##### Enforcement/Variants
**Ability Scores:** If you roll stats, please do so in the chat.<br>
DM me the results.   
**Encumbrance:** Is enforced. Treasure has weight.  
**Healer's Kit Dependency (DMG 266):** Characters can only spend HD after a short rest if someone expends one use of a healer's kit to bandage their wounds. Healer's kits cost 5 GP, and can be used 10 times.  
##### Changes
**Exhaustion:** Characters gain a level of exhaustion at end of combat if they failed a death save during that combat. Characters can turn a hit into a critical by suffering two exhaustion levels. <span style="color:green">*Stole these from Dragon+. Love them.*</span>   
**Experience Points**: Monsters supply only 1/2 of their listed XP values when slain. XP will be rewarded for returning treasure to civilization on a 1:1 XP for GP value. <span style="color:green">*The goal is not to kill things, it's to be creative when in dangerous situations.*</span>  
**Fumbles:** If you roll a natural 1 on an attack, the next creature to take the attack action against you does so with advantage. <span style="color:green">*F is for ~~Fun~~ Fumble*</span>  
**Inspriation & The Big Die:** Each player starts with Inspiration. When spent the player may chose to engage with the rules nomrally, **or** roll the BIG DIE (1d30). The choice must be made prior to any rolling has occured.<br> 
When the BIG DIE is cast and success is achived, the result is doubled. This could be damage rolled from a successful attack, the outcome of an attribute check, etc.<br>
However, when failure occurs with the BIG DIE, it hurts. Something breaks, someone may get hurt, etc. <span style="color:green">*d30s are fun, and wholly underused!*</span>  
**Resource Management**: Rations, munitions, torches, lantern oils, etc. should be tracked. You may spend inspration to "remeber" to resupply while in the dungeon. Failure to eat and or rest will result in exhaustion. <span style="color:green">*Resource management is part of traditional dungeon delves.*</span>   
**Sessions**: Are organized via Discord chat and are solidified with the Muster spreadsheet. Sessions can be played in any of the available time slots *(see the Discord pins, or spreadsheet for more info)* The minimum amount of players required per session is 3. The maximum amount of players per session is 8.<br>
You are not the only players in this game. This is a "living dungeon". Find a crew, tell me when, go get the treasure!
As a rule, sessions start and end in the safety of a village. If your characters are unable to make it back to town by the end of a sesssion, I will consult the special table to see what happens on your journey back. <span style="color:green">*This is the best way for me to manage an open-table game.*</span>  

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<div class='footnote'> Cody's 5e House Rules</div>