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# Gem Socketing

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## How to enhance your weapons
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##### A new concept using enchanted gems to increase the power of your weapons and armor, a gem can be socketed into your items, and then taken out again to fine-tune your own personal gear. The items being socketed must be able to receive the gems, so special consideration must be made to build them correctly.  

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#### by Anthony L. (DM Bahamut)

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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

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©2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.


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# Gems
Created with the original Akashic Sensitive Prestige class as a power and ability source, these gems are enchanted either by magic, or through communion with the Universe. Sensitive people are able to distinguish between normal gems and those that are transfigured correctly enough to receive the enchantment. 

Just like any other enchanted object, it takes the same amount of time bestowing it with magic as it would any other item. Through a combination of specific gems and the ability to "socket" items, a player is able to put these gems into their gear to give them the gem's powers. Many of the gems are specifically keyed to certain abilities and spells, which are naturally unlocked as well through communion with the Universe. 

If a player wants to remove the gems from their gear, they can do so freely or at the discretion of the DM. Sometimes, gems bond with the items they are socketed to, and may break down after being separated from them. A character must be trained in the Jewelry profession, roll a Sleight of Hand check and consult this table if a gem is removed. 

##### Gem Un-Socketing
| 1d20 | Results |
| 1  | Gem explodes, dealing 2d10 damage |
| 2-5 | Gem shatters and is unusable |
| 6-10 | Gem is splintered, lowering in rarity one level |
| 11-15 | Gem is okay, but socket is destroyed |
| 16+ | Gem is removed fine |

## Creating Magic Gems
Creating these powerful gems is the same as creating a magic item of the same cost. The prices listed in the tables at the end of this description is the cost of the gem, *and* the cost of the enchantment. If a player wants to naturally create these gems for their own purposes and they did not have to pay for the gem, divide the cost of the listed gems by five. That will provide the enchantment cost required to make them magic. The gems used for these enchantments though are considered "masterwork" quality gems, so your DM may increase the basic cost required to find a "perfect" quality gem that is also open to modification. 

Another way to create these gems is to meditate with them, as the Akashic Sensitive Prestige Class does. Through meditation and manipulation on the molecular level, an Akashic Sensitive can unlock the powers of gems over the same amount of time it would take to enchant them. 

## Specific Gear
Weapons and armor must be of the masterwork quality before it can be socketed. The power of the gem flows through the gear and lesser quality gear will cause them to malfunction. The better the quality of the gear, the more likely numerous sockets can be applied. 

Masterwork quality gear can cost 10 times as much as normal gear, but socketed gear can also cost at least that much, if not more. The item has to be prepared to act as a conduit for the power of the gem, therefore requires the services of the creator and an enchanter. 

Any more than one gem in proximity to another outside of being socketed can cause Wild Magic effects (ie, two amulets worn at the same time). so caution should be made when possessing two enchanted gems at the same time within close proximity to each other. 

Any item that possesses two or more sockets in it and has active gems working in both sockets must be attuned to before the powers of the gems can be used. Additionally, any gem of very rare, legendary or artifact status must be attuned to as well. If two very rare gems are placed in one item, the singular attunement suffices for both gems. 

The socket size and cost for items is as follows: 

##### Item Size and Cost
| Item Size | 1 Socket | 2 Sockets | 3 Sockets |
| Tiny (Ring)  | x10 | N/A | N/A |
| Small (Dagger) | X10 | X20 | N/A |
| Medium (Sword) | X10 | X20 | X25 |
| Large (Armor) | X10 | X15 | X20 |

## Legacy gear
As opposed to finding new gear and replacing the old, this gives players the opportunity to keep their weapons and just have them re-socketed with newer gems that they find in their adventures. That way, the same sword goes through the player's entire lifetime, becoming part of the legacy of the game. The same goes for armor and other items. 

## Gem details
The following lists of gems were compiled both from the Dungeon Master's Guide, as well as from Crystal and Gem books. The gems and crystals were reviewed and compared in our world to what spells might come out of them in D&D. If you are familiar with a gemstone that you believe should exhibit certain properties, then by all means, allow that gemstone to have that power. 

The list shows the name of the gem, the color denotes what color the gem can be and the power shows what tuned gems normally produce when made magical. If you would rather just use this list as a more detailed for specific kinds of gems, please do so. Again, the prices listed include the enchantment *plus* the rarity, so if you plan on making these just normal gem rewards, reduce the selling price of these to match the normal rarity of the same type of gem. 

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## New Spells (from Akashic Sensitive Prestige class)

#### Akashic Immunity
*1st-level enchantment*
- **Casting Time:** 1 reaction
- **Range:** Self
- **Components:** None
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You can create a barrier between you and another player casting spells at you. For every spell slot used in this way, you can re-direct 1d10 points of damage, plus your Intelligence modifier plus your spellcasting level. 

If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend an additional 1 spell slot to redirect the attack back at the attacker. You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of whether you know the spell or not. 

***At Higher Levels.*** As noted above, when the spell is cast as a reaction, the player must choose the number of spell slots they wish to dedicate to the spell. For every spell slot above first, increase the damage redirected by 1d10. 

#### Bigby's Clenched Fist 
*2nd-level evocation*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 120 feet
- **Components:** S
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a Large invisible hand of force in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The hand lasts for the spell's duration, and it moves at your command, mimicking the movements of your own hand. 

The hand doesn't fill its space. When you cast the spell and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns, you can move the hand up to 60 feet and then cause the hand to strike one creature or object within 5 feet of it. Make a melee spell attack for the hand using your game statistics. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 force damage. 

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage done to the target increases by 1d8 for each slot level about 2nd. 

#### Bigby's Forceful Hand 
*2nd-level evocation*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 120 feet
- **Components:** S
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a Large invisible hand of force in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The hand lasts for the spell’s duration, and it moves at your command, mimicking the movements of your own hand. The hand has a Strength of 20 (+5) and doesn’t fill its space.

When you cast the spell and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns, you can move the hand up to 60 feet and then cause the hand to push or pull a creature within 5 feet of it in a direction you choose. Make a check with the hand’s Strength contested by the Strength (Athletics) check of the target. If the target is Medium or smaller, you have advantage on the check. If you succeed, the hand pushes or pulls the target up to 5 feet plus a number of feet equal to three times your spellcasting ability modifier. The hand moves with the target to remain within 5 feet of it.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the strength of the hand increases by 2 for each slot level about 2nd. 

#### Bigby's Grasping Hand 
*2nd-level evocation*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 120 feet
- **Components:** S
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a Large invisible hand of force in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The hand lasts for the spell’s duration, and it moves at your command, mimicking the movements of your own hand. The hand has a Strength of 20 (+5) and doesn’t fill its space.

When you cast the spell and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns, you can move the hand up to 60 feet and then cause the hand to grapple a Large or smaller creature within 5 feet of it. You use the hand’s Strength score to resolve the grapple. 

If the target is Medium or smaller, you have advantage on the check. While the hand is grappling the target, you can use a bonus action to have the hand crush it. When you do so, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the strength of the hand increases by 2 and the damage done to the target increases by 1d6 for each slot level about 2nd. 

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#### Bigby's Interposing Hand 
*2nd-level evocation*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 120 feet
- **Components:** S
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a Large invisible hand of force in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The hand lasts for the spell’s duration, and it moves at your command, mimicking the movements of your own hand. The hand has a Strength of 20 (+5) and doesn’t fill its space.

When you cast the spell and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns, the hand interposes itself between you and a creature you choose until you give the hand a different command. The hand moves to stay between you and the target, providing you with half cover against the target. The target can move through the hand’s space if its Strength score is less than or equal to the hand’s Strength score, but that space is difficult terrain for the target. If its Strength score is higher than the hand’s Strength score, the target can move through normally. 

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the strength of the hand increases by 2 for each slot level about 2nd. 

#### Fist of Unbroken Air
*2nd-level evocation*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 30 feet
- **Components:** S
- **Duration:** Immediate

You can create a blast of compressed air that strikes like a mighty fist. As an action, you can choose a creature within 30 feet of you. That creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d10 bludgeoning damage and you can push the creature up to 20 feet away from you and knock it prone. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage, and you don’t push it or knock it prone.

#### Mage Hand (Modified)
*1st-level Conjuration*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 120 feet
- **Components:** None
- **Duration:** 1 minute

An invisible, floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. You can have your proficiency modifier in hands present at any time.  

You can use your action to control the hands. You can use the hands to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it.

The hand can’t attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds per level , per hand. For example, a 3rd level user who casts this spell can create three mage hands that can manipulate up to 10 pounds per hand, or 30 pounds all together. 

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##### Minor Gems (250 gp)
| Name | Color  | Power  | 
| Agate, Blue Lace  | Blue | +1 on Performance checks |
| Agate, Dendric  | Colorless, white or gray | +1 to madness saves |
| Agate, Fire  | Deep brown with flashes of orange, red, green or gold | Fire Bolt at will |
| Agate, Holly Blue | Blue-violet | +1 ki per day |
| Agate, Moss | Moss-colored green | Gust at will |
| Agate, Purple Sage | Pale lavender to purplish black | Guidance at will |
| Agate, Waterdeep Blue | Pale sky blue to deep blue-violet | Message at will |
| Albite | Colorless, white, brown, reddish or blue | +1 on History checks |
| Apatite | Blue, green or gold | +1d4 on Healing spells |
| Aventurine | Green, blue or red | +1 on Investigation checks |
| Azurite  | Deep blue |  +1 on Insight checks |  
| Blue Quartz | Pale blue | +1 against Fear and Charm effects  | 
| Calcite | Blue, colorless, green, orange, pink or red | +1 on Intimidation checks  |
| Calcite, Honey | Golden-brown | +1 on Arcana checks  |
| Calcite, Merkabite | White | True Strike at will  |
| Calcite, Stellar Beam | Amber or yellow | +1 on Religion checks  |
| Diaspore | Pink, purple, brown, greenish, yellow, white, colorless or gray | +1 on Intelligence checks |
| Eye Agate | Gray, white, brown, blue or green | Mage Hand at will  | 
| Goethite | Blackish, yellowish or reddish brown | +1 to spell attack modifier | 
| Hematite | Gray-black | ADV to see through illusions  | 
| Hemimorphite | Turquoise-blue | Friends at will |
| Heulandite | Colorless, pink, red, white, green or yellow | +1 level 1 spell slot |
| Lapis Lazuli | Light and dark blue with yellow flecks | +1 on Perception checks  |
| Lilac Lepidolite | Rich lavender | +1 on Medicine checks |
| Malachite | Light or dark green | Hidden from Divination magic  | 
| Marcasite | Brassy yellow to silverish yellow | +1 on Death saves | 
| Obsidian, Black | Black | Resist Psychic damage | 
| Obsidian, Gold Sheen | Golden black | +1 on Deception checks | 
| Obsidian, Mahogany | Jet black or reddish brown | Control Flames at will |
| Obsidian, Peacock | Undulating red, gold, green, violet, orange and/or blue | Mold Earth at will | 
| Obsidian, Rainbow | Iridescent | -2 to attack, +5 to damage (melee) | 
| Obsidian, Snowflake | Black with light patches | +1 on Charisma checks | 
| Pyrite | Yellow | +1 on Strength checks | 
| Rhodochrosite | Light pink | ADV on healing with HD  | 
| Rhodonite | Rose-red | ADV on Profession checks | 
| Sodalite | Blue or gray | +1 on Wisdom checks | 
| Tiger Eye | Brown with golden center | +1 on Dexterity checks  | 
| Topaz | Sky blue, golden or white | +1 on Persuasion checks |
| Turquoise | Light blue-green | +1 HP per level  | 


##### Common Gems (500 gp)
| Name | Color  | Power  | 
| Angelite | Soft blue | Shield prof mod/day |
| Carnelian  | Orange to red-brown | Charm Person prof mod/day  | 
| Chalcedony | Blue or purple | Identify at will | 
| Chrysoprase | Green | ADV on Nature checks  | 
| Citrine | Pale yellow to deep amber | Silent Image at will  | 
| Clinochlore | Green | Cure Wounds prof mod/day |
| Cuprite | Brownish or blackish red to pure crimson | Detect Poison and Disease at will |
| Danburite | Colorless or white | Shield of Faith prof mod/day |
| Dioptase | Emerald to deep bluish green | Compelled Duel prof mod/day |
| Dolomite | White, gray, green, brown or pink | +2 to Concentration checks |
| Elestial Quartz | Smoky or colorless | ADV on History checks |
| Epidote | Black, dark or yellow green | Detect Evil/Good at will |
| Fluorite | Colorless, green, purple, white, yellow, red, pink or black | Akashic Immunity* at will |
| Galena | Lead-colored | +1 to all skill checks |
| Goshenite | Colorless | Wrathful Smite at will |
| Halite | Colorless, white, purple, blue, yellow, red black or pink | +1 Ki |
| Heliodor | Golden yellow | +1 to Wisdom |
| Iolite | Violet | +1d6 to healing spells |
| Jasper, Red | Red | +1 to Constitution  | 
| Jasper, Rainforest | Green | ADV on Survival checks  | 
| Jasper, Mook | Purple and yellow | Feather Fall at will  |
| Jasper, Fancy | Multi-colored | ADV on Medicine checks  | 
| Jasper, Picture | Gray and brown | ADV on Arcana checks  | 
| Jasper, Unakite | Pink and green | Healing Word per short rest  | 
| Lazulite | Rich azure to pale blue | +1 to Intelligence | 
| Moonstone | White with pale blue glow, gray or peach | ADV on Insight checks  | 
| Moonstone, Rainbow | Prismatic | +1 to AC  |
| Onyx | Bands of pure black and white  | +1 to Strength  | 
| Petalite | White, colorless, gray, pinkish or yellow | Chromatic Orb prof mod/day | 
| Quartz | White, smoky gray or yellow | Store a 1st lvl spell to be cast per short rest  | 
| Sardonyx | Bands of red and white | Gain proficiency in one skill  | 
| Selenite | Colorless, gray, white, green or golden brown | Thunderwave per short rest | 
| Serpentine | Pale yellow-green to deep forest green | Crown of Madness per short rest | 
| Shattuckite | Light to deep blue | +2 on CHA skill checks | 
| Smithsonite | Blue, pink, purple, green, yellow, white, gray or brown | Immune to being charmed | 
| Smoky Quartz | Very pale tan to deep chocolate brown | Resistance to Necrotic damage  | 
| Star rose quartz | Rosy stone with white star-shaped center | Gain proficiency in one trade  | 
| Stilbite | White, pinkish, gray, yellowish, reddish, orange or brown | ADV on Stealth checks | 
| Sunstone | Orange to red-brown | Searing Smite at will | 
| Zircon | Pale blue-green | Thunderous Smite at will  | 
| Zoisite | Shades of green, gray, white, greenish brown, colorless, blue, purple, yellow or pink | Heroism per short rest | 


##### Uncommon Gems (2,500 gp)
| Name | Color  | Power  | 
|:------:|:-------------:|:---------: | 
| Adamite | Bright yellow-green | CHA becomes 19 |
| Amethyst  | Deep purple | +1 to AC and saves  | 
| Ametrine | Yellow and gold | ADV on Initiative and Perception rolls |
| Andalusite | Brown and black | Remove one Exhaustion level per long rest |
| Angel Wing Blue Anhydrite | Soft blue | +1d8 to healing spells |
| Aragonite | Soft blue | Immune to Mind Reading |
| Aragonite Star Clusters | Red | ADV on Concentration checks |
| Astrophyllite | Coppery bronze to golden yellow | Astral Projection on self per long rest |
| Axinite | Brown | CON becomes 19 |
| Barite | Clear, white, light blue, green, yellow or red-brown | +1 to attack, returns if thrown |
| Bloodstone | Dark green with red spots | Removes one condition per long rest |
| Brookite | Darg grey or black | Comprehend Languages at will  |
| Cathedral Quartz | Colorless or white | Detect Magic per short rest |
| Cerussite | Clear, gray or brown with an adamantine luster | Resist poison and disease |
| Chrysoberyl | Green or golden | Can't be surprised  | 
| Chrysocolla | Green, blue, or blue-green | Make no sound, ADV on surprise |
| Datolite | Colorless, white, pale yellow or pale green | INT becomes 19 |
| Garnet, Almandine | Orange-red to purplish red | STR becomes 19 | 
| Garnet, Grossular | Light green | +10% coins | 
| Garnet, Rhodolite | Rose red to pale violet | Charm Person at will | 
| Garnet, Spessartine | Yellowish Orange | Disguise Self at will | 
| Garnet, Uvarovite | Deep green | +10% Experience | 
| Healer's Gold | Black and gold | Auto stable when dying, double HD healing |
| Infinite | Green or gray-green | Blindsight 30' |
| Jade | Black, blue, green, lavender, purple or red | +1 STR, no exhaustion from death |
| Jet | Deep black | +1 to AC and saves  | 
| Kyanite | Blue, indigo, green or black | Detect Thoughts at will | 
| Labradorite | Flashes of green, blue, gold, orange, red or  violet | +2 Ki | 
| Lepidolite | Pink, purplish or lavender | Suggestion, prof mod/day | 
| Magnetite | Gray metallic | Cast Levitate at will |
| Morganite | Pink, peach or purple | Cast Lesser Restoration prof mod/day | 
| Muscovite | White, gray or colorless | Enhance Ability prof mod/day |
| Natrolite | Colorless, white, yellowish or gray | Calm Emotions at will | 
| Pearl | Lustrous white, yellow or pink  | +1 to attack and damage  | 
| Prehnite | Yellow-green | See Invisibility at will | 
| Pyromorphite | Pea-green | Eat, drink and sleep half as much | 
| Scapolite | White, gray, light green, blue, yellowish or reddish | +1 to all ability checks | 
| Spinel | Red, red-brown or deep green | Max HD when healing  | 
| Staurolite | Reddish brown, dark brown or brownish-black | Locate Animals or Plants at will | 
| Strontianite | White, yellow, green, gray, brown, red or colorless | +10 to speed | 
| Tourmaline | Black, brown, green, pink or red | Heat Metal at will  |
| Tourmaline, Watermelon | Pink center with green around outside | Prayer of Healing per short rest | 


##### Rare Gems (5,000 gp)
| Name | Color  | Power  | 
|:------:|:-------------:|:---------: | 
| Aegirine | Black, greenish or brownish black | +2 Ki, +1 AC |
| Ajoite | Blue or blue-green | Immune to Fear, +1d8 to healing spells |
| Alexandrite  | Green or blue-green | WIS becomes 19  | 
| Amblygonite | Pale yellow | Immune to Madness |
| Apophyllite | Green or colorless | Speak with Plants at will, Plant Growth per short rest |
| Aqua Lemuria | Blue-green | Blur at will till hit |
| Aquamarine  | Pale blue-green | Resist Fire, Tongues as will  | 
| Black pearl | Pure black | + 1d6 necrotic damage on hit  |
| Blizzard Stone | Black with flecks of white | +2 to attack, returns if thrown  |
| Blue spinel | Deep blue | Store up to 5 levels in spells  | 
| Bustamite | Light to brownish red | CHA becomes 19, ADV on Persuasion checks  |
| Cavansite | Blue to bluish-green | +3 Ki |
| Celestial Quartz | White or red | INT becomes 19, ADV on History checks |
| Celestite | Colorless, blue, or green | Legandary save per short rest |
| Charoite | Pale lilac to deep purple | +1 AC, +1d8 to healing spells |
| Chlorite Phantom | Green | Aura of Vitality per short rest |
| Crocoite | Red or red-orange | CON +2, ADV against and resist poison |
| Diopside | White to light green | Slow per short rest |
| Dream Quartz | Green to bluish green | Astral Projection self/long rest, Major Image/short rest |
| Eudialyte | Pink, red or reddish brown | Mass Healing Word per short rest |
| Fulgurite | Tan | Lightning Bolt per short rest |
| Gel Lithium Silica | Very dark to pale magenta | Beacon of Hope per short rest | 
| Golden Labradorite | Golden yellow | Fireball per short rest |
| Hanksite | Colorless, gray or pale yellow | INT becomes 19, ADV against Illusions |
| Kunzite | Pink to violet | Protection from Energy per short rest |
| Larimar | Blue, blue-green and white | Command at will, Cone of Fear per short rest | 
| Magnesite | White | Clairvoyance per short rest | 
| Ocean Jasper | White, green, pink, red and black | Fly at will | 
| Peridot | Rich olive green | ADV on skill check per short rest, +10% coins  | 
| Pietersite | Shades of gold, brown, gray and black | ADV on Insight checks, cannot be surprised | 
| Proustite | Deep scarlet red | Invisible in dim light or darkness | 
| Purpurite | Vivid purple | Lesser Restoration per short rest, ADV on Insight checks | 
| Rhodizite | Colorless, white or yello | Double range, damage or duration of another gem/long rest | 
| Rose Quartz | Very pale pink to deep reddish pink | Knock at will | 
| Rutilated Quartz | Gold, silver or copper colored | Store up to 3 levels in spells, ADV on spells against you | 
| Rutile | Golden yellow, reddish brown, red of black | +2 Ki, +2 to attack and damage |
| Scolecite | Clear, white or yellowish, with silky luster | Do not need to eat or drink | 
| Sphene | Light brown to golden yellow | INT +2, learn new skills and professions twice as fast | 
| Stibnite | Metallic gray to black | Speak with Dead at will, Vampiric Touch per short rest | 
| Tangerine Quartz | Orange | +2d6 damage to one creature type |
| Thulite | Pale to deep reddish pink | CHA +2, ADV on CHA checks | 
| Tourmalined Quartz | Clear with black  through it | Remove any ailment or heal to full HP on self per long rest | 
| Tremolite | White, gray, pink, green or brown | Truesight to 30' | 


##### Very Rare Gems (25,000 gp)
| Name | Color  | Power  | 
|:------:|:-------------:|:---------: | 
| Adularia | Clear, with a blue-white flash | Telekinesis at will |
| Benitoite | light to dark blue | Arcane Eye at will  |
| Beryllonite | Colorless, white or pale yellow | +3 to attack/damage, Darkness/short rest  |
| Cacoxenite | Gold, yellow or brown | Regenerate 1d6 HP / 10 min  |
| Calim Gold Tektite | Glassy yellow | WIS +2, ADV on WIS checks | 
| Cassiterite | Metallic reddish brown to brownish black | +2 to attack/damage, DC 15 DEX save or crit  |
| Chultite | Yellow to yellow-green | Phantasmal Killer per short rest  |
| Cinnabar | Vermillion red | Instills training and expertise in Alchemy |
| Covellite | Deep blue to black | Death Ward per short rest |
| Creedite | White, colorless and orange | +4 Ki |
| Emerald | Deep bright green | +1d8 to healing spells, Calm Emotions at will, Revivify/short rest  | 
| Euclase | Colorless, blue, pale blue and blue-green | STR of 23 |
| Faden Quartz | Clear with a smoky line down the center | +1d8 to healing spells, store 10 levels of healing spells |
| Fairy Wand Quartz | Milky | Heal with max HD; short rest = 30 minutes |
| Herderite | Clear, pale yellow, green, brown and gray | INT +2, ADV on INT checks |
| Hiddenite | Yellow-green or emerald green | CHA +2, ADV on CHA checks |
| Lepidocrocite | Reddish brown to deep red | +2 AC, Immune to Disease | 
| Nuummite | Charcoal gray or black with iridescence | ADV with spells and enemy has DIS against your spells | 
| Opal, Black | Black with iridescence | Reaction: cancel <4th level spells up to 20 levels/long rest | 
| Opal, Common | White, pink, blue or brown and black | +1 to AC, resist one element |
| Opal, Dale | Clear with bluish tinge | Hallucinatory Terrain at will |
| Opal, Fire | Vivid orange | Compulsion per short rest | 
| Opal, Reghed Blue | Rich blue | Akashic Immunity at will, Immune to Fear, Bigby's Hand at will |
| Opal, White | White with iridescence | Reckless Attack at will | 
| Phenacite | Prismatic | Scrying at will | 
| Sapphire, Blue | Blue, pink, white, or yellow | +2 to attack/damage, bonus attack with main hand | 
| Sapphire, Orange | Orange | +3 to attack/damage, returns when thrown |
| Sapphire, Star | Blue sapphire with white star-shaped center | DEX +2, ADV on Initiative  | 
| Sichuan Quartz | White or black | ADV on Initiative, Can't be surprised, See Invisible | 
| Sphalerite | Red, black, brown, yellow, white or colorless | STR +2, CON +2 | 
| Spider Jasper | Black with red-orange swirling | Resist one element, weapon +1d6 damage of that element | 
| Stichtite | Pinkish purple | Max object damage, +2 attack/damage, +2d6 damage on crit | 
| Strombolite | Grayish to deep purple | Charm Person at will, target has DIS on charm save | 
| Sugilite | Pale lilac to deep purple | Dream at will | 
| Tiger Iron | Gold, red and silver-gray | STR 19, CON 19, Immune to Fear | 
| Tugtupite | Rich pink | Summon Fire Elemental per long rest | 
| Ulexite | White or colorlesss | Rary's Telepathic Bond at will | 
| Vanadinite | Red, orange, brown or yellow | ADV on concentration checks/Immune to Charm/Fear | 
| Variscite | Varying shades of green | While meditating, heal 2x HD. Commune with Nature at will | 
| Vaasan Red Quartz | Deep orange-red | CHA +2, ADV on death saves |


##### Legendary Gems (250,000 gp)
| Name | Color  | Power  | 
|:------:|:-------------:|:---------: | 
| Amegreen | Purple, green or white | Telepathy at will |
| Angel Aura Quartz | Iridescent and silver | +5 Ki |
| Angel Phantom Quartz | White, yellow and red-orange | +1 to Proficiency Mod |
| Aqua Aura Quartz | Blue with flashes of iridescence | Immune to Psychic, +3 attack/damage |
| Azeztulite | Colorless or white | Truesight 120' |
| Bixbite | Raspberry red | No max on CON, CON +2  |
| Black Phantom Quartz | Prismatic black | Greater Invisibility per short rest  |
| Black sapphire  | Lustrous black with glowing highlights | +3 to attack/damage, can transfer plusses to AC | 
| Celestite, Shaar | Gray, whitish or blue-gray | When taking 20, take 25 |
| Chrysanthemum Stone | Black and white | +10% XP and coins |
| Diamond  | Blue-white, canary, pink, brown or blue | No max on INT, INT +2 | 
| Gem Silica | Blue green to deep turquoise | Telepathy and Clairvoyance/short rest |
| Herkimer Quartz 'Diamond' | Smoky or colorless | Programmed Illusion and Heal/long rest |
| Iolite-Sunstone | Sparkling orange to red-brown | No max on WIS, WIS +2 |
| Jacinth | Fiery orange | Any Bigby spell at will  | 
| Lemurian Jade | Grayish green or black | Bones of the Earth at will | 
| Lemurian Seed Crystals | Colorless | Succeed on any one abiilty/skill check per short rest | 
| Lithium Quartz | Prismatic, lavender or pinkish gray | Double and max HD when healing |
| Maztican Tears | Black-brown | +3 to AC and saves |
| Moldavite | Deep forest to pale green | +1 to EVERY ROLL and AC | 
| Mystranite | Black and white | +2 to attack, recast spell cast at you if save |
| Nebula Stone | Black with green spots | ADV on initiative, no surprise, +2 attack/damage |
| Papagoite | Copper-base with rich blue | Investiture of Wind at will | 
| Pink Lazurine | Rich pink to lavender purple | No max on CHA, CHA +2 | 
| Prasiolite | leek-green | Find the Path at will | 
| Prophecy Stone | Brown or black | Foresight per long rest | 
| Reghed Blue Quartz | Blue | Mind Blank at will | 
| Ruby | Clear red to deep crimson | STR of 27, Immune to Fear/Charm  | 
| Satyaloka Quartz | White, with iclusions of reddish brown and gray | Antipathy/Sympathy per long rest | 
| Seraphinite | Deep green, laced with silver | Regenerate per long rest | 
| Seriphos Green Quartz | Lettuce green to deep spinach green | Etherealness per long rest | 
| Spirit Quartz | Purple | +2 AC, ADV on all saves | 
| Star Ruby | Purplish red | Ki-Infused; each Ki used, +1 to attack/damage | 
| Tathite | Dark green | +3 to attack/damage, nat 20 cut limb or 6d8 bonus damage |
| Titanium Quartz | Iridescent | Regenerate 15 HP per hour, CON +2 | 
| Shouan Black Quartz | Clear with black inclusions | Short rest = 15 minutes | 
| Shiva Lingam | Gray or tan with red stripes | Resurrection per long rest |
| Vivianite | Colorless, blue-green or deep blue | +5 spell slots/levels | 
| White Phantom Quartz | Various, with ghost image of quartz inside | Legend Lore at will | 
| Willemite | Orangish red | Astral Projection at will | 
| Wulfenite | Orange or yellow | Primordial Ward per short rest | 
| Zincite | Red to orange-yellow | Project Image per short rest | 


##### Artifact Gems 
| Name | Color  | Power  | 
|:------:|:-------------:|:---------: | 
| Blackstone  | Deep black | Sentient evil stone, devourer's target's soul on death blow, regain half HP from each attack  | 
| Moonblood  | White and red | Sentient good stone, +3 to all rolls, refer to Wild Magic table when casting spells  | 
| Waverock | Pale blue | Sentient chaotic stone, +3 to attack/damage, bonus 6d8 on crit, Command at will  | 
| Whelmstone | Gray | Sentient neutral stone, +3 to attack/damage, returns when thrown, Shockwave at will  | 
| Dwarven Tears | Gray-black | +3 to attack/damage, Immune to Poison/Bludgeon damage, DV to 60', ADV with secret doors  | 

##### Miscellaneous Items (1,000 gp)
| Name | Color  | Power  | 
|:------:|:-------------:|:---------: | 
| Amber  | Watery gold to rich gold | ADV with Air spells | 
| Coral | Crimson | ADV with Water spells  | 
| Flint | Black, brown or tan | ADV with Fire spells |
| Gaia Stone | Greenish glassy | ADV with Earth spells |
| Metals, Copper  | Copper | ADV with Necromancy spells | 
| Metals, Electrum  | Dark Silver | ADV with Conjuration spells |
| Metals, Gold  | Gold | ADV with Transmutation spells | 
| Metals, Niobium  | Eridescent | ADV with Divination spells | 
| Metals, Platinum  | Platinum | ADV with Evocation spells | 
| Metals, Silver  | Silver | ADV with Illusion spells | 
| Metals, Titanium  | Titanium | ADV with Abjuration spells | 
| Meteorite | Brown or black | ADV with Defensive spells | 
| Petrified Wood | Brown or gray | ADV with Nature spells |
| Shaman Stone | Medium brown | ADV with Healing spells | 
| Tektite | Black or brown-black | ADV with Offensive spells | 

## Other creations
If you liked this, check out my other creations! 

- Wand-Wielders wizard class, for Harry Potter fans: http://www.dmsguild.com/product/201747/Wizard-Wand-Magic
- Akashic Sensitive Prestige Class, for Star Wars fans: http://www.dmsguild.com/product/193044/Akashic-Sensitive
- A remake on how to apply skills and tools/kits: http://www.dmsguild.com/product/193045/Skills-Redux
- An adventure meant to teach new players and DM's alike: http://www.dmsguild.com/product/198147/My-First-Adventure

## Credits
Made with the Homebrewery, NaturalCrit.com

*The Book of Stones; Who they are & what they teach* by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

#### DM Bahamut (Anthony L)

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