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## *Tempest Lore Compendium*
## 1 race, 2 subclasses, 34 items, & 22 spells
## Inspired by *Heroes of the Storm*

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##### Table Of Contents
- **[Race: Ettinkin -- 1](#p3)**
- **[Monastic Tradition: Way of the Veradani --3](#p5)**
- **[Sacred Oath: Oath of the Daelaam -- 4](#p6)**
- **[Artifact Weapon: Sulfuras -- 5](#p7)**
- **[Items -- 6](#p8)**
- **[Spells -- 13](#p15)**
- **[Appendix A -- 19](#p21)**


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<center>***Written by /u/Shamus_Aran***</center>
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<div class='wide'><center>***The following is a work of homage to* Heroes of the Storm *by Blizzard Entertainment.***</center></div>

<div class='wide'><center>***Likenesses and images are © Blizzard Activision. ***</center></div>

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<center>***Special thanks to /u/Xindlepete for exhaustively***</center>

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<center>***helping to balance nearly every item in this compendium.***</center>

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<center>***You rock!***</center>

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## Race: Ettinkin

  *"**Idiot!**" cried Cho, clouting his other head around the ear. "You've lost them again. How are we to dominate the planet if you cannot maintain a simple divination spell?!"*

  *"Oh, do pardon me, brother," replied Gall, his voice thick like sarcastic marmite. "This world's magic is not so simple as pulling chaos from the Twisting Nether and bending to one's will." The giant's other hand curled back into the symbol for the Arcane Eye. "Not like you would know the difference, anyway..." he grumbled.*
  *"What was that?"*
  *"Oh, nothing, nothing..."*

-- Kris Kiplan, *Twin Heads of Terror*

The monstrous half-giants known as Ogrillon are the result of the union between an Orc and an Ogre. These beasts are generally more intelligent than their forebears (though admittedly that is no grand feat) and represent a middle ground between Ogrish brutal cunning and Orcish cunning brutality. They are monstrous, rapacious, and blessedly rare.

Once in a blue moon, however, an Ogrillon will be born with Ettin blood, and all bets are off from then on. Sporting two heads and a massive frame, Ettinkin have frequently been mistaken for "Two-Headed Ogres," though such a moniker is hardly inappropriate.

### Welcome Nowhere

Ettinkin are truly lost creatures. Outcast from their Orc parent's tribe as an ill omen from Luthic, and ranking below the most hideous Formorian in the Ordning of their Ettin parentage, Ettinkin have no  place in either society.

Many Ettinkin live out their days as cave-dwelling beasts, growing feral and occasionally tolerated by an orc tribe as a trained war-beast. However, some rise above their station in fantastic fashion, becoming warlords, necromancers, warlocks, despots, or some unholy combination of the above.

Nothing prevents an Ettinkin from being dedicated to good deeds, aside from the obvious physical abnormalities. A community that accepts an Ettinkin often finds a pair of minds eager to be put to constructive use.

### Two Heads are Better...?

Ettinkin of course inherit the defining trait of their namesake. A second head can be a help as much as a hindrance, depending on how well the two communicate. Of course, the two heads can easily be rivals as much as siblings, each gleefully sabotaging the other's ambition.

Given their shared physiology, Ettinkin are chaotic at the best of times when telepathy comes into play. A mage attempting to read one head's thoughts will inevitably have to sift through the noise of the other's. This is a distinct advantage when combatting unfriendly enchantment, but can make silent communication a bit tricky.

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### Warrior-Mages and Peasant-Kings

An odd quirk of Ettinkin psychology often leads to the two heads chasing entirely different pursuits. While one might commandeer the body to hone its physical capabilities, the other may demand intellectual material to stimulate its mind, or take up wizardry to spite its other half's brutish nature.

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> ##### Double your Trouble
> A player attempting to roleplay a two-headed creature is in for a challenge, make no mistake. Constantly getting into arguments with yourself can be an endless source of amusement for the other members of your party.
> However, if remembering which voice and mannerism belong to which head proves to be a pointless distraction, you could always collaborate with another player to truly have two heads controlling a singly body.
> Consider surrendering control over specific actions to your co-pilot, such as making attacks with your off-hand weapon or deciding where your body will move. This can be an excellent way to ease a player who is new to Dungeons & Dragons into some of the game's core concepts.
> If your DM allows it, you may even roll separate Charisma, Intellect, and Wisdom scores for your two heads, making one the more perceptive and well-spoken, while the other worries about which owlbear to smack next with his maul.

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While terrifying when synchronized, most Ettinkin are thankfully too self-thwarting to let their heads truly collude. But when one can convince the other of a good idea, very little can stop the behemoth from pursuing it to the ends of the Realm.

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### Ettinkin Names

Like their Ettin forebears, Ettinkin have two names -- one for each head. With only themselves to talk to, Ettinkin are usually named by themselves or each other and have no family name to speak of. A head that accepts a name from its body-mate will usually grow up to be agreeable and cooperative. A head that insists on naming itself will usually prove the opposite.

As with Ettins, Ettinkin usually merge their names together when referred to collectively. For instance, an Ettinkin with a head named Cho and a head named Gall is referred to together as Cho'gall.

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**Male Names:** Erg, Nump, Bill, Tog, Max, Bob, Cho, Nok, Bep, Jim, Tuck, Gall, Nad, Lars, Kurd, Ron, Al, Speg

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**Female Names:** Hild, Polly, Jen, Gryl, Neema, Alli, Jane, Hanna, Gret, Nib, Niah, Emma, Jill, Sal, Kewp, Dee

### Ettinkin Traits

As an Ettinkin, you are a rare creature indeed. You have a number of traits inherited from your Ettin and Orcish lineage.

***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.

***Age.*** Ettinkin are swiftly abandoned after being born. They grow up quickly and learn to fend for themselves. An Ettinkin is fully grown at 15 years old, and can live for 60 to 70 years.

***Alignment.*** Nothing says an Ettinkin's heads must share an alignment. Collectively, Ettinkin are usually Chaotic, and are considered the average between their two heads (so an Ettinkin with a Chaotic Good head and a Chaotic Evil head would collectively be Chaotic Neutral).

***Size.*** Ettinkin are much smaller than proper Ettins, but they still bear Orcish blood and their bulk cannot be underestimated. Ettinkin can grow up to 8 feet tall and weigh over 450 pounds. Your size is Medium.

***Speed.*** Ettin are blessed with kilograms of leg muscle and a long stride, but the cooperation required between both heads often leads to a clumsy and uncoordinated gait. Your speed is 25 feet.

***Darkvision.*** Ettinkin inherit their orcish parent's keen eyesight in less than ideal lightning. You can see in dim light within 60ft of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 

***Double Take.*** If one head's senses fail, the other's can easily pick up the slack. Ettinkin have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, or frightened. In addition, whenever one head is asleep, the other head remains awake and vigilant for danger.

***No Accounting for Taste.*** When both heads are committed to the "beating things up" school of problem solving, they typically choose a unique weapon, one wielded in each hand that they maintain control over. An Ettinkin can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons it is wielding aren’t light.

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## Monastic Tradition:
### Way of the Veradani

The Sahptev faith of Ivgorod maintains a militant warrior-monk caste, bare-fisted and richly ornamented, to police its monastery cities. 

Every moment these monks are not steeped in the tenets of their one thousand and one gods and goddesses, they are vigilant for signs of demonic corruption. With fists bolstered by spirit and a resolve tempered like steel, the Veradani stomp out evil, root and branch, wherever it is found.

#### Veradani Arts

When you choose this Tradition at 3rd level, you gain access to the three Veradani Arts, a collection of mystical combat techniques designed to aid Veradani warriors in overpowering their foes. Whenever you use your Martial Arts feature to make a single unarmed strike as a bonus action, you may imbue that strike with one of the following Arts. 

- The **Iron Art** causes your limbs to harden and become heavy like lead. Add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to the damage of this attack.
- The **Transcendant Art** causes your strike to sap life force from the enemy, mending your body as it leaves theirs broken. A creature hit by this attack must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you may immediately expend a hit die to heal yourself.
- The **Insightful Art** lets you intuit the flow of Ki in the enemy's body, and allows you to momentarily redirect that flow. A creature hit by this attack must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you regain 1 Ki point.

#### Radiant Dash
At 6th level, you gain the ability to propel yourself forward on a jet of Ki energy. As a bonus action, you can spend a Ki point to target a creature up 30 feet away.

You fly through the air and land in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of that creature. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity during this movement. You may immediately make an unarmed strike against the target creature when you land, and may imbue that strike with a Veradani Art.

#### Spirit Ally
At 11th level, your spirit echoes with wisdom from the 1001 Sahptev deities. As a bonus action, you may spend 3 Ki points to leave an ethereal echo of yourself in your space known as a *Spirit Ally*. The Ally cannot move or take actions, but cannot be damaged in any way. You may target the Ally with Radiant Dash without spending a Ki point.

While within 30 feet of your Ally, its ki harmonizes with your own and magnifies the power of your Veradani Arts.

* The **Iron Art** now deals damage equal to your full Proficiency bonus. 
* The **Transcendent Art** always allows you to expend a hit die to heal yourself. The struck creature cannot prevent it.
* The **Insightful Art** now causes the struck creature to roll at disadvantage on the saving throw.

Your Spirit Ally lasts for 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
#### Divine Palm
At 17th level, you can flood Ki into a creature's body with a touch. You may spend 5 Ki points to do one of the following:

- Use an action to touch an unconscious creature, healing it for a quarter of its hit point maximum and returning it to consciousness immediately.
- Use an action to touch a conscious creature and mark it with the Sign of the Divine Palm until the start of your next turn. If the creature bearing the Sign would fall unconscious or die outright, it becomes paralyzed and immune to damage until the end of its next turn instead of falling unconscious. At the end of that turn, it is bathed in a flash of light and healed for half its hit point maximum.

Whichever effect you use, you cannot use Divine Palm again until you complete a long rest.
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  ## Sacred Oath:
  ### Oath of the Daelaam

The Oath of the Daelaam is a shared bond between struggling peoples. The original Daelaam are a coalition of a once-fractured race, dedicated to retaking their ravaged homeland from a monstrous tide of Aberrant invaders.

Those who take up the Oath of the Daelaam are implacable in the pursuit of their kith and kin's betterment, and will forge any path to achieve that goal, no matter how horrid.

#### Tenets of the Daelaam
Though not codified into a ritualistic creed like most Paladins' oaths, the Tenets of the Daelaam are as devoutly followed and as earnestly lived as any holy decree.

***For My People.*** My community, my family, my friends. Those who grant me succor are my richest treasure, and anything that threatens their well-being must be destroyed.

***A Shield To Snuff A Flame.*** I will be in harm's way when danger is near. I would rather my body be broken a thousand times over than allow someone I care about come to harm.

***By Any Means.*** No tactic is too underhanded when the success of my mission and the safety of my people is at stake. Ancient forbidden technology, soul-devouring magic... anything and everything. Taboo is a luxury for a kinder age.

#### Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

##### Oath of the Daelaam Spells
| Level | Spells |
| 3rd  | *Shield*, *Armor of Agathys* |
| 5th  | *Blur*, *Hold Person* |
| 9th  | *Clairvoyance*, *Nondetection* |
| 13th | *Otiluke's Resilient Sphere*, *Freedom of Movement* |
| 17th | *Hold Monster,* *Telekinesis* |

#### Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

***Shielding Strike.*** When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack as part of the Attack action, you can use your Channel Divinity to convert the force of that attack into a shimmering energy barrier around yourself. You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt by that attack for 1 minute.

***Rebuke Adversary.*** As a bonus action, you loudly declare your enmity for a creature that is impeding your mission. You gain advantage on all saving throws against spells or effects from that creature. At 7th level, you can Rebuke two creatures at once. At 15th level, you can Rebuke up to three creatures. This bonus lasts until you willingly end the effect, lose sight of the affected creature(s) for more than 1 minute, or after all creatures affected by it are reduced to 0 hit points.


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#### Shield Battery

Beginning at 7th level, you project an energy field that covers your allies in a protective barrier. you and any friendly creatures within 10 feet gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier at the start of every turn. 

At 18th level, the number of temporary hit points increases to your Charisma modifier plus your Proficiency bonus and the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

#### Immortal Barrier

Starting at 15th level, your barriers harden with your resolve, making you all but invulnerable in matched combat. While you have temporary hit points of any kind, you have resistance to weapon attacks and unarmed strikes.

#### Purifier Strike

At 20th level, you can harness divine power to demolish any threat or obstacle to your righteous cause. As an action, target a point within 100 feet and choose one of the following effects:

***Purify.***  A beam of holy light streaks from the heavens and blasts the area, scouring the ground bare as it passes. Creatures within 5 feet of the target point on impact and who end their turn within 5 feet of the beam must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 12d8 Radiant damage, taking half as much on a success. You may direct the beam to move up to 40 feet on your turn, forcing creatures it passes over to make the same save or suffer the same damage. The beam lasts for 3 turns.

***Suppress.*** A pulse of disorienting energy washes over the battlefield in a 50-foot radius around the target point. Creatures in the area must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be Incapacitated for 1 minute as the will to act is sapped from them.

Whichever effect you choose, you cannot use this feature again until you complete a long rest.

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## Artifact Weapon: Sulfuras
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#### Sulfuras, Hand of the Fire-Lord 
*Weapon (maul), artifact (requires attunement)*

In the realm of Azeroth, there exist three great Dwarven clans who hold dominion over much of the eastern continent. To the north, the Wildhammer clan, tamers of wild gryphons and lovers of open air. To the west, the Bronzebeard clan, honorable warriors and allies of the Human and High-Elven kingdoms. And to the south, the Dark Iron clan, kings of industry and forgers of great wonders.

The nexus of these three great clans is the underground citadel of Ironforge, once ruled by High King Modimus Anvilmar centuries ago. When King Anvilmar died, cultural tensions and deep, abiding grudges boiled over into the War of the Three Hammers.

The Bronzebeards and Wildhammers eventually united against the Dark Irons, driving them from Ironforge forever. The united armies pushed the Dark Irons to the gates of their own capitol, Thaurissan, where the Dark Iron Sorcerer-thane delved deep into the earth, working with his most trusted advisors to conjure an army of elementals to push back the tide of enemy forces. What their magics wrought was not at all what they intended.

A colossal fire elemental burst into the Material Plane, annihilating the Sorcerer-thane and his compatriots instantly. At once, the ground erupted, giving birth to the volcanic edifice of Blackrock Mountain. The city of Thaurissan was razed to the ground.

However, the Dark Irons did not die out. They persisted, making a new home in the bowels of Blackrock Mountain -- Shadowforge City. Though the Sorcerer-thane's descendants inherited his throne and title, they are but puppets.

The true ruler of the Dark Iron Clan is the self-professed Fire-Lord, the monstrous elemental summoned by the Sorcerer-thane. For over two hundred years, he has has been imprisoned on the Material Plane, commanding the Dark Irons from his lair near the core of the planet, bending them to heinous ends and driving them to assail the above-ground races with steel and flame. The Fire-Lord has no grand design for this world, no true end goal. He merely wishes to see all that lives and breathes be consumed in a single never-ending conflagration.


**Sulfuras** is the preferred weapon of the Fire-Lord, he who dwells in the heart of the world. It can only be acquired by venturing to Blackrock Citadel, infiltrating Shadowforge City deep below, breaking into the Molten Core, and killing the Fire-Lord in the pit of his lair. Attuning to it grants you the power imbued within it by the Fire-Lord, and confers no small amount of clout with all Fire Elementals in existence.

***Magic Weapon.*** You have a +3 bonus to all hit and damage rolls with Sulfuras, and deal an additional 2d6 Fire damage on a hit.

***Flaming Aura.*** You are resistant to Fire damage, take no damage from mundane fire or lava, and suffer no ill effects from extremely hot environments. Any hostile creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of you takes 1d6 Fire damage.

***Mantle of Ignan Superiority.*** You can speak and understand Ignan. Any creature from the Elemental Plane of Fire will recognize you as the slayer of the Fire-Lord, and the inheritor of his title. Any Mephits, Fire Elementals, Magmins, Fire Snakes, and other such fire-aligned elemental creatures that can see you are automatically Charmed by you. This effect is automatic, allowing no saving throw.

***Power of the Molten Core.*** You gain a total of 16 charges to cast spells using Sulfuras. You have a +8 bonus to hit with attack rolls from these spells, and their save DC is 16. You can use Sulfuras to cast *Fire Bolt* at will, and can expend up to 8 charges to cast any of the following spells at a level equal to the number of charges expended: *Searing Smite,* *Flaming Sphere,* *Scorching Ray*, *Fireball*, *Wall of Fire*, and *Conjure Elemental* (Fire-aligned Elementals only). You regain all expended charges at dawn.

***Curse.*** Sulfuras bears a curse that afflicts any non-elemental that attunes to it. You gain the following flaw: "I consider arson to be an art form, and take every opportunity I can get to set things on fire." 

In addition, your skin begins to harden and petrify, as your body temperature rises at a startling rate. If you remain attuned to Sulfuras for 30 consecutive days, your body fully transmutes, *permanently* transforming you into a creature of living magma and flame. 

You count as an Elemental instead of a Humanoid for the purposes of spells and become immune to fire and poison damage, but gain vulnerability to Cold damage. In addition, you take 1 Cold damage every 5 feet you move in water.

***Destroying Sulfuras.*** Sulfuras can only be extinguished by burying it for a year in True Ice from the Plane of Water. This nullifies its power and turns it into a mundane weapon with no magical properties whatsoever.

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## Items

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#### Nerubian Tunneling Claws
*Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)*

These barbed insectoid claws fit over the back of the wearer's hand, secured by a segment of purple carapace. While wearing these claws, your unarmed strikes count as magical and deal an additional 1d4 Piercing damage.

As an action, you can dive into the ground claws-first, gaining a burrow speed of 25 feet. When you reemerge, all creatures within 5 feet of you must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.

The claws have 3 charges, and expend one charge every turn you use them to burrow. The claws regain all lost charges after a short rest. If you do not reemerge the turn you use the claws' last charge, you will be  trapped underground and must either wait for the claws to recharge or crawl backwards the way you came.
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#### The Wild Hammer
*Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement)*

This hammer weighs considerably lighter than it should, as if hollow. A solid tap betrays no inner cavity, however. Its hefty, rune-inscribed head crackles with electricity, and when thrown, the entire weapon glows a bright blue as energy coruscates through its stonework.

The Wild Hammer is a mace with the *light* and *thrown (range 20/60)* properties. When thrown, it flies back to your hand just before the end of your turn. You have a +1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls with the Hammer. 

On a turn you make an attack with the Hammer, you can use a bonus action to cause it to emit a burst of lightning, forcing all creatures within 5 feet to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 Lightning damage, taking half as much on a successful save. 

You may trigger the burst at any point while it is in transit to the target, as soon as it hits (or misses) the target, or while it is returning to you (which may cause it to take a different path if you moved before the end of your turn).

Once you use the Hammer's lightning burst ability, you cannot do so again until you complete a short rest.

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#### Cane of Many Cups
*Weapon (quarterstaff), uncommon (requires attunement)*

This bamboo cane appears rough in manufacture. From its crook hangs a small teacup secured with a strap of leather. The cup is always full of piping hot tea when held upright, and never spills. 

You have a +1 to all attack and damage rolls made with the Cane. As an action, you may cause the cup to douse a creature within 50 feet with healing mist, restoring 1d4+2 hit points to that creature.

After you use the Cane's healing mist, the cup empties, and remains empty until you use an action to refill it with fresh water. After 1 minute, the Cane's magic properties return.

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#### Sickle of Soul Harvesting
*Weapon (sickle), very rare (requires attunement)*

This sickle's blade glows an unearthly pale blue, occasionally wavering in and out of existence, leaving only a ghostly afterimage.

You have a +2 bonus to all attack and damage rolls made with the Sickle. On a hit, the Sickle deals an additonal 1d6 Necrotic damage.

When the Sickle deals damage to a living creature, that creature is marked with an Ethereal Scar for 1 minute. If a creature dies while the scar remains, its soul becomes trapped in the Sickle. 

The Sickle cannot trap the souls of creatures with a Challenge rating of 1/4 or less. It also has no effect on creatures with no soul, such as Constructs or Undead.

While trapped, the creature's soul cannot pass on to the afterlife and it cannot be raised from the dead. A soul remains trapped in the Sickle for 24 hours or until you use an action to release it, after which it goes on to the afterlife. 

As an action, you can consume a soul trapped in the sickle to either heal yourself or a creature within 30 feet for 1d12 Hit Points, or cause hits with the Sickle to deal an additional 1d6 Necrotic damage for 1 minute.

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#### Wakizashi of Deflection
*Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)*

This shortblade has a mirror finish. Its pommel is set with a flawless emerald that glows gently when its wielder is in danger.

You have a +1 to all attack and damage rolls made with the Wakizashi. As a reaction to being targeted by a ranged attack, being in the way of a ranged attack targeting another creature, or in anticipation of the above, you may take a defensive stance with the Wakizashi, causing its blade to flash bright green. 

While in this stance, you cannot attack, but your AC against ranged attacks is increased by 1. If you are targeted by a ranged attack that misses, you deflect it and may make an identical attack against the creature that attacked you.

If a ranged attack would pass through your space to hit a creature beyond while you are maintaining the defensive stance, you may attempt to deflect that attack as well. Make a Dexterity check with a DC equal to the total attack roll by the attacking creature (after all bonuses and penalties are applied). On a success, the attack is deflected as if it had targeted and missed you.

Whether you successfully deflect any attacks or not, the stance ends at the beginning of your next turn and the emerald in the pommel grows dim. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest.

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#### Eviscerating Dagger
*Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement by a rogue)*

This dagger's blade glows a dim orange-red, and seems to thirst incessantly for blood.

You have a +2 to all attack and damage rolls with the Dagger. 

The Dagger can hold 5 charges and starts with 0. If you hit a target with at least one Sneak Attack, it gains 1 charge at the end of your turn. These charges last for 10 minutes or until spent.

When the Dagger has 5 charges, you may expend all of them when you use the Dagger to make a Sneak Attack. If you do, double the amount rolled on all Sneak Attack dice for that attack.

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#### Amani War-Axes
*Weapons (handaxes), rare (requires attunement)*

These twin axes are never found apart and are attuned to as a single item. Their blades are decorated with what appears to be fresh blood but is actually very glossy war-paint... you hope.

You have a bonus to attack and damage rolls with the Axes, starting at +1, increasing by 1 for every 30 hit points you are missing, up to a maximum of +3.

Whenever you make a ranged attack on your turn using one of the Axes, a duplicate magically appears in your hands. The thrown axe crumbles into dust and vanishes a few seconds later.

When you make the Attack action on your turn using only the Axes, you may make an extra attack for every 30 hit points you are missing, to a maximum of three extra attacks.

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#### Highlord's Blade
*Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires attunement)*

This menacing sword's blade and hilt appear to be constructions of pure light, glowing an ominous dark red. When swung in earnest, the blade shimmers and crackles with lightning.

You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls with the Blade. As an action, you may present the blade in a defensive pose and designate a direction. You cannot move or take reactions until the beginning of your next turn, but you are immune to damage from other creatures during this time.

If a creature would deal damage to you while you are blocking with the Blade, you instead unleash a wave of energy from the blade at the start of your next turn. This wave is a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-long line in the direction you designated. Creatures must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 8d12 Force damage, taking half as much on a successful save.

Whether you unleash the wave or not, the blade dims after using this ability. It brightens again at the next dawn and can be used afterward.

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#### Wailing Arrow
*Weapon (arrow), uncommon*

This arrow's head drips with a viscious black liquid that never seems to fall from its edge, constantly receding and hanging like inky wine legs.

When you fire this arrow at a creature or a point within range, it explodes into splinters instead of dealing damage. The exploding arrow unleashes a ghastly wail akin to a Banshee's, forcing all creatures within a 30-foot radius to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 4d12 Psychic damage, taking half as much on a success.

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#### Spear of the Dryad's Step
*Weapon (spear), rare (requires attunement)*

This weapon has no metal upon it, and appears to be the limb of a tree that has grown its edge and impeccable balance naturally.

This spear cannot be attuned to except by a Druid, Ranger, Nature domain Cleric, Oath of the Ancients Paladin, or any other character determined by the DM to be sufficiently in tune with nature.

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the Spear. When you make a ranged attack with the spear, it magically reappears in your hand at the end of your turn.

While attuned to the spear, you are permanently under the effect of the *Longstrider* spell.

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#### Ghost's Skin
*Armor (studded leather), legendary (requires attunement)*

This suit of unnatural fibres shimmers and bends light that passes through it.

Wearing this armor grants no bonus to your AC, but you are permanently under the effect of the *Blur* spell while wearing it. In addition, the Ghost's Skin allows you to cast *Invisibility* on yourself at will.

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#### Spacetime Prism
*Wondrous item, legendary*

This green prism resembles an Ioun Stone at first glance. further inspection reveals a dot of pure black at the crystal's center that shows no contour or flaw from any angle.

As an action, you may crush the prism in your hand and throw it up to 30 feet away. After a brief delay, the crushed crystal erupts into a 10-foot-diameter green-tinged sphere of massively slowed spacetime. Creatures within the sphere must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or be trapped inside it. The sphere lasts until a second passes within. As time is slowed to one one-billionth relative to the outside world, the sphere lasts roughly 31 and a half years. Once that time passes, the sphere evaporates.

All creatures within the sphere are Petrified, as all matter within them is frozen and cannot move or give way.

Creatures and objects that have more than half of their mass inside the sphere are immediately subject to its effects, though objects and creatures with limbs that protrude from the sphere's surface can be retrieved with due caution.  

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#### Worg Charm
*Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)*

This rough-hewn trinket holds the shape of a canine paw and hangs from a cord necklace.  The wearer's hair seems to grow an extra inch, and their voice deepens menacingly.

While attuned to the Worg Charm, your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4 Slashing damage, and you add 1 to all attack and damage rolls made using Strength.

***Curse.*** If you are attuned to the Worg Charm during a full moon, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom save or fall victim to its curse and transform into a Wereworg.

As a Wereworg, you add 1 to your AC, add 2 to your Strength score, and add 10 to your base speed, but your personality changes to that of a feral Worg, evil and interested only in preying on creatures weaker than yourself.

This transformation lasts until dawn. You revert if targeted by a *Remove Curse* spell, and can remove the Charm immediately.

If you succeed on the Wisdom save three times in a row, you defeat the curse and can use an action to transform into a Wereworg once every 7 days (or at will during a full moon). After overcoming the curse, you retain your personality while transformed, and can revert at will.

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#### Hungry Arrow
*Weapon (arrow), rarity varies*

This arrow's head appears corroded and dull, but any bare flesh brought into contact with its edge immediately draws blood, which the arrow quickly absorbs.

You have a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this arrow *(Uncommon: +0, Rare: +1, Very Rare: +2, Legendary: +3)*. When you hit an enemy with the Hungry Arrow, it draws blood from the creature it strikes and rebounds toward fresh prey. 

Make another attack roll against the nearest hostile creature within 30 feet of the original target (you decide which if there are two or more creatures equidistant to the first). This attack roll is made at disadvantage. On a hit, roll damage as normal. The arrow only rebounds once when it is fired, and only after a successful hit against the initial target.

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#### Compounding Shuriken
*Weapons (darts), very rare*

These three razor-sharp metal stars are always found as a set and are attuned to as a single item. They fit comfortably between your fingers as you ready them, and seem to impart knowledge of a wrist-bending technique to throw all three of them in a single motion.

You have a +2 bonus to all attack and damage rolls made with the Shuriken. Instead of taking the Attack action, you may take the Use an Object action to use the Shuriken's compound throwing technique.

When you use the Shuriken's secret technique, make three ranged attack rolls with them, each targeting the same or different creatures if you wish. If all three hit the same creature in a single turn, that creature takes an additional 1d6+3 Piercing damage.

Any thrown Shuriken magically return to your grasp at the end of your turn.


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#### Potion of Innervation
*Potion, very rare*

When you drink this potion, you become paralyzed for 1d4+2 rounds as your body is flooded with magical energy. When this period ends, you feel oddly refreshed and alert. You regain all uses of class features, magic item charges, and spell slots that you would regain after a short rest.

This potion is pure black and stinks of ozone. Streaks of bright blue lightning crackle through it when its bottle is disturbed.

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#### Potion of Regrowth
*Potion, rare*

When you drink this potion, you regain 1d4+2 hit points every round for the next minute.

This potion's liquid is a minty green and smells like morning dew. When emptied, the bottle appears to have verdant moss growing on the inside.

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#### Libram of Holy Light
*Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)*

This book is bound in rich leather, decorated with the sigil of an ancient Paladin order. When opened, it glows gently, shedding bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light in a 15-foot radius.

A Paladin or Cleric that attunes to the Libram gains an additional use of their *Channel Divinity* feature per day.

The Libram has 5 charges and regains 1d4+1 charges at dawn. As an action you can spend a charge to cast *Cure Wounds* as a 5th-level spell. You can instead expend 3 charges to cast *Mass Cure Wounds* as a 5th-level spell. These are cast with a spellcasting modifier of +3.

When targeting undead creatures, these spells cause them to be wracked with holy power instead of restoring their strength. Undead affected by a spell cast from the Libram must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 7d10 Radiant damage if targeted by *Cure Wounds* and 5d10 Radiant damage if affected by *Mass Cure Wounds*.

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#### Idol of Extra Lives

*Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)*

This idol is ovoid in shape and a little less than a foot in height. Its crest is decorated to resemble a winged helmet, and its face has slots for three gems -- one ruby, one emerald, and one sapphire. When you find the idol, it has 1d3 gems remaining.

Attuning to the Idol of Extra Lives requires a long rest rather than a short rest. While attuned, the Idol will not leave your possession. It will always appear in arm's reach when you wish to have it near you.

If you remain dead for 24 hours while attuned to the Idol, your body instantly disappears, along with all the gear and equipment you were carrying when you died. You wake up at the place you last slept for more than an hour, and have all the benefits of having just finished a long rest -- full hit points, restored spell slots, etc. All your gear is either on your person or nearby in an easily accessible location.

If you revive using the Idol, one of the gems in its face disappears. If you revive using the Idol when it has only a single gem remaining, it vanishes forever and does not appear with you when you wake up.

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#### Kite Shield

*Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)*

This shield appears to be a plain leaf-shaped targe with no exceptional features. However, when dropped, it does not clatter to the ground, but instead gently floats through the air and comes silently to a rest.

You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while you wield this shield. In addition, if you are falling while the Kite Shield is in your possession, you can use a reaction hold it above your head and glide, negating any fall damage. While gliding with the Kite Shield, you can move horizontally 5 feet for every 5 feet that you fall.

If placed in water, the shield bobs to the surface and stubbornly resists any attempt to submerge it. The shield has enough room to support a single Medium-sized creature on top of it, and can hold up to 500 pounds before it begins to sink.


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#### Fortifying Stout

*Potion, common*

This frothy pale ale goes down smooth, then sits in your gut like a rock.

When you drink a mug of Fortifying Stout, make a Constitution save. On a 15 or better, you gain the benefits of the Stout without any negative effects. If the result is lower than 15, you become Poisoned for 1 minute but still gain the Stout's benefits. If it is lower than 10, you still become Poisoned but are Incapacitated for 1 round as you spend your turn vomiting as your stomach rejects the drink.

If you manage to down the Fortifying Stout, its heady mix of magic and chemicals deadens any pain you receive. When you finish drinking the Stout, and at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, you gain 5 temporary hit points.

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#### Booze Hound's Barrel

*Wondrous item, uncommon*

This plain-looking barrel smells strongly of alcohol and weighs close to 150 pounds. It sloshes when shaken. On close inspection, its hoops are revealed to be scrawled with minute engravings of the lyrics to a multitude of traditional Dwarven tavern songs.

A spigot can be affixed to the bottom of the barrel. By default, the barrel will dispense an endless amount of cheap, watery beer. Anyone can change the liquid dispensed by opening the top and pouring in at least a pint of their chosen liquid. The barrel will endlessly supply that exact liquid so long as it contains alcohol.

If the barrel is set alight, it begins to burn with a coruscating multicolored flame that causes 1d6 Fire damage to any creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of it. If the barrel is not extinguished before a minute passes, the flame briefly flickers out before the barrel glows red for a split second and explodes into splinters. All creatures within 10 feet must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 Fire damage, taking half as much on a success.

If the barrel explodes, its magical properties cannot be restored. using *Mending* or some other repairing effect on its remains will only produce mundane wood.

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#### Sadistic Fetish
*Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)*

This unfortunately-named totem hangs from a black chain necklace. It resonates with the sounds of living things in pain.

While attuned to this Fetish, you deal an extra 1 Necrotic damage whenever you hit with a melee attack.

Whenever a creature you can see within 40 feet takes damage, you can use your reaction to draw power from their anguish. The Fetish deals 1d4 Necrotic damage to that creature and gains a charge. You cannot draw power from a creature more than once in a single day, and the Fetish loses any unspent charges at dawn.

As an action, you can expend any number of charges and increase the Fetish's damage bonus for 1 minute, to a maximum of +5. The costs are listed on the table below, and are cumulative.

| Bonus | Cost |
| +2 | 1 charge |
| +3 | 2 charges |
| +4 | 4 charges |
| +5 | 8 charges |

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#### Holy Ribbon
*Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement)*

This weapon is indistinguishable from a normal silk sash. When wielded in anger, however, it hisses and sparks as it whips through the air, cracking stone and gouging scars in softer targets.

You have a +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls with this weapon. Instead of the normal damage for a whip, the Holy Ribbon deals 1d6 plus your Dexterity or Strength modifier in Radiant damage. Monks are proficient with this weapon, and it counts as a Monk Weapon for them.

When you strike a creature with the Holy Ribbon, you may force it to succeed a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 15 feet away. If this movement is blocked by a solid surface such as a wall, the creature stops and is stunned until the end of their next round.

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#### Crown of Inspiration
*Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)*

This golden helm is worn on the head, though it does not actually rest on the wearer's brow. The Crown floats just above the user's temples, and does not weigh an ounce.

While wearing the Crown, you use your reaction to store a charge whenever you deal damage, to a maximum of 10 charges. These charges last until dusk or until spent.

As an action, you can expend any number of charges from the Crown and bathe another creature you can see within 100 feet in golden light. Choose one of the following effects:

***Invigorate.*** The creature gains a bonus to its next damage roll equal to the number of charges expended.

***Inspire.*** The creature gains a bonus to its next ability check or saving throw equal to half the number of charges expended.

 ***Revitalize.*** The creature regains a number of hit points equal to half the number of charges expended.

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#### Blood Hound Bomb
*Wondrous item, rare*

This explosive is painted bright red with a fanged, grinning face on its nose. You can use an action to wave an object (a coin, a tuft of hair, a weapon, etc) in front of the bomb's face and speak the command phrase: *"Sic 'em, boy."* This causes the aperture at the bomb's base to erupt with a gout of flame and launch the device into the air. 

The Bomb knows the location of the creature who was most often in contact with the proffered object during the past 7 days, and will fly straight towards that creature if it is on the same plane of existence, only stopping when it reaches the creature, hits a solid object, or when it runs out of fuel after two miles of travel. If the target is on a different plane of existence, the Bomb gets confused and simply explodes.

When the Bomb crashes or reaches its target, it detonates, producing a cacophonous explosion. All creatures within 50 feet of the Bomb must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 10d12 Fire damage, taking half as much on a success.

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#### Butcher's Brand
*Weapon (morningstar), very rare (requires attunement)*

This wicked implement glows red with a searing internal heat. It is shaped like a meat-hook and can quickly char unprotected flesh.

You have a +2 bonus to all hit and damage rolls with this weapon. In addition, you may use an action to attempt to brand a target with the Butcher's sigil. Make a single melee weapon attack with the Brand -- on a hit, the target's flesh is branded for 1 minute. Whenever you hit a branded target with a melee attack, you regain a number of hit points equal to your Proficiency bonus. After successfully branding a creature, you cannot do so again until the next dawn.

If you are attuned to both the *Butcher's Cleaver* and *Butcher's Brand* and are wielding them in each hand, the Brand gains two extra uses, which are also regained at dawn. When you successfully brand a creature, you may immediately make a single attack with the Cleaver as part of the same action.

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#### Shining Shield
*Armor (shield), uncommon (requires attunement)*

This tower shield is done up in ebony and ivory, polished to a mirror sheen. 

You have a +1 bonus to your AC while wielding this shield. As an action, you may present the shield and cause a blinding glare to flash from its surface, forcing all creatures in a 30-foot cone that can see the shield to succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or be Blinded for 1 minute. Any creature blinded by the Shield may make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the end of its turn. On a success, it is no longer Blinded.

This ability cannot be used in total darkness, and is blocked by magical darkness. You cannot use this ability again until the next dawn.


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#### Butcher's Cleaver
*Weapon (battleaxe), rare (requires attunement)*

This hideous over-sized chopper constantly reeks of blood and fresh meat. When it strikes a living creature's vitals, the blade produces a grim spray of blood and viscera.

You have a +2 bonus to all hit and damage rolls with this weapon. Whenever you score a critical hit with the Cleaver, its damage die becomes a d12 for that hit.

If you are attuned to both the *Butcher's Cleaver* and *Butcher's Brand* and are wielding them in each hand, the Cleaver scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. 

In addition, if you score a critical hit with the Cleaver against a creature that is not affected by the Brand's ability, the Brand regains an expended use of that ability.

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#### Fishing Hook
*Weapon (sickle), very rare (requires attunement)*

This barbed blade  is curved into the shape of a fisherman's prong and secured at the handle to a 60-foot length of chain.

The Hook is a sickle with the *thrown (range 20/60)* property. You have a +2 bonus to all hit and damage rolls with this weapon. In addition, whenever you make a ranged attack with the Hook as part of the Attack action, you may pull on the Hook's chain in the same action, sending it flying back to your grasp. You can only reel in the Hook once during a single Attack action.

If you hit a target with a ranged attack using the Hook, you may make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) check. If you succeed, you pull the target up to 30 feet in a straight line towards you. This returns the Hook to your grip as well.

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#### Mecha-Brachtron Harness
*Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)*

Two bulky metal arms emerge from this backpack, controlled by twin sticks that hang by your side, leaving your hands free when not in use. One arm ends in a serrated motorized sawblade, the other in a large grabbing claw. When making actions with the Harness, you count as having a Strength score of 18.

As an action, you may make a single melee weapon attack with the sawblade arm. This attack has a bonus to hit of 4 + half your Proficiency bonus (or your full Proficiency bonus if you are proficient in Tinker's Tools), and deals 1d10+4 Slashing damage on a hit. The saw can noisily cut through stone at a rate of 5 feet per minute, through wood at a rate of 20 feet per minute, and through hempen rope instantly.

The claw arm has an extending piston that allows it to reach out up to  ten feet away from you. You may use your action to make an attack with this arm, with the same bonus to hit as the sawblade, dealing 1d6+4 Bludgeoning damage on a hit. The claw arm has advantage on Strength checks made to make and maintain a grapple.

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#### Myriad Bolt
*Weapon (arrow, bolt, or dart), rarity varies*

This piece of ammunition has an odd head with tiny pointed barbs jutting out from the blade.

You have a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this ammunition *(Uncommon: +0, Rare: +1, Very Rare: +2, Legendary: +3).* When you make an attack using the Myriad Bolt, it magically splits into five identical bolts, allowing you to make up to four additional attacks, each targeting a different creature in a 25-foot-wide line between you and the original target.

Bolts that are not used to make an attack simply fall to the ground and become mundane pieces of ammunition. Bolts that miss or strike creatures they target become nonmagical after coming to rest.


## Spells

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#### Feral Empowerment
*2nd-level transmutation (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Ranger)*

- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** Touch
- **Components:** S, V, M (a preserved animal paw)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You touch a creature and infuse its form with preturnatural focus and agility. A creature under this spell's effect can be recognized by their eyes, which glow a dim green and temporarily gain slitted feline pupils.

The target creature increases its Proficiency bonus by 1. In addition, the first time it deals damage on its turn, it regains 1d4 hit points.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the creature's Proficiency bonus is increased by 1 and its healing increases by 1d4 for every two slot levels above 2nd.

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#### Cast Fist
*2nd-level evocation (Bard, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard)*

- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** Touch
- **Components:** S, M (an arm with a fist at the end)
- **Duration:** Instantaneous

Hauling back with all your might, you throw a mighty haymaker at an enemy and attempt to send them flying with one punch.

Make a melee spell attack against the target creature. On a hit, the creature takes damage from your unarmed strike, as well as 3d8 Thunder damage as a blast of concussive power propels them backwards. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be propelled up to 30 feet away from you. If the creature impacts a solid object before coming to a stop, it is Stunned until the beginning of its next turn.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, its damage increases by 1d8 and the distance the creature is thrown increases by 5 feet for every slot level above 2nd.

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#### Sand Blast
*3rd-level evocation (Sorceror, Warlock, Wizard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** Self
- **Components:** S, V, M (a handful of hourglass sand)
- **Duration:** Instantaneous

You form a swirling, glimmering orb of sand that hovers at your fingertips. When you cast this spell, designate a direction. At the end of your turn, the orb launches itself up to 150 feet in that direction and impacts the first creature it hits, dealing 6d12 Bludgeoning damage.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, its damage increases by 1d12 for each slot level above 3rd.

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#### Asmodeus's Globe of Annihilation
*7th-level evocation (Sorceror, Warlock, Wizard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 2500 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (a tiny glass phial of antimatter)
- **Duration:** Instantaneous

You hold your hands to the skies, chanting a foul invocation of destruction. A firey sphere forms above your head, quickly swelling to 10 feet in diameter. As your chant ends, you hurl the globe high into the sky.

The globe remains in transit until the end of your next turn, whereupon it crashes onto the target point and detonates in a thunderous explosion.

Creatures directly impacted by the Globe must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 16d8 Force damage, taking half as much on a successful save. Creatures within 40 feet of the globe when it explodes must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 8d8 Force damage, taking half as much on a successful save. Creatures reduced to 0 hit points by this spell are incinerated, reduced to ash on the breeze by raw annihilative power.
***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, its damage for a direct hit increases by 2d8, its indirect damage increases by 1d8, and its range increases by 2500 feet for each slot level above 7th.

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#### Living Bomb
*4th-level evocation (Sorceror, Warlock, Wizard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 45 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (a pinch of saltpeter mixed with blood)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You perform an insidious gesture, causing the target creature's skin to coruscate with spectral flames and smoke. As an action on any of your subsequent turns, you may cause that creature to erupt with a concussive blast of flame. It must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 6d6 Fire damage, taking half as much on a success.

When the target creature explodes, all creatures within 5 feet of it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 Fire damage. 

Creatures other than the initial target that take damage from the explosion are afflicted by a lesser version of the spell. As a bonus action, you may force all creatures affected by Living Bomb to succeed on a Constitution saving throw or briefly combust, taking 4d6 Fire damage. This ends the spell.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage of its initial explosion and subsequent explosions increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 4th.

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#### Spectral Scythe
*2nd-level necromancy (Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 40 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (a scythe-shaped bone charm)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You cause a ghostly green scythe to manifest in an unoccupied space in range. As a bonus action, you may cause it to come spinning toward you. It vanishes after meeting your hand and ends the spell.

Any creature the Scythe passes through must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 Necrotic damage. A creature that takes damage from Spectral Scythe is Poisoned and cannot restore hit points by any means until the start of your next turn.

***At Higher Levels.*** 
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.

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#### Blighted Quiver
*3rd-level transmutation (Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** Touch
- **Components:** S, V, M (the ashes of a cremated elf)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 hour

You touch a quiver containing arrows or bolts.  When a target is hit by a ranged weapon attack using a piece of ammunition drawn from the quiver, the target takes an extra 1d6 Necrotic damage. In addition, a creature that takes damage from this spell has a -1 penalty to all damage rolls it makes for the next minute.
The spell’s magic ends on the piece of ammunition when it hits or misses, and the spell ends when twelve pieces of ammunition have been drawn from the quiver.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the number of pieces of ammunition you can affect with this spell increases by two for each slot level above 3rd.

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#### Solo
*7th-level enchantment (Bard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 20 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (a guitar pick fashioned from jade)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

After a brief moment to psyche yourself up, you let loose with a blast of heart-pounding music from whatever instrument you happen to be carrying (or an air guitar, if that's your thing. Don't worry, it's magic). Creatures in range must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be Stunned for the spell's duration, becoming totally enthralled by your performance and doing nothing on their turns besides dancing and cheering you on.

When the spell ends, affected creatures may not even realize something was amiss and may regarding you amiably unless they took damage in the meantime.


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#### Spawn Aberrants
*3rd-level conjuration (Wizard, Warlock)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 30 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (the scale of a dead Aberrant)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 hour

You broadcast a psionic signal to the Far Reaches, calling forth a number of Aberrant warrior-strain creatures to your aid. You may summon 8 Acid Bursters, 4 Hunter-Killers, or 2 Glaive Shrikes (statistics in Appendix A below). The creatures burrow up from the ground (or simply manifest in an explosion of sludge if there is no suitable ground) near the target location, and act at your initiative for the spell's duration. They are slaved to your mental command until the spell ends.

When the spell ends, you may cast it again to maintain control over any Aberrants you have summoned. Otherwise, the Aberrants simply keel over and die due to a fatal lack of psychic stimulus.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using certain higher-level Spell Slots, you choose one of the summoning options above, and more Aberrants appear - twice as many with a 5th-level slot, three times as many with a 7th-level slot, and four times as many with a 9th-level slot.

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#### Spawn Brontolith
*8th-level conjuration (Wizard, Warlock)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 80 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (a phial of Aberrant ichor)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 4 hours

You send a mental probe into the Far Reaches and entice an Aberrant Brontolith to this plane with promises of fresh destruction. The  monster punches a hole into this reality through stubborn force of will, and will obey you so long as there are buildings to topple and fresh prey to slaughter.

*Spawn Brontolith* functions identically to *Spawn Aberrants* above, summoning a single Brontolith (see Appendix A). However, when the spell ends, the massive beast does not die. It may treat you favorably if you directed it to especially violent ends. More likely, it will simply attempt to eat you.

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#### Melt Face
*3rd-level evocation (Bard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** Self
- **Components:** S, V, M (a fragment of a destroyed guitar)
- **Duration:** Instantaneous

You play a deafening note on your instrument of choice (or air guitar as, again, this is magic we're dealing with) and let out a bone-shattering scream, saturating the air with intense sonic energy.

All creatures in a 15-foot cone or 10-foot radius (your choice) must succeed on a Constition saving throw or take 6d6 Thunder damage and be Deafened for 1 minute. Creatures who fail the save by 5 or more also take 3d8 Fire damage as their face begins to liquefy from the sheer power being directed at it.

This spell has no effect on creatures with no face.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, its Thunder damage  increases by 1d6 and its Fire damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.

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#### The Artist Formerly Known As
*8th-level enchantment (Bard)*

- **Casting Time:** 1 day
- **Range:** Self
- **Components:** S, V, Mgp (a medallion of a unique design, made from gold and inlaid with gemstones worth at least 3,500 GP)
- **Duration:** Until dispelled

You fashion a new identity for yourself, dreaming up an entire lifetime of events belonging to a stranger who happens to look exactly like you. So long as this spell affects you, you can switch between your real identity and your fabricated identity via a 1-minute ritual.

While you are taking on your fabricated identity, you automatically pass as your fabricated identity as people insist you are a different person. Reality itself regards you as someone else -- Geases on your original identity lose their effect on you, and you count as a different person for the effects of specifically-worded spells such as *Wish.* Only creatures to whom you reveal the spell's effects are capable of realizing who you are.

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#### Maelstrom Weapon
*2nd-level evocation (Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** Touch
- **Components:** S, V
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 hour

You touch a nonmagical weapon, causing the air around it to whip and swirl, propelling its attacks with greater speed. Until the spell ends, when that weapon is used during an Attack action, the wielder can make a single extra attack using that weapon as part of the same action.

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#### Kael's Magnum Opus
*6th-level evocation (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 60 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (a singed hair from your own head)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You utter an invocation of destruction in ancient Elvish, causing a sphere of searing red-orange plasma to form before you. With a thrust of your hand, you propel it forward to menace its intended target.

When you cast this spell, you target a single creature you can see. The sphere moves up to 30 feet on each of your turns. It can move however you wish, but must end the turn closer to its target than it started.

The sphere is five feet in diameter and white-hot to the touch. Creatures whose space it passes through take Fire damage from the immense heat, equal to your Proficiency bonus plus your spellcasting ability modifier.

The spell ends when you willingly end the spell, when the sphere touches a solid surface, or when the sphere enters the space of its intended target. 

When the spell ends, all creatures within 15 feet of the sphere are blanketed in a thunderous explosion of plasma. Those creatures must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 8d10 Fire damage, taking half as much on a success. If the spell's intended target was struck by the sphere, it cannot make the saving throw when the sphere explodes.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage of its explosion increases by 1d10 for each level above 6th.

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 #### Healing Beam
 *2nd-level evocation (Bard, Cleric, Ranger)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 30 feet
- **Components:** S, M (an emerald shard shaped like a cross)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

A ray of jade-green light shines from your outstretched hand, bathing a creature in range in revitalizing energy. The creature immediately regains a number of hit points equal to 1d6 plus your spellcasting ability modifier.

On each of your subsequent turns, you can use a bonus action to heal the currently targeted creature again, and change the creature targeted by the spell before or after doing so, if you desire.

 The spell ends if you end your turn out of range of your current target or if you or your current target ends your turn in total cover from the other.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, its healing increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

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 #### Mors Memori
 *7th-level necromancy (Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 30 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (the skull of a member of your race)
- **Duration:** Instantaneous

You conjure an image of the Reaper, hovering silently above the target creature. The image swoops down and slashes at the creature with its scythe before dissolving into a wispy black fog.

The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw when struck or take 6d10+30 Necrotic damage, taking half as much on a success.

If the creature dies from this damage, you permanently gain an extra hit die.


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#### Fog of Acheron
 *3rd-level necromancy (Cleric, Sorceror, Warlock, Wizard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 50 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (a droplet of brackish water)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

A cloud of pale, icy fog appears in the shape of a cylinder 20 feet in diameter and 10 feet high, centered on a point on the ground in range. Vision into, inside, and out of the fog counts as lightly obscured.

Creatures that end their turn within the fog must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take Necrotic damage equal to their largest hit die plus your your spellcasting ability modifier (e.g., if you had a spellcasting ability modifier of +3 and damaged a creature with a d12 hit die with this spell, that creature would take 1d12+3 Necrotic damage).

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, its diameter increases by 10 feet and its height increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 3rd. Its damage increases by one hit die for every two slot levels above 3rd.

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#### Become
*6th-level transmutation (Druid, Sorceror, Wizard)*

- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** Self
- **Components:** S, V
- **Duration:** 1 hour

You touch a humanoid creature and suffuse your form with polymorphic magic, becoming a flawless copy of that creature. You replace your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores, skill, weapon, and armor proficiencies, class features, and all of your gear with that of the target. You gain access to any unique actions it possesses.

You are indistinguishable from the creature in voice and mannerism; however, you do not gain any of the creature's memories, cannot cast spells while transformed, and cannot replicate any magic items the creature was using (copies you make are mundane simulacra with no magical properties).

At any time, you may revert to your true form as a bonus action, ending the spell.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, its duration doubles for each slot level above 6th. At 9th level, the spell becomes permanent, lasting until dispelled.

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#### Horror
 *1st-level Illusion (Bard, Sorceror, Warlock, Wizard)*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 30 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (a pinch of powdered bile)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You point your finger at a spot on the ground in range. A purple cloud bursts into existence at that spot and a hulking pantasmal figure erupts forth, bellowing a hideous roar that forces all creatures within 5 feet to flee in terror, becoming Frightened of the figure for the spell's duration. 

While frightened by this spell, a creature must take the Dash action and move away from the figure by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn't have line of sight to the figure, it can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, they are no longer frightened and can no longer see the illusion.

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#### Wave of Light
*2nd-level Evocation (Cleric, Paladin)*

- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 80 feet
- **Components:** V, S, M (holy water mixed with gunpowder)
- **Duration:** Instantaneous

Your hands glow a bright white as you thrust them forward, summoning a pulse of golden energy that washes over everything it passes through.

This spell affects all creatures in a line 80 feet long and 5 feet wide. For each creature, you decide to either restore a number of hit points equal to 2d6 + your spellcasting modifier, or force the creature to succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take that much Radiant damage.

***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, its damage and healing increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 2nd.

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#### Insight
*Divination Cantrip (Bard, Ranger, Sorceror, Warlock, Wizard)* 

- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 30 feet
- **Components:** S, M (a glass eye)
- **Duration:** Instantaneous

You close your eyes and focus your senses for a brief moment. When they open, you become aware of the location of all creatures within range, as well as their size and a vague impression of their shape and some surface details.

This spell allows you to discern ethereal and invisible creatures, but only for a brief moment. Nothing prevents such creatures from moving after the spell is cast.

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#### Unkillable
*6th-level Abjuration (Cleric, Wizard)*

- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 15 feet
- **Components:** S, V, M (a vial of troll's blood)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute

You project your hands toward a creature in range. That creature's skin glows a ruddy red as sustaining magic suffuses its form.

For the spell's duration, the targeted creature cannot drop below 1 hit point, and it is immune to any effect that would kill it instantaneously. Concentrating on this spell requires great effort from you, and prevents you from moving. The spell ends if you use your action on subsequent turns to do anything else. The spell also ends if the target is ever outside the spell's range or if it has total cover from you.

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# Appendix A: Aberrant Summons

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> ## Acid Burster
>*Small aberration, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 12 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 8(2d8 - 1)
> - **Speed** 15 ft., burrow 5ft.
>|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|8 (-1)|2 (-4)|4 (-3)|2 (-4)|
> - **Condition Immunities** blinded
> - **Senses** tremorsense 60 ft (blind beyond this radius)
> - **Languages** --
> - **Challenge** 1/8 (25 XP)
> ___
> ***Lurker Strain.*** The Acid Burster's Aberrant biology renders it undetectable while underground.
> ***Centrifugal Hooks.*** When an Acid Burster takes the Dash action, it curls into a ball and begins rolling, adding 5 to its base speed until it takes an action other than Dash. While rolling, it may use its Burst as a bonus action.
> ***Death Throes.*** The Acid Burster automatically uses its Burst when reduced to 0 hit points.
> ### Actions
> ***Gnaw.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 3 (1d4 + 1) Piercing damage.
> ***Burst.*** The Acid Burster emerges if it was undergound and kills itself by exploding in a geyser of bright green bile. All creatures in a 5-foot radius must make a DC 16 Dexterity save or take 9 (2d8) Acid damage, taking half as much on a successful save. This deals double damage to structures and objects. 

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> ## Hunter-Killer
>*Medium aberration, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 18 (4d8)
> - **Speed** 25 ft., burrow 5ft.
>|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|2 (-4)|8 (-1)|2 (-4)|
> - **Condition Immunities** None
> - **Senses** passive Perception 11, tremorsense 60 ft
> - **Languages** --
> - **Challenge** 1/4 (50 XP)
> ***Swarm Tactics.*** The Hunter-Killer has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one other Hunter-Killer targeted that creature with its Serrated Spines since its last turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The Hunter-Killer makes two attacks with its Serrated Spines.
> ***Serrated Spines.*** *Ranged weapon attack:* +6 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. *Hit:* 10 (2d6 + 3) Piercing damage.
> ***Vestigial Claws.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 4 (1d4 + 1) Slashing damage.

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> ## Glaive Shrike
>*Medium aberration, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 32 (4d8 + 16)
> - **Speed** fly 60ft.
>|10 (+0)|18 (+4)|14 (+2)|2 (-4)|10 (0)|2 (-4)|
> - **Condition Immunities** None
> - **Senses** passive Perception 14
> - **Languages** --
> - **Challenge** 1/2 (200 XP)
> ***Flyby.*** The Glaive Shrike doesn't provoke an opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemy's reach. 
> ### Actions
> ***Glaive Worm.*** *Ranged weapon attack:* +5 to hit, range 75/150 ft., one creature. *Hit:* 10 (3d4 + 4) Piercing damage. On a hit, the Glaive Worm bounces and targets a different creature.
>***Glaive Worm (1st bounce).*** *Ranged weapon attack:* +4 to hit, range 10 ft., one creature. *Hit:* 7 (2d4 + 3) Piercing damage. On a hit, the Glaive Worm bounces and targets a third creature.
>***Glaive Worm (2nd bounce).*** *Ranged weapon attack:* +3 to hit, range 10 ft., one creature. *Hit:* 4 (1d4 + 2) Piercing damage. 


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> ## Brontolith
>*Huge aberration, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 132 (12d12 + 48)
> - **Speed** 50ft., Burrow 15ft.
>|24 (+7)|8 (-1)|18 (+4)|2 (-4)|10 (0)|2 (-4)|
> - **Condition Immunities** None
> - **Senses** passive Perception 12, tremorsense 100ft.
> - **Languages** --
> - **Challenge** 6 (2,300 XP)
>***Magic Resistance.*** The Brontolith has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
>***Siege Monster.*** The Brontolith deals double damage to objects and structures. 
>***Stony Appearance.*** While the Brontolith is partially burrowed and remains motionless, it appears to be a set of rocky outcroppings, and can only be discovered with a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The Brontolith makes one attack with its Demolishing Tusks, and one Stomp attack, if possible.
>***Demolishing Tusks.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. *Hit:* 40 (5d12 + 7) Slashing damage.
>***Stomp.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one prone creature. *Hit:* 49 (6d12 + 7) Bludgeoning damage.

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