title: Mjǫllnir
description: The dread weapon of Þórr.
tags: ''
  - 5e
renderer: legacy
theme: 5ePHB


#### Mjǫllnir
*Weapon (warhammer), artifact (requires attunement)*
Eons ago, on the plane of Ysgard, several fantastical creations were forged by the legendary dwarven smiths Brokk and Eitri, in a contest to please the gods. Amongst them was the mighty hammer - *Mjǫllnir*. *Mjǫllnir* was a nearly perfect weapon, with the power to strike down almost any foe - it's only drawback being the short handle, which was caused by a mistake in the forging.

Alongside the other items created by the dwarves, the ring Draupnir, and the magical boar Gullinbursti, *Mjǫllnir* was gifted to the gods. Immediately enamored with the weapon, Þórr, god of thunder, claimed it as his own.

Þórr would wield *Mjǫllnir* through battles uncounted, and against myriad foes. It became known as 'Thunder's Herald', and 'Giant's Bane'. Enemies of the Æsir would fall to despair when faced with the thunder god and his dread weapon.

During a great battle of which little is known, *Mjǫllnir* was rent from Þórr's hand and lost amongst the planes. For many a year has Þórr searched for his famous hammer, and many an adventurer has sought its power for themselves. When the day comes that *Mjǫllnir* is found, thunder shall resound through the heavens to herald its return.

***Magic Weapon.*** *Mjǫllnir* is a magic weapon that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The hammer does an additional 1d12 thunder damage on hit. Due to its unaturally short handle, the hammer does *not* have the versatile property.

***Random Properties.*** 

* 1 minor beneficial property
* 1 major beneficial property
* 2 minor detrimental properties.

***Thunder's Onus.*** In order to attune to *Mjǫllnir*, your Strength score must be 25 or higher.

***Thrown Weapon.*** *Mjǫllnir* has the thrown property with a normal range of 40 feet and a long range of 120 feet. Immedietly after the attack, the hammer flies back to your hand. If you do not have a hand free, it lands at your feet. 

***Giant's Bane.*** Attacks made with *Mjǫllnir* against giants do an additional 2d12 thunder damage. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this hammer against a giant, the giant must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 17) or die.

***Pendant.*** While you are attuned to *Mjǫllnir*, you can will the hammer to shrink down to the size of a pendant, which can be worn on a neckchain. You can shrink or expand *Mjǫllnir* as a single object interaction on your turn.

***Siege.*** Attacks made with *Mjǫllnir* do double damage to objects and structures.

***Magic.*** *Mjǫllnir* has 10 charges and regains 1d6 + 4 charges daily at dawn. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, (DC 17): *ceremony* (1 charge), *destructive wave* (4 charges), *thunderous smite* (1 charge), *thunderwave* (5th-level version, 3 charges).

***Other Properties.*** It is believed that much of *Mjǫllnir's* power is only accesible by an entity of sufficient strength. When wielded by the Oðinnson, the hammer's destructive abilities could be potentially cataclysmic.

***Destroying the Hammer.*** In order to destroy *Mjǫllnir*, it must be cleaved in two and metled down by the god of the fire giants, Surtr. Only when the hammer has been melted completely to slag, is *Mjǫllnir* permanently destroyed.


<div class='artist' style='top:550px;right:30px;'>
##### Mjǫllnir
[Thuan Nguyen](https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en)

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