## Monk - Way of the Predator
Monks of that Way of the Predator do not have a monastic building.  They survive in the wilds, meeting twice a year at conclaves to elect new leaders, settle disputes, and decide the direction of the order.  

A new initiate is assigned to a master in the Way of the Predator, who acts as their mentor and teacher.  The relationship between the master and learner is one that last the rest of their lives, both being able to call on the other for assistance and help in times of troubles.

The order requires that all member learn to be self-sufficient and survive outdoors in the harshest conditions.  For a member to become a Master, they must survive a trial where they are left naked, unprepared, and alone in a harsh environment (this is often deserts, frozen tundras, mountain tops, or infested marshland).  After surviving on their own for 6 months, they must make their way to the next conclave.  When they do, they are welcomed into the order as a master with full voting rights.

#### Form of the Hunter
At level 3, you learn the form of the hunter.  Members of the Way of the Predator are skilled at improvisation.  They gain proficiency with the use of improvised weapons and they are considered monk weapons.  Improvised weapons also gain the thrown property with a range of 25/50.

Additionally, they are able to create clothing and attire to protect them from the harshest natural conditions.  A Monk of the Way of the Predator, can use plants, animals skins, and other things in nature to create environmentally appropriate clothing (winter gear in cold weather, protection from the sun and heat in deserts, etc).

Finally, You may now spend 2 Ki points to be able to cast Ensnaring Strike, Hunter’s Mark, Snare, or Zephyr Strike.  These are cast as spells, require concentration, and use wisdom as your casting stat.  Ensnaring Strike and Hunter's Mark abilities are applied to unarmed strikes as well as melee attacks for the purpose of this subclass.

#### Form of the Hunter Mastery
At level 6, you master the form of the hunter.  You gain proficiency in nature and survival.  You may also spend 1 ki to give yourself advantage on a skill check from one of these skills.

Additionally, you may now spend 4 ki to Hunter’s Mark or Ensnaring Strike as a 3rd level spell instead.

#### Form of the Panther Mastery
At level 11, your have mastered the form of the panther.  In addition to your ability to run up walls and over water, you gain the ability to leap between trees like a panther.  You are considered always under the effect of the jump spell (without needing to maintain concentration).  

Your inner focus on the form of the panther focuses your senses, giving you advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on smell.

Additionally, when you move 20 feet towards a target and hit with a monk weapon or unarmed strike you may choose to make them make a strength save or be knocked prone.

#### Form of the Wolf Mastery
At level 17, you have mastered the form of the wolf.  You gain the pack tactics feature, giving you advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.