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<div class='pageNumber'>1</div> <div class='footnote'>Happy Holiday Handbook | Contents and Introduction </div>

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## Contents

<div class='toc'>
- #### [<span>1</span><span>Introduction</span>](#p2)
- #### [<span>1</span><span>**Sample Holidays**</span>](#p2)
- #### [<span>1</span><span>Monsters and NPCs</span>](#p2)
  - [<span>2</span><span>**Cinnamon Pseudodragon**</span>](#p3)
  - [<span>3</span><span>**Flying Reindeer**</span>](#p4)
  - [<span>4</span><span>**Golems**</span>](#p5)
  - [<span>5</span><span>**Holiday Helpers**</span>](#p6)
  - [<span>6</span><span>**The Jolly Red Wizard**</span>](#p7)
  - [<span>7</span><span>**Winter Treant**</span>](#p8)
- #### [<span>8</span><span>Magic Items</span>](#p9)
  - [<span>8</span><span>**Bauble of Plant Speak**</span>](#p9)
  - [<span>8</span><span>**Boots of the Jolly Red Wizard**</span>](#p9)
  - [<span>8</span><span>**Chestnut of Roasting**</span>](#p9)
  - [<span>8</span><span>**Deck of Merry Things**</span>](#p9)
  - [<span>8</span><span>**Fireheart's Fingers**</span>](#p9)
  - [<span>9</span><span>**Gnomish Snowglobe**</span>](#p10)
  - [<span>9</span><span>**Hat of the Jolly Red Wizard**</span>](#p10)
  - [<span>9</span><span>**Icesickle**</span>](#p10)
  - [<span>9</span><span>**Illusory Gaming Set**</span>](#p10)
  - [<span>9</span><span>**Mug of Heating and Cooling**</span>](#p10)
  - [<span>9</span><span>**Quilt of Superior Pillow Forts**</span>](#p10)
  - [<span>9</span><span>**Staff of the Jolly Red Wizard**</span>](#p10)
  - [<span>9</span><span>**Suit of the Jolly Red Wizard**</span>](#p10)
  - [<span>9</span><span>**Sweet Tooth**</span>](#p10)
  - [<span>9</span><span>**Wand of the Winter Warlock**</span>](#p10)
- #### [<span>10</span><span>Credits</span>](#p11)



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## Introduction
The holidays are upon the many worlds of *Dungeons and Dragons*, and with the holidays come cheer, gifts, and a time-stopping, gift-giving, white-bearded wizard. This handbook includes nine new creatures and fifteen new magical items for use in your games, all of which are festively themed! 

### Sample Holidays
If your world does not have a winter-time holiday, you can use the following holidays for your game or for inspiration:

**Heroes Day.** Generations ago, a party of adventurers brought an end to the coming apocalypse. On the anniversary of this event, people spend spend the day with their friends and families, giving gifts and remembering the heroes that saved the world.

**The Week of Warmth.** Originating in the world's coldest regions, the Week of Warmth starts two days before the Great Chill, a powerful, three day blizzard that occurs every year. Those first two days are spent traveling to the home where family and friends are staying, and preparing for the blizzard by hunting, fishing, and chopping firewood. 

During the blizzard, residents of the home stay close by the fire, cook the meat they hunted, and tell stories. After the blizzard ends, a large bonfire is built outside to scare away the cold. Around the bonfire, people give gifts, sing songs, and pray for an early spring.

### Monsters and NPCs

Adventurers will sometimes encounter things they only thought were myths and legends. You can use the following creature stats when certain myths and legends encounter them.

<div class='pageNumber'>2</div>
<div class='footnote'>Happy Holiday Handbook | Cinnamon Pseudodragon </div>

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# Cinnamon Pseudodragon
The cinnamon pseudodragon was created from the *wish* spell cast by the Jolly Red Wizard for use as a less intimidating-looking familiar. The pseudodragon will help the Jolly Red Wizard with day to day tasks, such as making him hot chocolate and checking lists. The cinnamon pseudodragon also gives off a sweet scent. 


<div style='margin-top:-30px'></div>
> ## Cinnamon Pseudodragon
>*Tiny dragon, neutral good*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 7 (2d4 + 2)
> - **Speed** 15 ft., fly 60 ft.
>|4 (-2)|15 (+2)|11 (+0)|12 (+1)|8 (-1)|12 (+1)|
> - **Skills** Perception +3, Stealth +4
> - **Senses** blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13
> - **Languages** understands Common and Draconic but can't speak
> - **Challenge** 1/2 (100 XP)
> ___
> ***Keen Senses.*** The cinnamon pseudodragon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, hearing, or smell.
>***Magic Resistance.*** The cinnamon pseudodragon has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
>***Limited Telepathy.*** The cinnamon pseudodragon can magically communicate simple ideas, emotions, and images telepathically with any creature within 100 feet of it that can understand a language.
> ### Actions
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 2 (1d4) cold damage.
> ***Sting.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one creature. *Hit:* 4 (1d4 + 2) plus 1 fire damage. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for one hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target takes 1 (1d4 - 1) fire damage at the start of each of its turns until the poison's effects subsides.


<div class='pageNumber'>3</div>
<div class='footnote'>Happy Holiday Handbook | Flying Reindeer</div>

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# Flying Reindeer
Many flying reindeer can be found in the most northern parts of the world. Often found in small herds of about 8 - 10 reindeer, they have been domesticated by the Jolly Red Wizard to pull his sleigh through the winter sky.

Rarely, a flying reindeer with be born with minor arcane abilities, similar to sorcerers. These arcane flying reindeer are only born once every few generations, each with a different arcane ability. The Jolly Red Wizard has one of these rare flying reindeer in his stables that he uses to see farther into the night and guide his sleigh.
> ## Arcane Flying Reindeer
>*Medium beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13
> - **Hit Points** 6 (1d8 + 2)
> - **Speed** 30 ft., fly 80 ft. 
>|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|12 (+1)|6 (-2)|14 (+2)|7 (-2)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 12
> - **Languages** understands common, but can't speak
> - **Challenge** 1/8 (25 XP)
> ___
> ***Charge.*** If the flying arcane flying reindeer moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a ram attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 3 (1d6) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
>***With Your Nose So Bright.*** The arcane flying reindeer's nose glows a bright red, that sheds bright light in a 60-foot radius and sim light for an additional 60 feet. The light also clears all non-magical fog within its radius.
> ### Actions
> ***Ram.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
> ***Hooves.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one prone creature. *Hit:* 11 (2d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
> ***Arcane Beam (1/day).***  The arcane flying reindeer fires a magical beam from its glowing nose in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

> ## Flying Reindeer
>*Medium beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13
> - **Hit Points** 6 (1d8 + 2)
> - **Speed** 30 ft., fly 80 ft. 
>|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|12 (+1)|6 (-2)|14 (+2)|7 (-2)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 12
> - **Languages** understands common, but can't speak
> - **Challenge** 1/8 (25 XP)
> ___
> ***Charge.*** If the flying reindeer moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a ram attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 3 (1d6) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
> ### Actions
> ***Ram.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
> ***Hooves.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one prone creature. *Hit:* 11 (2d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage.


<div class='pageNumber'>4</div>
<div class='footnote'>Happy Holiday Handbook | Golems</div>

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# Golems
Two popular holiday constructs for beginner golemancers are the gingerbread and the snowman golems. A golem can be created by using a manuel of golems (page 180 of the *Dungeon Master's Guide*). Use the table below to determine the cost and time needed to construct a golem.

| Golem | Time | Cost |
| Gingerbread | 5 days | 4,000 gp |
| Snowman  | 20 days | 25,000 gp |

> ## Gingerbread Golem
>*Tiny construct, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15
> - **Hit Points** 14 (4d4 + 4)
> - **Speed** 35 ft.
>|5 (-3)|20 (+5)|17 (+4)|3 (-4)|7 (-2)|3 (-4)|
> - **Damage Immunities** poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren't adamantine
> - **Condition Immunities** charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned.
> - **Senses** darkvision 60 ft.,passive Perception 10
> - **Languages** understands the languages of its creator but can't speak
> - **Challenge** 1/2 (100 XP)
> ___
> ***False Appearance.*** While the golem reamins motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal gingerbread-man cookie.
> ***Immutable Form.*** The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.
> ***Magic Resistance.*** The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
>***Magic Weapons.*** The golem's weapon attacks are considered magical.
> ### Actions
>***Multiattack.*** The golem makes two slam attacks or two gumdrop throw attacks.
> ***Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +1 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.  *Hit:* 1 bludgeoning damage.
> ***Gumdrop Throw.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +1 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 6 (2d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

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<br> <br> <br> <br><br> <br><br> <br>

> ## Snowman Golem
>*Medium construct, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 64 (13d8 + 7)
> - **Speed** 25 ft.
>|17 (+3)|10 (+0)|16 (+3)|3 (-4)|8 (-1)|1 (-5)|
> - **Damage Vulnerabilities** fire
> - **Damage Immunities** poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren't adamantine
> - **Condition Immunities** charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned.
> - **Senses** darkvision 120 ft.,passive Perception 10
> - **Languages** understands the languages of its creator but can't speak
> - **Challenge** 4 (700 XP)
> ___
> ***False Appearance.*** While the golem reamins motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal snowman.
> ***Immutable Form.*** The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.
> ***Magic Resistance.*** The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
>***Magic Weapons.*** The golem's weapon attacks are considered magical.
> ### Actions
>***Multiattack.*** The golem makes two slam attacks.
> ***Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 14 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. 
>***Freeze in Place. (Recharge 5-6)*** The golem targets one creature it can see within 10 feet of it and blows a freezing wind at its feet. The target must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 18 (4d8) cold damage and is frozen in place and its speed is reduced to zero until it uses its action to break free. 


<div class='pageNumber'>5</div>
<div class='footnote'>PART 1 | FANCINESS</div>

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# Holiday Helpers

With so many gifts to give, the Jolly Red Wizard needs someone making them, so he hires the local gnome-like folk for assistance. Although they look like gnomes, they are more closely related to elves. Each of the helpers have different tasks, some make gifts, while others tend the reindeer stables.

> ## Holiday Toymaker
>*Small humanoid (elf), chaotic good*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13 (leather armor)
> - **Hit Points** 14 (3d6 + 4)
> - **Speed** 25 ft.
>|13 (+1)|15 (+2)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|
> - **Skills** History +2, Perception +2, Slight of Hand +4
> - **Senses** passive Perception 12
> - **Languages** Common, Elvish, Gnomish, Sylvan
> - **Challenge** 1/4 (50 XP)
> ___
>***Fey Ancestry.*** The holiday toymaker has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put the holiday toymaker to sleep.
>***Innate Spellcasting.*** The holiday toymaker's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (Spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
>At will: *dancing lights*, *mending*
>2/day each: *identify*, *unseen servant*
>1/day: *animate objects*
>***Toymaker.*** The holiday toymaker can spend a short rest creating a simple toy or clockwork gadget using tinkers' tools.
> ### Actions
> ***Dagger.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 4 (1d4 + 2) 

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> ## Holiday Stablehand
>*Small humanoid (elf), chaotic good*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13 (leather armor)
> - **Hit Points** 14 (3d6 + 4)
> - **Speed** 25 ft.
>|13 (+1)|15 (+2)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|
> - **Skills** Animal Handling +2, Perception +2, Persuasion +4
> - **Senses** passive Perception 12
> - **Languages** Common, Elvish, Gnomish, Sylvan
> - **Challenge** 1/4 (50 XP)
> ___
>***Fey Ancestry.*** The holiday stablehand has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put the holiday toymaker to sleep.
>***Innate Spellcasting.*** The holiday stablehand's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (Spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
>At will: *dancing lights*, *mage hand*
>2/day each: *jump*, *fog cloud*
>1/day: *animal messenger*
>***Beast Master (1/day).*** The holiday stablehand can use a small whistle to summon a flying reindeer that will appear in 1d4 turns.  The reindeer flys in and lands in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of where it was summoned.
> ### Actions
> ***Dagger.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 4 (1d4 + 2) 


<div class='pageNumber'>6</div>
<div class='footnote'>Happy Holiday Handbook | The Jolly Red Wizard</div>

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# The Jolly Red Wizard

Living in the most northern regions of the world, the Jolly Red Wizard spreads joy and happiness across the world every year by giving gifts to those he deems worthy. Using powerful items enchanted with divination magics, he observes whole towns, cities, and civilizations. Those who are good are granted boons, usually small toys and knickknacks to children and useful tools and supplies to adults. 

***Of Myth and Legend.*** Many believe the Jolly Red Wizard is a myth, something adults tell their children to make them behave. This is untrue and the Jolly Red Wizard will not give gifts to those who do not believe. Few have actually seen him and even less remember seeing him.

***World Traveler.*** Exactly how he travels the world in one night is unknown. However, it's possible he uses some kind of time stopping magic. He travels the world in a magic sleigh pulled by small herd of flying reindeer, keeping his gifts in a specially crafted, giant bag of holding.

> ## The Jolly Red Wizard
>*Medium humanoid (human), neutral good*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (from magic suit)
> - **Hit Points** 100 (18d8 + 19)
> - **Speed** 30 ft.
>|12 (+1)|15 (+2)|16 (+3)|18 (+4)|18 (+4)|22 (+6)|
> - **Saving Throws** Int +8, Cha +9
> - **Skills** Animal Handling +12, Arcana +13, History +13, Insight +12, Stealth +17
> - **Damage Resistances** cold (from suit) 
> - **Senses** passive Perception 19
> - **Languages** All
> - **Challenge** 12 (8,400 XP)
> ___
>***Magic Resistance.*** The Jolly Red Wizard has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
>***Spellcasting.*** The Jolly Red Wizard  is a  20th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit with spell attacks). The Jolly Red Wizard can cast *disguise self* and *invisibility* at will and has the following wizard spells prepared:
>Cantrips (at will): *create bonfire*, *mage hand*, *mending*, *pretidigitation*, *ray of frost*
>1st level (4 slots): *detect magic*, *identify*, *mage &nbsp;&nbsp;armor*, *magic missile*
>2nd level (3 slots): *detect thoughts*, *locate object*, &nbsp;&nbsp;*see invisibility*
>3rd level (3 slots): *clairvoyance*, *nondetection*, *sleet &nbsp;&nbsp;storm*
>4th level (3 slots): *arcane eye*, *hallucinatory terrain*, &nbsp;&nbsp;*stoneskin*
>5th level (3 slots): *cone of cold*, *modify memory*, *scrying*
>6th level (2 slots): *guards and wards*, *investure of &nbsp;&nbsp;ice*
>7th level (2 slots): *mirage arcane*, *teleport*
>8th level (1 slot): *control weather*
>9th level (1 slot): *wish*
> ___
> ### Actions
> ***Staff.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
> ***Tis' the Season!*** The Jolly Red Wizard pulls a present out of his bag, with the contents of the box being at the DM's discretion.


<div class='pageNumber'>7</div>
<div class='footnote'>Happy Holiday Handbook | Winter Treant</div>

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# Winter Treant

Winter treants are evergreen trees that have been awakened. They are generally peaceful, protecting any woodland creature or weary traveler that it comes across, but will protect its home forest from any that would destroy or otherwise harm it with its life.
> ##  Winter Treant
>*Huge plant, neutral good*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 110 (10d10 + 45)
> - **Speed** 30 ft.
>|23 (+6)|10 (+0)|17 (+3)|10 (+0)|18 (+4)|14 (+2)|
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning, piercing; cold
> - **Damage Vulnerabilities** fire
> - **Senses** passive Perception 13
> - **Languages** Common, Druidic, Elvish , Sylvan
> - **Challenge** 5 (1,800 XP)
> ___
> ***False Appearance.*** While the winter treant reamin motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal tree.
> ***Siege Monster.*** The winter treant deals double damage to objects and structures.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The winter treant makes two slam attacks.
> ***Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
> ***Giant Snowball.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, range 60/180 ft., one target. *Hit:* 26 (4d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage and 4 (1d4+2) cold damage. 
> ***Oh, Winter Treant (3/day).*** The winter treant magically lights up the end of its branches with red, green, and yellow lights. Any creature within 60 feet that can see the lights must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the winter treant for one minute, repeating the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. The charm ends if the winter treant, or its allies, harms the target.


<div class='pageNumber'>8</div>
<div class='footnote'>Happy Holiday Handbook | Magic Items</div>

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### Magic Items
Gifts aren't just for children! The Jolly Red Wizard will also hand out presents to good adventurers as well. 

#### Bauble of Plant Speak
*Wondrous item, uncommon*

When you hang this glittery ornament from a plant, you may speak with it as if  through the *speak with plants* spell. Once you use this item, it can not be used again until the next dawn.

#### Boots of the Jolly Red Wizard
*Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a good aligned creature)*

These black leather boots have golden buckles adorned with arcane runes. 
While attuned to these boots, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks for squeezing into small spaces. You also ignore all icy difficult terrain and become resistant to fire damage.

The boots have 6 charges, and it regains all expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the boots, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells:

* *Levitate* (2 charges)
* *Fly* (3 charges)
* *Tenser's Floating Disk* (1 charge)

#### Chestnut of Roasting
*Wondrous item, uncommon*

When you cast a spell that does fire damage, you can use this item as an extra material component. When you do so, the spell does an additional 2d4 fire damage and the item is consumed. Also, it makes all targets affected by the spell smell like roasted chestnuts.

#### Deck of Merry Things
*Wondrous item, uncommon*

This wooden box contains a deck of paper playing cards. A full deck has 30 cards. The magic functions only if the deck is shuffled and the cards are drawn at random. You can use an action to draw a card from the deck.

A mundane item is conjured from the deck and will last for one hour or until the card's magic is dispelled. Once five cards have been drawn from the deck, you can not pull from it again until the next dawn.

| Playing Card | Item |
| Ace of Spades  | One dozen freshly baked cookies |
| King of Spades  | A pot of poinsettias |
| Queen of Spades | A silver bell |
| Jack of Spades | Black leather belt with a large buckle |
| Ten of Spades | Sprig of mistletoe |
| Nine of Spades | A red and white striped wooden cane |
| Eight of Spades | A handful of pine needles | 
| Ace of Clubs |  A glass of cold milk |
| King of Clubs | An ornate snowglobe of elvish design |
| Queen of Clubs | A green silk robe |
| Jack of Clubs | Black top hat |
| Ten of Clubs | Music box |
| Nine of Clubs | A snowball |
| Eight of Clubs | A lump of coal |
| Ace of Hearts  | A fruitcake  |
| King of Hearts  | A clay spinning top |
| Queen of Hearts | A small tree decoration |
| Jack of Hearts | Cuffed leather boots |
| Ten of Hearts | A fake white beard |
| Nine of Hearts | A wooden toy soldier |
| Eight of Hearts | A broken wooden toy soldier | 
| Ace of Diamonds | Bottle of eggnog |
| King of Diamonds | Golden candlestick |
| Queen of Diamonds | Glass snowflake |
| Jack of Diamonds | A plush monster toy |
| Ten of Diamonds | A red stocking with your name on it |
| Nine of Diamonds | A picture book for children |
| Eight of Diamonds | Socks |
| Joker (2) | Jack-in-the-Box | 

#### Fireheart's Fingers

*Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)*

While wearing these deep-red, furred gloves, you deal an additional 1d4 fire damage to any target you hit with an unarmed strike. In addition, you are unaffected by temperatures as low as -10 degrees Fahrenheit.


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<div class='footnote'>Happy Holiday Handbook | Magic Items</div>

#### Gnomish Snowglobe
*Wondrous item, common*

This enchanted snowglobe is of gnomish design. It features a group of young gnomes playing with a snowman in the center of the display. On the bottom of the snowglobe is a small winding key. When wound, it will play a short, familiar tune. Additionally, when you shake the snowglobe, a small, illusory snowcloud appears over your head for one hour or until dispelled as a bonus action.

#### Hat of the Jolly Red Wizard
*Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a good aligned creature)*

While wearing this hat, you can use an action to cast the *disguise self* spell from it at will. The spell ends if the hat is removed.

The hat has 6 charges, and it regains all expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the hat, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells:

* *Sleep* (1 charge)
* *Enlarge/Reduce* (2 charges)
* *Scrying* (3 charges)
* *True Seeing* (4 charges)

Additionally, every day at dawn, you have a 5 percent chance of gaining 4d10 pounds of weight and growing a bushy white beard. Once this happens, it will not happen again. The weight and the beard is lost if you lose your attunement to the item. A beard grown in this way can not be hidden through the *disguise self* spell or any similar magics. However, it can be lengthened, shortened, or styled in a different way.

#### Icesickle
*Weapon, (sickle) rare (requires attunement)*

This icy-blue sickle has an ornate, golden handle with sharp icicles forming off the rear of its curved blade. When you make an attack with this weapon, you can deal an additional 2d6 cold damage to any target it hits. Once you use this feature, you can not do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

#### Illusory Gaming Set

*Wonderous Item, common*

This 2 inch, pyrimid-shaped, metalic trinket can be used to play any card, dice, or board game through illusion magic. You can speak the item's command word to start playing. Any pieces or cards used in the game are moved telepathically by the players. 

#### Mug of Heating and Cooling
*Wondrous item, common*

Any liquid poured into this festive-looking, ceramic mug is instantly heated or cooled to a tempature of your choosing, as long as the liquid does not boil or freeze. The mug has no effect on magical liquids or harmful substances such as poisons, acids, or explosives.


#### Quilt of Superior Pillow Forts
*Wondrous item, rare*

When a pillow fort is draped with this mundane-looking, quilt, the entrance becomes a doorway into a magical pillow fort that is large enough to hold up to six creatures comfortably. You can command the interior to become dimly lit or dark. When the fort is built, you can set the doorway to not allow one creature type inside (beasts, elementals, fey, etc.). The fort must be built indoors or the magic fails.

#### Staff of the Jolly Red Wizard
*Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a good aligned creature)*

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While you hold it, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.

While wielding this staff, you can use an action to expend one of its 5 charges to cast the *wish* spell. The staff regains all expended charges at the benining of each new year.

#### Suit of the Jolly Red Wizard
*Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a good aligned creature)*

While wearing these robes, you gain a +3 bonus to AC. 

When attuned to this red and white-trimmed fur suit, you are resistant to cold damage. You also have advantage on all charisma skill checks while attuned.

The suit has 6 charges, and it regains all expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the suit, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells:

* *Animal Friendship* (2 charges)
* *Speak with Animals* (1 charge)
* *Control Winds* (3 charges)

Finally, while wearing this suit,  you are unaffected by temperatures as low as -130 degrees Fahrenheit.

#### Sweet Tooth

*Weapon, (dagger) rare (requires attunement)*

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

This white-steel dagger has bright-red, runic symbols spiraling up the blade, with a small crossguard resembling mint leaves. When you roll a 20 on your attack roll with this dagger, you can cast the spell *haste* on yourself. However, after the spell ends, you have an insatiable craving for sweet, sugary food for 1d4+1 days. You can not use the haste spell provided by this item again, until your cravings end.

#### Wand of the Winter Warlock
*Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)*

While holding this wand, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls. You also ignore icy difficult terrain while attuned.

This wand has 4 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the *sleet storm* spell (save DC 15) from it.

The wand regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand turns into snow and is destroyed.


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<div class='footnote'>Happy Holiday Handbook | Credits </div>

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### Credits
Art Credits:
**On the Cover:** 
*Magical Arrival* by [Anne Stokes](https://ironshod.deviantart.com/)
*DnD Xmas* by [Markus Erdt](https://vaejoun.deviantart.com/)
*Ralph the Flying Reindeer* by [Lisa Payne](https://blindedangel.deviantart.com/)
*DAY 27. Viking Snowman (30 Minutes)* by [Piper Thibodeau](https://cryptid-creations.deviantart.com/)
*Holiday Season 2016* by [Andrew McIntosh](https://andrewmcintoshart.deviantart.com/)
*Santa Claus* by [Thomas Nast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Nast)
*Ecology of a Pseudodragon* by [Tony DiTerlizzi](http://diterlizzi.com/)
*Winter forest path* by [Michelle Tolo](https://manweri.deviantart.com/) 
*Frost Fir* by [Brynn Metheney](http://www.brynnart.com/)
*Santa's Workshop* by [Dona Gelsinger](http://www.donagelsinger.com/)
*Winter tale - Christmas card* by [Edouard Noisette](https://silberius.deviantart.com/)
Created by [/u/Brudduh](https://www.reddit.com/user/Brudduh/) using [Homebrewery](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/) and the [formatting tutorial](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/B1Hju_QaTx) by [/u/AeronDrake](https://www.reddit.com/user/AeronDrake).

## Happy Holidays!