences. As a result of failure, the creature takes 14d6 damage (this damage cannot reduce them below 1 hit point), has their maximum hit points reduced by half (rounded down), has disadvantage on Charisma and Wisdom based skill checks for 24 hours, and is stunned until the end of their next turn. Creatures who have advantage against charmed conditions may roll the saving throw with advantage. Creatures who are immune to being charmed are immune to this effect. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a short rest.

Supernal Majesty

At 18th level, your ability to manipluate others with your majesty becomes nearly supernatural. Creatures cannot ignore or take advantage against your abilities due to being resistant or immune to the charmed condition or effects, unless they overcome your sheer presence. They must make a Wisdom saving throw when they might ignore or gain advantage against your armor class or some ability and if they suceed their immunity or resistance stays in effect. If they fail, they treat your abilities normally as though they did not have immunity or resistance to charmed effects or conditions.

Once a creature fails this saving throw they cannot make another one until after 24 hours have passed. After 24 hours, they may try to overcome your presence and gain the benefits of their immunities or resistances.

Lineage of Myth

The wicked queen who has mysterious powers. The fairy tale princess who has animals that flock to her as she effortless befriends the wild critters. The prince charming who gallantly defends the weak and seeks to save the damsel. All of these archetypes fit the nobles and aristocrats of the province of myth.

They are the aristocrat of legend and fairy tale; they are the fabled and magical. When one's nobility hails in the lineage of myth, they are often accompanied by either a woeful event that exists in their past or a destined fate that cannot be escaped... or both.

Body of Majesty

Also at 1st level, you are inherently and extraordinarily attractive as a member of your race and gender. You often stand out in crowds and even members of other races find you appeasing to look upon. You find it particularly easy to stay fit and rarely find yourself dirty or smudged unless you willfully intend to be in such a state. You also have perfect symmetry in your physical features. When you roll your majesty score, add your Charisma modifier to the result.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in either Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion. At 2nd level, you gain expertise in one of those three skills that you are proficient in.

Mythic Mark

At 3rd level, you begin to define the mythology of yourself. Choose two of the following abilities. At 5th, 7th, and 14th level you may choose another from this list.

Allure. You are the epitome of a blinding, stunning individual. You can use your action to force all eyes on you by unveiling yourself or doing some dramatic action, such as singing, playing an instrument, or some other form of displaying yourself. 3d6 creatures of your choice that can see you within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the beginning of your next turn. While they are charmed they are incredibly distracted. Attacks against them have advantage and their attacks against others have disadvantage. You must have a majesty score of at least 6 to use this feature and a use of this feature reduces your majesty score by 2.

Animal Companion. You gain an animal companion, or a swarm of animals, that you consider your best friend(s) and loyal ally. Choose a beast that is no larger than Large and that has a challenge rating of 1 or lower. Add your proficiency bonus to the beast's AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient in. Its hit point maximum equals its normal maximum or four times your noble level, whichever is higher. The beast obeys your commands as best as it can. It takes its turn on your initiative, though it doesn't take an action unless you command it to. On your turn, you can verbally command the beast where to move (no action required by you). You can use your action to verbally command it to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.

By reducing your majesty score by 1, you can use a bonus action to verbally command your animal companion, instead of an action. At 11th level, you only need a bonus action to verbally command your animal companion to take the Attack, Dash, Disengagen, Dodge, or Help action. If the beast dies, you can obtain another one by spending 8 hours bonding with another beast that isn't hostile to you, either the same type of beast as before or a different one.

Beast Form. At dusk, so long as you are within 1 mile of being able to see the night sky, you transform into your beast form (Refer Sidebar). You lose all your class features and capabilities and act only with the stats provided of your chosen form. When dawn comes, you revert to your normal form and you act as though you had a long rest, whether you rested or not. This woe is dependent upon some factor, creed, doctrine, or curse, usually of the poetic type.

At the start of each turn in beast form, you need to roll a 1d100 as there is a 50% chance you can't tell friend and foe apart. If you get below 50% you need to randomly determine who you attack (counting both allies and enemies)

Beast Form (Base)

Medium fiend

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 11 (1d12+4)
  • Speed 40ft.

20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (0) 16 (+3)

  • Senses passive Perception 18
  • Languages -


Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 10 (1d8 + 5)

Beast Form Improvements
  • You may add your Proficiency bonus to your guardian's attacks, damage rolls, and saving throws so long as you are within 120 feet of them and they are aware of your presence.

  • Beast Form HP is dependant on your Noble Princess' level. Using the formula (1d12 + 4)*(Noble Princess Level-1)

  • At 6th level, your guardian gains Extra Attack.

  • At 10th level, your guardian gains +2 AC

  • At 11th level, you may now command your guardian to perform actions as a bonus action instead of an action.

  • At 14th level, your guardian gains +2 AC

Cruel Magic. You do not know how (or perhaps you do), but you manifest some magical powers that are meant to do harm. Perhaps you wish to use them to hurt others or perhaps you use them to protect the innocent. Regardless, these magical powers could make you stand out from your noble peers in mythical ways. You gain two of your choice from the following cantrips with Charisma as your spellcasting ability for them: acid splash, chill touch, eldritch blast, fire bolt, or shocking grasp. When your majesty score is at least 10, you may cast certain spells as an action by reducing your majesty score. Certain options are only unlocked once you hit certain total level (refer table below)

Points Spells Unlocked
1 burning hands, ray of sickness, thunderwave Level 2
2 blindness/deafness, witch bolt, darkness Level 3
3 lightning bolt, fire ball, wind wall Level 5
4 fire shield, ice storm, wall of fire Level 7
5 cone of cold, Destructive Wave, Hallow Level 9
6 chain lightning, blade barrier Level 11
7 crown of stars, fire storm Level 13
8 earth quake, sunburst Level 15
9 meteor swarm Level 17

You may increase the level of these spells by further reducing your majesty score by 1 per level increase, but you cannot reduce your majesty score by 10 and still cast a spell.

Spells from cruel magic begin at their normal level. For example, if you have a majesty score of 18, you could cast lightning bolt, as a 3rd level spell by reducing your majesty score to 15. You could empower the spell further by reducing your majesty score to 10 and casting the lightning bolt spell as an 8th-level spell. There is a level limit to how much you can empower spells, however, dependent upon your spellcasting levels. Treat your levels in the noble class as a full spellcasting class and see what level of spell slots you would have access to on page 165 of the Player's Handbook.

Eyes as the Ocean. Your eyes are that of a soft blue, so soft it looks like the rolling waves of a distant ocean. As an action, you may look at a creature, flashing those stunning eyes, and they must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail the saving throw, they are charmed by you for 1 minute and can take no actions or move so long as you are within their line of sight. An affected creature may reroll their saving throw at the end of each of their turns for the duration. You must have a majesty score of at least 12 to use this feature and a use of this feature reduces your majesty score by 3.

Energy Blast. You learn the Eldritch Blast Cantrip but replace the damage type with either Fire / Cold / Lightning / Poison / Shadow / Radiant

  • At level 14 you add your Charisma modifer to the damage for each beams.
  • You may take this mythic mark again to gain an Eldritch blast Cantrip of a different damage type

Hair of Gold. Your hair turns into a shimmering, beautiful blonde as it is interwoven with speckles of golden flakes. Your hair grows at an exceptional rate. Once per week you may cut a piece of your hair without affecting its length that is equal to 500gp after you choose this feature. Your hair also radiates magical energies that is desired by many. Each week your hair is not cut, you continue to grow that amount in golden hair, thus after four weeks cutting all your hair to shoulder length is worth 2,000gp. After one month of not cutting your hair it is down to your feet; your hair continues to grow beyond that but has no gold value past 2,000gp, as the speckles are of a shimmering color, not literally gold. When at least one month has fully grown, however, it acts as though you are wearing a shield you are proficient in. You gain +2 armor class, even with your charismatic armor feature. Word may spread of your enchanted hair and it may be covetted by creatures of both banditry and wicked magic alike.

Lips of Rose Red. Your lips are constantly a deep rose red. This coloring cannot blemish or smear. As an action you may kiss any creature who then acts as though you casted haste on them, which lasts for 1 minute and does not require your concentration. You must have a majesty score of at least 10 to use this feature and a use of this feature reduces your majesty score by 2.

Tail of the Sea When ever you are in contact with Water you may use a bonus action to transform your legs into that of a Fish tail and grow gills to enable yourself to breath underwater. A membrane forms infront of your eyes to protect it and allow you to see underwater even if there isnt any source of light. You may transform back as a bonus anytime you wish.

Maidenshield. Whether you are protecting an innocent maiden or you are the maiden protecting yourself, the power of purity in you cannot be denied. So long as you have retained your purity by abstaining from sex, alcohol, and general gluttony, you retain the benefits of this feature. Treat yourself as constantly surrounded by a sanctuary spell.

Should this effect ever be broken by targetting a creature with an attack or using an ability that affects a hostile creature that is not designed to simply calm or protect it, you are no longer protected by the sanctuary spell. You may, as a bonus action, impart this effect on another creature within 30 eet of you that you may believe to be pure, but you lose the effect on yourself. You may sustain this effect as a bonus action so long as you are within 30 feet of the chosen creature and they remain pure. You must spend 1 minute in concentration to regain the effects of this ability on yourself.

Should you intentionally engage in activity deemed impure, such as sex, drinking alcohol, eating beyond general sustenance, or harming another individual that is innocent, you must spend one full day in prayer or practice of atonement to regain this feature.

Valiant Form. You are the epitome of heroic valor in combat. As a bonus action, you may initiate your vailant form. When you do so, all allies within 60 feet of you that can see you may use their reaction to be inspired and gain 2 temporary hit points per your levels in the aristocrat class.

Additionally, your armor class increases by +2 (even with the charismatic armor class feature), you gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons equal to your Charisma modifier, and you select one creature within 60 feet of you that you create a bond of protection with. If your bonded creature is ever targetted by an attack, magical or otherwise, you may use your reaction to move towards the bonded creature or who is targetting them. You may also deplete your encouraging words hit points pool as a bonus action to heal yourself during your valiant form, so long as you have at least 1 hit point. Your valiant form lasts for 1 minute. You must have a majesty score of at least 12 to use your valiant form. Once you use your valiant form, you cannot do so again until after you finish a short or long rest.

Voice of Wonder When you sing, your voice is something that even the gods would be envious of. You may cast the following spells once each before you must take a long rest to do so again.

Spell Name Casted at Level Minimum Majesty Score
Sleep 6 8
Geas 5 10
Dissonant Whispers 4 12
Compulsion 4 14
Mass Suggestion 8 16
Dominate Monster 8 18
Power Word Stun 8 20
Power Word Kill 9 25

Woodland Majesty. You gain power over creatures and woodland beasts. Your power grows as you level. You have all previous aspects of this mythic mark if you are of a higher level when you choose it. You gain the following spells: animal friendship and speak with animals. You may cast each spell so long as you have a majesty score of at least 8. Treat spells cast in this way exactly like the spell's description, except they are not spells. Treat the effect as non-magical. Thus, you could cast these spells in an antimagic field. Each casting of any spell of this mythic mark reduces your majesty score by 1.

At 5th level, you may cast conjure animals so long as you have a majesty score of at least 10.

At 7th level, you may cast conjure woodland beings so long as you have a majesty score of at least 14.

At 11th level, you may cast conjure fey so long as you have a majesty score of at least 16.

Lineage of Warfare

Some aristocrats focus their energies on combat and warfare. The warrior princess who picked up a sword to defend her house from enemies. The young boy of a lord secretly taught how to wield a sword and be a leader in war by his father. Both of these nobles epitomize a noble warrior, one of both majestic presence and fierce combat skills.

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain bonus proficiencies. You are proficient in light and medium armor and your choice of four weapon that can be simple or martial. Additionally, you are proficient in one weapon from the signature weapon chart below or one unique weapon that your DM approves of.

Lineage of Warfare - Signature Weapons

Name Damage Properties
Bola 1d4 Bludgeoning finesse, thrown (range 20/60)
Chakram 1d6 Slashing finesse, thrown (range 15/30)
Warfan 1d6 Slashing finesse

A large or smaller creature hit by a bola is restrained until it is freed. A creature that is formless is unaffected. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature on a sucess.


The chakram is a special weapon that, if thrown correctly, can return to its thrower. Whenever you throw the chakram you may have the weapon ricohet off a creature and strike another within 10 feet of said creature, up to a number of creatures equal to your Dexterity modifier, but you must roll a separate attack for each creature. After attacking, roll a Dexterity ability check DC equal to 10 + every 10 feet the chakram was thrown + each creature hit by the chakram. You must be able to hit a creature or ricochet the chakram from some hard object in order to have it return to you. If you suceed on the DC, you may expend your reaction on after your turn to catch the chakram at the beginning of your turn, so long as you have a free hand. If you fail the chakram falls at a random location within 30 feet of throwing it.


As a bonus action, you can roll a contest Deception (Charisma) roll against a target's Insight (Wisdom). If you succeed you have advantage on your next attack with the warfan within one round. Future attempts at using this special property on the same target gives the target creature advantage on their Insight check.

War Cry

At 3rd level, you can turn the tides of battle by emitting your presence in the form of a wary cry. As a bonus action, you may emit a signature war cry. When you do so, roll a 1d6. You must then use your action on the same turn to attack an enemy, with the result of the die as a bonus to your attack. If your strike succeeds, you gain half that number (a minimum of 1) as a bonus to both attack and damage rolls for 1 minute.

Additionally, if your initial strike succeeds, all allies within 60 feet that can see you hit your oponnent have a bonus on their next attack roll equal to the result of the 1d6 roll, so long as their attack is made within a number of rounds equal to your levels in aristocrats. You may not apply this bonus to more allies than you have levels in the noble class. You can only use this feature once each time you roll initiative.

Extra Attack

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Uncanny Grace

At 7th level, you have learned to use your majestic presense in the heat of a battle. You may reduce your majesty score by 1 to take a Dash, Disengage, or Dodge action as a bonus action. You must have a majesty score of 6 to be able to use this feature.

Majestic Strike

At 11th level, you may now inspire yourself with your own majestic strikes. Whenever you hit a target creature, you may reduce your majesty score by 2 to deal an additional 2d6 damage to that target with the same damage type as the weapon you struck with. You may further reduce your majesty score by 2 to increase this by 1d6, to a maximum of 5d6 extra damage and by reducing your majesty score by 8.

Legendary Acrobatics

At 14th level, you may inspire yourself to new feats of acrobatics. As a bonus action and by reducing your majesty score by 4, you enter into a state of exceptional combat prowess. Your movement speed increases by 10, you may now take a second extra attack whenever you take the Attack action on your turn (to a total of 3), and you have advantage to Dexterity saving throws and Dexterity skill checks. This lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it. When the state is over you must reduce your majesty score by another 4 (if you can) or you gain one level of exhaustion.


At 17th level, your own will and presence becomes so selfinspiring that you can withstand continuous combat. Whenever your hit points are above half of your maximum hit points, you may, as a bonus action and by reducing your majesty score by 1, use the healing pool of your Encouraing Words toreinvigorate your morale and heal yourself normally.

Pre-Generated Characters

7 sample level 20 characters

Princess Ellanora, Princess Evelyn,
Lady Jasmina, Lady Zeena, Lady Sirena, Lady Belleza, Lady Fría Neive

Lady Jasmina

Armor Class 21 Hit Points 102 (20d6 + 20) Speed 30ft.

8 (-1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 24 (+7)

  • Saving Throws Wisdom +7, Charisma +10
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
Skills Score
Acrobatics (DEX) +2
Athletics (STR) -1
Arcana (INT) +1
Animal Handling (WIS) +1
Deception (CHA) +13
History (INT) +1
Insight (WIS) +1
Intimidation (CHA) +7
Investigation (INT) +1
Sleight of Hand (DEX) +2
Stealth (DEX) +2
Medicine (WIS) +1
Nature (INT) +1
Perception (WIS) +1
Performance (CHA) +13
Persuasion (CHA) +13
Religion (INT) +1
Survival (WIS) +1

Lineage: Lineage of Diplomacy

Encouraging Words You may use your words to bolster morale in your allies. You gain a pool of hit points that you can use to impart temporary hit points to an ally, equal to your levels in noble x 5. As an action, you encourage an ally within 5 feet of yourself and instill a portion of the temporary hit points or all of it, at your choice. You must be within 10 feet of an ally, due to the intimacy of these encouraging words. You cannot give an ally temporary hit points in this way if they do not already have at least 1 hit point. You cannot use your encouraging words on yourself. Your pool of hit points for encouraging words fully replenish after a long rest.

Charismatic Armor. Your mere presence exudes a charismatic aura that is difficult to strike to most creatures. You always have an armor class that is at least equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma modifier, even if you currently have another armor class from other means. Your charismatic armor cannot increase in value by wearing shields or armor, but can from wearing magical items. Creatures who are immune to being charmed or who have advantage against the charmed condition have advantange to attack rolls against you when using this armor class


You are always accompanied by an attendant to take care of all tasks you desire him or her to take care of. Your attendant's role in your life could vary. Based on your chosen lineage, your attendant may alter or perform certain actions. Your attendant is always with you, obeys your commands to the best of their ability, but will only put themselves at risk when it is directly related to your wellbeing. Should your attendant ever die, you recieve another within one month's time from your noble house or from some other source, assuming you take to the proper channels to request, recruit, or demand one.

Your attendant is of your race, a gender of your choice, but lack any exceptionalities that befit them racial traits. They are proficient in light armor and daggers. Attendants take their turn on your initiative, though they don't take an action unless you command them to. On your turn, you can verbally command them where to move (no action required by you). You can use an action to verbally command them to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.


Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3 (1d6 - 1)

Whip. Meee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit reach 10ft, on target Hit 7 (1d4 + 4)

Majesty Score

Majesty Score. You gain a majesty score that you use to express your influence on others. When you finish a short or long rest, roll 1d4 per your Charisma modifier. Use this result, applying bonuses or penalties based on the Majesty Score Table (Refer Sidebar), to formulate your majesty score. No matter what you roll for your majesty score, it cannot be less than 16. Any saving throw to resist a class feature using your majesty score is equal to 21

Majesty Score Effect
Affecting Persona You may reduce your majesty score to affect others in a fashion similiar to any of the following spells, except the effect is non-magical: calm emotions (1 point), command (1 point), and suggestion (2 points). Thus if you had a majesty score of 12 and you used suggestion you would have a majesty score of 10 until you could reroll your majesty score. The only components required is a verbal component. Otherwise, treat the spell as normal except it is a non-magical effect and requiring no concentration.
Bolstered Spirits You may use your Encouraging Words class feature to heal your allies, instead of instilling temporary hit points. You can only do so when your majesty score equals 14 or greater. You cannot heal a creature in this way unless they have at least 1 hit point.
Persuasive Aristocrat Whenever you roll a persuasion or deception check, your result can never be lower than your majesty score so long as your majesty score equals 6 or higher.
Uncanny Presence As a bonus action or reaction to being targetted by an attack, you may reduce your majesty score by 4 to have an armor class equal to your Charisma score + 1d4. This armor class lasts until the end of your next turn. Creatures immune to or who have advantage to resisting the charmed condition roll attacks against this armor class with advantage.

Majesty Score Table

Bonus/Penalty Circumstance
+4 You are in a region where your noble house or title is considered influential.
+2 You are in a region where noble houses or aristocratic titles are considered influential.
+1 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as influential or worthy of respect.
-3 You are in a region where noble houses or titles are not respected, valued, or honored.
-2 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as something that is not very influential or worthy of respect.
+/1 Your DM may vary bonuses or penalties based on various circumstances they deem necessary similar to the above situations.

Flying Monkey

Small beast, unaligned

AC 12 HP 3 Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft.

8 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (0) 5 (-3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

Senses passive Perception 11

Languages Can't speak but can understand you

Pack Tactics. The flying monkey has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the monkey’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 (1d4 – 1) piercing damage.

Lineage of Diplomacy

In a house of diplomats, a noble is instructed on how to utilize their majestic presence to be a leader, to create bonds that tie, and to use others to do their bidding. They are known for their prowess with words and immense persuasive talents. Additionally, nobles who are famed for their skill in diplomacy are known for their ability to gain insights and truths from others in subtle fashion. They are almost always accompanied by a guardian for martial protection.

Demand Action

You can exert your presence in a situation to force an ally to act. As an action, you may force an ally to usetheir reaction to take an action. Using this ability reduces your majesty score by 1.

NOTE This action may not be used against other players. Allies are non-player characters who are friendly to the PC.

Noble Guardian

You gain an additional attendant that acts as a guardian for you. This may be an individual assigned to protect you or someone you or your family hired. Regardless, they are loyal to you and seek to help you in anyway they can. They will even risk their life to protect your well-being. Treat your guardian exactly as a normal attendant, except they are proficient in light and medium armor and simple and martial weapons. You may add your Proficiency bonus to your guardian's attacks, damage rolls, and saving throws so long as you are within 120 feet of them and they are aware of your presence.

You may command your guardian to perform actions as a bonus action instead of an action

Contrive Defense

You have the ability to cause your allies or enemies to react in a way that benefits them or exploits their weaknesses. As a reaction to a creature making a saving throw, or as a bonus action on your turn, you may have them trade their physical saving throws for a different physical saving throw and mental saving throws for a different mental saving throw. For purposes of this feature, physical saving throws are Strength, Dexterity, and Consitution and mental saving throws are Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. So if an enemy is facing a fireball and must roll a Dexterity saving throw, you may attempt to convince them to use their Constitution instead to simply stand there and withstand the flames with their sheer presence. For a creature to resist this, have the target creature roll an Insight (Wisdom) check against your Persuasion (Charisma) or Deception (Charisma), your choice. If you win the contested roll, they must use a different physical or mental saving throw of your choice. You cannot replace a physical saving throw with a mental saving throw, however, or vice versa. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


Medium humanoid (Male weretiger)

Chaotic Good

  • Armor Class 20 (natural)
  • Hit Points 200 (20d10 + 90)
  • Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0)

Shapechanger. Shapechanger. Can use its action to polymorph into a tiger-humanoid hybrid or into a tiger, or back into its true form, which is humanoid. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Damage Immunities: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Silvered


Multi Attack : You may make two Claw attacks

Claw (Tiger or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 5) slashing damage.

Diplomatic Persona

You gain the following abilities to utilize with your majesty score:

Destroy Morale.

You utilize the defeat of a foe to change the tide of battle by declaring you and your allies victorious, devastating the morale of your foes. As a reaction to an ally defeating a hostile creature, and by reducing your majesty score by 4 points, all other hostile creatures within 30 feet of you and the defeated creature who consider that defeated creature an ally must make a Wisdom saving throw or lose half of their current hit points (rounded down). Creatures who have advantage against charmed conditions may roll the saving throw with advantage. Creatures who are immune to being charmed are immune to this effect. You may choose, instead, to target one creature within 30 feet of you or the defeated creature that is an ally of the defeated creature and they must make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer the same effect. If you choose only one creature for the ability, you reduce your majesty score by 2.

Assess Persona.

By taking a moment to assess your opponent, you discover their weaknesses and may later act to exploit it. As a bonus action, you interact with them in some way to glean their weaknesses. Roll a Persuasion (Charisma) or Deception (Charisma) check against their Insight (Wisdom) roll. If you are equal or higher than their check, you gain the following information: their saving throw bonuses, all Charisma based skill proficiencies, and whether they are friendly, neutral, or hostile towards you, as well as any general emotional state the creature is currently in. You must have a majesty score of at least 8 to use this feature.

Worthy to Save.

Your guardian would sacrifice their life to save you and they often prove it. As a reaction to being targetted by an attack and your guardian is within 5 feet of you, you may sacrifice their ability to move and take action on your next turn to gain +2 to your armor class as a shield bonus. If you have this bonus and are hit by an attack within 2 points of your armor class, your guardian takes the damage instead of you. For example, if you have an armor class, with this bonus, of 18 and you are hit for 18 or 19, your guardian would be hit by the attack instead of you. Using this ability reduces your majesty score by 2 points.

Berating Words.

You realize your inspiring presence can ahve the reverse effect on a foe. By reducing your majesty score by 1 and as a reaction to you or an ally being targetted by an attack roll by an enemy within 60 feet of you that you can see and that can see and hear you, you can berate the foe and cause them to miss. Your ally gains +2 to their armor class from the chosen target until the end of your next turn. You may reduce your majesty score by additional points by 1 and gain that number as a bonus to you or your ally's armor class, up to a maximum of a +5 armor class bonus and reducing your majesty score by 4.

Exert the Self.

By reminding yourself of who you are, you may reassert control over yourself. As an action and by reducing your majesty score by 2, you may end the effects causing you to be charmed or frightened. Even if you are not normally permitted an action during the effects, you may use this ability to overcome them.

You Know Me.

You may create a bond with a number of creatures that is represented by the fact that you can near-telepathically tell them what to do simply by your body language. Choose a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier + half your levels in noble (rounded down) that you have spent at least one week with. Whenever those creatures can see you, they understand basic commands and your silent language simply by reading your body language. You can tell them things like "no", "yes", "that's bad", "I don't like that", "this is a great idea", "do it," etc. You cannot reveal complex information in this way. Other creatures cannot determine your messages in this way, even if they roll impressive insight (Wisdom) skill checks.

Shatter Persona

You may verbally assault a creature to the point where they may find it impossible to recover. As an action, a creature within 60 feet of you that can see and hear you must succeed on a successful Charisma saving throw as you berate them with words or remind them of your majesty in some way or suffer debilitating consequences. As a result of failure, the creature takes 14d6 damage (this damage cannot reduce them below 1 hit point), has their maximum hit points reduced by half (rounded down), has disadvantage on Charisma and Wisdom based skill checks for 24 hours, and is stunned until the end of their next turn. Creatures who have advantage against charmed conditions may roll the saving throw with advantage. Creatures who are immune to being charmed are immune to this effect. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a short rest.

Supernatural Majesty

Your ability to manipluate others with your majesty becomes nearly supernatural. Creatures cannot ignore or take advantage against your abilities due to being resistant or immune to the charmed condition or effects, unless they overcome your sheer presence. They must make a Wisdom saving throw when they might ignore or gain advantage against your armor class or some ability and if they suceed their immunity or resistance stays in effect. If they fail, they treat your abilities normally as though they did not have immunity or resistance to charmed effects or conditions. Once a creature fails this saving throw they cannot make another one until after 24 hours have passed. After 24 hours, they may try to overcome your presence and gain the benefits of their immunities or resistances.

Lady Fría Nieve

Armor Class 19 Hit Points 162 (20d6 + 80) Speed 30ft.

8 (-1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 24 (+7)

  • Saving Throws Wisdom +7, Charisma +10
  • Senses Passive Perception 11
Skills Score
Acrobatics (DEX) +2
Athletics (STR) -1
Arcana (INT) +7
Animal Handling (WIS) +1
Deception (CHA) +7
History (INT) +1
Insight (WIS) +1
Intimidation (CHA) +7
Investigation (INT) +1
Sleight of Hand (DEX) +2
Stealth (DEX) +2
Medicine (WIS) +1
Nature (INT) +1
Perception (WIS) +1
Performance (CHA) +13
Persuasion (CHA) +13
Religion (INT) +4
Survival (WIS) +1

lineage. Lineage of Myth

Encouraging Words You may use your words to bolster morale in your allies. You gain a pool of hit points that you can use to impart temporary hit points to an ally, equal to your levels in noble x 5. As an action, you encourage an ally within 5 feet of yourself and instill a portion of the temporary hit points or all of it, at your choice. You must be within 10 feet of an ally, due to the intimacy of these encouraging words. You cannot give an ally temporary hit points in this way if they do not already have at least 1 hit point. You cannot use your encouraging words on yourself. Your pool of hit points for encouraging words fully replenish after a long rest.

Charismatic Armor. Your mere presence exudes a charismatic aura that is difficult to strike to most creatures. You always have an armor class that is at least equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma modifier, even if you currently have another armor class from other means. Your charismatic armor cannot increase in value by wearing shields or armor, but can from wearing magical items. Creatures who are immune to being charmed or who have advantage against the charmed condition have advantange to attack rolls against you when using this armor class


You are always accompanied by an attendant to take care of all tasks you desire him or her to take care of. Your attendant's role in your life could vary. Based on your chosen lineage, your attendant may alter or perform certain actions. Your attendant is always with you, obeys your commands to the best of their ability, but will only put themselves at risk when it is directly related to your wellbeing. Should your attendant ever die, you recieve another within one month's time from your noble house or from some other source, assuming you take to the proper channels to request, recruit, or demand one.

Your attendant is of your race, a gender of your choice, but lack any exceptionalities that befit them racial traits. They are proficient in light armor and daggers. Attendants take their turn on your initiative, though they don't take an action unless you command them to. On your turn, you can verbally command them where to move (no action required by you). You can use an action to verbally command them to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.

1/day: You may cast conjure fey once a day


Multi Attack: You may make 4x Eldritch Blast

Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3 (1d6 - 1)

Eldritch Blast. Range Magic Attack: +13 to hit, reach 30ft., one target. Hit 13 (1d10 + 7) cold damage

Majesty Score

Majesty Score. You gain a majesty score that you use to express your influence on others. When you finish a short or long rest, roll 1d4 per your Charisma modifier. Use this result, applying bonuses or penalties based on the Majesty Score Table (Refer Sidebar), to formulate your majesty score. No matter what you roll for your majesty score, it cannot be less than 16. Any saving throw to resist a class feature using your majesty score is equal to 21

Majesty Score Effect
Affecting Persona You may reduce your majesty score to affect others in a fashion similiar to any of the following spells, except the effect is non-magical: calm emotions (1 point), command (1 point), and suggestion (2 points). Thus if you had a majesty score of 12 and you used suggestion you would have a majesty score of 10 until you could reroll your majesty score. The only components required is a verbal component. Otherwise, treat the spell as normal except it is a non-magical effect and requiring no concentration.
Bolstered Spirits You may use your Encouraging Words class feature to heal your allies, instead of instilling temporary hit points. You can only do so when your majesty score equals 14 or greater. You cannot heal a creature in this way unless they have at least 1 hit point.
Persuasive Aristocrat Whenever you roll a persuasion or deception check, your result can never be lower than your majesty score so long as your majesty score equals 6 or higher.
Uncanny Presence As a bonus action or reaction to being targetted by an attack, you may reduce your majesty score by 4 to have an armor class equal to your Charisma score + 1d4. This armor class lasts until the end of your next turn. Creatures immune to or who have advantage to resisting the charmed condition roll attacks against this armor class with advantage.

Majesty Score Table

Bonus/Penalty Circumstance
+4 You are in a region where your noble house or title is considered influential.
+2 You are in a region where noble houses or aristocratic titles are considered influential.
+1 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as influential or worthy of respect.
-3 You are in a region where noble houses or titles are not respected, valued, or honored.
-2 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as something that is not very influential or worthy of respect.
+/1 Your DM may vary bonuses or penalties based on various circumstances they deem necessary similar to the above situations.


Medium humanoid (human), Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 14 (leather)
  • Hit Points 12 (2d8 + 2)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)

Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Common and one language that you can speak


Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4 + 2)

Lineage of Myth

Body of Majesty

You are inherently and extraordinarily attractive as a member of your race and gender. You often stand out in crowds and even members of other races find you appeasing to look upon. You find it particularly easy to stay fit and rarely find yourself dirty or smudged unless you willfully intend to be in such a state. You also have perfect symmetry in your physical features. When you roll your majesty score, add your Charisma modifier to the result.

Mythic Mark

You begin to define the mythology of yourself.

Cruel Magic.

You do not know how (or perhaps you do), but you manifest some magical powers that are meant to do harm. Perhaps you wish to use them to hurt others or perhaps you use them to protect the innocent. Regardless, these magical powers could make you stand out from your noble peers in mythical ways. You gain two of your choice from the following cantrips with Charisma as your spellcasting ability for them: acid splash, chill touch, eldritch blast, fire bolt, or shocking grasp. When your majesty score is at least 10, you may cast certain spells as an action by reducing your majesty score.

Points Spells
1 burning hands, ray of sickness, thunderwave
2 blindness/deafness, witch bolt, darkness
3 lightning bolt, fire ball, wind wall
4 fire shield, ice storm, wall of fire
5 cone of cold, Destructive Wave, Hallow
6 chain lightning, blade barrier
7 crown of stars, fire storm
8 earth quake, sunburst
9 meteor swarm

You may increase the level of these spells by further reducing your majesty score by 1 per level increase, but you cannot reduce your majesty score by 10 and still cast a spell.

Spells from cruel magic begin at their normal level. For example, if you have a majesty score of 18, you could cast lightning bolt, as a 3rd level spell by reducing your majesty score to 15. You could empower the spell further by reducing your majesty score to 10 and casting the lightning bolt spell as an 8th-level spell. There is a level limit to how much you can empower spells, however, dependent upon your spellcasting levels. Treat your levels in the noble class as a full spellcasting class and see what level of spell slots you would have access to on page 165 of the Player's Handbook.


You are the epitome of a blinding, stunning individual. You can use your action to force all eyes on you by unveiling yourself or doing some dramatic action, such as singing, playing an instrument, or some other form of displaying yourself. 3d6 creatures of your choice that can see you within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the beginning of your next turn. While they are charmed they are incredibly distracted. Attacks against them have advantage and their attacks against others have disadvantage. You must have a majesty score of at least 6 to use this feature and a use of this feature reduces your majesty score by 2.

Energy Blast.

You learn the Eldritch Blast Cantrip but replace the damage type with Cold damage

  • You add your Charisma modifer to the damage for each beams.


Whether you are protecting an innocent maiden or you are the maiden protecting yourself, the power of purity in you cannot be denied. So long as you have retained your purity by abstaining from sex, alcohol, and general gluttony, you retain the benefits of this feature. Treat yourself as constantly surrounded by a sanctuary spell.

Should this effect ever be broken by targetting a creature with an attack or using an ability that affects a hostile creature that is not designed to simply calm or protect it, you are no longer protected by the sanctuary spell. You may, as a bonus action, impart this effect on another creature within 30 feet of you that you may believe to be pure, but you lose the effect on yourself. You may sustain this effect as a bonus action so long as you are within 30 feet of the chosen creature and they remain pure. You must spend 1 minute in concentration to regain the effects of this ability on yourself. Should you intentionally engage in activity deemed impure, such as sex, drinking alcohol, eating beyond general sustenance, or harming another individual that is innocent, you must spend one full day in prayer or practice of atonement to regain this feature.

Lady Zeena

Armor Class 21 Hit Points 122 (20d6 + 40) Speed 30ft.

8 (-1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 22 (+6)

  • Saving Throws Wisdom +7, Charisma +10
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
Skills Score
Acrobatics (DEX) +11
Athletics (STR) -1
Arcana (INT) +1
Animal Handling (WIS) +1
Deception (CHA) +6
History (INT) +1
Insight (WIS) +1
Intimidation (CHA) +6
Investigation (INT) +1
Sleight of Hand (DEX) +11
Stealth (DEX) +11
Medicine (WIS) +1
Nature (INT) +1
Perception (WIS) +1
Performance (CHA) +6
Persuasion (CHA) +6
Religion (INT) +1
Survival (WIS) +1

lineage. Lineage of Warfae

Encouraging Words You may use your words to bolster morale in your allies. You gain a pool of hit points that you can use to impart temporary hit points to an ally, equal to your levels in noble x 5. As an action, you encourage an ally within 5 feet of yourself and instill a portion of the temporary hit points or all of it, at your choice. You must be within 10 feet of an ally, due to the intimacy of these encouraging words. You cannot give an ally temporary hit points in this way if they do not already have at least 1 hit point. You cannot use your encouraging words on yourself. Your pool of hit points for encouraging words fully replenish after a long rest.

Charismatic Armor. Your mere presence exudes a charismatic aura that is difficult to strike to most creatures. You always have an armor class that is at least equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma modifier, even if you currently have another armor class from other means. Your charismatic armor cannot increase in value by wearing shields or armor, but can from wearing magical items. Creatures who are immune to being charmed or who have advantage against the charmed condition have advantange to attack rolls against you when using this armor class


You are always accompanied by an attendant to take care of all tasks you desire him or her to take care of. Your attendant's role in your life could vary. Based on your chosen lineage, your attendant may alter or perform certain actions. Your attendant is always with you, obeys your commands to the best of their ability, but will only put themselves at risk when it is directly related to your wellbeing. Should your attendant ever die, you recieve another within one month's time from your noble house or from some other source, assuming you take to the proper channels to request, recruit, or demand one.

Your attendant is of your race, a gender of your choice, but lack any exceptionalities that befit them racial traits. They are proficient in light armor and daggers. Attendants take their turn on your initiative, though they don't take an action unless you command them to. On your turn, you can verbally command them where to move (no action required by you). You can use an action to verbally command them to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.


Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3 (1d6 - 1)

Warfan. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 9 (1d6 + 5)

Chakram. Range Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 20ft/60ft., one target. Hit 9 (1d6 + 5)

Bola. Range Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 20ft/60ft., one target. Hit 8 (1d4 + 5)

Majesty Score

Majesty Score. You gain a majesty score that you use to express your influence on others. When you finish a short or long rest, roll 1d4 per your Charisma modifier. Use this result, applying bonuses or penalties based on the Majesty Score Table (Refer Sidebar), to formulate your majesty score. No matter what you roll for your majesty score, it cannot be less than 16. Any saving throw to resist a class feature using your majesty score is equal to 20

Majesty Score Effect
Affecting Persona You may reduce your majesty score to affect others in a fashion similiar to any of the following spells, except the effect is non-magical: calm emotions (1 point), command (1 point), and suggestion (2 points). Thus if you had a majesty score of 12 and you used suggestion you would have a majesty score of 10 until you could reroll your majesty score. The only components required is a verbal component. Otherwise, treat the spell as normal except it is a non-magical effect and requiring no concentration.
Bolstered Spirits You may use your Encouraging Words class feature to heal your allies, instead of instilling temporary hit points. You can only do so when your majesty score equals 14 or greater. You cannot heal a creature in this way unless they have at least 1 hit point.
Persuasive Aristocrat Whenever you roll a persuasion or deception check, your result can never be lower than your majesty score so long as your majesty score equals 6 or higher.
Uncanny Presence As a bonus action or reaction to being targetted by an attack, you may reduce your majesty score by 4 to have an armor class equal to your Charisma score + 1d4. This armor class lasts until the end of your next turn. Creatures immune to or who have advantage to resisting the charmed condition roll attacks against this armor class with advantage.

Majesty Score Table

Bonus/Penalty Circumstance
+4 You are in a region where your noble house or title is considered influential.
+2 You are in a region where noble houses or aristocratic titles are considered influential.
+1 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as influential or worthy of respect.
-3 You are in a region where noble houses or titles are not respected, valued, or honored.
-2 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as something that is not very influential or worthy of respect.
+/1 Your DM may vary bonuses or penalties based on various circumstances they deem necessary similar to the above situations.


Medium humanoid (human), Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 14 (leather)
  • Hit Points 12 (2d8 + 2)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)

Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Common and one language that you can speak


Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4 + 2)

lineage of Warfare

Some nobles focus their energies on combat and warfare. The warrior princess who picked up a sword to defend her house from enemies. The young boy of a lord secretly taught how to wield a sword and be a leader in war by his father. Both of these nobles epitomize a noble warrior, one of both majestic presence and fierce combat skills.

Bonus Proficiencies

You are proficient in light and medium armor and your choice of four weapon that can be simple or martial. Additionally, you are proficient in one weapon from the signature weapon chart below

Lineage of Warfare -- Signature Weapons

Name Damage Properties
Bola 1d4 Bludgeoning finesse, thrown (range 20/60)
Chakram 1d6 Slashing finesse, thrown (range 15/30)
Warfan 1d6 Slashing finesse

War Cry

You can turn the tides of battle by emitting your presence in the form of a wary cry. As a bonus action, you may emit a signature war cry. When you do so, roll a 1d6. You must then use your action on the same turn to attack an enemy, with the result of the die as a bonus to your attack. If your strike succeeds, you gain half that number (a minimum of 1) as a bonus to both attack and damage rolls for 1 minute. Additionally, if your initial strike succeeds, all allies within 60 feet that can see you hit your oponnent have a bonus on their next attack roll equal to the result of the 1d6 roll, so long as their attack is made within a number of rounds equal to your levels in noble. You may not apply this bonus to more allies than you have levels in the noble class. You can only use this feature once each time you roll initiative.

Extra Attack

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Majestic Grace

You have learned to use your majestic presense in the heat of a battle. You may take a Dash, Disengage, or Dodge action as a bonus action.

Majestic Strike

You may now inspire yourself with your own majestic strikes. Whenever you hit a target creature, you may reduce your majesty score by 2 to deal an additional 2d6 damage to that target with the same damage type as the weapon you struck with. You may further reduce your majesty score by 2 to increase this by 1d6, to a maximum of 5d6 extra damage and by reducing your majesty score by 8.

Legendary Acrobatics

You may inspire yourself to new feats of acrobatics. As a bonus action and by reducing your majesty score by 4, you enter into a state of exceptional combat prowess. Your movement speed increases by 10, you may now take a second extra attack whenever you take the Attack action on your turn (to a total of 3), and you have advantage to Dexterity saving throws and Dexterity skill checks. This lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it. When the state is over you must reduce your majesty score by another 4 (if you can) or you gain one level of exhaustion.


Your own will and presence becomes so selfinspiring that you can withstand continuous combat. Whenever your hit points are above half of your maximum hit points, you may, as a bonus action and by reducing your majesty score by 1, use the healing pool of your Encouraing Words toreinvigorate your morale and heal yourself normally.

Special Weapons


The chakram is a special weapon that, if thrown correctly, can return to its thrower. Whenever you throw the chakram you may have the weapon ricohet off a creature and strike another within 10 feet of said creature, up to a number of creatures equal to your Dexterity modifier, but you must roll a separate attack for each creature. After attacking, roll a Dexterity ability check DC equal to 10 + every 10 feet the chakram was thrown + each creature hit by the chakram. You must be able to hit a creature or ricochet the chakram from some hard object in order to have it return to you. If you suceed on the DC, you may expend your reaction on after your turn to catch the chakram at the beginning of your turn, so long as you have a free hand. If you fail the chakram falls at a random location within 30 feet of throwing it.


As a bonus action, you can roll a contest Deception (Charisma) roll against a target's Insight (Wisdom). If you succeed you have advantage on your next attack with the warfan within one round. Future attempts at using this special property on the same target gives the target creature advantage on their Insight check.


A large or smaller creature hit by a bola is restrained until itis freed. A creature that is formless is unaffected. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature on a sucess

Princess Ellenora

Armor Class 18 Hit Points 102 (20d6 + 20) Speed 30ft.

8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 24 (+7)

  • Saving Throws Wisdom +7, Charisma +10
  • Senses Passive Perception 12
Skills Score
Acrobatics (DEX) +1
Athletics (STR) -1
Arcana (INT) +4
Animal Handling (WIS) +8
Deception (CHA) +13
History (INT) +10
Insight (WIS) +1
Intimidation (CHA) +4
Investigation (INT) +10
Sleight of Hand (DEX) +1
Stealth (DEX) +1
Medicine (WIS) +1
Nature (INT) +4
Perception (WIS) +1
Performance (CHA) +7
Persuasion (CHA) +13
Religion (INT) +4
Survival (WIS) +1

lineage. Lineage of Diplomacy

Encouraging Words You may use your words to bolster morale in your allies. You gain a pool of hit points that you can use to impart temporary hit points to an ally, equal to your levels in noble x 5. As an action, you encourage an ally within 5 feet of yourself and instill a portion of the temporary hit points or all of it, at your choice. You must be within 10 feet of an ally, due to the intimacy of these encouraging words. You cannot give an ally temporary hit points in this way if they do not already have at least 1 hit point. You cannot use your encouraging words on yourself. Your pool of hit points for encouraging words fully replenish after a long rest.

Charismatic Armor. Your mere presence exudes a charismatic aura that is difficult to strike to most creatures. You always have an armor class that is at least equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma modifier, even if you currently have another armor class from other means. Your charismatic armor cannot increase in value by wearing shields or armor, but can from wearing magical items. Creatures who are immune to being charmed or who have advantage against the charmed condition have advantange to attack rolls against you when using this armor class


You are always accompanied by an attendant to take care of all tasks you desire him or her to take care of. Your attendant's role in your life could vary. Based on your chosen lineage, your attendant may alter or perform certain actions. Your attendant is always with you, obeys your commands to the best of their ability, but will only put themselves at risk when it is directly related to your wellbeing. Should your attendant ever die, you recieve another within one month's time from your noble house or from some other source, assuming you take to the proper channels to request, recruit, or demand one.

Your attendant is of your race, a gender of your choice, but lack any exceptionalities that befit them racial traits. They are proficient in light armor and daggers. Attendants take their turn on your initiative, though they don't take an action unless you command them to. On your turn, you can verbally command them where to move (no action required by you). You can use an action to verbally command them to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.


Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3 (1d6 - 1)

Majesty Score

Majesty Score. You gain a majesty score that you use to express your influence on others. When you finish a short or long rest, roll 1d4 per your Charisma modifier. Use this result, applying bonuses or penalties based on the Majesty Score Table (Refer Sidebar), to formulate your majesty score. No matter what you roll for your majesty score, it cannot be less than 16. Any saving throw to resist a class feature using your majesty score is equal to 21

Majesty Score Effect
Affecting Persona You may reduce your majesty score to affect others in a fashion similiar to any of the following spells, except the effect is non-magical: calm emotions (1 point), command (1 point), and suggestion (2 points). Thus if you had a majesty score of 12 and you used suggestion you would have a majesty score of 10 until you could reroll your majesty score. The only components required is a verbal component. Otherwise, treat the spell as normal except it is a non-magical effect and requiring no concentration.
Bolstered Spirits You may use your Encouraging Words class feature to heal your allies, instead of instilling temporary hit points. You can only do so when your majesty score equals 14 or greater. You cannot heal a creature in this way unless they have at least 1 hit point.
Persuasive Aristocrat Whenever you roll a persuasion or deception check, your result can never be lower than your majesty score so long as your majesty score equals 6 or higher.
Uncanny Presence As a bonus action or reaction to being targetted by an attack, you may reduce your majesty score by 4 to have an armor class equal to your Charisma score + 1d4. This armor class lasts until the end of your next turn. Creatures immune to or who have advantage to resisting the charmed condition roll attacks against this armor class with advantage.

Majesty Score Table

Bonus/Penalty Circumstance
+4 You are in a region where your noble house or title is considered influential.
+2 You are in a region where noble houses or aristocratic titles are considered influential.
+1 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as influential or worthy of respect.
-3 You are in a region where noble houses or titles are not respected, valued, or honored.
-2 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as something that is not very influential or worthy of respect.
+/1 Your DM may vary bonuses or penalties based on various circumstances they deem necessary similar to the above situations.


Medium humanoid (human), Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 14 (leather)
  • Hit Points 12 (2d8 + 2)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)

Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Common and one language that you can speak


Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4 + 2)

Lineage of Diplomacy

In a house of diplomats, a noble is instructed on how to utilize their majestic presence to be a leader, to create bonds that tie, and to use others to do their bidding. They are known for their prowess with words and immense persuasive talents. Additionally, nobles who are famed for their skill in diplomacy are known for their ability to gain insights and truths from others in subtle fashion. They are almost always accompanied by a guardian for martial protection.

Demand Action

You can exert your presence in a situation to force an ally to act. As an action, you may force an ally to usetheir reaction to take an action. Using this ability reduces your majesty score by 1.

NOTE This action may not be used against other players. Allies are non-player characters who are friendly to the PC.

Noble Guardian

You gain an additional attendant that acts as a guardian for you. This may be an individual assigned to protect you or someone you or your family hired. Regardless, they are loyal to you and seek to help you in anyway they can. They will even risk their life to protect your well-being. Treat your guardian exactly as a normal attendant, except they are proficient in light and medium armor and simple and martial weapons. You may add your Proficiency bonus to your guardian's attacks, damage rolls, and saving throws so long as you are within 120 feet of them and they are aware of your presence.

You may command your guardian to perform actions as a bonus action instead of an action

Contrive Defense

You have the ability to cause your allies or enemies to react in a way that benefits them or exploits their weaknesses. As a reaction to a creature making a saving throw, or as a bonus action on your turn, you may have them trade their physical saving throws for a different physical saving throw and mental saving throws for a different mental saving throw. For purposes of this feature, physical saving throws are Strength, Dexterity, and Consitution and mental saving throws are Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. So if an enemy is facing a fireball and must roll a Dexterity saving throw, you may attempt to convince them to use their Constitution instead to simply stand there and withstand the flames with their sheer presence. For a creature to resist this, have the target creature roll an Insight (Wisdom) check against your Persuasion (Charisma) or Deception (Charisma), your choice. If you win the contested roll, they must use a different physical or mental saving throw of your choice. You cannot replace a physical saving throw with a mental saving throw, however, or vice versa. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


Medium humanoid (female human), Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
  • Hit Points 200 (20d10 + 90)
  • Speed 30 ft.

20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages Common

Extra Attack. You may attack twice per turn


Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 17 (1d10 + 11)

Diplomatic Persona

You gain the following abilities to utilize with your majesty score:

Destroy Morale.

You utilize the defeat of a foe to change the tide of battle by declaring you and your allies victorious, devastating the morale of your foes. As a reaction to an ally defeating a hostile creature, and by reducing your majesty score by 4 points, all other hostile creatures within 30 feet of you and the defeated creature who consider that defeated creature an ally must make a Wisdom saving throw or lose half of their current hit points (rounded down). Creatures who have advantage against charmed conditions may roll the saving throw with advantage. Creatures who are immune to being charmed are immune to this effect. You may choose, instead, to target one creature within 30 feet of you or the defeated creature that is an ally of the defeated creature and they must make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer the same effect. If you choose only one creature for the ability, you reduce your majesty score by 2.

Assess Persona.

By taking a moment to assess your opponent, you discover their weaknesses and may later act to exploit it. As a bonus action, you interact with them in some way to glean their weaknesses. Roll a Persuasion (Charisma) or Deception (Charisma) check against their Insight (Wisdom) roll. If you are equal or higher than their check, you gain the following information: their saving throw bonuses, all Charisma based skill proficiencies, and whether they are friendly, neutral, or hostile towards you, as well as any general emotional state the creature is currently in. You must have a majesty score of at least 8 to use this feature.

Worthy to Save.

Your guardian would sacrifice their life to save you and they often prove it. As a reaction to being targetted by an attack and your guardian is within 5 feet of you, you may sacrifice their ability to move and take action on your next turn to gain +2 to your armor class as a shield bonus. If you have this bonus and are hit by an attack within 2 points of your armor class, your guardian takes the damage instead of you. For example, if you have an armor class, with this bonus, of 18 and you are hit for 18 or 19, your guardian would be hit by the attack instead of you. Using this ability reduces your majesty score by 2 points.

Berating Words.

You realize your inspiring presence can ahve the reverse effect on a foe. By reducing your majesty score by 1 and as a reaction to you or an ally being targetted by an attack roll by an enemy within 60 feet of you that you can see and that can see and hear you, you can berate the foe and cause them to miss. Your ally gains +2 to their armor class from the chosen target until the end of your next turn. You may reduce your majesty score by additional points by 1 and gain that number as a bonus to you or your ally's armor class, up to a maximum of a +5 armor class bonus and reducing your majesty score by 4.

Exert the Self.

By reminding yourself of who you are, you may reassert control over yourself. As an action and by reducing your majesty score by 2, you may end the effects causing you to be charmed or frightened. Even if you are not normally permitted an action during the effects, you may use this ability to overcome them.

You Know Me.

You may create a bond with a number of creatures that is represented by the fact that you can near-telepathically tell them what to do simply by your body language. Choose a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier + half your levels in noble (rounded down) that you have spent at least one week with. Whenever those creatures can see you, they understand basic commands and your silent language simply by reading your body language. You can tell them things like "no", "yes", "that's bad", "I don't like that", "this is a great idea", "do it," etc. You cannot reveal complex information in this way. Other creatures cannot determine your messages in this way, even if they roll impressive insight (Wisdom) skill checks.

Shatter Persona

You may verbally assault a creature to the point where they may find it impossible to recover. As an action, a creature within 60 feet of you that can see and hear you must succeed on a successful Charisma saving throw as you berate them with words or remind them of your majesty in some way or suffer debilitating consequences. As a result of failure, the creature takes 14d6 damage (this damage cannot reduce them below 1 hit point), has their maximum hit points reduced by half (rounded down), has disadvantage on Charisma and Wisdom based skill checks for 24 hours, and is stunned until the end of their next turn. Creatures who have advantage against charmed conditions may roll the saving throw with advantage. Creatures who are immune to being charmed are immune to this effect. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a short rest.

Supernatural Majesty

Your ability to manipluate others with your majesty becomes nearly supernatural. Creatures cannot ignore or take advantage against your abilities due to being resistant or immune to the charmed condition or effects, unless they overcome your sheer presence. They must make a Wisdom saving throw when they might ignore or gain advantage against your armor class or some ability and if they suceed their immunity or resistance stays in effect. If they fail, they treat your abilities normally as though they did not have immunity or resistance to charmed effects or conditions. Once a creature fails this saving throw they cannot make another one until after 24 hours have passed. After 24 hours, they may try to overcome your presence and gain the benefits of their immunities or resistances.

Lady Belleza

  • Armor Class 22
  • Hit Points 102 (20d6 + 20)
  • Speed 30ft.

20 (+5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 24 (+7)

  • Saving Throws Wisdom +7, Charisma +10
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
Skills Score
Acrobatics (DEX) +2
Athletics (STR) +11
Arcana (INT) +1
Animal Handling (WIS) +11
Deception (CHA) +11
History (INT) +11
Insight (WIS) +1
Intimidation (CHA) +11
Investigation (INT) +1
Sleight of Hand (DEX) +2
Stealth (DEX) +2
Medicine (WIS) +1
Nature (INT) +1
Perception (WIS) +1
Performance (CHA) +11
Persuasion (CHA) +11
Religion (INT) +1
Survival (WIS) +1

lineage. Lineage of Myth

Encouraging Words You may use your words to bolster morale in your allies. You gain a pool of hit points that you can use to impart temporary hit points to an ally, equal to your levels in noble x 5. As an action, you encourage an ally within 5 feet of yourself and instill a portion of the temporary hit points or all of it, at your choice. You must be within 10 feet of an ally, due to the intimacy of these encouraging words. You cannot give an ally temporary hit points in this way if they do not already have at least 1 hit point. You cannot use your encouraging words on yourself. Your pool of hit points for encouraging words fully replenish after a long rest.

Charismatic Armor. Your mere presence exudes a charismatic aura that is difficult to strike to most creatures. You always have an armor class that is at least equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma modifier, even if you currently have another armor class from other means. Your charismatic armor cannot increase in value by wearing shields or armor, but can from wearing magical items. Creatures who are immune to being charmed or who have advantage against the charmed condition have advantange to attack rolls against you when using this armor class


You are always accompanied by an attendant to take care of all tasks you desire him or her to take care of. Your attendant's role in your life could vary. Based on your chosen lineage, your attendant may alter or perform certain actions. Your attendant is always with you, obeys your commands to the best of their ability, but will only put themselves at risk when it is directly related to your wellbeing. Should your attendant ever die, you recieve another within one month's time from your noble house or from some other source, assuming you take to the proper channels to request, recruit, or demand one.

Your attendant is of your race, a gender of your choice, but lack any exceptionalities that befit them racial traits. They are proficient in light armor and daggers. Attendants take their turn on your initiative, though they don't take an action unless you command them to. On your turn, you can verbally command them where to move (no action required by you). You can use an action to verbally command them to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.


Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 9 (1d6 + 5)

Majesty Score

Majesty Score. You gain a majesty score that you use to express your influence on others. When you finish a short or long rest, roll 1d4 per your Charisma modifier. Use this result, applying bonuses or penalties based on the Majesty Score Table (Refer Sidebar), to formulate your majesty score. No matter what you roll for your majesty score, it cannot be less than 16. Any saving throw to resist a class feature using your majesty score is equal to 21

Majesty Score Effect
Affecting Persona You may reduce your majesty score to affect others in a fashion similiar to any of the following spells, except the effect is non-magical: calm emotions (1 point), command (1 point), and suggestion (2 points). Thus if you had a majesty score of 12 and you used suggestion you would have a majesty score of 10 until you could reroll your majesty score. The only components required is a verbal component. Otherwise, treat the spell as normal except it is a non-magical effect and requiring no concentration.
Bolstered Spirits You may use your Encouraging Words class feature to heal your allies, instead of instilling temporary hit points. You can only do so when your majesty score equals 14 or greater. You cannot heal a creature in this way unless they have at least 1 hit point.
Persuasive Aristocrat Whenever you roll a persuasion or deception check, your result can never be lower than your majesty score so long as your majesty score equals 6 or higher.
Uncanny Presence As a bonus action or reaction to being targetted by an attack, you may reduce your majesty score by 4 to have an armor class equal to your Charisma score + 1d4. This armor class lasts until the end of your next turn. Creatures immune to or who have advantage to resisting the charmed condition roll attacks against this armor class with advantage.

Majesty Score Table

Bonus/Penalty Circumstance
+4 You are in a region where your noble house or title is considered influential.
+2 You are in a region where noble houses or aristocratic titles are considered influential.
+1 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as influential or worthy of respect.
-3 You are in a region where noble houses or titles are not respected, valued, or honored.
-2 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as something that is not very influential or worthy of respect.
+/1 Your DM may vary bonuses or penalties based on various circumstances they deem necessary similar to the above situations.


Medium humanoid (human), Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 14 (leather)
  • Hit Points 12 (2d8 + 2)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)

Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Common and one language that you can speak


Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4 + 2)

Lineage of Myth

Body of Majesty

You are inherently and extraordinarily attractive as a member of your race and gender. You often stand out in crowds and even members of other races find you appeasing to look upon. You find it particularly easy to stay fit and rarely find yourself dirty or smudged unless you willfully intend to be in such a state. You also have perfect symmetry in your physical features. When you roll your majesty score, add your Charisma modifier to the result.

Mystic Mark

Beast Form

At dusk, so long as you are within 1 mile of being able to see the night sky, you transform in your beast Beast Form (Refer to sidebar). You lose all your class features and capabilities and act only with the stats provided. When dawn comes, you revert to your normal form and you act as though you had a long rest, whether you rested or not.

At the start of each turn in beast form, you need to roll a 1d100 as there is a 50% chance you can't tell friend and foe apart. If you get below 50% you need to randomly determine who you attack (counting both allies and enemies)


You are the epitome of a blinding, stunning individual. You can use your action to force all eyes on you by unveiling yourself or doing some dramatic action, such as singing, playing an instrument, or some other form of displaying yourself. 3d6 creatures of your choice that can see you within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the beginning of your next turn. While they are charmed they are incredibly distracted. Attacks against them have advantage and their attacks against others have disadvantage. You must have a majesty score of at least 6 to use this feature and a use of this feature reduces your majesty score by 2.

Lips of Rose Red.

Your lips are constantly a deep rose red. This coloring cannot blemish or smear. As an action you may kiss any creature who then acts as though you casted haste on them, which lasts for 1 minute and does not require your concentration. You must have a majesty score of at least 10 to use this feature and a use of this feature reduces your majesty score by 2.

Beast Form

Medium fiend

  • Armor Class 18
  • Hit Points 200 (12d12+80)
  • Speed 40ft.

24 (+7) 19 (+4) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 16 (+3)

  • Senses passive Perception 18
  • Languages -


Multiattack: You make 2 Claw attacks

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 17 (2d8 + 7)

Woodland Majesty.

You gain power over creatures and woodland beasts. Your power grows as you level. You have all previous aspects of this mythic mark if you are of a higher level when you choose it. You gain the following spells: animal friendship and speak with animals. You may cast each spell so long as you have a majesty score of at least 8. Treat spells cast in this way exactly like the spell's description, except they are not spells. Treat the effect as non-magical. Thus, you could cast these spells in an antimagic field. Each casting of any spell of this mythic mark reduces your majesty score by 1.

  • you may cast conjure animals so long as you have a majesty score of at least 10.

  • you may cast conjure woodland beings so long as you have a majesty score of at least 14.

  • you may cast conjure fey so long as you have a majesty score of at least 16.

Lady Sirena

Armor Class 21 Hit Points 102 (20d6 + 20) Speed 30ft.

8 (-1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 24 (+7)

  • Saving Throws Wisdom +7, Charisma +10
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
Skills Score
Acrobatics (DEX) +11
Athletics (STR) -1
Arcana (INT) +7
Animal Handling (WIS) +1
Deception (CHA) +7
History (INT) +1
Insight (WIS) +1
Intimidation (CHA) +7
Investigation (INT) +1
Sleight of Hand (DEX) +11
Stealth (DEX) +11
Medicine (WIS) +1
Nature (INT) +1
Perception (WIS) +1
Performance (CHA) +7
Persuasion (CHA) +7
Religion (INT) +1
Survival (WIS) +8

Lineage. Lineage of Myth

Encouraging Words You may use your words to bolster morale in your allies. You gain a pool of hit points that you can use to impart temporary hit points to an ally, equal to your levels in noble x 5. As an action, you encourage an ally within 5 feet of yourself and instill a portion of the temporary hit points or all of it, at your choice. You must be within 10 feet of an ally, due to the intimacy of these encouraging words. You cannot give an ally temporary hit points in this way if they do not already have at least 1 hit point. You cannot use your encouraging words on yourself. Your pool of hit points for encouraging words fully replenish after a long rest.

Charismatic Armor. Your mere presence exudes a charismatic aura that is difficult to strike to most creatures. You always have an armor class that is at least equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma modifier, even if you currently have another armor class from other means. Your charismatic armor cannot increase in value by wearing shields or armor, but can from wearing magical items. Creatures who are immune to being charmed or who have advantage against the charmed condition have advantange to attack rolls against you when using this armor class


You are always accompanied by an attendant to take care of all tasks you desire him or her to take care of. Your attendant's role in your life could vary. Based on your chosen lineage, your attendant may alter or perform certain actions. Your attendant is always with you, obeys your commands to the best of their ability, but will only put themselves at risk when it is directly related to your wellbeing. Should your attendant ever die, you recieve another within one month's time from your noble house or from some other source, assuming you take to the proper channels to request, recruit, or demand one.

Your attendant is of your race, a gender of your choice, but lack any exceptionalities that befit them racial traits. They are proficient in light armor and daggers. Attendants take their turn on your initiative, though they don't take an action unless you command them to. On your turn, you can verbally command them where to move (no action required by you). You can use an action to verbally command them to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.


Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3 (1d6 - 1)

Trident. Meee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit reach 10ft, on target Hit 9 (1d8 + 4)

Majesty Score

Majesty Score. You gain a majesty score that you use to express your influence on others. When you finish a short or long rest, roll 1d4 per your Charisma modifier. Use this result, applying bonuses or penalties based on the Majesty Score Table (Refer Sidebar), to formulate your majesty score. No matter what you roll for your majesty score, it cannot be less than 16. Any saving throw to resist a class feature using your majesty score is equal to 21

Majesty Score Effect
Affecting Persona You may reduce your majesty score to affect others in a fashion similiar to any of the following spells, except the effect is non-magical: calm emotions (1 point), command (1 point), and suggestion (2 points). Thus if you had a majesty score of 12 and you used suggestion you would have a majesty score of 10 until you could reroll your majesty score. The only components required is a verbal component. Otherwise, treat the spell as normal except it is a non-magical effect and requiring no concentration.
Bolstered Spirits You may use your Encouraging Words class feature to heal your allies, instead of instilling temporary hit points. You can only do so when your majesty score equals 14 or greater. You cannot heal a creature in this way unless they have at least 1 hit point.
Persuasive Aristocrat Whenever you roll a persuasion or deception check, your result can never be lower than your majesty score so long as your majesty score equals 6 or higher.
Uncanny Presence As a bonus action or reaction to being targetted by an attack, you may reduce your majesty score by 4 to have an armor class equal to your Charisma score + 1d4. This armor class lasts until the end of your next turn. Creatures immune to or who have advantage to resisting the charmed condition roll attacks against this armor class with advantage.

Majesty Score Table

Bonus/Penalty Circumstance
+4 You are in a region where your noble house or title is considered influential.
+2 You are in a region where noble houses or aristocratic titles are considered influential.
+1 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as influential or worthy of respect.
-3 You are in a region where noble houses or titles are not respected, valued, or honored.
-2 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as something that is not very influential or worthy of respect.
+/1 Your DM may vary bonuses or penalties based on various circumstances they deem necessary similar to the above situations.


Tiny fey, neutral good

AC 15 HP 2 Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft.

3 (-4) 18 (+4) 10 (0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+1)

Senses Passive Perception 13

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +8

Languages Common and one language that you can speak, Elvish, Sylvan


Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.

Refer to Player Handbook Appendix D: Creature Statistic for full description of Sprite

Lineage of Myth

Body of Majesty

You are inherently and extraordinarily attractive as a member of your race and gender. You often stand out in crowds and even members of other races find you appeasing to look upon. You find it particularly easy to stay fit and rarely find yourself dirty or smudged unless you willfully intend to be in such a state. You also have perfect symmetry in your physical features. When you roll your majesty score, add your Charisma modifier to the result.

Mystic Mark

Eyes as the Ocean

Your eyes are that of a soft blue, so soft it looks like the rolling waves of a distant ocean. As an action, you may look at a creature, flashing those stunning eyes, and they must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail the saving throw, they are charmed by you for 1 minute and can take no actions or move so long as you are within their line of sight. An affected creature may reroll their saving throw at the end of each of their turns for the duration. You must have a majesty score of at least 12 to use this feature and a use of this feature reduces your majesty score by 3.

Tail of the Sea

When ever you are in contact with Water you may use a bonus action to transform your legs into that of a Fish tail and grow gills to enable yourself to breath underwater. A membrane forms infront of your eyes to protect it and allow you to see underwater even if there isnt any source of light. You may transform back as a bonus anytime you wish.

Valiant Form

You are the epitome of heroic valor in combat. As a bonus action, you may initiate your vailant form. When you do so, all allies within 60 feet of you that can see you may use their reaction to be inspired and gain 2 temporary hit points per your levels in the noble class. Additionally, your armor class increases by +2 (even with the charismatic armor class feature), you gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons equal to your Charisma modifier, and you select one creature within 60 feet of you that you create a bond of protection with. If your bonded creature is ever targetted by an attack, magical or otherwise, you may use your reaction to move towards the bonded creature or who is targetting them. You may also deplete your encouraging words hit points pool as a bonus action to heal yourself during your valiant form, so long as you have at least 1 hit point. Your valiant form lasts for 1 minute. You must have a majesty score of at least 12 to use your valiant form. Once you use your valiant form, you cannot do so again until after you finish a short or long rest. Voice of Wonder. When you sing, your voice is something that even the gods would be envious of. Whenever you use your encouraging words feature, affected creatures also gain 1d12 temporary hit points, so long as you sing. When you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. Additionally, so long as you have a 10 majesty score, you may cast geas once before you must take a long rest to do so again.

Voice of Wonder

When you sing, your voice is something that even the gods would be envious of. You may cast the following spells once each before you must take a long rest to do so again.

Spell Name Casted at Level Minimum Majesty Score
Sleep 6 8
Geas 5 10
Dissonant Whispers 4 12
Compulsion 4 14
Mass Suggestion 8 16
Dominate Monster 8 18
Power Word Stun 8 20

Princess Evelyn

Armor Class 21 Hit Points 102 (20d6 + 20) Speed 30ft.

8 (-1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 24 (+7)

  • Saving Throws Wisdom +7, Charisma +10
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
Skills Score
Acrobatics (DEX) +2
Athletics (STR) -1
Arcana (INT) +1
Animal Handling (WIS) +1
Deception (CHA) +13
History (INT) +1
Insight (WIS) +1
Intimidation (CHA) +7
Investigation (INT) +1
Sleight of Hand (DEX) +2
Stealth (DEX) +2
Medicine (WIS) +1
Nature (INT) +1
Perception (WIS) +1
Performance (CHA) +13
Persuasion (CHA) +13
Religion (INT) +1
Survival (WIS) +1

Lineage. Lineage of Diplomacy

Encouraging Words You may use your words to bolster morale in your allies. You gain a pool of hit points that you can use to impart temporary hit points to an ally, equal to your levels in noble x 5. As an action, you encourage an ally within 5 feet of yourself and instill a portion of the temporary hit points or all of it, at your choice. You must be within 10 feet of an ally, due to the intimacy of these encouraging words. You cannot give an ally temporary hit points in this way if they do not already have at least 1 hit point. You cannot use your encouraging words on yourself. Your pool of hit points for encouraging words fully replenish after a long rest.

Charismatic Armor. Your mere presence exudes a charismatic aura that is difficult to strike to most creatures. You always have an armor class that is at least equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma modifier, even if you currently have another armor class from other means. Your charismatic armor cannot increase in value by wearing shields or armor, but can from wearing magical items. Creatures who are immune to being charmed or who have advantage against the charmed condition have advantange to attack rolls against you when using this armor class


You are always accompanied by an attendant to take care of all tasks you desire him or her to take care of. Your attendant's role in your life could vary. Based on your chosen lineage, your attendant may alter or perform certain actions. Your attendant is always with you, obeys your commands to the best of their ability, but will only put themselves at risk when it is directly related to your wellbeing. Should your attendant ever die, you recieve another within one month's time from your noble house or from some other source, assuming you take to the proper channels to request, recruit, or demand one.

Your attendant is of your race, a gender of your choice, but lack any exceptionalities that befit them racial traits. They are proficient in light armor and daggers. Attendants take their turn on your initiative, though they don't take an action unless you command them to. On your turn, you can verbally command them where to move (no action required by you). You can use an action to verbally command them to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.


Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3 (1d6 - 1)

Whip. Meee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit reach 10ft, on target Hit 7 (1d4 + 4)

Majesty Score

Majesty Score. You gain a majesty score that you use to express your influence on others. When you finish a short or long rest, roll 1d4 per your Charisma modifier. Use this result, applying bonuses or penalties based on the Majesty Score Table (Refer Sidebar), to formulate your majesty score. No matter what you roll for your majesty score, it cannot be less than 16. Any saving throw to resist a class feature using your majesty score is equal to 21

Majesty Score Effect
Affecting Persona You may reduce your majesty score to affect others in a fashion similiar to any of the following spells, except the effect is non-magical: calm emotions (1 point), command (1 point), and suggestion (2 points). Thus if you had a majesty score of 12 and you used suggestion you would have a majesty score of 10 until you could reroll your majesty score. The only components required is a verbal component. Otherwise, treat the spell as normal except it is a non-magical effect and requiring no concentration.
Bolstered Spirits You may use your Encouraging Words class feature to heal your allies, instead of instilling temporary hit points. You can only do so when your majesty score equals 14 or greater. You cannot heal a creature in this way unless they have at least 1 hit point.
Persuasive Aristocrat Whenever you roll a persuasion or deception check, your result can never be lower than your majesty score so long as your majesty score equals 6 or higher.
Uncanny Presence As a bonus action or reaction to being targetted by an attack, you may reduce your majesty score by 4 to have an armor class equal to your Charisma score + 1d4. This armor class lasts until the end of your next turn. Creatures immune to or who have advantage to resisting the charmed condition roll attacks against this armor class with advantage.

Majesty Score Table

Bonus/Penalty Circumstance
+4 You are in a region where your noble house or title is considered influential.
+2 You are in a region where noble houses or aristocratic titles are considered influential.
+1 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as influential or worthy of respect.
-3 You are in a region where noble houses or titles are not respected, valued, or honored.
-2 You are travelling with individuals (other than your attendants) who consider your title or nobility as something that is not very influential or worthy of respect.
+/1 Your DM may vary bonuses or penalties based on various circumstances they deem necessary similar to the above situations.


Medium humanoid (human), Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 14 (leather)
  • Hit Points 12 (2d8 + 2)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)

Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Common and one language that you can speak


Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4 + 2)

Lineage of Diplomacy

In a house of diplomats, a noble is instructed on how to utilize their majestic presence to be a leader, to create bonds that tie, and to use others to do their bidding. They are known for their prowess with words and immense persuasive talents. Additionally, nobles who are famed for their skill in diplomacy are known for their ability to gain insights and truths from others in subtle fashion. They are almost always accompanied by a guardian for martial protection.

Demand Action

You can exert your presence in a situation to force an ally to act. As an action, you may force an ally to usetheir reaction to take an action. Using this ability reduces your majesty score by 1.

NOTE This action may not be used against other players. Allies are non-player characters who are friendly to the PC.

Noble Guardian

You gain an additional attendant that acts as a guardian for you. This may be an individual assigned to protect you or someone you or your family hired. Regardless, they are loyal to you and seek to help you in anyway they can. They will even risk their life to protect your well-being. Treat your guardian exactly as a normal attendant, except they are proficient in light and medium armor and simple and martial weapons. You may add your Proficiency bonus to your guardian's attacks, damage rolls, and saving throws so long as you are within 120 feet of them and they are aware of your presence.

You may command your guardian to perform actions as a bonus action instead of an action

Contrive Defense

You have the ability to cause your allies or enemies to react in a way that benefits them or exploits their weaknesses. As a reaction to a creature making a saving throw, or as a bonus action on your turn, you may have them trade their physical saving throws for a different physical saving throw and mental saving throws for a different mental saving throw. For purposes of this feature, physical saving throws are Strength, Dexterity, and Consitution and mental saving throws are Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. So if an enemy is facing a fireball and must roll a Dexterity saving throw, you may attempt to convince them to use their Constitution instead to simply stand there and withstand the flames with their sheer presence. For a creature to resist this, have the target creature roll an Insight (Wisdom) check against your Persuasion (Charisma) or Deception (Charisma), your choice. If you win the contested roll, they must use a different physical or mental saving throw of your choice. You cannot replace a physical saving throw with a mental saving throw, however, or vice versa. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


Medium humanoid (male drow), Chaotic Good

  • Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
  • Hit Points 200 (20d10 + 90)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages Common

Extra Attack. You may attack twice per turn


Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 16 (1d8 + 11)

Diplomatic Persona

You gain the following abilities to utilize with your majesty score:

Destroy Morale

You utilize the defeat of a foe to change the tide of battle by declaring you and your allies victorious, devastating the morale of your foes. As a reaction to an ally defeating a hostile creature, and by reducing your majesty score by 4 points, all other hostile creatures within 30 feet of you and the defeated creature who consider that defeated creature an ally must make a Wisdom saving throw or lose half of their current hit points (rounded down). Creatures who have advantage against charmed conditions may roll the saving throw with advantage. Creatures who are immune to being charmed are immune to this effect. You may choose, instead, to target one creature within 30 feet of you or the defeated creature that is an ally of the defeated creature and they must make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer the same effect. If you choose only one creature for the ability, you reduce your majesty score by 2.

Assess Persona

By taking a moment to assess your opponent, you discover their weaknesses and may later act to exploit it. As a bonus action, you interact with them in some way to glean their weaknesses. Roll a Persuasion (Charisma) or Deception (Charisma) check against their Insight (Wisdom) roll. If you are equal or higher than their check, you gain the following information: their saving throw bonuses, all Charisma based skill proficiencies, and whether they are friendly, neutral, or hostile towards you, as well as any general emotional state the creature is currently in. You must have a majesty score of at least 8 to use this feature.

Worthy to Save

Your guardian would sacrifice their life to save you and they often prove it. As a reaction to being targetted by an attack and your guardian is within 5 feet of you, you may sacrifice their ability to move and take action on your next turn to gain +2 to your armor class as a shield bonus. If you have this bonus and are hit by an attack within 2 points of your armor class, your guardian takes the damage instead of you. For example, if you have an armor class, with this bonus, of 18 and you are hit for 18 or 19, your guardian would be hit by the attack instead of you. Using this ability reduces your majesty score by 2 points.

Berating Words

You realize your inspiring presence can ahve the reverse effect on a foe. By reducing your majesty score by 1 and as a reaction to you or an ally being targetted by an attack roll by an enemy within 60 feet of you that you can see and that can see and hear you, you can berate the foe and cause them to miss. Your ally gains +2 to their armor class from the chosen target until the end of your next turn. You may reduce your majesty score by additional points by 1 and gain that number as a bonus to you or your ally's armor class, up to a maximum of a +5 armor class bonus and reducing your majesty score by 4.

Exert the Self

By reminding yourself of who you are, you may reassert control over yourself. As an action and by reducing your majesty score by 2, you may end the effects causing you to be charmed or frightened. Even if you are not normally permitted an action during the effects, you may use this ability to overcome them.

You Know Me

You may create a bond with a number of creatures that is represented by the fact that you can near-telepathically tell them what to do simply by your body language. Choose a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier + half your levels in noble (rounded down) that you have spent at least one week with. Whenever those creatures can see you, they understand basic commands and your silent language simply by reading your body language. You can tell them things like "no", "yes", "that's bad", "I don't like that", "this is a great idea", "do it," etc. You cannot reveal complex information in this way. Other creatures cannot determine your messages in this way, even if they roll impressive insight (Wisdom) skill checks.

Shatter Persona

You may verbally assault a creature to the point where they may find it impossible to recover. As an action, a creature within 60 feet of you that can see and hear you must succeed on a successful Charisma saving throw as you berate them with words or remind them of your majesty in some way or suffer debilitating consequences. As a result of failure, the creature takes 14d6 damage (this damage cannot reduce them below 1 hit point), has their maximum hit points reduced by half (rounded down), has disadvantage on Charisma and Wisdom based skill checks for 24 hours, and is stunned until the end of their next turn. Creatures who have advantage against charmed conditions may roll the saving throw with advantage. Creatures who are immune to being charmed are immune to this effect. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a short rest.

Supernatural Majesty

Your ability to manipluate others with your majesty becomes nearly supernatural. Creatures cannot ignore or take advantage against your abilities due to being resistant or immune to the charmed condition or effects, unless they overcome your sheer presence. They must make a Wisdom saving throw when they might ignore or gain advantage against your armor class or some ability and if they suceed their immunity or resistance stays in effect. If they fail, they treat your abilities normally as though they did not have immunity or resistance to charmed effects or conditions. Once a creature fails this saving throw they cannot make another one until after 24 hours have passed. After 24 hours, they may try to overcome your presence and gain the benefits of their immunities or resistances.

Sacred Relics

The Sword of the Storms

Weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement)

The Sword is half as long as its wielder, head to toe. It grows/shrinks to fit whomever rightfully owns it (i.e., takes it from its previous owner) and its weight, despite its size, is always 10 lbs, no matter how large/small it is. In appearance, the blade's completely black and well-polished no matter how many lives it's claimed. The handle composes of an easily-graspable smooth leather grip, no cross-guard and a metallic pommel on the end, made out of the same metal as the sword.

The Sword's attack and damage rolls are increased by +2. It has 10 feet of reach and deals thunder damage. As an action, you can make an attack roll against a body of water. The water recedes a number of feat equal to twice your roll in all directions for 1 minute.

Wrath of The Storm Queen The range of your critical roles increases by 2 (e.g from 20 to 18-20, from 19-20 to 17-20).

Storm Immuninty. While you are attuned to the artifact, you are immune to cold, lightning and thunder damage.

Book of the Wizard-King

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

The Book of the Wizard-King contains 200 pages, and each page contains one spell (all casted up to level 9) of your desire (excluding Wish). The Book of the Wizard-King is a "one-way" book. Once you turn a page, you can never turn it back, not even with a wish spell. If you close the book, it always opens again to the page it was on before being closed. When you turn the last page, the book vanishes. When using the book to cast a spell, the spell causes the page to turn.

Spells casted from this book have a spell save 22 and a spell attack of +15

Ring of the Djinn

Ring, artifact (requires attunement)

While wearing this ring, you can speak its command word as an action to summon a djinn entrapped. The djinn appears in an unoccupied space you choose within 120 feet of you. It remains as long as you concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell), to a maximum of 1 hour, or until it drops to 0 hit points. It then returns to its home plane.

While summoned, the djinn is friendly to you and your companions. It obeys any commands you give it, no matter what language you use. If you fail to command it, the djinn defends itself against attackers but takes no other actions.

After the djinn departs, it can't be summoned again for 24 hours, and the ring becomes nonmagical if the djinni dies.

Djinn's Resistence While you are attuned to the artifact, you are immune to fire and poison damage and have immunity to the Charmed condition.

Amulet of Charismatic Armor

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

You gain the Charismatic Armor. feature while you are attuned and wearing this amulet.

Charismatic Armor. Your mere presence exudes a charismatic aura that is difficult to strike to most creatures. You always have an armor class that is at least equal to 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier, even if you currently have another armor class from other means. Your charismatic armor cannot increase in value by wearing shields or armor, but can from wearing magical items. Creatures who are immune to being charmed or who have advantage against the charmed condition have advantange to attack rolls against you when using this armor class

The Prince's Bride

An Adventure based on ideas from Malaysian Folktales and Legends.


The Prince's Bride is a 4-6 hours (could be longer depending how long your players takes to do this sandbox) adventure designed for a party of 4-6 level 5 adventurers. This adventure is based on a local folktale here in Malaysia, "Legend of Puteri Gunung Ledang" (Legend of the Princess of Ledang Mountain). In this folktale a Sultan had heard of the beauty of the celestial princess of Ledang Mountain and wanted her badly, however she set seven impossible conditions for him to carry out before she would accept his hand in marriage.

All the conditions were set or requested on purpose by the Princess to test the Sultan's love towards her whereby she knew that he will be unable to fulfil them due to their ridiculous and mostly not achievable or unattainable nature. The last request would also be a rather a difficult decision for the Sultan as it involved the Sultan killing his only child. The point of the story is that the Sultan was either too proud or too blind to realise that the conditions were the princess's subtle way of turning his proposal down.

What I did was to take this legend and giving it a D&D Twist. I swapped around the genders, making an ordinary Princess is the one who desires the hand of an Elven King. The Elven King has zero interest in women and requested these 7 impossible task as a way to turn down the princess' proposal in his own subtle way. I didn't outright say "Oh, he is gay so he actually likes men" but more left it vague that it could also be he is just not interested in any relationship.

Adventure Summary

Princess Evelyn invites her friends over to 'assist' her with her upcoming wedding preperations, when the Party arrives they learn that Princess Evelyn hasn't been eitirely honest about the wedding and apparently she cannot marry Lord Oberron yet till she does some ancient Elven traditions by completing 7 special task.

Here the party has 2 options with either (a) helping her complete that 7 tasks or (b) investigating into Lord Oberron and find alternative solutions. If the party goes with (a) it opens up a very sandbox style adventure as they can choose which task to do first and find unique ways how to accomplish it or if they choose option (b) they will have to find a way into getting a favour of an Oracle to find out more about Lord Oberron and the truth behind his special tasks.

Either way, the party will learn that Lord Oberron has zero interest in women and he was merely trying to turn down Princess' Evelyn's proposal in his own subtle way.

Puteri Gunung Ledang by monoChromacat DeviantArt

Adventure Requirements

This adventure is written assuming you have access to the 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, Monster Manual and Dungeon Master Guide.

Scene 1 -The Palace Garden


Your friend, Princess Evelyn of the Nusal Kingdom is currently making preparations for her upcoming wedding to Lord Oberron, one of the Elven Lords of the Feywild. She has requested your help as she needs your expertise for a special task needs to be completed before the big day.

You can replace Princess Evelyn and Lord Oberron with any other Noble/ Prince or Princess/ Aristocrat if you desire. This adventure makes the assumption that the party knows Princess Evelyn prior to the adventure. When I ran this adventure, I made Princess Evelyn an NPC but also made the following as the PCs. ( Refer to my sample Pregenerated characters for their statistics / character sheets )

Princess "Ella" Ellenora

Ellenora is the twin-sister of Princess Evelyn, born just few minutes after her sister making her 2nd in line for the throne. Although her sister may be eccentric and sometimes out of touch with the reality of the commonfolks she still loves her deeply and holds no grudge being 2nd in line.

Lady "Mina" Jasmina

Jasmina, comes from a very 'desert-like' Kingdom. She doesn't travel anywhere without her guardian Rey who is either in his Tiger Form or weretiger form. Jasmina is touched that Evelyn is marrying someone she loves and is love back in return as this is something not common back in her kingdom as everyone there marries for political reasons.

Lady "Bel" Belleza

Belleza's parents were not very good people, when she was young, her parents turned away an Enchantress who then cursed the whole family so they night will show what beast they really are.

Lady Zeena

Zeena comes from the Kingdom of Scythia where even Royalty takes an activate role in the milatary however this honour is mostly reserve for the men as females are given the most "important" duty of motherhood to care for the young. Zeena however is defying these backwards traditions trying to prove that it doesnt matter what gender you are.

Lady Fría "Freya" Nieve

Born from virgin birth (or so they say) to a Dame from the Republic of Olsavik, Fría was given the last name of Nieve (which means Snow), a name given to only those born out of wedlock. Fria is determine to prove herself to be worth the same as any other noble in her country and find out the truth behind her birth.

Lady Sirena

An exiled and disowned Mermaid Princess, who was casted out of her kingdom accused for stealing an an Ancient Treasure. She now tries to clear her name by finding said treasure and bringing the real thief to justice.

You all arrive at the Palace Garden where Princess Evelyn and her attendant awaits you. You see infront of you a wonderful banquet is prepared for you for evening high tea. As you enjoy the refreshments, Princess Evelyn starts talking...

"Greetings, I thank you all for coming, I understand some of you traveled such a long distance just on my request but this is what makes you all great friends that I can depend on. So as you know that I am getting married next week (aka 7 days from now) to Lord Oberron but what you do not know is that this only will happen if I complete certain tasks that he has set for me."

She continues "You see my beloved Lord Oberron told me that in order for anyone to get his hand in marriage they must first gather the following:

  • A portal from my kingdom to his
  • A Spirit of a Naga
  • A Heart of a Drider
  • A Heart of a Faerie Dragon
  • A jar of the juice squeeze from the Purple Wurm
  • A jar of the tears of virgins
  • One barrel of blood from my most hated enemy

So this where you all come in, I am sure with your help we will gather all that is required to be presented to Lord Oberron 7 days from now"


After Princess Evelyn briefs the party on the problem she has the game kinda plays a lot like a sandbox. The PCs can either follow up on trying to find creative ways to obtain those 7 items above, or perhaps the want to go confront Lord Oberron demadning that this task(s) are a little too hard or maybe even research more into these ancient Elven customs.

The following page will detail few examples how they can gather info on the 7 task or even learning more on these Ancient Elven Traditions. The only problem would be that if they learn too much and get close to the truth the adventure might end a bit faster than usual. So to prevent this, I added some optional stuff to drag out the scenes if players are dead set on going on this path.

After Princes Evelyn explains her situation, she ask how would you all take up this challenge as they only have a 7 day hard limit to worry about.

Allow the players to discuss amoung themselves or ask questions here. You may also use the infomation in the Gathering Information section to point the players in the right direction.

Try to describe that they are in a Palace as Royal guest so these will gain them access to certain stuff normally commoners cannot access.

Gathering Infomation

Portal from my Kingdom

Creating a portal is 'easy', as one just needs something to cast the 5th level spell Teleportation Circle (Basic Rules , pg. 282), however Lord Oberron is demanding something more permanent. There is a way to make this spell permanent however it requires casting this spell in the same location every day for one year.

Option 1

Princess Evelyn or her attendant can inform the party that there is an Archmage (Leon Nightcrawler, Human LN, refer Monster Manual, pg. 342) who works for the Royal Family and they can use his as an advisor if it is needed. Leon will be able to tell the party of a method to get a permanent portal up in few days instead of a year.

You see time in the Feywild works differently that what is on the material plane. A few days in the material plane is equaliant a year in the Feywild and Leon can be instructed to go to the Feywild and start casting it from there instead.

This will remove the problem of having an overpowerful NPC around and leaves the PCs to solve the remainder 6 task creatively. Giving the PCs this as a win will also encourage them that the other 6 task is doable.

Option 2

Well, Lord Oberron didn't really said the portal needs to be permanent, so technically we can remove the Archmage and just replace him with a regular Mage who will help the adventure procure 1x Scroll of Teleportation Circle to be casted on the day of the presentations of all the gifts.

Spirit of a Naga

Finding a Naga is easy, there is actual one in the Palace guarding the Royal Treasury. The Naga guarding the Royal Treasury is a Guardian Naga (Monster Manual, pg. 234) and ff you are using the Pregens, the Naga will never be hostile to Ellanora or Evelyn as it is guarding the treasury for their family.

The problem comes in the form of how do they capture it? If they do capture the Naga does this mean that the Royal Vaults will be left unguarded? (Scene 4 - The Palace) for info on the Royal Treasury/Vault.

A Heart of a Drider

Princess Evelyn's attendant is a Drow who used to be from the Underdark (basically its an underground Kingdom), he can inform the party that Driders are very common in the Underdark and he knows a location to enter it not too far from here. The problem is to defeat one. (Scene 5 - The Underground Kingdom)

A Heart of a Faerie Dragon

Faerie Dragons are common creatures used for familiars. Any magic user in the party will know this. They can checkout the local market ( Scene 2 - The Marketplace ) to try to purchase one, or try to go catch one in forest ( Scene 3 - The Mountain Forest ).

Juice from the Purple Wurm

A purple wurm is not a creature to take lightly, however the PCs can try their luck in the market ( Scene 2 - The Marketplace ) or perhaps on the advice of Evelyn's attendant to search the underdark for one. (Scene 5 - The Underground Kingdom)

Purple Wurms won't randomly attack everyone on sight, so it would be possible to 'sneak' inside one and drain its 'juices' (hey Lord Oberron just said juice, it could be any liquid from the purple wurm, its saliva etc)

Tears of virgins

Honestly.. for this you really depend on your players creativity. For the two groups I play tested this adventure, the first group put on a sad play for all the children in the kingdom and collected their tears in a barrel and the 2nd group just said that all their characters was virgins so started peeling some onions over the course of few days gathering a barrel of tears.

Note that when I say virgin tears I mean any, I am not referring to just adult female humans.

Evelyn's most hated enemy

Princess Evelyn tells you her most hated enemy is a spirit creature she say in the mountains when she was younger ( Scene 3 - The Mountain Forest )

This creature is a Yuki-oona, and Evelyn is abit vain as the Yuki-oona has fairer skin than hers. Refer to notes on Evelyn's Room in (Scene 4 - The Palace) to know why does Evelyn think so.

Scene 2 -The Marketplace

The Marketplace

The marketplace isn't far from the palace grounds, it will take the party around 30 minutes walk or 10 minutes if they somehow manage to get a carriage or some sort of mounts.

Bandits Problem

Unfortunately for the party the marketplace is full of bandits waiting for anyone who looks like they are better off than the commonfolks (aka Nobles, Princess, etc). As the party to describe how would they dress up for this trip to the marketplace, get them to describe and notice if they are wearing anything that will indicate they are part of the upper class or at least look like someone who has money.

If the party brings any of the Princesses (Evelyn or Ellenora) not in disguised (Stealth DC 15) the bandits (4 of them) will try to attack or pickpocket them. I generally went for the pick pocket route as it will be interesting when they try to buy anything and notice they purses/wallets are gone. I allowed those with a passive perception of 15 to notice the pick pocket attempt or allow them to roll for it if they part declares they are vigilance.

If you need stats for the Bandits use the ones found in (Monster Manual, pg. 343) with the HP each at 40 and AC at 14

A Renegade Toyol

A Warlock (Rylie, Female Human LN) has hit some tough times and has resorted to stealing to survive. She lacks the skills to pickpocket so she made a deal a creature known as the Toyol. This creature is hard to deal with as it can be permanmently invisible.

If you didn't use the bandits for pick pocketting, you can use the Toyol to steal the party's stuff. Do give a chance for the PCs to recover their possessions like say if they didn't notice the Toyol stole their stuff, you can say one of the town folks in the marketplace explains what happens as he/she was a witness. Allow the PCs to use any relavent skill to track down the Warlock. Don't just deny them but ask them to justify how they use said skill. Hey if someone wants to use intimidate and scare everyone into telling her something useful, let them do it. Try to keep the DC of these checks to something which has a 50-60% chance to success.

Use the Toyol stats provided in the Monsters and NPC stats section

Faerie Dragon for Sale

After exploring the marketplace for awhile, they will come upon a travelling Merchant Wizard (Jabar, Male Human Wizard) who sells familiars for upcoming practitioners of the Arcane Arts. The owner sells various different Faerie Dragons (Monster Manual, pg. 133) for the right price. Red (10gp), Orange (15gp), Yellow (20gp), Green (25gp), Blue (50gp), Indigo (100gp), Violet (200gp)

Jabar also specializes in the trading of Magic Items (Refer Magic Items in the Dungeon Master's Guide). I am excluding the trade of Legendary Items as it might break the game, however feel free to add it in if you wish. (Refer to the table below for the trades accepted)

Magic Items Trade

Rarity Trade For
2 commons 1 common
2 uncommons 1 uncommon
2 rares 1 rare
2 very rares 1 very rare
1 uncommon + 1 common 1 uncommon
1 uncommon + 1 rare 1 rare
1 uncommon + 1 very rare 2 rares
1 very rare + 1 rare 1 very rare


There is an Alchemist (Ruby, Female Deep Gnome LG) who runs an Apothecary that is able to sell the party stuff related to potions, poison or herbs.

Item Cost
Potion of Healing 25 gp
Potion of Greating Healing 100 gp
Potion of Superior Healing 1,000 gp
Potion of Supreme Healing 1,0000 gp
Vial of purple wurm poison 1,000 gp

Of course the most interesting thing here is the 1x Vial of Purple Wurm poison. Well, here is the thing Lord Oberron asked for a Barrel of Purple Wurm Juice, it could be inteprated in many ways, could he want a parent with a juice made of something from a purple wurm? could he want a barrel full of purple wurm poison? can it be diluted? how potent must it be. I purposely left it vague so they players can come up with unique solutions on how to fulfil this part of the request.

Scene 3 -The Mountain Forest

The Mountain Forest

The Mountain Forest is about an hours journey from the palace or 20 mins if they somehow manage to get a carriage or some sort of mounts. They would have to leave all carriages and mounts at the base on the mountain before hiking up as the paths wouldn't allow it. The based on the mountain is a tropical forest but as the hike higher and higher it starts becoming covered with snow.

Den of Faerie Dragons

If they party came here in search of Faerie Dragons, ask them to make a survival check (DC 15) to be able to find track down a small den of Faerie Dragons (Monster Manual, pg. 133). Let them know that it took around 4-6 hours to find this den. The Den contains 1 of each types of Faerie Dragons (Red,Orange,Yellow,Green, Blue,Indigo, and Violet) and 8x Pixies (Monster Manual, pg. 253).

Even if the party doesn't outright search for this you can mention that they come across this den and it is up to them to interact with it or not.

Yukioona at Night

Once the sun sets, there will be a Yukioona named Veera'l who roams the snow path of the mountain finding for food. She normally doesn't target humanoids but goes for small animals instead. Refer to the Monsters and NPC stats for details on this creature.

If Princess Evelyn is in the party, she will be able to give the exact location the Yukioona always appears.

Herbs Gathering

By spending a few hours (2-4 hours depending on the GM) and rolling either a Insight, Nature, Medicine, or Survival (DC 15) the party might be able to stumble upon some herbs and berries which they can use to synthesis a juice that looks like it came from a purple wurm or any ingredients that the Archmage Leon Nightcrawler needs. If they need help to come up with this idea or to brew such a potions, you can make use of Ruby from the Apothecary in the Marketplace to mention this and help them.

Enviromental Hazards

The Cold

Characters not properly equipped to counteract or cold of the top of the mountain must attempt a Constitution saving throw each hour (DC 15, +1 for each previous check). Failure means that the character loses 1d4 hit points. Heavy clothing or armor provides and advantage to this check. A character who succeeds at the Survival check is immune for the next 4 hours.

Resting in the Cold without proper gear will cause 1 level of exhaustion for a short rest and 3 levels of exhaustion for a long rest.

Snow Leeches

Leeches are horrible little worm-like creatures that derive sustenance by draining the blood of larger animals. They tend to live in swamps or freshwater, however this Forest has a unique type of leeches live in the snow. Characters who hike in the snow without proper boots or covering will need to make a Dexterity Saving Throw every 1min or be bitten by these Leeches suffering 1d4 points of damage.

You may use normal leeches in the tropical part of this mountain using the same mechanics.


Avalanches can occur in areas where snow piles up on a slope, such as a mountain. When battle in an area with avalanche potential occurs roll a d4 at the end of each round of combat. On the roll of a 1 the avalanche covers a 30-foot-square area. Creatures in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. Creatures who fail take 14 (4d6) cold damage and 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone and restrained. A prone creature cannot stand until it ends the restrained condition by using its action to make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or another unrestrained creature uses its action to dig out the restrained creature ending the restrained condition. Creatures who succeed take only half damage and are knocked prone, but not restrained. The area where the avalanche occurred is considered difficult terrain and you stop rolling to see if an avalanche occurs at the end of each round.

Scene 4 -Palace

The Palace

The palace will be the base of operations for this adventure. Most of the downtime and resting will be done here unless the players purposely want to do it elsewhere. As guest of Princess Evelyn, the Players will have almost free reign of the palace as long if either Princess Evelyn, Ellenora, or Leon Nightcrawler accompanies them.

Each PCs will be given a personal guest room to board in during their stay in the palace and also a meeting room (one of the War Rooms) where they can discuss plans as a group.

Evelyn's Room

Evelyn and Ellenora has almost identical rooms. Evelyn's room has a huge bed (10ft by 15ft) with an abudance of pillows and stuff animals on it. The room is attached to a personal toilet which even has a walk in wardrobe that is enough for 3-4 handmaidens to be inside the same time to dress up the princess after said bath. The major difference between the two sister's room is that Evelyn has an Enchanted Mirror hanging opposite of her bed which contains a Mirror Beast.

This Enchanted Mirror is a Mirror Of Life Trapping but with a special property that allows people to talk to the creature(s) trapped inside. Currently there is one creature, refered to as the Mirror Beast which talks to Evelyn on a daily basis. The Mirror Beast wants its freedom and will say or promise anything to get it.

Years ago, one of Evelyn's suitors, a Mage gave this Mirror to her as a present in hopes to get her hand in marriage, he said that the creature inside the mirror plays beautiful music (this is no lie as it does) and she will always have a friend to talk to whenever she is lonely in her room. The creature knows that Evelyn is very vain and has been feeding her stories how there is a Yukioona on the Mountain Forest who has much more 'whiter' skin than her. The creature is trying to promise Evelyn that if she frees it, he will get rid of such an enemy and make sure she is the fairest of the land, however Evelyn is no murderer and hasn't gave in to such a thought... yet.

If the player's free the said creature, it will keeps it word and grant them a small favour. He can automatically complete one of the 7 task in about an hour or so. Be creative when describing how does the creature accomplish such task.

Palace Treasurery

The Palace Treasurery is guarded by 10x Knights (Monster Manual, pg. 347) followed by a Guardian Naga (Monster Manual, pg. 234) in the inner part. The Treasurery contains the following:

Treasure Amount
Gems and Jewels Worth 100,000 gp
Gold Coins Worth 10,000 gp
Adamantine Armor Chain Shirt 1
Animated Shield 1
Carpet of Flying 4 ft. x 6 ft. 1
Figurine* (Golden Lions) 4
Figurine* (Ivory Goat) 2
Figurine* (Obsidian Steed) 2
Robe of Stars 1
Rod of Absorption 1
Staff of Thunder and Lightning 1

Figurines* = Figurine of Wondrous Power

Taking any of the treasure without the permission of a member of the Royal Family will earn the wrath of the Guardian Naga. There is also an Alarm spell that will trigger unless the Naga disables it.

Palace Library

The Palace Library is full of information of the Supernatural, Arcane and the various locations around the Kingdom. There is a Librarian, Nylde (Female Dwarf, Neutral Good) who is incharged of categorizing and maintaining the index of all the tomes and books available.

Players may roll an Investigation check (DC 20) to find out info about a specific topic or spend around 3 hours to auto pass it. (3 hours is assumed they go through all the index and search for the right book or tome)

The Library also contains spells scrolls of all Level 1-5 about 4 copies each. Using said scrolls will need permission from the Archmage Leon Nightcrawler, but any Wizard may use it to copy spells if he/she wishes.

The Library is also guarded by a Guardian Naga just like a treasurery. (In fact the Library's Naga is the brother to the Treasurery's Naga)

Books and Tomes from this Library must be read within the Library and cannot be taken out of the Library as it will earn the wrath of the Naga guarding it. Special permission might be made for Leon Nightcrawler or members of the Royal Family.

Scene 5 - The Underground Kingdom

The Underground Kingdom

The location to the underground kingdom can be revealed by any members from the Drow, Deep Gnomes or even the Grey Dwarfs. Research in the Palace Library (Scene 4 - The Palace) can also lead players to the entrance of this underground Kingdom.

Hunt for a Drider

Once in the Underground Kingdom, players can use either Survival (DC 15) or spend around 3-4 hours to search for tracks to find a nesting place of a Drider. The Drider will not just give up her heart just like that so player's will to find some way to take her down in combat.

Friendly Drows

Drows, by reputation, were almost entirely evil. However there exist exceptions to this rule. After exploring the Underground Kingdom's were sometime, the party will encounter a group of Drows. This is a group of Male Drows escaping the Matriachal society of the Kingdom they come from. They are not hostile, but will ready their weapons just incase the party tries to attack them. (They will never strike first). If the party can be friend these Drows, they are willing to help them locate either the Purple Wurm (Monster Manual, pg. 255) or a Drider (Monster Manual, pg. 120)

Inside a Purple Wurm

Either with the help of the Drows or eventually after spending few hours or even a high Survival skill check (DC 20), the party will come accross a sleeping purple wurm with it's mouth open. They will have to be creative on how they going to extract something to make a juice. Try to hint to the players they need to stealth inside (give advantage since the wurm is sleeping).

The goal isn't to outright wake up the purple wurm and kill the whole party, but more to give them the sense of fear and dread while they accoplish the said task. Perhaps they might convince one of the Drows to do it for them (I would let the Drow roleplay that he is affraid but will auto success in the task anyway)

Environmental Hazards

Purple Wurm breath

The breath of a Purple Wurm is dangerous, whenever the players are nearby or inside the purple wurm you may choose to use this hazard.

At the end of each round, a gust of wind (DC 15 Dex saving throw) blows from the direction of the purple wurm or it's stomoch . If target failes the Dex saving throw they must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed for 1 minute. A paralyzed creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the stunned condition on a success.

Just make the player paralyze and don't deal damage, the whole point is to scare them not kill them.

Low Lighting

The Underground Kingdom doesn't have much light source. We use the condition Dim light when the players are in this area.

Dim Light, also called shadows, creates a lightly obscured area. An area of dim light is usually a boundary between a source of bright light, such as a torch, and surrounding Darkness. The soft light of twilight and dawn also counts as dim light. A particularly brilliant full moon might bathe the land in dim light.

Poison Mushroom

Along the walls of the Underground Kingdoms there is sometimes some mushroom which gives out an aroma that will cause those who inhale it to fall under the poisoned status unless they notice the hazard and hold their breath for the duration of crossing it. Make the players roll a Perception check (DC 15) before you use this hazard.

If you don't want to use the Poison status, you can make these mushrooms cause a hallucination and show them the stuff they want. If they were searching for a purple wurm, the person who is hallucinating will notice a dead purple wurm not far from their current location.

Scene 6 -Into the Fey Kingdoms

The Fey Kingdoms

After gathering / completing all 7 task, the party along with Princess Evelyn, the King, the Queen and an entourage of bodyguards will go into the Fey Kingdoms via the portal created by the Archmage Leon Nightcrawler.

Environmental Hazard

Time in the Fey Kingdoms flows differently. Few days inside is like a year plus of time passed for those from the material plane. To prevent this hazard from aging the character's rapidly when they return, the Archmage Leon Nightcrawler can make a "Time Flow Stop potion" for all those who is going to prevent this.

If there is time, perhaps he can also request the PCs to help him gathering the ingredients needed for this potion from (Scene 3 - The Mountain Forest)

A Nymph's Pool

One the way to Lord Oberron's Court the PCs will hear a beautiful voice singing coming from a certain direction. If they decide to investigate they will find a Pool where a Water Nymph resides. They can strike up a conversation with her to find out more about Lord Oberron. Here is also where they might get the hint that the task where all part of his way to reject Evelyn. Of course Evelyn will not believe this right away and inside this Nymph is lying.

Lord Oberron's Court

Eventually after sometime, they will reach the Court of Lord Oberron. When the delegation arrives, Lord Oberron's face will show one of shock and awe as he never expected that Evelyn would have been able to complete all 7 task.

As the royal delegation reaches the Throne Room where Lord Oberron is, you enter and see he is in shocked that Evelyn managed to complete all the task he requested. He gets up from his throne and comes to inspect all the items and shakes his head saying "I never expected you would be able to do this... my dead Evelyn, I am sorry to tell you, I honestly had no interest in your hand in marriage, I was trying to turn you down in a subtle way for you see I have no interest in women."

Monsters and NPC stats



Tiny Goblin fiend (devil), lawful evil

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 50 (10d8)
  • Speed 60 ft

6 (-2) 17 (+3) 13 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

  • Skills Deception +6, Insight +5, Persuasion +6, Stealth +7, Sleight of Hand +15
  • Damage Resistances Cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Silvered
  • Damage Immunities Fire, Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisend
  • Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 13
  • Languages Common, Infernal
  • Challenge 5

Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the toyol's darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The toyol has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Invisibility. The toyol magically turns invisible until it attacks. Any equipment the toyol wears or carries is invisible with it.

Purple Wurm

Source: Monster Manual Page: 255

Changes: In a deep sleep, will not awake unless a huge tone of noise si triggered in an area such from Thunder related spells or multiple people shouting.


Source: Monster Manual Page: 342


Source: Monster Manual Page: 347

Water Nymph

Medium Fey, Chaotic Good

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 33(6d8 + 6)
  • Speed 9ft.

10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+2) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 20 (+5)

  • Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +11, Con +9, Int +7, Wis +7, Cha +12
  • Condition Immunities Sleep
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Common, Sylvan
  • Challenge 12 (8400 XP)

Aquatic Spirit. The nymph can breathe water and walk on it. She however can stay outside water for around around 5 hours before she starts to dehydrate (taking 1 level of exhaution per hr after that)

Blinding Beauty. The undisguised beauty of a nymph is beyond comprehension, blinding all those who gaze upon her. All humanoids within 30 feet of the nymph who look directly at her must succeed a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be blinded permanently as thought by the blindness spell. If the saving throw is failed by 10 or more, the character gazing on such beauty is instantly killed. A nymph can suppress or resume this ability as a bonus action.


Source: Monster Manual Page: 343

Changes: AC: 14 HP: 40

Faerie Dragons

Source: Monster Manual Page: 133


Source: Monster Manual Page: 253


Source: Monster Manual Page: 120


Source: Monster Manual Page: 128

Guardian Naga

Source: Monster Manual Page: 234

Mirror Beast

Medium Fey, neutral

  • Armor Class 19
  • Hit Points 165 (20d12 + 20)
  • Speed 45ft.

13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 23 (+6)

  • Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +12
  • Condition Immunities Charmed
  • Senses passive Perception 15, darkvision 120ft
  • Languages Common, Sylvan
  • Challenge 10

Innate Spellcasting. The mirror beast’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material or verbal components:

At will: barkskin, bane, bless, calm emotions, charm person

3/day each: invisibility ,greater invisibility, mirror image

1/day each: conjure woodland beings, hold monster, dominate monster

Magic Resistance. The Mirror Beast has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The Mirror Beast’s weapon attacks are magical.


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d10 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Magic Melody. The Mirror Beast plays a melody, affecting all creatures within 120 ft. of it that can hear it, choosing one of the melodies below:

: Amiable Composition. Each affected creature must succeed a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the mirror beast for 1 hour, or until the mirror beast harms the creature.

: Eerie Rhythm. Each affected creature must succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 11 (2d10) psychic damage and be paralyzed for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

: Sweet Lullaby. Each affected creature must succeed a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or fall asleep and remain unconscious for 1 minute. A target awakens if it takes damage or another creature takes an action to wake it. This melody has no effect on constructs and undead


Medium fey (spirit), neutral

  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 145 (20d8 +40)
  • Speed 30ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)

  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
  • Senses s darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
  • Languages Common
  • Challenge 10

Cold Aura. At the start of each of the yuki-onna’s turns, each creature within 5 feet of it takes 14 (4d6) cold damage. A creature that touches the yuki-onna or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 14 (4d6) cold damage.

Innate Spellcasting. The yuki-onna’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). The yuki-onna can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material, or verbal components:

At will:. Invisibility

Snow Camouflage. The yuki-onna has advantage on Dexterity (stealth) checks made to hide in snowy terrain.


Cold Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) cold damage and the target must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes lost for the next 3d6 hours. For the duration it cannot find its way through the wilderness, and automatically fails any Wisdom (nature) and Wisdom (survival) checks.

Paralyzing Gaze. The yuki-onna targets a creature within 30 feet of it that it can see, which can also see it. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success