# Thanxolotl
*"Perhaps the smallest dragon I have ever tracked down. Perhaps even the trickiest, these little buggers are not to be underestimated due to their size and appearance. I've never seen a warrior break his own arm hitting a troll with a greathammer."*

*- Sir Hunter Von Huntington III, Hunter, Explorer, Inventor, Gnome.*


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*Thanxolotls possess a caudal fin extending from behind the head to the vent. Their heads are wide, and their eyes are lidless. Their limbs are underdeveloped and possess long, thin digits. Three pairs of external stalks originate behind their heads. Thanxolotls have barely visible vestigial teeth.*   

> ## Thanxolotl 
>*Small dragon, chaotic good*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 14 
> - **Hit Points** 137 (25d6 + 50)
> - **Speed** 30 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
>|11 (+0)|19 (+4)|14 (+2)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|15 (+2)|
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
> - **Senses** darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 7 (1,800 XP)
> ___
> ***Amphibious.*** The thanxolotl can breathe air and water. 
> ***Magic Resistance.*** The thanxolotl has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. 
> ***Reactive Scales.*** Any damage dealt to the thanxolotl with a melee attack is also dealt to the attacker.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The thanxolotl makes two attacks.
> ***Tail Slap.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 18 (4d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
> ### Reactions
> ***Spell Reflection.*** If the thanxolotl makes a successful saving throw against a spell, or a spell attack misses it, the thanxolotl can choose another creature (including the spellcaster) it can see within 30 feet of it. The spell targets the chosen creature instead of the thanxolotl. If the spell forced a saving throw, the chosen creature makes its own save. If the spell was an attack, the attack roll is rerolled against the chosen creature. 



***Special Scales.*** The scales of a thanxolotl are unique in that they absorb, store and release all types of energy. Much like the way a reptile lies in the sun to store heat, the thanxolotl can absorb kinetic energy when attacked, instantly unleashing it back upon its attacker.

Magical energy becomes unstable and unpredicatable when it comes into contact with the thanxolotl's scales, often rebounding or dissipating entirely. Due to the thanxolotl's extraordinary defensive capabilities, it is often hunted for its hide to craft thanxolotl dragon scale leather. 

***Diminutive Dragons.*** The thanxolotl lacks most of the traditional draconic features, but its innate magical nature and dragon scales reveal its true origins. Thanxolotl have shedded their draconic wings in favour of external head stalks and fly using magic to propel themselves.  
Thanxolotl are hunted for their blood by spellcasters who require draconic blood but would prefer to avoid gigantic dragons. Due to the hunting of thanxolotls they are steadily becoming rarer and rarer, and famed huntmasters such as Sir Hunter Von Huntington III are calling for their protection.

<div class='footnote' style='position:absolute;bottom:30px;right:60px'>#### Created by u/1d6Adventurers for /r/MonsteraDay
Artwork: from [KissPNG](https://www.kisspng.com/png-salamander-axolotl-drawing-aquarium-vector-pink-sa-123672/)</div>