title: The Paragon
description: >-
  Embody your sphere of power as this thematic, attrition-free spellcasting
  class for Pathfinder Second Edition!
tags: []
  - Pathfinder
renderer: V3
theme: Blank


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format('woff2');

@font-face {
	font-family : 'BrassPounderSC';
	font-style : normal;
	font-weight : normal;
	src : 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') format('woff2');



# The Paragon



# The Paragon
There is strong demand for thematic casters in Pathfinder Second Edition -- that is, a range of casters that can commit to a specific theme, sacrificing versatility for more concentrated power and fewer resource constraints. The following brew aims to enable such casters through a new spellcasting class, the Paragon. Harnessing the boundless power of conceptual embodiment, the Paragon casts nearly endless amounts of spells deriving from a tightly-defined theme, known as a sphere of power.

Spellcaster classes in *Pathfinder Second Edition* are largely designed in accordance with a framework defined in prior game editions: wielding a large array of diverse spells, casters are generalists whose versatile tools can, for the most part, only be used a limited number of times per day. While this design is familiar to players from *1e* and other systems, there has been increasing demand for a new type of class: a thematic caster.

### What is a Thematic Caster?
This brew defines a thematic caster along the following broad lines:

#### Limited, Theme-Centric Spells
Unlike most spellcasters, thematic casters are specialists, focused entirely around specific themes. While existing casters can select spells based on a theme, a thematic caster *only* has spells relating to their theme, and a far smaller collection of them too.

#### Concentrated Power
Because a typical spellcaster can choose from hundreds of different spells, and therefore do a bit of almost everything, they can't usually be allowed to do any one thing tremendously well -- not as well as a specialist, at least. They must also contend with severe counters that negate some of their spells, and force them to use others instead, which prevents them from committing to a narrow theme. Thanks to their specialization, a thematic caster can put their narrow range of effects to better use, and avoid having their spells shut down completely.

#### Attrition-Free Casting
Spellcasting is typically a game of daily resource management, as spell slots are limited and refresh only daily. A thematic caster, however, would avoid this attrition, using a limited collection of spells to adapt to the situation at hand without as much advance planning or rationing.


### Class Outline
The following brew intends to implement a thematic caster class in the form of the Paragon, a class with the following key aspects:

#### Spheres of Power
The Paragon's spells are bound to a narrow theme, known as a sphere of power. A sphere of power is implemented as a collection of traits, and each sphere implemented in this brew also unlocks unique class feats for further customization, alongside a universal set of class feats. The brew also outlines a quick and easy method for creating new spheres of power, establishing a simple framework for implementing a spellcaster of almost any theme.

#### Focus Point-Based Spellcasting
The Paragon has no spell slots. Instead, the class uses Focus Points to cast spells other spellcasters would require spell slots to cast, starting with a full set of 3 Focus Points that all recharge in one go. This allows the class to cast spells without incurring attrition, and cast their limited set of spells at full power every time.

#### Conversion to Soft Counters
Through the use of an exclusive trait, the Paragon can make use of their narrow spells even against enemies who would normally be immune, allowing for the baseline consistency needed to commit to a magical theme.


# Paragon
Conceptual embodiment. The power to harness meaning into magic, making the abstract real -- and powerful. The multiverse is defined by infinite concepts forming infinite spheres of power, one of which has manifested through you. You are profoundly attuned to this conceptual sphere and embody its meaning, deriving limitless magic from it. As your connection deepens, you and your sphere inexorably merge: you become your sphere of power, and your sphere of power becomes you.

### Initial Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain the listed proficiency ranks in the following statistics. You are untrained in anything not listed unless you gain a better proficiency rank in some other way.

### Perception
Trained in Perception

### Saving Throws
Trained in Fortitude

Trained in Reflex

Expert in Will

### Skills
Trained in a number of skills equal to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier

### Attacks
Trained in simple weapons

Trained in unarmed attacks

### Defenses
Untrained in all armor

Trained in unarmored defense

### Spells
Trained in spell attack modifier

Trained in spell DC

### Class
Trained in paragon class DC

#### Key Ability
##### Wisdom
At 1st level, your class gives you an attribute boost to Wisdom.
#### Hit Points
##### 6 plus your Constitution Modifier
You increase your maximum number of HP by this number at 1st level and every level thereafter.

### During Combat Encounters...
You unleash concentrated magic derived from a narrow sphere of power, casting spells readily and to maximal effect.

### During Social Encounters...
You draw from your conceptual power, associating it with the situation at hand and using its spells to aid you.

### While Exploring...
You use your magic whenever you can, taking advantage of your endless reserves to navigate the world around you.

### In Downtime...
You delve into your sphere of power's conceptual mysteries and ramifications, seeking to better understand it and your place in the world.

### You Might...
* See how your sphere of power affects the world in ways most wouldn't realize.
* Use your magic as casually as one would an everyday tool.
* Embody your sphere's concepts to a degree most would consider extreme.

### Others Probably...
* See you as an expert on all matters relating to your conceptual sphere.
* Believe that spending time around you might cause them to gain aspects of your sphere of power, for good or ill.
* Question your free will, believing you to act purely in accordance with the concepts you embody.


##### Paragon Advancement
| Your Level | Class Features |
| 1 | Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, attribute boosts, sphere of power, paragon feats, paragon spellcasting, spell repertoire, rewrite reality |
| 2 | Paragon feat, skill feat |
| 3 | 2nd-rank spells, general feat, skill increase, staff resonance |
| 4 | Paragon feat, skill feat |
| 5 | 3rd-rank spells, ancestry feat, attribute boosts, magical fortitude, skill increase |
| 6 | Paragon feat, skill feat |
| 7 | 4th-rank spells, expert spellcaster, general feat, skill increase |
| 8 | Paragon feat, skill feat |
| 9 | 5th-rank spells, ancestry feat, reflex expertise, skill increase |
| 10 | Attribute boosts, paragon feat, skill feat |
| 11 | 6th-rank spells, perception expertise, general feat, skill increase, weapon expertise |
| 12 | Paragon feat, skill feat |
| 13 | 7th-rank spells, ancestry feat, defensive robes, skill increase, weapon specialization |
| 14 | Paragon feat, skill feat |
| 15 | 8th-rank spells, attribute boosts, general feat, master spellcaster, skill increase |
| 16 | Paragon feat, skill feat |
| 17 | 9th-rank spells, ancestry feat, prodigious will, skill increase |
| 18 | Paragon feat, skill feat |
| 19 | 10th-rank spells, general feat, legendary spellcaster, pure power, skill increase |
| 20 | Attribute boosts, paragon feat, skill feat |

## Class Features
You gain these abilities as a paragon. Abilities gained at higher levels list the level at which you gain them next to the features' names.

### Ancestry and Background
In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level, you have the benefits of your selected ancestry and background.

### Initial Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that represent your basic training. These proficiencies are noted at the start of this class.


### Attribute Boosts
In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level, you have four free boosts to different attribute modifiers. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost four different attribute modifiers. If an attribute modifier is already +4 or higher, it takes two boosts to increase it; you get a partial boost, and you must boost that attribute again at a later level to increase it by 1.

### Sphere of Power
You have the ability to manifest one of the many metaphysical concepts that shape the world, typically referred to as a sphere of power. Choose a sphere of power, whose listed traits influence your paragon abilities:
**Affliction**:: Disease, poison
**Air**:: Air, electricity
**Death**:: Death, void
**Earth**:: Acid, earth
**Fate**:: Curse, fortune, misfortune
**Fire**:: Fire
**Flora**:: Fungus, plant, wood
**Illusion**:: Illusion
**Knowledge**:: Contingency, detection, prediction, revelation, scrying
**Life**:: Healing, vitality
**Light**:: Light, visual
**Metal**:: Metal
**Mind**:: Mental
**Shadow**:: Darkness, shadow
**Sound**:: Auditory, sonic
**Space**:: Extradimensional, move, teleportation
**Transformation**:: Morph, polymorph
**Water**:: Cold, water

#### Creating a Sphere of Power
At the GM's discretion, you can create spheres of power beyond the ones listed above. To create a new sphere, choose one or more traits corresponding to the theme you wish to enable, avoiding overly broad traits such as arcane, cantrip, or concentrate, as well as a combination of traits that includes all the traits of another sphere.

#### Sphere Lore
You have an intuitive knowledge of your sphere of power and its component concepts. You become trained in Sphere Lore, a special lore skill that can be used to Recall Knowledge regarding topics pertaining to your sphere of power, as well as Learn a Spell that meets the requirements of your sphere, regardless of its spellcasting tradition. Unlike a normal Lore skill, you use Wisdom as your attribute modifier on Sphere Lore check.

### Paragon Feats
At 1st level and every even-numbered level thereafter, you gain a paragon class feat. You also gain an extra paragon class feat at 1st level that empowers your *destruction* cantrip, detailed below.


### Paragon Spellcasting
You produce highly concentrated magic from the embodiment of universal concepts at the heart of your sphere of power. You can cast spells using the Cast a Spell activity. Some of your spells require you to attempt a spell attack roll to see how effective they are, or have your enemies roll against your spell DC (typically by attempting a saving throw). Since your key ability is Wisdom, your spell attack rolls and spell DCs use your Wisdom modifier.

#### Focus Spellcasting
Unlike most spellcasters, you do not use spell slots to cast spells. Instead, every paragon spell of 1st rank or higher in your spell repertoire is a focus spell to you. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, rather than a spell slot, and you can't cast focus spells using spell slots. Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, much like cantrips.

You have a focus pool of 3 Focus Points. You completely refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, as well as when you Refocus by meditating on your sphere of power.

#### Cantrips
Some of your spells are cantrips. A cantrip is a special type of spell that doesn't use spell slots. You can cast a cantrip at will, any number of times per day. A cantrip is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up.

### Spell Repertoire
The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn one 1st-rank spell of your choice, one cantrip of your choice, and the *destruction* focus cantrip. Unlike most spellcasters, your magic does not come from any one tradition: you choose these from all common spells, as well as spells to which you have access, that contain at least one of your sphere of power's traits. Your spell list is made up of all the spells that meet these requirements. To you, these spells do not belong to any particular spellcasting tradition, lose any traits they may have corresponding to a spellcasting tradition (arcane, divine, occult, or primal), and gain the magical trait.

You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you add a spell of a rank equal to half your level rounded up or less to your spell repertoire.


#### Expanding Your Spell List
Due to the limited range of spells available to you, you may find yourself with little or even no choice of spells to add to your repertoire. Additionally, some spells may suit your sphere of power's theme even if they lack the necessary traits. Work with your GM to determine which spells can be added to your spell list even if they lack your sphere's traits. If you add one such spell to your repertoire, it gains one or more of your sphere's traits, and may lose some of its existing traits at the GM's discretion.

#### Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire
As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of the spells in your repertoire, following the same rules as for retraining.

#### Destruction {{pf,two}} {{label Cantrip 1}}

{{tag,uncommon uncommon}}
{{tag,keyword attack}}
{{tag,keyword cantrip}}
{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword manipulate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Range**:: 30 feet; **Targets** 1 creature; **Defense** AC
You unleash your sphere of power's magic in purely destructive form. Make a ranged spell attack against a single creature's AC, dealing 2d6 damage on a hit. This spell gains all of your sphere of power's traits.
**Critical Success**:: The target takes double damage.
**Success**:: The target takes full damage.
**Heightened (+1)**:: The damage increases by 1d6.

### Rewrite Reality
Your influence over a defining aspect of reality allows you to achieve the impossible. Your paragon spells and paragon feats can affect even creatures who would normally be immune, and you treat immunity to your sphere effects as resistance equal to the creature's level instead. For instance, you can affect a mindless creature with a paragon ability that has the mental trait, or deal vitality damage with a paragon ability to a creature that lacks void healing.

### Skill Feats {{float:right 2ND}}
At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill feat. Skill feats have the skill trait. You must be trained or better in the corresponding skill to select a skill feat.

### General Feats {{float:right 3RD}}
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a general feat.


### Skill Increases {{float:right 3RD}}
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill increase. You can use this increase to either become trained in one skill you’re untrained in, or become an expert in one skill in which you’re already trained.

At 7th level, you can use skill increases to become a master in a skill in which you’re already an expert, and at 15th level, you can use them to become legendary in a skill in which you’re already a master.

### Staff Resonance {{float:right 3RD}}
Your magic resonates uniquely with staves, allowing you to use them differently from other spellcasters. When you prepare a staff, it gains a number of charges equal to half your level rounded up. When you Cast a Spell from a staff, the spell gains the magical trait, rather than a trait corresponding to any magical tradition.

When you Activate a staff, you can expend 1 charge from the staff and 1 Focus Point to Cast a Spell from the staff, heightening the spell to a rank equal to half your level rounded up. As normal, the spell must be in your spell list and of a rank that you are able to cast, and this doesn't change the number of actions it takes to Cast the Spell.

### Ancestry Feats {{float:right 5TH}}
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

### Magical Fortitude {{float:right 5TH}}
Magical power has improved your body’s resiliency. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to expert.

### Expert Spellcaster {{float:right 7TH}}
You delve deeper into your sphere of power and its inherent magic. Your proficiency ranks for your spell attack modifier and spell DC increase to expert.

### Reflex Expertise {{float:right 9TH}}
Your reflexes are lightning fast. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to expert.

### Perception Expertise {{float:right 11TH}}
You remain alert to threats around you. Your proficiency rank for Perception increases to expert.

### Weapon Expertise {{float:right 11TH}}
Training and magic improved your weapon technique. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increase to expert.

### Defensive Robes {{float:right 13TH}}
The flow of magic and your training combine to help you avoid attacks. Your proficiency rank in unarmored defense increases to expert.

# Sample Paragon

![](https://i.imgur.com/IvFi1An.png){width:200px,margin:"-4px 60px"}

# Rot Mage
{{subtitle You spread poison and disease, withering your foes with toxic spells.}}

#### Attributes
Prioritize Wisdom and Dexterity. Constitution increases your survivability, and Charisma helps you navigate social encounters.
#### Skills
Deception, Intimidation, Medicine
#### Sphere of Power
#### Starting Feat
Enfeebling Destruction, Sphere Savant
#### Higher-Level Feats
Conceal Spell (2nd), Conceptual Affinity (4th), Counter Concept (6th), Sphere Sense (8th), Erupting Spell (10th), Invert Concept (12th), Perfect Sphere Sense (14th), Baneful Connections (16th), Project Sphere (18th), Unlimited Power (20th)
#### Spell Repertoire
**Cantrips** *destruction*, *puff of poison*; **1st** *noxious vapors*


# Sample Paragon

![](https://i.imgur.com/IFBgXPt.png){width:275px,margin:"-3px 0px"}

# Luminary
{{subtitle You banish the dark and dazzle onlookers. }}
#### Attributes
Prioritize Wisdom and Dexterity. Constitution increases your survivability, and Intelligence provides you with additional skills.
#### Skills
Arcana, Occultism, Religion, Society
#### Sphere of Power
#### Starting Feat
Dazzling Destruction, Widen Spell
#### Higher-Level Feats
Solar Powered (2nd), Staff Synergy (4th), Peer Into Darkness (6th), Safeguarded Spell (8th), Destructive Retribution (10th), Realign Sphere (12th), Outer Sphere (14th), Rapid Realignment (16th), Harmony of the Spheres (18th), Instant Realignment (20th)
#### Spell Repertoire
**Cantrips** *destruction*, *light*; **1st** *dizzying colors*


### Weapon Specialization {{float:right 13TH}}
You can inflict greater injuries with the weapons you know. You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you're a master and 4 if you're legendary.

### Master Spellcaster {{float:right 15TH}}
You are a master of conceptual embodiment. Your proficiency ranks for your spell attack modifier and spell DC increase to master.

### Prodigious Will {{float:right 17TH}}
You’ve steeled your mind with resolve. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Will save, you get a critical success instead.

### Legendary Spellcaster {{float:right 19TH}}
You embody every facet of your sphere of power. Your proficiency ranks for your spell attack modifier and spell DC increase to legendary.

### Pure Power {{float:right 19TH}}
You can manifest the full, undiluted might of your sphere of power. The spell you add to your repertoire at this level must be a 10th-rank spell. Unlike your other paragon spells, this spell is not a focus spell to you. Instead, you gain a single 10th-rank spell slot you can use to cast this spell each day using paragon spellcasting. You can’t use 10th-rank slots with abilities that give you more spell slots or that let you cast spells without expending spell slots.

## Paragon Feats
At every level that you gain a paragon feat, you can select one of the following. You must satisfy any prerequisites before taking the feat.

###### 1st Level
#### Dazzling Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the darkness, illusion, light, or visual trait
Your destructive power can momentarily hinder a foe's vision. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target is dazzled for 1 round. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.


#### Deafening Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the air, auditory, or sonic trait
Your destructive power can momentarily deafen a foe. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target is deafened for 1 round. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.

#### Enfeebling Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the poison, shadow, or void trait
Your destructive power can rob a foe of strength. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target is enfeebled 1 for 1 round. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.

#### Exposing Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the detection, misfortune, or visual trait
Your destructive power can expose a foe's weak points. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target is off-guard for 1 round. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.

#### Fascinating Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the emotion, illusion, or mental trait
Your destructive power is oddly compelling. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be fascinated by you for 1 round. This is an incapacitation effect. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.


#### Forceful Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the earth, force, or move trait
Your destructive power can forcefully displace your foes. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target is moved 5 feet in a direction of your choice. This is forced movement. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.

#### Lingering Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the acid, curse, disease, poison,  or fire trait
Your destructive power can leave lasting harm. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target takes 1d6 persistent damage for each of the spell's ranks. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.

#### Needling Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the cold, metal, polymorph, or wood trait

Your destructive power can hinder your foes' movements. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target is clumsy 1 for 1 round. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.

#### Overwhelming Cantrip {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword manipulate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

You can cause the simplest embodiment of your magic to completely overcome resistance. If your next action is to cast a paragon cantrip, that cantrip ignores all damage resistance. This applies to all damage the cantrip deals, including persistent damage and damage caused by an ongoing effect of the cantrip.


##### Paragon Feats By Name
| Feat | Level |
| Baneful Connections | 16 |
| Careful Spell | 6 |
| Channeled Support | 8 |
| Clash of the Spheres | 8 |
| Combat Familiar | 14 |
| Conceal Spell | 2 |
| Conceptual Affinity | 4 |
| Conceptual Weapon | 4 |
| Counter Concept | 6 |
| Dazzling Destruction | 1 |
| Deafening Destruction | 1 |
| Destructive Retribution | 10 |
| Effortless Concentration | 16 |
| Enfeebling Destruction | 1 |
| Enhanced Familiar | 2 |
| Erupting Spell | 10 |
| Eternal Unlife | 2 |
| Expanded Sphere | 2 |
| Exposing Destruction | 1 |
| Fascinating Destruction | 1 |
| Forceful Destruction | 1 |
| Freecast Spell | 12 |
| Harmony of the Spheres | 18 |
| Instant Realignment | 20 |
| Invert Concept | 12 |
| Irezoko Tattoo | 4 |
| Lingering Destruction | 1 |
| Mass Erasure | 16 |
| Needling Destruction | 1 |
| Outer Sphere | 14 |
| Paragon Familiar | 1 |

#### Paragon Familiar {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

A creature manifests as the very essence of your sphere of power. You gain a familiar with one of your sphere of power's traits. If your sphere has more than one trait, you can change the trait you've selected for your familiar to a different one of your sphere's traits each time you make your daily preparations. When you select the Resistance familiar ability, you can choose the selected trait, instead of one of the damage types listed in the ability, to let your familiar resist effects with the selected trait.


| Peer Into Darkness | 6 |
| Perfect Quickening | 20 |
| Perfect Sphere Sense | 14 |
| Power Armor | 1 |
| Power Overwhelming | 12 |
| Preemptive Destruction | 1 |
| Project Sphere | 18 |
| Proximate Spell | 2 |
| Overwhelming Cantrip | 1 |
| Quickened Cantrip | 10 |
| Rapid Realignment | 16 |
| Reach Spell | 1 |
| Realign Sphere | 12 |
| Safeguarded Spell | 8 |
| Sickening Destruction | 1 |
| Singular Concept | 10 |
| Singularity | 20 |
| Solar Powered | 2 |
| Spellshape Fusion | 18 |
| Sphere of Chaos | 18 |
| Sphere Savant | 1 |
| Sphere Sense | 8 |
| Sphere's Erasure | 4 |
| Split Shot | 4 |
| Spurn Gravity | 14 |
| Staff Synergy | 4 |
| Stunning Destruction | 1 |
| Stupefying Destruction | 1 |
| Surpass Reality | 20 |
| Steady Spellcasting | 6 |
| Universal Language | 8 |
| Unlimited Power | 20 |
| Widen Spell | 1 |

#### Power Armor {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Your sphere of power has the cold, earth, metal, or wood trait
The defensive nature of your sphere allows you to imbue armor with its properties. All armor has the invested trait to you. When you Invest a suit of armor, you can give it the trait you used to qualify for this feat, as well as weakness equal to half your level to a damage type based on the trait it gained (acid for earth or metal, fire for cold or wood) and have the armor use your unarmored defense proficiency. If you have multiple qualifying traits, you choose which one the armor gains when you Invest it.


#### Preemptive Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the contingency, fortune, or healing trait
Your destructive power can also help avoid harm. When you critically hit with *destruction*, you or an ally within 15 feet of you gains a +2 status bonus to AC and saving throws against the target for 1 round. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.

#### Reach Spell {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

You can extend the range of your spells. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell that has a range, increase that spell’s range by 30 feet. As is standard for increasing spell ranges, if the spell normally has a range of touch, you extend its range to 30 feet.

#### Sickening Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the disease, fungus, or poison trait

Your destructive power can sicken your foes. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target is sickened 1. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.

#### Sphere Savant {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: trained in Sphere Lore

You have an exceptional aptitude for knowledge pertaining to your sphere of power. You gain the benefits of the Unmistakable Lore feat, though only for Sphere Lore, which doesn't prevent you from taking the feat. At 3rd, 7th, and 15th levels, you gain an additional skill increase you can apply only to Sphere Lore.


#### Stunning Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the death, electricity, or mental trait

Your destructive power can stop a foe dead in their tracks. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be stunned 1. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.

#### Stupefying Destruction {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: *destruction*; your sphere of power has the illusion, mental, or sleep trait

Your destructive power can dull the mind. When you critically hit with *destruction*, the target is stupefied 1 for 1 round. If *destruction* can produce more than one additional effect on a critical hit, you choose which one to apply.

#### Widen Spell {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 1}}

{{tag,keyword manipulate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

You manipulate the energy of your spell, causing it to spread out and affect a wider area. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell that has an area of a burst, cone, or line and does not have a duration, increase the area of that spell. Add 5 feet to the radius of a burst that normally has a radius of at least 10 feet (a burst with a smaller radius is not affected). Add 5 feet to the length of a cone or line that is normally 15 feet long or smaller, and add 10 feet to the length of a larger cone or line.

###### 2nd Level
#### Conceal Spell {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 2}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell, the spell gains the subtle trait, hiding the shining runes, sparks of magic, and other manifestations that would usually give away your spellcasting. The trait hides only the spell’s spellcasting actions and manifestations, not its effects, so an observer might still see a ray streak out from you or see you vanish into thin air.


#### Enhanced Familiar {{label Feat 2}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: a familiar
You infuse your familiar with additional magical energy. You can select two additional familiar or master abilities each day.
**Special**:: You may take this feat twice.

#### Eternal Unlife {{label Feat 2}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Your sphere of power has the curse, death, shadow, or void trait
Your corrupt magic has twisted your vital functions into a mockery of life. You gain the undead trait and the basic undead benefits. Your undead craving is for the vitality that suffuses all living creatures. If you already have the basic undead benefits, you gain the advanced undead benefits instead.
**Special**:: If you don't already have the advanced undead benefits, you can select this feat a second time to gain them.

#### Expanded Sphere {{label Feat 2}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}
Your sphere of power expands to encompass a different, albeit related range of concepts. Choose a sphere of power other than one you chose before. You add this sphere to your own, adding its traits to your sphere's trait list.
**Special**:: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do, choose a different sphere of power.

#### Proximate Spell {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 2}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword Spellshape}}

You can concentrate your spell power at close range. If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell that targets a single creature within your reach, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to your AC against attacks made in reaction to you Casting the Spell, such as Reactive Strikes. If the spell has you make a ranged attack roll or has a range greater than touch, its damage and healing dice increase by one step.


#### Solar Powered {{label Feat 2}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Your sphere of power has the fire, light, plant, or vitality trait
You derive all the nourishment you need from sunlight. You typically don't need to pay for food, though you begin to starve if you go without sunlight for 1 week. You can derive nourishment from specially formulated bottles of sunlight instead of natural sunlight, but these bottles cost 10 times as much as standard rations (4 gp per week).

###### 4th Level
#### Conceptual Affinity {{label Feat 4}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: expert in Sphere Lore
You share a kinship with other entities associated with your sphere of power. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to checks and DCs against anything pertaining to your Sphere Lore. For example, if your sphere has the fire trait, you gain this bonus when a creature with the fire trait makes a saving throw against one of your spells, but also on flat checks you make to put out fire.

#### Conceptual Weapon {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 4}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

You manifest conceptual magic in your blows. If the next action you take is to Cast a damaging Spell, you Strike after the spell's effects are resolved, dealing an extra 1d6 damage of one of the spell's damage types. If the spell is at least 5th rank, this damage increases to 2d6, or 3d6 if the spell is at least 8th rank.

#### Focus Tattoo {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 4}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Frequency**:: until you Refocus
You call upon magic that you've stored in a magical tattoo on your face or body. You recover 1 Focus Point.


#### Sphere's Erasure {{pf,reaction}} {{label Feat 4}}

{{tag,keyword manipulate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Trigger**:: You or an ally within 15 feet of you would take damage from an effect with one of your sphere of power's traits.
With a gesture, you invoke your sphere of power's dominion over the triggering effect to dampen it. The target gains resistance to all damage from the triggering effect equal to 2 + your level.

#### Split Shot {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 4}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

You fragment a ranged spell. If your next action is to Cast a Spell without a duration that requires an attack roll against a single target, you can choose a second target within range. You roll a single attack roll and compare the result to the AC of both targets. This counts as one attack for your multiple attack penalty. To the second target, the spell deals half the amount of damage it would normally deal and has no effects beyond the spell’s initial damage (such as imposing conditions or penalties).

#### Staff Synergy {{label Feat 4}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: staff resonance
You can draw even more easily from your staff's magic. When you use a Focus Point to Cast a Spell from a staff you've prepared, you no longer expend a staff charge.

###### 6th Level
#### Careful Spell {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 6}}

{{tag,keyword manipulate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

You twist your spell to avoid affecting designated creatures. If your next action is to Cast a Spell that affects an area, you can designate a number of other creatures up to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 creature) to be immune to the spell's effects. You don't have to be able to see a creature to designate it, but you can't designate a creature that's unnoticed by you.


#### Counter Concept {{pf,reaction}} {{label Feat 6}}

{{tag,keyword manipulate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Trigger**:: You're targeted by or in the area of an effect that has one or more of your sphere of power's traits, the effect originates from an enemy or hazard, and you have at least 1 Focus Point
You can bend magic from your sphere of power to your will even when it is being wielded by another. You spend 1 Focus Point and attempt to counteract the effect.
**Critical Success**:: You protect yourself and creatures you choose targeted by or in the area of the effect.
**Success**:: You protect yourself.
**Failure**:: You fail to counteract the effect, but you don't spend the Focus Point.

#### Detonating Spell {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 6}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

Your spell becomes volatile and explosive. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell that deals damage to a single target and the spell successfully damages that target, the spell explodes, dealing splash damage to adjacent creatures equal to the spell's rank. Unlike normally, this splash damage doesn't apply to the target. The splash damage dealt is of the same type the spell deals.

#### Peer Into Darkness {{label Feat 6}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Your sphere of power has the darkness, light, or revelation trait
You can see clearly in the deepest dark. You gain low-light vision and greater darkvision.

#### Steady Spellcasting {{label Feat 6}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

Confident in your technique, you don’t easily lose your concentration when you Cast a Spell. If a reaction would disrupt your spellcasting action, attempt a DC 15 flat check. If you succeed, your action isn’t disrupted.


###### 8th Level
#### Channeled Support {{pf,reaction}} {{label Feat 8}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: master in Sphere Lore 
**Trigger**:: An ally within 15 feet of you is about to use an action that has at least one of your sphere of power's traits.
You lend the inherent mastery of your sphere to your ally's assistance. You Aid the triggering ally without needing to have prepared to help first, and can use Sphere Lore for the check.

#### Clash of the Spheres {{label Feat 8}}

{{tag,rare rare}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}

You can leverage the tension between opposite concepts to counteract effects both aligned and opposed to your sphere of power. Your paragon spells overcome non-magical effects, and automatically attempt to counteract magical effects they come into contact with, so long as the effect or effects are aligned or opposed to your sphere of power.

An effect is aligned with your sphere of power if it has at least one of your sphere's traits, and is opposed to your sphere if at least one of its traits is the conceptual opposite of your sphere: for example, fire can counteract cold, vitality can counteract void, and metal can counteract wood. You can voluntarily prevent a paragon spell you cast from overcoming or counteracting one or more effects if you want the effect, or effects, to continue working.

#### Safeguarded Spell {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 8}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell with an area, you aren't affected by the spell even if you are within the area.

#### Sphere Sense {{label Feat 8}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

You can sense your sphere of power's influence all around you. You gain a special sense, called sphere sense, as an imprecise sense that has a range of 30 feet. Your sphere sense detects only creatures, objects, and other entities that pertain to your Sphere Lore.


#### Universal Language {{label Feat 8}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Your sphere of power has the auditory, linguistic, mental, or revelation trait
You understand all, and all understand you. You gain the benefits of *truespeech*.

###### 10th Level
#### Destructive Retribution {{pf,reaction}} {{label Feat 10}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Trigger**:: An enemy within 15 feet damages you or an ally.
Destruction begets destruction, and you respond in kind to the harm dealt by a foe. You cast a harmful cantrip with an action cost of 2 or fewer actions, with the triggering enemy as the sole target, and then become stunned 1. If the spell makes an attack roll, the spell's attack doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to the attack.

#### Erupting Spell {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 10}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

Your spellcasting causes you to erupt with sheer power. If the next action you take is to Cast a paragon Spell that deals damage, a 15-foot emanation of energy surrounds you as you cast the spell. Foes in the area take 1 damage per spell rank of the spell you just cast of the same damage type the spell deals (choose one if it deals multiple types). Combine the damage from both Erupting Spell and the other spell against foes who take damage from both before applying bonuses, penalties, resistance, weakness, and the like.

#### Quickened Cantrip {{pf,free}} {{label Feat 10}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

**Frequency**:: once per minute
You can unleash an accelerated burst of simple magic. If your next action is to cast a paragon cantrip, reduce the number of actions to cast that cantrip by 1 (minimum 1 action).


#### Singular Concept {{label Feat 10}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: you do not have Expanded Sphere
Your focused sphere of power infuses your body with magic, altering its nature to reflect its component concepts. You gain resistance to your sphere of power's traits equal to your level. You can voluntarily forgo this resistance if you want an effect to work on you.

###### 12th Level
#### Freecast Spell {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 12}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

With only a minor amount of focus, you can cast spells without depleting your magical reserves. If the next action you use is to Cast a paragon Spell of 1st rank, you don't spend a Focus Point to cast the spell, and the spell isn't heightened.

For every 2 levels above 12th at which you select this feat, the maximum rank of spells that can benefit from this action increases by 1. The spell cast with this action is automatically heightened to the maximum rank of spell that can benefit from this action.

#### Invert Concept {{label Feat 12}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Counter Concept
You can redirect power originating from others when it is linked to your sphere of power. If you successfully counteract an effect with Counter Concept, you can have it target or affect a different creature within 30 feet of you. If you got a critical success, you can choose the effect's targets or entire area.

#### Power Overwhelming {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 12}}

{{tag,keyword manipulate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

You alter your spells to overcome resistances. If the next action you use is to Cast a paragon Spell, the spell ignores an amount of the target’s resistance to damage equal to your level. This applies to all of the spell's damage types and all damage the spell deals, including persistent damage and damage caused by an ongoing effect of the spell, such as the wall created by *wall of fire*.


#### Realign Sphere {{label Feat 12}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

You can alter your magic to embody your sphere of power in a subtly different form. When you make your daily preparations, you can replace one of your paragon spells with another, following the same rules as for swapping spells in your repertoire.

###### 14th Level
#### Combat Familiar {{label Feat 14}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Paragon Familiar
Your familiar becomes strong enough to fight by your side. Your familiar's size becomes your choice of Huge or smaller, and its hit points increase to 10 per level, rather than 5 per level. If your familiar dies, you can replace it the next time you make your daily preparations.

Your familiar can make touch unarmed attacks, using your unarmed attack modifier before applying circumstance or status bonuses or penalties. These Strikes deal 3d4 damage of the type associated with the trait the familiar gained from Paragon Familiar, have the finesse trait, and are magical for the purpose of ignoring resistances. At 19th level, your familiar's touch damage increases to 4d4.

#### Perfect Sphere Sense {{label Feat 14}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Sphere Sense
You've become perfectly attuned to all that surrounds you and is connected to your sphere of power. Your sphere sense becomes a precise sense. So long as you can sense a creature with sphere sense, you ignore any flat check due to the creature being concealed or hidden.

#### Outer Sphere {{label Feat 14}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

You can integrate a concept that would normally be foreign to your sphere of power. You can have one spell in your spell repertoire that does not meet your sphere of power's requirements, though it can't be a 10th-rank spell. You cast that spell as a paragon spell, and it is a focus spell to you.


You can swap that spell out as you could any other paragon spell, but you can’t have more than one spell in your spell repertoire that doesn't meet your sphere's requirements at the same time using this feat. When you select this feat, you can immediately swap one of the spells in your repertoire with that spell.

#### Spurn Gravity {{label Feat 14}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Your sphere of power has the air, force, metal, or move trait
You can lift yourself and your allies off the ground. When you make your daily preparations, select a number of willing creatures up to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 creature), which can include yourself. The selected creatures gain a fly Speed equal to their land Speed or 30 feet, whichever is greater, until the next time you make your daily preparations.

While you benefit from this fly Speed, you can remain in the air at the end of your turn if you Cast a Spell with the air, force, metal, or move trait during that turn, even if you didn't use a Fly action that turn. Unlike with a normal fly Speed, you can also move upward without treating it as difficult terrain. Other selected creatures don't gain these benefits.

###### 16th Level
#### Baneful Connections {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 16}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: legendary in Sphere Lore
Your legendary understanding of your sphere of power allows you to draw connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, allowing your magic greater purchase against your foes. Attempt a Sphere Lore check against a creature with a standard DC for its level.
**Critical Success**:: You learn the creature's weakest defense DC. Until the end of your turn, when you target one of the creature's defenses, you can target a different defense instead, using its AC-10 for the modifier if using its AC to have it make a saving throw.
**Success**:: As critical success, but you don't learn the creature's weakest defense DC.


#### Effortless Concentration {{pf,free}} {{label Feat 16}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Trigger**:: Your turn begins.
You maintain your magic with hardly a thought. You Sustain a paragon spell.

#### Mass Erasure {{label Feat 16}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites** Sphere's Erasure
You can manifest your sphere's influence around you as a momentary dampening field. When you use Sphere's Erasure, you target yourself and all allies within 15 feet, granting resistance to all targets.

#### Rapid Realignment {{label Feat 16}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword exploration}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites** Realign Sphere

You spend 10 minutes altering the way you embody your conceptual sphere of power. Replace one of your paragon spells with another, following the same rules as for swapping spells in your repertoire. This ends the effects of the spell that was swapped out, if any.

###### 18th Level
#### Harmony of the Spheres {{label Feat 18}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Outer Sphere
You can seamlessly integrate almost any concept with your sphere of power. You can have up to two spells in your spell repertoire that don't meet your sphere of power's requirements, rather than just one, both abiding by Outer Sphere's spell restrictions. When you select this feat, you can immediately swap one of the spells in your repertoire with that second spell.

#### Project Sphere {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 18}}

{{tag,keyword aura}}
{{tag,keyword magical}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}

You materialize your conceptual power and project it as a literal sphere, permeating all inside it. The sphere appears in a 15-foot emanation around you. When you Cast a paragon Spell that targets at least one creature, you can have the spell target any number of creatures you choose in the emanation.


 When you Cast a paragon Spell that affects an area, you can have the spell affect any area you choose within the emanation. You can Dismiss this aura.

#### Spellshape Fusion {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 18}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}
{{tag,keyword spellshape}}

You can apply multiple alterations to your magic at once. Choose two spellshape actions, each of which must be a single action or a free action. If your next action is to Cast a Spell, you apply the effects of both spellshape actions to the spell. The spell must abide by the restrictions of both spellshape actions, and you must pay any cost incurred by those actions, or else the spellshape benefits are wasted.

#### Sphere of Chaos {{label Feat 18}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites** Expanded Sphere

You've tapped into the true mutable potential of your sphere. When you make your daily preparations, choose a sphere of power as if selecting it for the Expanded Sphere feat. You temporarily add this sphere to your own, and your sphere's trait list gains its traits until the next time you make your daily preparations.

If you have a feat that lets you replace one of your paragon spells, such as Realign Sphere or Rapid Realignment, you can replace one of your paragon spells with a spell made available by this temporary sphere of power, though you can only have one such spell in your repertoire. If you choose a new sphere when you next make your daily preparations, you must use Realign Sphere to replace this spell.

###### 20th Level
#### Instant Realignment {{pf,one}} {{label Feat 20}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Rapid Realignment
You effortlessly alter the way you express your sphere of power's magic. Replace one of your paragon spells with another, following the same rules as for swapping spells in your repertoire. This ends the effects of the spell that was swapped out, if any.


#### Perfect Quickening {{label Feat 20}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**@@ Quickened Cantrip
You accelerate your minor magic with ease. You can use Quickened Cantrip once per round.

#### Singularity {{label Feat 20}}

{{tag,keyword paragon}}

**Prerequisites**:: Singular Concept
You are a living manifestation of your sphere of power, and its associated concepts only work on you if you allow them to. You gain immunity to your sphere of power's traits. You can voluntary forgo this immunity if you want an effect to work on you.

#### Unlimited Power {{pf,three}} {{label Feat 20}}

{{tag,keyword concentrate}}
{{tag,keyword paragon}}

You have infinite magical reserves. You Refocus.

## Multiclass Paragon Characters
Your very being has come to reflect a metaphysical sphere of power, providing you with seemingly boundless reserves of concentrated magic. The paragon archetype allows a character of another class to delve into a specific magical theme and cast individual spells much more frequently.

#### Paragon Dedication {{label Feat 2}}

{{tag,keyword archetype}}
{{tag,keyword dedication}}
{{tag,keyword multiclass}}

**Prerequisites**:: Wisdom +2
You cast spells like a paragon and gain the Cast a Spell activity. You become trained in the spell attack roll and spell DC statistics. Your key spellcasting attribute for paragon archetype spells is Wisdom. You become trained in paragon class DC.

Choose a sphere of power as if you were a paragon. You gain a spell repertoire with the *destruction* cantrip and one common cantrip, or one cantrip you've learned or discovered, that meets your sphere of power's requirements. These spells are paragon spells of no specific tradition, losing any traits they may have corresponding to a spellcasting tradition (arcane, divine, occult, or primal) and gaining the magical trait. You gain a 1st-level paragon feat.


#### Basic Conceptual Embodiment {{label Feat 4}}

{{tag,keyword archetype}}

**Prerequisites**:: Paragon Dedication
You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level paragon feat.

#### Basic Paragon Spellcasting {{label Feat 4}}

{{tag,keyword archetype}}

**Prerequisites**:: Paragon Dedication
Choose a 1st-rank common spell or another 1st-rank spell you learned or discovered that meets your sphere of power's requirements. You add this spell to your repertoire, and it's a focus spell to you, granting you a focus pool or expanding that pool. You can Refocus by meditating on your sphere of power.

#### Advanced Conceptual Embodiment {{label Feat 6}}

{{tag,keyword archetype}}

**Prerequisites**:: Basic Conceptual Embodiment
You gain one paragon feat. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your paragon level is equal to half your character level.
**Special**:: You can select this feat more than once. Each time you select it, you gain another paragon feat.

#### Expert Paragon Spellcasting {{label Feat 12}}

{{tag,keyword archetype}}

**Prerequisites**:: Basic Paragon Spellcasting
You become an expert in spell attack rolls and spell DC. Choose a common spell or any other spell you learn or discover that meets your sphere of power's requirements and is of 3rd rank or lower. You add this spell to your repertoire, and it is a focus spell to you.

#### Paragon Focus {{label Feat 12}}

{{tag,keyword archetype}}

**Prerequisites**:: Paragon Dedication
When you Refocus, completely refill your focus pool.


#### Master Paragon Spellcasting {{label Feat 18}}

{{tag,keyword archetype}}

**Prerequisites**:: Expert Paragon Spellcasting
You become a master in spell attack rolls and spell DC. Choose a common spell or any other spell you learn or discover that meets your sphere of power's requirements and is of 5th rank or lower. You add this spell to your repertoire, and it is a focus spell to you.

## Resources
Try out this brew with the following resources:
* [Foundry VTT module](https://github.com/willbachbakal/PF2e-The-Paragon/releases/latest/download/module.json)
* [Pathbuilder custom pack](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SNxIo5zv8AubvaCqkq-1dxiqcG4UwXf4/view)

## Credits
### Resources
* [The Homebrewery](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/), by [Scott Tolksdorf](https://www.reddit.com/user/stolksdorf/)
* [Pathfinder Infinite Template](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/gCfH5U1U_WGE), by [/u/Gambatte](https://www.reddit.com/user/Gambatte/)

### Art
* [*Inspection*](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/d8AZQx), by [Andrej Z.T.](https://www.artstation.com/andrejzt) (Cover)
* [*Cursed Poison Mage*](https://www.deviantart.com/gnigi/art/Cursed-poison-mage-483457451), by [Gnigi](https://www.deviantart.com/gnigi) (Page 6)
* [*90's X-men: Jubilee*](https://www.deviantart.com/zano/art/90-s-X-men-Jubilee-616189044), by [zano](https://www.deviantart.com/zano) (Page 7)

## Legal
### Community Use Policy
This homebrew uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Use Policy (paizo.com/licenses/communityuse). I am expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This homebrew is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, visit paizo.com.

### ORC License
#### ORC Notice
This product is licensed under the ORC License held in the License of Congress at TX-307-067 and available online at various locations including www.azoralaw.com/orclicense and others. All warranties are disclaimed as set forth therein.

#### Attribution
This product is based on the following Licensed Material:

*Pathfinder Roleplaying Game*, © Paizo Inc. Designed by Jason Bulmahn.

If you use my Licensed Material in your own published work, please credit me in your product as follows:

*The Paragon*, Designed by /u/Teridax68.