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##### Necromantic Wild Magic Surge Table

  | d100 | Effect |
|  01-02  | Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent rolls.|
|  03-04  |  For the next minute, you can sense any undead creatures within 60 feet, regardless of their cover or protective enchantments.|
|  05-06  |  Summons a neutral Ghast or Ghoul (as chosen by the DM) within 5 feet of you. This creature disappears after 1 minute.       |
|  07-08  | You cast *circle of death* as a 6th-level spell centered on yourself. This spell’s range is limited to a 20-foot-radius, rather than the normal 60-foot-radius.       |
|  09-10  | You cast *danse macabre* centered on yourself. If no corpses are available, 1 Skeleton and 1 Zombie are summoned from the ground.   |
| 11-12   | Your clothing becomes rotten and stringy. All equipped armor no longer benefits your armor class. Magical items are unaffected. |
| 13-14   | A silver chalice decorated with skulls appears on the ground in front of you and becomes the material component as you cast *Magic Jar*. |
| 15-16   | For the next minute, you steal 1d4 hp from a randomly selected, hostile creature within sight at the start of each turn.  |
| 17-18   | Your hands are replaced with skeletal versions of themselves for 1 minute. They function identically to your normal hands. |
| 19-20   | Grasping skeletal hands emerge from the ground in a 10-foot-radius centered on you. Each creature within this radius must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be knocked prone. This lasts 1 minute. |
| 21-22   | A sickly mist weakens those you target. Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the next spell you cast in the next minute that involves a saving throw. |
| 23-24   | Your skin becomes monochromatic, utterly devoid of all color. A *remove curse* or *greater restoration* spell can end this effect. |
| 25-26   | Shadows cling to you, granting advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for 1 minute. |
| 27-28   | You summon 1d4 allied Skeletons controlled by the DM. They appear in random, unoccupied areas within 30 feet, and disappear after 1 minute. |
| 29-30   | You are swallowed up by the ground and spat back out in an unoccupied space of your choice within 60 feet of your original position. |
| 31-32   | You shift to one of the Lower Planes (selected by your DM) until end of your next turn, at which point you return to the space you previously occupied or the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. |
| 33-34 *u/Mayor_ Oxytocin*| Maximize the damage of the next damaging spell you cast within the next minute.|

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|    d100 | Effect |
|  35-36 *u/Mayor_ Oxytocin* | A doll appears within 5 feet of you in a puff of green smoke. It is a detailed replica of you, and appears to be made of made of flesh sewn with hair. |
|  37-38  | Summons 1d4 Crawling Claws within 60 feet of you in unoccuped spaces. These creatures obey you. They vanish in 10 minutes. |
|  39-40  | You siphon a combined 2d10 hp from all of the non-sentient creatures within 30 feet. |
|  41-42  | You summon d4 enemy Skeletons controled by the DM. They appear in random, unoccupied areas within 30 feet, and disappear after 1 minute. |
|  43-44  | For the next minute, you can teleport up to 20 feet as a bonus action on each of your turns as long as your origin and destination lie in shadow. |
| 45-46   | You cast *Blindness/Deafness* as a 2nd-level spell. |
| 47-48   | For 1 minute, nectroitc damage heals you. Any spells or abilities which normally replenish your hit points will deal that many points of radiant damage to you. |
| 49-50   | There is a twisting in your stomach, and you vomit up maggots. You cannot open your mouth to speak for the next minute. |
| 51-52   | An obsidian-black ribcage tears through the ground and latches to your torso. It grants you a +2 bonus to AC and immunity to *magic missle* for 1 minute. |
| 53-54   | For the next minute, every creature within a 30-foot-radius centered on you becomes stable when reduced to 0 hit points. |
| 55-56   | You gain a ghostly, spectral glow for 24 hours. |
| 57-58   | For the next minute, any object you touch that isn't being worn or carried by another creature becomes coated in a slimy, corrosive goo. |
| 59-60   | You regain your lowest-level expended spell slot. |
| 61-62   | For the next minute, when you choose to speak, you speak in Abyssal. |
| 63-64   | You cast *darkness* centered on yourself. This does not take your concentration and lasts for 1 minute. |
| 65-66   | Up to 3 creatures you choose within 30 feet of you take 4d10 necrotic damage. |
| 67-68   | You are frightened by the nearest creature until the end of your next turn, as their form becomes horrific and skeletal in your eyes. |
| nice-70   | You become bonded with the nearest hostile creature. Any damage dealt to you will be halved and shared with the hostile creature, and vice versa. This effect lasts for 1 minute. |
| 71-72   | You gain resistance to necrotic damage for the next 10 minutes. If you already had resistance, this becomes an immunity. |
| 73-74   | A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes poisoned for 1d4 hours. |


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##### Necromantic Wild Magic Surge Table (Continued)

  | d100 | Effect |
|  75-76 *u/Mayor_ Oxytocin* | You gain an aura of intense, shadowy energy. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of you is blinded until the end of its next turn as their eyes momentarily turn pure black. |
|  77-78  | You instantaneously cast *feign death* on yourself. The effects last 1 minute. |
|  79-80  | Spectral, wailing faces whirl about you in a 10-foot sphere for the next minute.   |
|  81-82  | You can take one additional action immediately. |
|  83-84  | Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 1d10 necrotic damage. You regain hit points equal to the sum of the necrotic damage dealt. |
| 85-86   | You cast *animate dead* as a 3rd-level spell. If there is no skelton/corpse available, one emerges from the ground. The effect lasts 1 minute. |
| 87-88   | You grow skeletal wings and gain the abilities granted by *fly* for 10 minutes.   |

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|    d100 | Effect |
|  89-90  | You cast *false life* on yourself as a 1st-level spell. |
|  91-92  | The boundary between life and afterlife temporarily blurs. You cannot be reduced to lower than 1 hit point for the next minute. |
|  93-94  | Black smoke roils out of your eyes for 1 minute. The effect does not impair or improve your vision. |
|  95-96  | You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to necrotic damage for the next minute. |
|  97-98  | You are surrounded by faint, ethereal whispers and chattering sounds for the next minute. |
|  99-00 *u/Mayor_ Oxytocin* | You regain your highest-level expended spell slot. |


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## necromantic wild magic surge table
The table above was developed to provide players with a relatively balanced necromatic-flavored Wild Magic Surge table. All of the possible rolls have been directly "translated" from the original Wild Magic Surge table to deliver similar (somtimes identical) results for each roll. This allows you to add all of the goth, edgy effects you desire while retaining as much of the balance of the original table as possible.
- NOTE: This table has not been play-tested.

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#### Credits
- Made using Homebrewery.com
- Some dice roll results were based off of a similar table developed by a member of u/Kutekegaard's D&D party
- Created by u/Mayor_Oxytocin



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