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2 months ago
We have had several reports of users losing their brews, not realizing that they had deleted the files on their Google Drive. If you have a Homebrewery folder on your Google Drive with *.txt files inside, do not delete it! We cannot help you recover files that you have deleted from your own Google Drive.
If you opt not to use your Google Drive, keep in mind that we do not save a history of your projects. Please make frequent backups of your brews! See the FAQ to learn how to avoid losing your work!
Following the Chrome update on March 4th, PDFs generated from Homebrewery are now significantly smaller due to a long-standing Chromium bug being fixed. Some files have seen over 80% reduction in size. If you have large PDFs, consider regenerating them for improved efficiency.
Please note that the “Get PDF” function may take longer due to this change. We appreciate your patience.
Hello Homebrewers!
The last update dropped, and we have a feature that is extremely interesting and that should revolutionize your experience as a homebrewer!
This is it: now you can use someone else’s brew as your theme with a few clicks! Here’s how:
And done!