# Immortan Joe (Warlock Patron)
In the wastes of the world’s remains there are figures that rise above other survivors, ascending to rule over the ruins of civilization as warlords—and none are so ruthless and unforgiving as Immortan Joe. From on high in The Citadel he controls mass swathes of supplicants all dying for the water hidden in the aquifer beneath the fortress of War Boys, only sharing the smallest portions to irrigate the tops of the natural fortress and keep his enslaved denizens alive but too weak to rise against him. Merciless individuals that seek power and glory join Immortan Joe’s army, learning to fight on Fury Road so that they too might ride eternal in Valhalla.

### Immortan Joe Expanded Spells

**Level** **Spell**

1st	*grease, longstrider*

2nd	*blur, heat metal*

3rd	*haste, phantom steed* (motorcycle)

4th	*death ward, freedom of movement*

5th	*legend lore, raise dead*

## Bonus Proficiencies
To ride upon Fury Road requires both great  
mobility and a basic knowledge of how to drive.  
When you select this patron at 1st level, you gain  
proficiency with Acrobatics and vehicle (land).

## Road Warrior
Also at 1st level, you learn how to fight on a  
moving vehicle. While riding in or on a vehicle,  
you gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls  
and have advantage on checks made to jump or  
resist the prone condition. In addition, you have  
advantage on checks made to control a vehicle.

## Shiny & Chrome
Starting at 6th level, you are gifted with a Tiny  
device containing Immortan Joe’s distilled  
blessings. You can use an action to spray your  
face with the device’s contents, covering your  
visage in silver and making you manic for  
1 minute. While you are manic, on your turn you  
can take one additional action. After you use this additional action it has a random chance of recharging during each subsequent round of combat. At the start of each of your turns, roll a d4. If the roll is 4, you regain the use of the additional action. When you are no longer manic, you suffer two levels of exhaustion.
## Fire & Blood
Beginning at 10th level, your body becomes hardened to unreasonable extremes of heat and toxic environments. You gain resistance to fire and poison damage. In addition, your hit point maximum increases by 1 per hit dice, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. 

## I Live, I Die, I Live Again
At 14th level, the fire in your blood makes you damned hard to kill. When you die from an attack or spell that deals 20 damage or less, after 3d4 rounds you return to life with 1 hit point. You can’t use this feature again for 7 days.

 Artwork by KR-Whalen (https://www.deviantart.com/kr-whalen/art/MAD-MAX-FURY-ROAD-Immortan-Joe-472244320), archetype by Mike Myler (www.mikemyler.com).

<img src='https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/890fc6a9-0e76-4d9c-a9a1-a174bd733a76/d7t5u1s-be4fa477-72ca-4675-bd75-c7f69dbcaf62.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvODkwZmM2YTktMGU3Ni00ZDljLWE5YTEtYTE3NGJkNzMzYTc2XC9kN3Q1dTFzLWJlNGZhNDc3LTcyY2EtNDY3NS1iZDc1LWM3ZjY5ZGJjYWY2Mi5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.HQ7nKM0GIwaR0hTRn8shQlFNudlMTG83Tl4WxQGtQC8' style='position:absolute;top:445px;right:5px;width:480px' />

<div class='pageNumber'>1</div>
<div class='footnote'>PART 1 | FANCINESS</div>