X the Mystic’s

Rules for Dungeon Survival:


Always trust a flumph


Before you drink from a fountain or pool, toss a coin into it. It’s a small price to pay for your life


Sometimes a chest is just a chest

and sometimes it isn’t


No one carves statues of frightened warriors

If you see one, keep your eyes closed and your ears open


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Keep a few gems in your pocket

A hungry Xorn is a helpful Xorn


Before opening a sarcophagus, light a torch


An active trap means either danger or treasure

Normally both


Wards only go so far.

If possible open things from a distance


Do not trust attractive people in dungeons


Things that don’t do anything when poked with a pole, still might when poked by a finger


Always wear gloves when handling strange objects


Consider all objects removed from dungeons dangerous until thoroughly proven otherwise


Always ask permission to walk past a statue

It never hurts to be polite and it may save your life


Do not kill a Lich.

They just come back angrier


You’d be surprised at how much in a dungeon is edible You’d also be surprised at how many edible things will kill you


Never interrupt anything willing to tell you a story


Runic circles, standing stones, altars or monuments

can be very good, very bad or very boring


Make offerings at any altar, dais or shrine you find

and cannot identify

(Unless you’re a priest and your God is watching)


Always check behind and benieth

curtains, drapes, tapestries or rugs


A spear or quarterstaff is not

a proper substitute for a 10-foot pole


Don’t fuss with fungus

Avoidance is best. Burning is better


Every adventurer should have a large towel.

(Though I cannot recall why)


If something powerful is hidden away in a dungeon, there’s normally a good reason why

(And something far more dangerous guarding it)

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